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Experiment 101: Resolution of Forces

Keywords: Force, vector, equilibrium, resultant, method

Abstract. This experiment will be about the resolution of forces or how a single force can be separated
into multiple more with different directions. Throughout the experiment, we will be able to identify the
difference between a scalar and a vector, learn the conditions of being in a state of equilibrium, and
compute for the resultant through certain methods such as the Graphical and Analytical Method. We
will also be familiarized with particular lab materials and their proper uses in order to obtain accurate
results. At the end of the experiment, we were able to successfully compute for the resultant of the
three given forces and the percent error which is less than 10%. It is possible to obtain the same result
through two different methods when computing for the resultant and direction angle, but important to
note each given data to avoid mistakes.

In this experiment, we will be talking about a common physical quantity under the category of
vectors called force. Although there are two types of physical quantities – scalar or vector – force is
said to be aligned with vectors because of having a direction such as velocity or displacement, unlike
scalar quantities which are described only by magnitude or the numerical value.
The dictionary defined force as the strength or energy exerted to cause motion or change. Through a
given set of forces, the resultant may be obtained by using certain methods such as the Graphical
Method or the Analytical Method. Under the Graphical Method, we could use methods called the
polygon or “head to tail” method and parallelogram method where in the vector is drawn to scale.

Fig. 1 Parallelogram Method Fig. 2 Polygon Method

On the other hand, we could use the component method or sine and cosine law for the Analytical
Method. Usually the resultant is the sum of two or more vectors when added together, and an
equilibrant is the vector that puts the resultant in a balanced state or in equilibrium.
Cosine Law and Sine Law:

R2 = F21 + F22 – 2F1F2cos θ (Eq. 1)

R F1 F2 (Eq. 2)
= =
sin ∝ sin θ1 sinθ 2

Component Method:

Fx = F ⃗cos θ & Fy = F ⃗sin θ (Eq. 3)

∑ x=D1x + D2x + D3x (Eq. 4)
tan∅=|(∑ Dy)/(∑ Dx)| (Eq. 5)

Theory: Given a force F whose direction is θ, the component of the force along the x-axis, F x which
magnitude is the projection of the force along the x-axis, is given by

F x = F cos θ. (Eq. 6)

As we go on with the experiment, we will be able to analyze the components of force, and determine
its resultant and equilibrant through a set of strings which differ in tensions but act on the same point.
In other words, we will be working on a two dimensional plane. We will be using materials such as the
force table along with a super pulley, its clamp, and mass hangers in performing the experiment. We
will also need a set of slotted masses and a protractor.
Before moving on, here are the objectives we need to satisfy at the end of the experiment:
1. To determine the resultant force of concurrent forces using the Graphical and Analytical method.
2. To determine the first condition of equilibrium and its implications.
3. To differentiate scalar from vector quantities and compare resultant from equilibrium.

The first step to perform the experiment is to grab the force table and set it up into a neat section of
your station. Then, attach the clamps and four super pulleys into the force table. Once the pulleys have
been attached, tie a set of strings that passes from the ring at the center of the force table to the middle
of each clamped pulley’s wheel. At the end of each string, tie on a mass hanger and put on the slotted
masses with the assigned weight your instructor has given. Now, you are ready to adjust the angles of
the strings by trial and error until the ring is at the center. If you think that you have placed the ring at
the center, pull one side of the ring slightly and observe if the ring will return to the center. If the ring
does not return, repeat on adjusting your angles until the ring finally returns to the center even after
how many slight pulls on any side. Adjusting the position and load of one string is advisable to obtain
balance. Once the ring is at the center or in a balanced form, record each mass and each string’s angle
by F1, F2, F3, F4, θ1, θ2, θ3, θ4, respectively. Using the polygon and component method, determine the
resultant of F1, F2, F3, after recording the data. Ask your instructor which scale to use then compare the
result with F4. Finally, by repeating all the steps from the top, perform another trial with another set of
slotted masses with different weights from the first one.

Results and Discussion

Trial Number 1: Component Method
Table 1
F1 = 25 [g] Θ1 = 60 [°]
F2 = 10 [g] Θ2 = 350.5 [°]
F3 = 15 [g] Θ3 = 147 [°]
F4 = 30 [g] Θ4 = 247 [°]

F1X = 12.5 g = 25cos 60° F2X = 10cos 9.5° = 9.86 g

F1Y = 21.65 g = 25sin 60° F2Y = -10sin 9.5° = -1.65 g
Fig. 3
Fig. 4

F3X = 15cos 33° = -12.58 g F4X = 30cos 23° = -27.62 g

F3Y = 15sin 33° = 8.17 g F4Y = -30cos 23° = -11.72 g

Fig. 5
Fig. 6

θ=tan −1 =22.99°
F 4=¿

R=√ (28.17)2+(9.78)2=29.82

θ=tan −1 + 180=250.85 °

Actual Value:

