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1877- 1882
Pursuing a Higher Degree of Education
Upon the achievements of Rizal in Ateneo, he wanted
to pursue another degree.
Doña Teodora’s Opposition
1.She did not want Rizal to be more
knowledgeable because the Spanish will cut- off
his head
2. Another reason is the Gomburza execution
3. wanted Rizal to go home and start a business
Rizal Enters the University
In April 1877, Rizal who was then nearly 16 years
old, matriculated in the UST, taking the course of
Philosophy and Letters.
1. His father liked it
2. Still uncertain as to what career to pursue
Father Pablo Ramon- Rector of Ateneo who have
been good to him during his days in that college,
asking advice on the choice of career.
First Year Term- Rizal Studied Cosmology,
Metaphysics, Theodicy and History of Philosophy
1878- 1879- Rizal took up medical course upon
the advice of Ateneo Rector.(2nd Term)
While Rizal was studying in UST, he was
also taking a vocational course in Ateneo,
leading to the title “perito agrimensor” or
expert surveyor
Vocational courses: agriculture,
commerce, mechanic and surveying
At the age of 17, he passed the final
exam in the surveying course but he
could not be granted the title as
SURVEYOR because he was underage

Nov. 25, 1881- the title was issued to

Romances with Other Girls
•“Miss L”- fair with seductive and attractive
Romances with Other Girls
• Leonor Valenzuela- a tall girl with a regal
- Rizal sent him love notes written in
invisible ink. The ink consisted of common
table salt and water.
• Orang is her pet name
Romances with Other Girls
• Leonor Rivera- Rizal’s cousin from
Camiling, Tarlac
- student at La Concordia College where
Soledad was then studying
- “Taimis” – Leonor’s pseudomyn
Victim of Spanish Officer’s Brutality
Victim of Spanish Officer’s Brutality
• He reported the incident to General Primo de Rivera, the
Spanish Governor general of the Philippines during that
• Later in a letter to Blumentritt, he related “ I went to
Captain General but I couldn’t obtain justice; my wound
lasted for two weeks”
“ the Filipino Youth”
• Liceo- Artistico Literayo ( Artistic Literary Museum) of
Manila 1879- A Society of literary man and artist, held a
literary contest and offered prizes for the best poem

• A La Juventud Filipina ( To the Filipino Youth) was Rizal’s

winning price and inspiring poem of flawless form
Reason’s why Rizal’s poem was a
classic in Philippine Literature
• It was the first great Spanish poem written
by a Filipino
• It expressed for the first time the
nationalistic concept that the Filipinos, not
the foreigners were the “fair hope of the
“The Council of the Gods”
• Another literary contest was again opened
for both Filipino and Spaniards to
commemorate the 4th centennial death of
•Rizal submitted an allegorical drama entitled
“ El Consejo de los Dioses”
“The Council of the Gods”
• Based on the Greek Classics
• Aided by Fr. Rector of Ateneo
• Rizal won 1st place and the prize was gold
ring engraved the bust of cervates
Other Literary Works of Rizal
• Zarzuela
• A Filipinas
• Abd- el- Azis y Mahoma
• Al M.R.P. Pablo Ramon
Rizal’s Visit to Pakil and Pagsanjan
Summer of May 1881, rizal went to a
pilgrimage of the town of Pakil , famous
shrine of the Birhen maria de los Dolores.
He was accompanied by his siter Saturnina,
Maria and Trinidad and their female friends
Rizal’s Visit to Pakil and Pagsanjan
They took a casco from Calmba to Pakil,
Laguna and stayed at the home of Mr and
Mrs. Manuel Regalado whose son Nicolas
was Rizal’s friend in Manila
Rizal’s Visit to Pakil and Pagsanjan
Rizal and his companions were fascinated by
the famous Turumba. He was infatuated by a
pretty colegiala girl “ Vicenta Ybardolaza,
who skillfully played the harp at the Regalado
Reasons why rizal and his Party Made a side
trip to the neighboring town of Pagsajan
1. It was the native town of Leonor
Valenzuela, one of Rizal’s girlfriends in
2. To see the world fames Pagsanjan Falls
Champion of filipino Students

Rizal was the champion of the Filipino students

in their fights against the arrogant Spanish
In 1880, Rizal founded the secret society of
Filipino students in the UST called
“Compañerismo of Jehu, after the valiant
Hebrew general who fought the Amaeans
Champion of filipino Students

Galicano Apacible (Rizal’s cousin from

Batangas) was the secretary
Fierce encounter near the Escolta in manila were
Rizal was wounded on the head, and tenderly
washed and dressed by Leonor Rivera in his
boarding house ‘Casa Tomasins”
Unhappy Days at the UST
1. The Dominican Professors were hostile to
2. The Filipino students were racially
discriminated against by the Spaniards
3. The methods of instruction was obsolete
and repressive
Decision to Study Abroad
Rizal decide to study abroad, in Spain because
he can no longer endure the rampant bigotry,
discrimination and hostility in the UST
He did not seek his parents permission and
blessings to go abroad, because he knew that
they, especially his mother, would disapprove it.
Group Discussion
1. Chapter 6- In Sunny Spain
2. Chapter 7- Paris to Berlin
3. Chapter 8- Noli Me Tangere
4. Chapter 9- Elias and Salome The Missing
Chapter of Noli

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