CHAPTER 1 Ability of Chayote As An Alternative For Flour

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Baguio City School Of Arts and Trades ( BCSAT)

“The Alternative Ability of Sayote as another source of flour”

Cherrie Mae Escame

Jared Michael Evangelista

Marites Galleo

December 2021

Thesis presented to you entitled, “The Alternative Ability

of Sayote as another source of Flour” by the above opponents ha been

approved by the committee on initial survey interview by the grade of:


The Baguio City School Of Arts and Trades ( BCSAT)

Institute approves this Thesis in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for

the Diploma In Culinary Arts 3rd Year

__________________ __________________

Date Dean of Institute Nursing Marites Galleo

Thesis Adviser

The nutritional and bio-functional qualities of chayote (Sechium edule)

have achieved considerable consumer popularity. The current review

examines and summarizes existing knowledge on chayote's nutritional,

phytochemical, and pharmacological qualities, as well as future research

directions. It also goes through chayote's numerous applications in

nutrition, as a functional ingredient in the food, cosmetics, and

pharmaceutical industries, as well as nanotechnology and biotechnological

processes. Although the pharmacological characteristics of chayote are

well-known, only a few papers on the isolation and identification of

individual chemical constituents have been published, and similarly, only a

few in vivo investigations have been done to examine their biological

efficacy. Furthermore, from both an economic and environmental

standpoint, the valorization of underutilized chayote by-products can be an

essential part of waste management. As a result, scientists face a

significant barrier in recovering and utilizing useful chemicals from

Background of the study

In its natural condition, chayote (Sechium edule), also known as

christophene or christophine, cho-cho, mirliton or merleton (Creole/Cajun),

chuchu (Brazil), Cidra (Antioquia, Caldas, Quindio, and Risaralda), Guatila

(Boyacá and Valle del Cauca), Centinarja (Malt As a result, my goal is to

determine whether sayote can function as an electrical conductor.

Chayohtli (pronounced [tajoti]) is a Nahuatl word derived from the Spanish

word chayote. Early explorers brought plant samples back to Europe,

including chayote (Sechium edule), also known as christophene or

christophine, cho-cho, mirliton or merleton (Creole/Cajun), chuchu (Brazil),

Cidra (Antioquia, Caldas, Quindio, and Risaralda), Guatila (Boyacá and

Valle del Cauca), As a result, my goal is to determine whether sayote can

function as an electrical conductor. Chayohtli (pronounced [tajoti]) is a

Nahuatl word derived from the Spanish word chayote. Early explorers

brought plant samples back to Europe, including chayote, which was one

of the many joys they introduced. During the Age of Conquest, the plant

migrated south from Mexico, eventually becoming a mainstay of many

Latin American cuisines.

In the Philippines, the plant is known as "Sayote," and it is typically grown

in hilly locations like Baguio City and the Cordillera Administrative Region.
Chayote is used in soups, stir-fried vegetables, and chop suey, to name a

few dishes. Sechium edule (chayote) is a fruit that is commonly used as a

vegetable. Its meat is crisp and delicious, and it can be eaten raw or

cooked. In different regions of the world, it's also known as merliton,

christophene, and chowchow. The squash family includes the "vegetable

pear." Chayote is high in folate, a B vitamin that helps prevent

homocystein build-up. According to a study, a high quantity of this amino

acid in the blood has been linked to an elevated risk of coronary heart

disease and stroke. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning it protects cells

from free radical damage. Antioxidants have been demonstrated in studies

to slow or stop the progression of cancer. A chayote omelet for breakfast

is a delicious way to start the day. Manganese is a mineral that aids in the

metabolism of protein and fat into energy in the human body. Do you want

to boost the amount of fiber you consume? You can keep your bowels

regular by adding this veggie in your diet. Copper, a mineral that supports

iodine in maintaining a healthy thyroid, is involved in thyroid metabolism,

notably hormone synthesis and absorption. It's abundant in zinc, a mineral

that's been shown to affect hormones that control oil production on the

skin. Tell Grandma that she can get vitamin K from nature by eating

chayote. In studies, vitamin K has been associated to osteoporosis. Legs

that are tired and heavy indicate a lack of potassium in the body. Consume

potassium-rich foods to avoid this condition. According to study

participants, vitamin B6 improves memory in people of all ages.

Magnesium, a mineral and electrolyte found in chayote, helps to relieve

muscle cramps.

Electricity generation accounts for roughly 39% of all energy used in the

United States, according to the government. As a result, energy output has

a major impact on the amount of pollutants discharged into the

environment each year. Because coal, oil, and natural gas are utilized to

generate the bulk of America's power, the amount of energy produced has

a direct impact on our environment.

