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A. Tick () the correct options.

1. Which of the following can you do on the computer?

a. ( ) b. ( ) c. ()
(Sleeping) (Studying) (Eating)
2. Which of the following gets tired?

a. ( ) b. ( ) c. ()
(Apple) (Computer) (Girl)
3. A computer cannot help you to ____________?
a. draw ( ) b. colour ( ) c. sleep ()
4. Which of the following is a laptop?

a. () b. ( ) c. ()

B. Fill in the blanks.

Desktop palmtop play human being

1. You can play games on the computer.

2. A human being works at a slower speed.
3. The desktop computer is fixed at one place for use.
4. A palmtop is small enough to fit on the palm of your hand.

C. State ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. A computer has feelings. FALSE
2. The CPU is called the brain of a human being. FALSE
3. Computer is an electronic machine. TRUE
4. The computer follows human instructions TRUE

D. Answer the following questions:

1. Give names of any two things that work on electricity.
Ans: a. Computer.
b. Fan .

2. Write any two tasks that you can do on the computer.

Ans: The two tasks that we can do on the computer are
a. Studying .
b. Solving sums .

3. Tell any two activities that a human can do but a computer cannot.
Ans: The two activities that a human can do but a computer cannot are-
a. A human being can think but a computer cannot .
b. A human being feels but a computer has no feelings .

4. Write any two features of computer.

Ans: The two features of computer are its speed and accuracy .

5. Tell any two gadgets that are not required if you are working on a computer.
Ans: The two gadgets that are not required if you are working on a computer are
calculator and CD or DVD player.

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