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Single-phase transformer in AC Network & Three-phase


ID number: 11702836
Experiment# 1: Single-phase transformer in AC Network
1. To be familiar with voltage and current characteristics in a single-phase
2. Able to control the voltage and current by using turn ratios of the
3. Calculation of voltage regulation.
Introduction / theory:
In a single-phase transformer, the voltage and current across the primary
winding and across the secondary winding are related by using the turn ratio of
the transformer. Where the turn ratio of the transformer is defined as the ratio
of the no of turns in primary winding with no of turns in the secondary
Turns ratio = n = Ns

Were Np = no of turns in the primary winding

Ns = no of turns in the secondary winding
Now the voltage and current in primary and secondary winding are given as
Vpri Np
Vsec Ns

Ipri Ns
Isec Np

Health and safety :

1. Don’t turn on the power unless the connection was checked by the
2. At the end of each step, the power supply knob should be fully turned to 0,
and then slowly should be adjusted.

Single-phase transformer voltage measurement
Figure 1: Single-phase transformer voltage measurement
Table 1: Voltage across a3-b3 terminals
Primary voltage (V) Secondary voltage across a3-b3
terminals (V)
120 72.5
240 145.7
380 230

Table 2: Voltage across a2-b2 terminals

Primary voltage (V) Secondary voltage across a2-b2
terminals (V)
120 35.9
240 72.9
380 114.4

Table 3: Voltage across a1-b1 terminals

Primary voltage (V) Secondary voltage across a1-b1
terminals (V)
120 18.15
240 36
380 57
Solution 8:
By analysing the above tables we observe that from the data of table 1 we get
to know that when we use to measure the voltage across the terminal a3-b3
we get full secondary voltage because total turns are used in voltage
transformation, while from table 2 we get that terminal a2-b2 measures only ½
from the full load voltage and similarly from the table 3 terminal a1-b1
measures only ¼ th from the full load voltages. So from this, we also observe
that by using different no of turns at the secondary terminal we get various
output voltages across the secondary side.
Solution 9:
From the data in the above table, we observe that the secondary side voltage
is always less than the primary voltage so that we can say this transformer is
step down transformer.
Solution 10:
Transformer turn ratio is defined as the ratio of primary voltage to secondary
Vp 120
Transformer turn ratio = Vs = 72.5 = 1.655

Single phase transformer current measurement

Figure 2: Single-phase transformer current measurement

Table 4:
Connected Ipri (A) Isec (A) Ipri
winding Isec
a1-b1 0.04 0.2 0.2
a2-b2 0.1 0.3 0.33
a3-b3 0.32 0.4 0.8

Solution 12:
From the data in the above table, we observe that the current in the secondary
side is very much linear with the primary current such as we increase the
primary current then secondary current also increased and due to turn ratio
the secondary current is always greater than the primary current.
Solution 13:
When we add some more load to the secondary side then the secondary
voltage will down the previous no-load condition due to some drop across the
load so that to maintain the power balance the current in the secondary side
will increase.
Solution 14:
Let us assume the primary side voltage is Vpri = 1 volt
Therefore secondary side voltage is given by Vsec = turnratio

Were turn ratio is given as

Isec 0.2
Turn ratio = Ipri = 0.04 = 5

Power in primary side = Ppri = Ipri * Vpri = 0.04*1 = 0.04 W
And power in secondary side = Psec = Isec * Vsec = 0.2 * 5 =0.04 W

From above we get that power in primary side and secondary side are equal
which prove the power balance in both winding.
Transformer with a variable load resistive load:

Figure 3: transformer having a variable resistive load

Table 5: Secondary voltage and current for a3-b3 tap
Primary Primary Load Secondary Secondary
voltage (V) current (A) resistance voltage (V) current (A)
120 0.2 1000 71.7 0.3
120 0.23 800 71.3 0.34
120 0.27 500 10.9 0.41
120 0.35 200 10 0.54
120 0.54 150 67.9 0.85
120 0.88 100 64 1.42

Solution 17:
from the above graph, we observe that when secondary voltage will increases
the current will start to decrease.
Solution 18:
As we increase or decrease load resistance the secondary voltage will increase
or decrease accordingly.
Solution 19:
Vno−load −Vfull
Voltage regulation % = Vno−load
* 100

Voltage regulation % = 64
* 100

Voltage regulation % = -12.03 %

Solution 20:
output power 71.7∗0.3
Transformer efficiency = input power = 120∗0.2 = 0.896

Solution 21:
when we change the resistive load with inductive or capacitive loads then the
required voltage regulation will decrease and overall, the secondary side
voltage profile will enhance because inductive or capacitive load provide
reactive power to the circuit such as the unnecessary voltage drop will reduces
and voltage regulation become good.
From the above experiment, we know that how we can get various voltage
and current across secondary terminal by changing the turn ratio value such as
in each case the power across the primary side is always equal to the power in
secondary side.
Experiment# 2 : Three phase transformers
1. To able to connect three phase transformers in delta-delta and wye-wye
2. Able to measure the winding voltage and able to verify the proper phase
relationship in phase voltages with help of calculation.
Introduction / theory:
A three-phase transformer is combination of three individuals single phase
transformer which are connected in such a manner to give three phase
voltages. There are two configurations in which they are connected, first one is
delta connection in which the phase voltage is same as the line voltages and
the line current is greater than the phase current by a factor of √ 3. Similarly in
case of wye connected three has transformer the line and the phase voltage
across the terminals are in not equal and the line voltage is greater than the
phase voltage by a factor of √ 3 , and in this case the line current and the phase
current are same in magnitude.
There are four configurations exist in which they are connected such as delta-
wye, wye-delta, wye-wye and delta-delta connections. Each configuration is
used in various application as per requirement.
Health and safety :
1. Don’t turn on the power unless the connection was checked by the
2. At the end of each step, the power supply knob should be fully turned to 0,
and then slowly should be adjusted
Three phase transformers with delta-delta configuration
Figure 4: Three phase transformers with delta-delta configuration
Table 6: Measurement of winding voltage in Delta-Delta configuration
Primary voltage (V) Winding Voltage value (V)
120 Ua-Xa 120.9
120 Va-Ya 122
120 Za-Wa 121.6
120 Ua-Za 0
120 u3-x3 71.2
120 v3-y3 72
120 w3-z3 71.7
120 u3-z3 0

