Review of Related Literature

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Chapter 2


1.0 Introduction

This review of related literature focuses on the academic performance in English of Junior

High school learners using modular learning, in which the academic performance of Junior

High learners may informed how modular classes affect their learning.

1.1 Review of Related Literature

Modular learning environments can offer learners opportunities for flexibility, interaction

and collaboration distinctly different from face-to-face learning environments. However,

the integration of educational technologies also presents challenges and concerns in

relation to students’ learning. This article attempts to develop a better understanding of

students’ experiences of learning with the specific online learning technology of Adobe

Connect virtual classroom. The study was conducted in a university in New Zealand

using a case study method. With Activity Theory as its research framework, the

research methods of this study include individual interviews, online observation and

analysis of other relevant documents.

The researchers argue that the intellectual guidance provided by such textbooks

enhances problem-solving processes, structuring of knowledge, and interaction among

learners, and accommodate different individual learning styles effectively. Their point of

departure is that technological vehicles built upon the “textbook” platform can, like a

flesh-and-blood teacher in the classroom, support students both in classroom learning

and distance learning settings. Although distance learning techniques are numerous and

diverse, the overwhelming majority are still in the preliminary experimental and

evaluation stages. Characteristics of the Student in a Virtual Learning Environment.

(Schwarz, Brusilovsky, and Weber, 1996)

Distance learning may provide the enhancement of problem-solving, structuring

knowledge and interaction towards the learners. It may help support the student both

in classroom and distance learning settings.

2.2.1 Factors Affecting the Academic Performance in English of Junior High School

learners Teachers Quality

Perhaps the most traditional approach to characterizing teacher quality is the “expert

teacher study,” which focuses on teachers who have been identified as successful by

their administrators or peers. This field of research is rich in detail, describing how

successful teachers connect what they know with how they teach. For example,

researchers have found that expert teachers use knowledge about the children in their
classrooms—their backgrounds, strengths, and weaknesses—to create lessons that

connect new subject matter to students’ experiences (Leinhardt, 1989; Westerman,


Teacher’s quality characterized to possess teaching quality where teachers do their

responsibilities to teach and foster their learning to the learners. It determine

relationship between teacher qualifications and student achievement. Parental Background

Families affect children’s learning behaviors and academic achievement in important

ways, as they are the primary and most significant environments that the children are

exposed to. Coleman’s report (1966) shows that families may play even more important

roles in student’s academic achievement than schools and communities. Since then, the

line of empirical research on family background and children’s achievement has found

that the family social economic statuses may affect children’s academic achievements

more than the impact of schools (Coleman et al. 1966; Peaker 1971;

White 1980;Sirin 2005; Cheadle 2008).

Parents educational background may affect the academic performance of their students

when it comes to school events like family day and school activities, it may affect the

performance of the leaners due to the lack of education of the parents where they can’t

teach properly to their children which causes them to have low performance Peer Influence

According to Olalekan (2016), it is generally observed that peer group has a lot of

influence on students. This is seen from the role played by the peer group in the life

and learning of a child, evidence abound that students feel more comfortable and

relaxed among fellow students. A child who is brilliant and surrounded by dull friends

would lose interest in learning. On the other hand, a peer group which is prone to study

would have positive effect on a dull member towards learning and stimulate his/her

interest on learning.

Peer influence may affect the academic performance of the learners especially if they

don’t have any good communication and misunderstanding. Peer influence may give

risk to the learners who are involved taking behaviors such as abuse which result

influence to academic performance. Environmental Factors

One of the factors that influence academic performance is school location/site of the

school. This is so because in a situation whereby the school is sited in a noisy area like

airport or in the heart of a city like Port Harcourt city, where activities disrupt the

teaching/learning of the students. One will not expert such students in this area to be

doing well academically. Onukwo (2004) in his note says that a conducive environment

enhances a child's growth and development. Children feel happy in a peaceful and

friendly environment where as schools sited in noisy urban streets are associated with

deficits in mental concentration leading to student’s poor performance

Environment may affects the academic performance of the learners

like temperature, food, pollutants, population density, sound, light, and parasites.

Learners may suffer in studying which causes to affect their performance in school.

2.6 Summary of Related Literature

The researchers conclude that academic performance in English of Junior High School

learners in using modular class give and opportunities and flexible time even in virtual

class in interacting and collaborating to their classmates. The classroom management

and learning style has changed due to this pandemic we are facing right now teacher is

no longer needed to emphasize verbalism before a group of students, lecture and

disseminate a list of questions to be answered for homework, and dismiss the class.

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