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Cambridge International AS Level Biology Answers to end-of-chapter questions

Answers to EOCQs
Chapter 5 1 D; [1]

The mark schemes, suggested answers and 2 B;[1]

comments that appear in this CD-ROM were written
by the author(s). In examinations, the way marks 3 D;[1]
would be awarded to answers like these may be
different. 4 centrosome is a microtubule organising
Notes about mark schemes makes spindle during mitosis;
contains two centrioles;
A or accept indicates an alternative acceptable located just outside nucleus;
answer. centriole has 9 triplets of microtubules;
R = reject. This indicates a possible answer that no function (during mitosis);
should be rejected. centromere is region of a chromosome that
holds two 2 chromatids together;
; The bold semi-colon indicates the award of 1 mark.
point of attachment for microtubules during
/ This indicates an alternative answer for the same mitosis;
mark. The alternatives may be separated from the point of attachment of chromatids to
rest of the answer by commas. spindle;
( ) Text in brackets is not required for the mark. AVP; [max. 6]
Underlining This is used to indicate essential 5 a
A anaphase; B  prophase; C  metaphase;[3]
word(s) that must be used to get the mark. b Information for this answer can be found in
AW means ‘alternative wording’. It is used to Figure 5.10 on page 92.
indicate that a different wording is acceptable 1 mark for each correct summary.[3]
provided the essential meaning is the same, and is [Total: 6]
used where students’ responses are likely to vary
more than usual. 6 a i metaphase;[1]
ii prophase drawing shows two single
AVP means ‘additional valid point’. This means
chromosomes, each with a centromere
accept any additional points given by the student
(not paired chromatids), ‘randomly’
that are not in the mark scheme, provided they are
distributed, surrounded by cell surface
relevant. But accept only as many additional points
membrane but with no spindle;[1]
as indicated by the bold semi-colons, e.g. AVP;;
means award a maximum of 2 extra marks. b a long and a short chromatid, each with
a centromere, are shown inside each
ORA means ‘or reverse argument’ and is used when new nucleus;[1]
the same idea could be expressed in the reverse
c six chromatids about half-way between
way. For example: ‘activity increases between pH
equator and each pole (12 chromatids in all);
2 and pH 5 ORA’ means accept ‘activity decreases
two long, two short, two hooked in each
between pH 5 and pH 2’.
max. This indicates the maximum number of marks centromere leading for each chromatid;[3]
that can be given. [Total: 6]

7 a
microtubules are made out of tubulin
the tubulin molecules stick together in a
particular pattern to form the microtubules,

Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology © Cambridge University Press 2014

Cambridge International AS Level Biology Answers to end-of-chapter questions

so the presence of colchicine would interfere 9 Award 1 mark for correct statement (True or
with this; AW[2] False). No explanation is required.
spindle; A True;
centrioles;[2] Centrosomes replicate during interphase,
(held up in) prophase; before M phase begins.
spindle cannot form (due to presence of B True;
colchicine); Sister chromatids are formed by the
so metaphase cannot occur; replication of DNA. Each contains one
metaphase, normally follows prophase / is daughter DNA molecule identical to the
next stage of mitosis; [max. 3] parent molecule.
[Total: 7] C False;
Microtubules extend from the kinetochore to
8 a 8.7 cm = 87 mm = 87 000 µm; the nearest pole. The kinetochores in sister
(87 000 µm of DNA packed into 10 µm of chromatids are connected to opposite poles.
chromosome) therefore packing ratio = D False;
87 000 ÷ 10; This occurs during M phase during spindle
= 8700;[3] manufacture (polymerisation) and chromatid
b total length of chromosomes = 46 × 6 µm = movement (depolymerisation).
276 µm; E False;
1.8 m = (1800 mm =) 1800 000 µm; Kinetochores are found on chromatids.
(1.8 m/1 800 000 µm of DNA packed into F False;
276 µm of chromosomes) therefore packing Telomeres are the caps at the ends of
ratio = 1 800 000 ÷ 276; chromosomes. Microtubules are attached at
= 6522;[4] the centromeres (kinetochores).
G True;
c 4.5; (50 ÷ 11) [1]
Chromatids separate at the start of
d linker DNA is 53 × 0.34 nm in length; anaphase.
= 18.02 nm; accept 18 nm [Total: 7]
therefore 50 + 18 = 68 nm of DNA in 11 + 18
= 29 nm of chromatin;
packing ratio = 68 ÷ 29;
= 2.34; accept 2.3 [5]
e 40; (40 000 ÷ 1000 remember that
1 µm = 1000 nm) [1]
f it suggests that any change in amino acid
composition would be harmful (so only
organisms with conserved molecules survive);
the way they function must therefore involve
nearly all their amino acids / they may have
a very precise shape which is vital for their
functioning; AW[2]
g i (1014 × 1.8 m = )1.8 × 1011 km;[1]
ii Distance to Sun and back
= 2 × 1.5 × 108 = 3 × 108 km;
1.8 × 1011 km ÷ 3 × 108 km
(= 1.8 × 103 ÷ 3 = 0.6 × 103);
= 600 times;[3]
[Total: 18]

Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology © Cambridge University Press 2014

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