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Quiz 2 review session


Highlighted the bullet points that were actually questioned on, unless I missed one. Some stuff was
not used for quiz. Better safe than sorry.


1. Root of lung?
a. Pulmonary vein, artery, nerves (Pulmonary Vessels), bronchial artery and vein
2. Pulmonary ligament
a. Formed by pleuro (mediastinum pleura)
i. Root to base
3. Bronchial vein
a. Opens to azygos vein on right, hemiazygos vein on left side, opens into left atrium and
pulmonary veins
4. Bronchopulmonary segment
a. What is inside it?
i. Tertiary bronchis, branch of pulmonary artery, and branch of bronchial artery
b. Tributary of pulmonary vein in-between segments
5. Base of heart?
a. Left atrium, part of right atrium, sup and inf vena ceva, pulmonary veins

***No Nerves and No Ventricles***

6. Where do 4 pulmonary veins open?

a. into left atrium
7. SA node
a. Located between SVC and RA
b. This is the pacemaker of the heart
8. Purkinje fiber
a. Conductive fibers of heart
b. Located in right and left ventricles
9. Ligamentum arteriosum (this is adult term)
a. fetal connection between pulmonary trunk and aorta
b. Closes after birth
c. Ductus Arteriosus is the fetal term
10. 3 papillary muscle in right vent.
a. 2 in left, right ventricle is bigger
11. Components of tetralology of fallot
a. Pulmonary stenosis
b. Right ventricular hypertrophy
c. Overiding aorta, dextroposition (right side deviation)
d. Ventricular septal defect*
i. Hole between ventricle
e. Stunted growth child
12. Carpal tunnel
a. 9 tendon, profundus and superficialis, flexor pollicis longus
b. Median nerve
13. Cubital tunnel syndrome
a. Ulnar nerve compressed
14. Deltoid
a. Muscle action? (main purpose is abduction)
i. Clavicular part – flexion, internal rotation, adduction
ii. Acromial part – abduction (main abductor)
iii. Spinal part – extention, external rotation, adduction
b. Nerve supply? -
i. Posterior cord, axillary, surgical cord of humerus
15. Surgical neck of humerus
a. Axillary nerve location
16. Nerve supply of pinky
a. Ulnar
17. Ring finger
a. Medial and ulnar (Palmar Side)
18. Thumb and posterior portion of thumb
a. radial
19. Azygos vein
a. Tributary of inferior vena cava
20. Right superior intercostal vein
a. Tributary of azygos
21. Rotator cuff muscles -SITS
a. Nerve supply subscapular – upper subscapular nerve
b. Teres minor – axillary
c. Infra, supra spinatus – suprascapular nerve

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