Magnitude= x 100 %=0.6 %
Angle= x 100=1.56 °

Trial Number 1: Graphical Representation of the

Polygon Method
Fig. 7

Trial Number 2: Component Method

Trial 2
F1 = 45 [g] Θ1 = 64 [°]
F2 = 25 [g] Θ2 = 123 [°]
F3 = 15 [g] Θ3 = 13.5 [°]
F4 = 70 [g] Θ4 = 250 [°]

F1X = 45cos 64° = 19.73 g F2X = 25cos 123° = -13.62 g

F1Y = 45sin 64° = 40.45 g F2Y = 25sin 123° = 20.97 g

Fig. 9
Fig. 8

F3X = 15cos 13.5° = 14.59 g

F3Y = 15sin 13.5° = 3.5 g

Fig. 10

θ=tan −1 =70.06 °
F 4= √(65.98)2 + ( 23.94 ) =70.19

R=√(64.92)2 + ( 20.7 ) =68.14
θ=tan −1 +180=252.31°

Actual Value:

Magnitude= x 100 %=−0.3 %
Angle= x 100=−0.92 %

Trial Number 2: Graphical Representation of the

Polygon Method

Fig. 11
Interpretation of Results

On Trial 1, first we used the component method by plotting each given angle on Table 1. Looking at
Figures 3-6, you will see how each of the component was computed and recorded. After we get each
component, then we need to compute for the summation of all the x and y’s to be able to get the final
resultant and direction angle. On the same given angles, we did another computation using the polygon
method. After plotting F1, F2, and F3, we used sine law to compute for the direction angle and cosine
law for the magnitude. In the end you will see that both answers are the same even though we used to
different methods. On Trial 2, the same process was executed except that the given angles and
magnitudes are different from Trial 1.

Answers to Questions
1. Why is it important for the ring be in the center? Since the mass hangers have equal masses, can
you disregard them in the experiment? Why?
It is important for the ring to be at the center because this means that it has reached the state of
balance or equilibrium. And only when it is in equilibrium can an accurate resultant be obtained. We
cannot disregard the mass hangers because then we have to adjust which slotted mass to use. Example,
our instructor has given one of the masses to be 25g. Since the mass hangers weigh about 5g, we need
to put on a slotted mass with a mass of 20g.

2. When a pull is applied on the ring and then released, why does it sometimes fail to return to
Sometimes, the ring fails to return to the center because the angle that the string might be directed at
still needs to be adjusted. Also, each slot of each mass counts. It is important to know where to put
those that are heavier or lighter than the other.

3. What is the significance of the resultant of F1, F2, F3 to the remaining force F4? What
generalization can you make regarding their relationships?
. Since F4 is the heaviest of them all, the three remaining vectors are the ones we used to get the
vector sum or the resultant. The sum of the remaining three vectors is almost equal to F4 alone.

4. If the order of adding the vectors is changed (i.e. F 1+ F2+ F3 to F2 + F1 + F3) will the resultant be
Because vectors are known to be as commutative properties, changing the order of the vectors in
addition will not produce a different resultant. Commutative property means that order is not

5. Which method of determining the resultant more a.) efficient b.) accurate c.) practical and
convenient to use? Defend your answer.
Both component and polygon method are efficient and accurate to use, but in my opinion using the
component method is more practical and convenient. This is because using the component method
saves more time when solving. It is faster for us to get the final resultant and direction angle because of
how convenient its formula is. Unlike the polygon method which has no particular shape, it is harder to
look for missing angles.
Throughout this short experiment, the students have learned even the simplest things such as
recording data as soon as gathered and to neatly write it down to avoid error. As simple as the
instructions are, the students at first fail to meet the desired result. But after how many tries, they have
successfully completed the experiment and were able to use methods such as the Graphical and
Analytical method and of course their corresponding formulas. The students were able to achieve a
percent error of less than 10% in the end. Also, the objectives that were written on the previous pages
were met. The students are now able to differentiate a vector from a scalar, know the conditions of
being in a state of equilibrium, and finally determine the resultant of a concurrent force. These
objectives are indeed practical and are easy to know more about while doing the experiment.

It is important that the students read the instructions and procedures well because this is where most
errors occur. The students computed for the wrong forces that is why they failed so many times to get
the right result. Time could have been saved when students read instructions well.

[1] Force. (n.d.). Retrieved from:
[2] Scalars and Vectors. (n.d.). Retrieved from:
[3] Vector Calculator. (n.d.). Retrieved from:
[4] Resolution of a force. (n.d.) Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. (1913). Retrieved October
20 2017 from
[5] Vectors. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

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