Chayote is a crop that is widely grown throughout Mexico and Central

America but has little commercial value. It has spread over Latin America

and the rest of the world as a crop. The main growing regions are Brazil,

Costa Rica, and Veracruz, Mexico. Costa Rican chayotes are mostly

exported to the European Union, whereas Veracruz chayotes are primarily

exported to the United States.was one of several delicacies they

introduced. During the Age of Conquest, the plant migrated south from

Mexico, eventually becoming a mainstay of many Latin American cuisines.

In the Philippines, the plant is known as "Sayote," and it is typically grown

in hilly locations like Baguio City and the Cordillera Administrative Region.

Chayote is used in soups, stir-fried vegetables, and chop suey, to name a

few dishes.

Sechium edule (chayote) is a fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable.

Its meat is crisp and delicious, and it can be eaten raw or cooked. In

different regions of the world, it's also known as merliton, christophene,

and chowchow. The squash family includes the "vegetable pear." Chayote

is high in folate, a B vitamin that helps prevent homocystein build-up.

According to a study, a high quantity of this amino acid in the blood has

been linked to an elevated risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning it protects cells from free radical

damage. Antioxidants have been demonstrated in studies to slow or stop

the progression of cancer. A chayote omelet for breakfast is a delicious

way to start the day. Manganese is a mineral that aids in the metabolism

of protein and fat into energy in the human body. Do you want to boost the
amount of fiber you consume? You can keep your bowels regular by

adding this veggie in your diet. Copper, a mineral that supports iodine in

maintaining a healthy thyroid, is involved in thyroid metabolism, notably

hormone synthesis and absorption. It's abundant in zinc, a mineral that's

been shown to affect hormones that control oil production on the skin. Tell

Grandma that she can get vitamin K from nature by eating chayote. In

studies, vitamin K has been associated to osteoporosis. Legs that are tired

and heavy indicate a lack of potassium in the body. Consume potassium-

rich foods to avoid this condition. According to study participants, vitamin

B6 improves memory in people of all ages. Magnesium, a mineral and

electrolyte found in chayote, helps to relieve muscle cramps.

Chayote is a crop that is widely grown throughout Mexico and Central

America but has little commercial value. It has spread over Latin America

and the rest of the world as a crop. The main growing regions are Brazil,

Costa Rica, and Veracruz, Mexico. Chayotes from Costa Rica are

primarily exported to the European Union, whereas chayotes from

Veracruz are primarily exported to the United States.Chhayote (Sechium

edule), also known as christophene or christophine, cho-cho, mirliton or

merleton (Creole/Cajun), chuchu (Brazil), Cidra (Antioquia, Caldas,

Quindio, and Ris As a result, my goal is to determine whether sayote can

function as an electrical conductor. Chayohtli (pronounced [tajoti]) is a

Nahuatl word derived from the Spanish word chayote. Early explorers

brought plant samples back to Europe, including chayote, which was one

of the many joys they introduced. During the Age of Conquest, the plant

migrated south from Mexico, eventually becoming a mainstay of many

Latin American cuisines.

In the Philippines, the plant is known as "Sayote," and it is typically grown

in hilly locations like Baguio City and the Cordillera Administrative Region.

Chayote is used in soups, stir-fried vegetables, and chop suey, to name a

few dishes.

Sechium edule (chayote) is a fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable.

Its meat is crisp and delicious, and it can be eaten raw or cooked. In

different regions of the world, it's also known as merliton, christophene,

and chowchow. The squash family includes the "vegetable pear." Chayote
is high in folate, a B vitamin that helps prevent homocystein build-up.

According to a study, a high quantity of this amino acid in the blood has

been linked to an elevated risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning it protects cells from free radical

damage. Antioxidants have been demonstrated in studies to slow or stop

the progression of cancer. A chayote omelet for breakfast is a delicious

way to start the day. Manganese is a mineral that aids in the metabolism

of protein and fat into energy in the human body. Do you want to boost the

amount of fiber you consume? You can keep your bowels regular by

adding this veggie in your diet. Copper, a mineral that supports iodine in

maintaining a healthy thyroid, is involved in thyroid metabolism, notably

hormone synthesis and absorption. It's abundant in zinc, a mineral that's

been shown to affect hormones that control oil production on the skin. Tell

Grandma that she can get vitamin K from nature by eating chayote. In

studies, vitamin K has been associated to osteoporosis. Legs that are tired

and heavy indicate a lack of potassium in the body. Consume potassium-

rich foods to avoid this condition. According to study participants, vitamin

B6 improves memory in people of all ages. Magnesium, a mineral and

electrolyte found in chayote, helps to relieve muscle cramps.

