Edmar C. Maestre (Philosphy of Education)

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

1. Identify 1 philosopher of education and give comments.


“For as in agriculture, […] so it is with men; it is no hard matter to get children; but
after they are born, then begins the trouble, solicitude, and care rightly to train,
principle, and bring them up.” – Michael De Montaigne

Being aware beforehand of the extreme difficulty of the endeavor, Montaigne

decided to circumscribe the points that to him were essential. In first place, he
emphasizes an error deeply rooted in the education systems which still prevail: the
prioritization of memorizing over every other quality.

“Let the master not only examine him about the grammatical construction of the
bare words of his lesson, but about the sense and let him judge of the profit he has
made, not by the testimony of his memory, but by that of his life.” – Michael De

Having our heads completely saturated by information does not make us better, and
it also prevents us from the free practice of our thought, weakening our own
opinions and weaken our natural wisdom

“When bound and compelled to follow the appetite of another’s fancy, enslaved and
captivated under the authority of another’s instruction; we have been so subjected
to the trammel, that we have no free, nor natural pace of our own; our own vigour
and liberty are extinct and gone.” – Michael De Montaigne

The most important thing is to impress in the child an eagerness to learn, activate
and reinforce in him the already existing instinct of curiosity, instead of taming him
with the names of characters and supposedly important dates.

COMMENTS: Through Michael De Montaigne Philosophy I was able to reflect as a

social science major. As a social science major we cannot escape from merely
memorizing facts like memorizing the dates and memorizing the sequence of story
behind the history. Yes, we cannot escape from memorizing facts but Intellectual
exercise or purely memorizing are useless unless they are imbued in the utility of
life. It will be a challenge for me as a social science teacher to relate the facts to
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

more real life scenarios. A learning which is not purely memorizing but rather
learning which is much more meaningful and applicable to real world setting and to
the life of my students. A learning process which motivates or reinforces students to
learn, innovate and create.

2. How should teaching and learning happen in my classroom?

Many things have been said of the teaching profession. “It is the noblest
professions’’. “It is many splendored thing” and “It is many sided task”. I
chose teaching as my profession because I think it was really my calling. At
first, I don’t know how teaching and learning must happen in my classroom
but after One year of teaching in University of Cagayan Valley (Senior High) I
found answers to this questions. In my classroom set up I used to practice
these 4 major Things; Established Routines and Rules and Regulations,
Conducive Environment, Classroom proceedings and Interactions. Every
semesters’ start I always present to my students the routines and the rules
and regulations that must be done in my classroom. And in order for me to
achieve this my students were organized into groups with specific roles
assigned on a rotating basis, for example every week I have a student who
will check the attendance, Check the room if it was clean, lead the prayer and
gives feedback and reports to me about their classmates. Second, Conducive
environment, During my time as soon as I enter their classroom they must be
set, like they must already clean their room and fix their chairs and they need
to stand Up and Greet me Magandang Buhay Sir as a sign of respect and
Good atmosphere. The learning environment is the place where teaching and
learning can take place in the most effective and productive manner. Third is
classroom proceedings I have a clear and enthusiastic voice that elicits
equally eager and keen responses from the students which helps create a
conducive and beneficial ambiance for learning. In beginning My Instructional
episode I always greet my students Magandang Buhay Kapamilya and their
response is Magandang Buhay Kapuso. Before I start my lesson I always
asked my students first how is your day. Between my instructional episode is
an interactive classroom discussion where in my students are free to ask
questions, share their comment and ideas and I also do crack jokes. After my
instructional episode and I will leave their classroom they will all stand and
greet me have a Nice Day Sir. Fourth is Interactions, aside from smooth
interactions in my four walls of classroom I also reached out my students in
my vacant time most especially those students who needs immediate
counselling. I talked to them and inspire them to study. Every time I do this I
am fulfilled it seems like I was not only a teacher who inculcate knowledge on
them, a teacher who has many sided task but also a teacher who touches
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

their heart and inspire them that no matter how hard life is they must still
strive to be happy and study. Truly, teaching is the Noblest Profession.

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