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Glaiza Rayne Orillos January 15, 2021


Oral communication in context

Persuasive Essay/Speech

         Following the features, parts, and guidelines in writing a persuasive text, write a four-
paragraph persuasive essay/speech expressing your stand about the topic chosen. Below is a list
of topics, choose one that interest you.

 Global warming is a myth.

 Schools should do away with homework altogether.
 Social media brings more harm than good
 It is false that no one is above the law.

Topic chosen : Social media brings more harm than good


Social media isn’t all just about liking or giving hearts to every post you see on your screen. It’s not all
reacting “HaHa” to every funny post you watch. For every positive thing you see, there will always be a
bad side to it. I present to you, some few things that you may relate to or are guilty to.

While scrolling down through our phones, we get to usually see what people love to share: their lifestyle,
achievements, and many more. With that, we sometimes think, “I wish I had that too,” “I want to be like
her,” and so on. From there, we develop these self-image issues. Just as what Frances Dalomba said,
“Social media sites provide tools that allow people to earn others’ approval for their appearance and the
possibility to compare themselves to others.” You should never ever allow anyone to define what you
should look like.

Lastly, cyberbullying is now one of the controversial issues that we’re currently facing. Since we all have
easy-access to technology, social media has been used to do negative things that have been used to harm a
person mentally and emotionally. Sadly, this will later on increase the risk of depression and anxiety of a

There are a lot of things that we can see in social media that may harm us mentally such as self-image
issues and cyberbullying. Always remember that these are only the dark side of social media, and we
should always be careful and responsible with our actions that are done whether in social media or

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