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SCHOOL Grade level 5

Teacher Applicant CRISLYN JANE L. ROMERO Learning Areas Science

Teaching dates and JULY 23, 2021

time Quarter/Semester 4th
PLAN Grade and section GRADE 5
Time Allotment 30 minutes

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the phases of the moon and the beliefs and practices
associated with it.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to debug local myths and folklore about the moon and the stars by
presenting pieces of evidence to convince the community folks.
C. Learning Competencies / Specific Objectives:
Objectives/MELC 1. Infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the moon; (S5FE-IVg-h-7)
Write the LC code for each 2. Create a presentation about the different phases of the moon; and
3. Appreciate God’s creation by being aware of the apparent changes of the appearance of the
CONTENT 3. The Moon
3.1 Phases of the Moon
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner's Materials pages Science Beyond Borders, Textbook 5, pp. 193-197 & 201, Self Learning Kit Module – Phases of the
Moon Q4.
3. Textbook pages pp. 193-197 & 201, pp. 2-9
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Video material (
Resources 10 Lesser-Known Mythical Creatures in Philippine Folklore (
Powerpoint Presentation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
I. Preliminary
a. Greetings Good morning students. Good morning ma’am and good morning
b. Energizer & Prayer Okay for our prayer and energizer we will have and audio- The student will sing and bow down their heads
visual presentation. for a prayer.
c. Checking of Is there any absent in class today? Miss President, kindly Yes, Ma’am.
Attendance check your classmates name here in our online class and
send it to me after the class.
d. Establishing of Always remember our golden rules, when someone is Yes, Ma’am.
Rules talking in class you will listen attentively and mute your
microphones. Always ask permission if you want to ask or
share something in class by clicking the hand button in our
online class.
II. Developmental
A. Reviewing previous ELICIT
lesson or presenting the new
The teacher will learn a song through an audio-visual The student will sing along.
presentation about the phases of the moon song.
B. Establishing a purpose for ENGAGE
the lesson
C. Presenting examples / The teacher will show some pictures of common games
instances of the new lesson that children usually play at night and asked the following 1. Among all the pictures, my favorite is
questions: hide and seek.It is nice to play games
1. Among all the pictures, what is your favorite when we can see the large moon at
game? night.
2. Why do we see different shapes of the moon? 2. As the moon circles around Earth, the
3. How does the moon change from one shape to phases vary, and different parts of the
another? moon's illuminated surface are visible
from Earth.
3. The 'moonlight' we see is actually the
Sun's light reflected off the lunar
surface, rather than the Moon itself
emitting (emitting) light. As the Moon
circles the Earth, the Sun illuminates
various sections of it, giving the
impression that the Moon is changing
D. Discussing new concepts EXPLORE
and practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts The teacher will ask the student to have at least three
and practicing new skills #2 biscuits with vanilla flavor in their home and watch this The student will use the biscuit to make
video on youtube different phases of the moon and label it. Then,
( . they will take a picture and send it via
The student will put it on a long bond paper and will label it
and take a picture of it and send it through my messenger.

F. Developing mastery EXPLAIN

(Leads to formative
Assessment) Moon - A satellite is an object in space that revolves
around a planet. A moon makes one complete revolution
around the earth in 27 1/3 to 29 1/2 days. The shape of the
moon is round.
G. Finding practical ELABORATE
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living. The moon only borrows light from the sun. The light you
H. Making Generalizations can see from the moon is just a reflected light from the
sun. The moon appears to have different phases because
and abstractions about the
of the different amount of light it reflects from the sun as it
lesson revolves around the Earth.
The students will share their experiences or
What folklores, stories, and beliefs have you heard that ideas about the beliefs they have heard from
involves the moon? their family or in their community.

I. Evaluating learning EVALUATE

The student will answer this assessment

through google form.

Write an essay at least three sentences.
1. How are you going to appreciate God’s creation
after knowing the moon’s different phases?
2. How can you infer the pattern of changes in the
appearance of the moon?
J. Additional Activities for EXTEND
application or remediation

Philippine folklore is a treasure trove of strange

mythical creatures that have stood the test of
time. Just mention the names aswang, encanto,
kapre, tikbalang or tiyanak and you'll get most
Filipinos—especially the young ones. Many
years ago Filipino people create stories about
the origin of moon, its phases, stars and sun
that enriched our literature
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use / discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:


Teacher Applicant

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