Electricity generation accounts for roughly 39% of all energy used in the

United States, according to the government. As a result, energy output has

a major impact on the amount of pollutants discharged into the

environment each year. Because coal, oil, and natural gas are utilized to

generate the bulk of America's power, the amount of energy produced has

a direct impact on our environment.

Chayote is a crop that is widely grown throughout Mexico and Central

America but has little commercial value. It has spread over Latin America

and the rest of the world as a crop. The main growing regions are Brazil,

Costa Rica, and Veracruz, Mexico. Costa Rican chayotes are mostly

exported to the European Union, whereas Veracruz chayotes are primarily

exported to the United States.

Chayote (Sechium edule), a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, is

cultivated throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world and

utilized in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries because it is an

excellent source of minerals, dietary fibers, protein, vitamins, carotenoids,

polysaccharides, phenolic and flavonoid compounds, and other nutrients.

Chayote extracts process various medicinal properties, such as anti-

cardiovascular, antidiabetic, antiobesity, antiulcer, and anticancer

properties. With the rapid advancements of molecular biology and

sequencing technology, studies on chayote have been carried out.

Research advances, including molecular makers, breeding, genomic

research, chemical composition, and pests and diseases, regarding

chayote are reviewed in this paper. Future exploration and application

trends are briefly described. This review provides a reference for basic and

applied research on chayote, an important Cucurbitaceae vegetable crop.

The time frame and geographical location(s) of the S. Edule plants remain

unclear. Unlike other crops, there is no archaeological evidence to indicate

how long S. Edule has been cultivated. Previous studies revealed that the

chayote originated from Mexico and Guatemala based on its

concentrations of genetic diversity (Newstrom, 1991). However, Moreira,

2015 confirmed that Guatemala was not the place of origin of chayote

based on the pan-etymological analysis. It is more likely that chayote was

first cultivated or identified in the twelfth century BCE by Otomanguean

speakers in southern Mexico.


This research is intended to know The assessment of restoration of

manila film center and it’s impact to the local tourism of manila city

Philippines. Specifically, this research sought to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

1.4 Status

2. What are the components of Chayote?

3. Does Chayote have a component that can be alternative to flour?

4. What aspect of the chayote that can be helpful for this project?
5. What are the respondents knowledge in accordance to the ability of




1. What is the
demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name
1.2 Age
1. Distribution of Survey
1.3 Gender
1.4 Status
2. What are the 2. Analyze the Data using The Alternative
components of Chayote? descriptive statistics to
determine measures of Ability of Sayote
3. Does Chayote have a central tendencies and as another source
measures of variations.
component that can be alternative of flour
to flour?
3.Presents data in tabular
4. What aspect of the
chayote that can be helpful for this
project? 4. Interpreted and analyze
5. What are the

respondents knowledge in

accordance to the ability of


Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 Illustrates the Input, Process and Output of The feasibility of

using The Alternative Ability of Sayote as another source of flour.

As an input, the researcher designed a instrument to collect the

necessary information about the assessment of feasibility of using

glutinous rice flour in making biodegradable plastic film. Selecting the

corresponding answers by the respondent’s experiences. After collecting

the data it is analyzed the using descriptive statistics to determine

measures of central tendencies and measures of variations. After that it is

presented in tabular forms. Lastly, interpretation of data is t, analyzed and

interpreted in order to formulate a fundamental idea on the output that the

researcher’s studies of the respondents . After proposing the Output, the

researcher collect the feedback such as how does the proposed output

affect the following inputs, does it improve or it stays as it is, and the

process continue until the researcher find out the importance The

feasibility of using the Alternative Ability of Sayote as another source of


The following are the objectives of the study.

O1: This research will fulfill and answer the possibility of sayote as an

flour alternative.

O2:The Respondents have basic knowledge on the components of the


O3: The Study was believed to resolve and promote the Sayote as an

flour alternative.

O4:The respondents are aware on the abilities of sayote as a nutritional

O5: The study will serve as eye opener for the people if sayote can be a

flour alternative.


I1. This can help the people to have a much nutritional flour.

I2. This will serve as a testing study for the Ability of Sayote.

I3. This study has a cultural impact because this can break the cultural

barrier and allow the new ideals be presented for everyone.

I4. This study has an Economic impact because this will open for new

opportunities for the Sayote farm owners.

I5. This study has an Environmental impact because the abilities of the

sayote will be raised for the better using of this vegetable.


Food is required for physical development and body processes

(Wahlqvist and Briggs, 2010). As a result, theories that influence food

choices will be examined and applied to my food choices in this study.

Finally, this paper will discuss my perceptions of other people's eating

habits and what changes might be made to improve their food choices.

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Food is required for physical development and body processes

(Wahlqvist and Briggs, 2010). As a result, theories that influence food

choices will be examined and applied to my food choices in this study.

