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Key verse\

2 timothy 1;17

For god has not given us the spirit of fear;but of power, and
love ,and of a sound mind

Si jesus christ was the son of God from all entermity, pero
atong akita na clear ang iyang ministry ug life and why?

Because he was empowered by th hold spirit (lk 3:22)

Ang spirito nag lead sa iya,tested him and empowered him.

And then the spirit led jesus to the wilderness ,he went “full
of the holy ghost” (lk 4:1) kung si Christ needed and relied
on the holy spirit in his reliances on his father, then how
much sa iyang discpiles? (lk 24:49)

One test of what spirit is working wih us is the results that it

has on our hearts. Now mag ask ko do we feel timid, or do
we feel the strength of the Lord? Or ma feel ba nato unsa ta
kalahi sa uban tao sa God? Or do we feel love? (phil 3:19)

God did not leave us on our own PERO g tagaan tag powerful
sprits to overcome things
#1 “For…”

#Has not gives us

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