Finally, this paper will discuss my perceptions of other people's eating

habits and what changes might be made to improve their food choices.

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The first medium that influences one's food choice, according to the food

choice model, is developmental. Food preferences are frequently formed

and modified by exposure during a person's developmental years. His

family would be the primary channel for his exposure and socialization to

the food that he consumes from the moment he was born. Typically, the

food consumed is representative of the culture of the child's family. Rarely

would a youngster be allowed to choose his or her own food. Fieldhouse

et al., 1998.

Applying this to the Asian setting in which I was born, I was exposed to

Chinese cultural dishes since I was a child, where lard, soy sauce, sugar,

and salt were frequently utilized to enhance the flavor and smell of meals. I

was accustomed to eating this on a daily basis and had no idea I would be

exposed to different food options. This exposure occurred as I entered

adolescence, when I was exposed to a secondary sort of socialisation —

school, media, friends, or an older brother. When a youngster starts school

and is exposed to friends and the media, they will notice what their peers

eat and will be exposed to food commercials in the media, all of which will

pique their interest and cause them to modify their eating habits

(Fieldhouse, 1998; Ogden, 2010). When I was in high school, if my peers

or older sister ordered a meal, I would order the same meal as them since

I assumed they knew what food tasted better. Furthermore, seeing food

advertising makes me want to eat anything.

Our cognition is the second medium. According to the Theory of

Reasoned Action (Ogden, 2010, p44), an individual's attitude and

subjective norms drive his intention to conduct the behavior, which leads

to the individual performing the behavior.

In Chinese cuisine, it is the subjective rule to use all parts of the animal

(e.g. chicken) when cooking, including the organs, because they have

nutritious value. As a result, I believe it is OK to cook every section of the

bird (attitude towards behaviour). Given the ease with which a whole

chicken can be purchased at any supermarket, I would prepare several

dinners for my family using the various parts (performing of specific

behaviour). Despite the fact that animal organs, for instance, are heavy in

saturated fat and can lead to heart disease (Jesus, 2015).

Psychophysiological is the third medium. The five senses of sight, smell,

taste, hearing, and touch can all be used to make food decisions. (Ogden

et al., 2010) The sound of food sizzling, combined with the smell and sight

of it, enhances our likelihood of eating it. The texture, perceived

sweetness, or saltiness of food provide pleasure when it comes into

contact with the tongue. Food preferences are also influenced by one's

mood and stress levels. (Ogden et al., 2010) I used to utilize thoughtless

eating as a mood enhancer when I was under a lot of stress at school.

Accessibility to food goods is defined as convenience. After living in

several places, I've come to appreciate how different countries have

varying levels of availability to food. Residents in nations with

supermarkets strategically positioned near train stations can easily get a

diverse range of food options. This is in contrast to places where

supermarkets are rare and food options are limited.

Food choices can also be influenced by price. It is relevant to one's

socioeconomic standing; having more money allows one to make more

food choices. However, as a student without a source of income, I must be

frugal and limit my options.

Food choices can also have an impact on how one manages their

interpersonal relationships. Because most of my friends and family enjoy

fried foods, I would prepare them frequently to satiate their cravings. Even

though I know it's unhealthy, I'm relating with them in this way.
The basics of the theory of planned behavior (Ogden, 2010, p45) might

be used to explain how my food choices altered once I understood the

influences. During a lecture, I learned that eating healthy foods improves

one's health (i.e., a healthier weight, a more positive attitude, a lower blood

pressure and cholesterol level) and lowers the risk of chronic disease. This

has encouraged and driven me to make the shift because of the numerous

health benefits. In accordance with the theory, I am displaying a shift in my

attitude about the behavior (i.e. a healthy lifestyle).

The situation in which I find myself has made this transition to a healthy

diet option much easier. It appears to be a subjective norm to have

healthier food choices when you have classmates who are taking the

same course and have similar aspirations – to have a healthy diet. I'm also

fortunate to have housemates that are accepting of my adjustments.

Making the decision to relocate to Adelaide on my own had also given

me complete control over my eating choices. To begin changing one's

eating habits, one must have sufficient knowledge. I learned to eat a wide

variety of reduced fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, lean

meats, drink plenty of plain water, and limit my consumption of items rich

in saturated fat, salt, and sugar from my research on healthy eating

standards. (Australian Commonwealth, 2015)


This study will be a success and using sayote for flour will be raised for

everyone especially to the vegetable base “ vegan” people.


1kl sayote ₱160 per kilo

Pagiling/papino( Pagiling ₱100 per kilo for pagiling

shop) palengke(local market)

GRAINS ₱40 per pack

Total: ₱280

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