Solution 4:
Yes, all the measurements confirm that secondary windings are connected
with proper phase relationship such as total sum of voltage across secondary
side is nearly equal to zero
Here the secondary winding voltages are given by
u3-x3 = v3-y3 = w3-z3 = turns ratio =72 volt

from above measurement we observe all the phase voltage are near by the
calculated value.
Solution 5:

All the secondary line voltages are nearly equal such as by adding them
together we get nearly zero value which confirm that it is safe to close.
u3-x3 = 71.2<0°
v3-y3 = 72<-120°
w3-z3 = 71.7<120°
adding them together we get
Vtotal = 0.7<-158° volt which is nearly equal to zero and safe value.
Solution 7:
Due to No load condition, there is no external voltage drop in circuit hence the
all three secondary voltages are equal.
Solution 8:
Using theoretical value the voltage across the secondary side is given by
Vu3-x3 = 72<0°
Vv3-y3 = 72<-120°
Vw3-z3 = 72<120°
Adding them together so that

(Vu3-x3 = 72<0° ) + (Vv3-y3 = 72<-120° ) + (Vw3-z3 = 72<120°) = 0

Solution 9:
Relationship between the primary and secondary voltage is given by the turn
ratio which is calculated as
Vsec 72
Turn ratio = Vpri = 120 =0.6

Solution 10:
In delta-delta connected transformer the line and phase voltage are same. The
number of turns winding is greater than the wye-wye connected transformer,
due to this reason it is used for low voltage profile where it is very economical.
It is very good for unbalanced as well as balanced load because there is no
third harmonic present in output voltage.

This delta-delta connection is generally used for low and large voltage
This connection is preferred to use where we need high current application
with low voltage.
Three phase transformer modules in the wye-wye connection:

Figure 5: Three phase transformer connected in Wye-Wye module

Table 7:
Primary voltage (V) Winding Voltage value (V)
120 Ua-Xa 121
120 Va-Ya 121.3
120 Wa-Za 120.9
120 Ua-Va 211.9
120 Va-Wa 212
120 Ua-Wa 213.1
120 u3-x3 71.7
120 v3-y3 72.1
120 w3-z3 72.6
120 u3-v3 125.4
120 u3-w3 122
120 v3-w3 123

Solution 13:
Yes, all the measurements confirm that secondary windings are connected
with proper phase relationship such as total sum of voltage across secondary
side is nearly equal to zero
Here the secondary winding voltages are given by
120 √3
u3-v3 = u3-w3 = v3-z3 = =124.7 volt
turns ratio

from above measurement we observe all the phase voltage are near by the
calculated value.
Solution 14:
No, the phase and line voltage of the secondary side is not equal because in
Wye-Wye connection the line voltage is greater than phase voltage by a factor
of √ 3 .
Solution 15:
Using theoretical value the voltage across the secondary side is given by
Vu3-v3 = 124.7<0°
Vu3-w3 = 124.7<-120°
Vv3-z3 = 124.7<120°
Adding them together so that

(Vu3-v3 = 72<0° ) + (Vu3-w3 = 72<-120° ) + (Vv3-z3 = 72<120°) = 0

Solution 16:
Relationship between the primary and secondary voltage is given by the turn
ratio which is calculated as
Vsec 124.7
Turn ratio = Vpri = =0.6
120 √ 3

Solution 18:
In this connection the phase and line currents are same where the line voltage
is not equal to phase voltage and greater than by a factor of √ 3 .
It have high voltage rating with respect to delta delta connected transformer.
Applications :
It is used where we need high voltage with low current supply, and it doesn’t
need any neutral connection in primary side.

Solution 1:
(a). magnetomotive force of the coil is given as
F = I*n
Were I = current and n = no of turns
So that from the table we get
I = 170 A and n = 480 turn
F = 170*480 = 81600 A-T
First we need to calculate the total reluctance of the circuit such as
Rd’ =
u ˳ A d'

Were d’ = 0.047 *10^(-2) m

Ad’ = a*d*1.05 = 4*3*1.05 = 12.6 *10^(-4) m^2
u˳ = 4π*10^(-7)
so that
Rd’ = = 296836.6
4 π 10−7∗12.6∗10−4

Rd = u ˳ Ad

Were d = 0.041 *10^(-2) m

Ad = a*d*1.05 = 4*3*1.05 = 12.6 *10^(-4) m^2
u˳ = 4π*10^(-7)

so that
Rd = = 258942.56
4 π 10−7∗12.6∗10−4
R1 = u ˳ urA

Were, l1 = a+b = 4+35 = 39*10^(-2) m

A = a*b = 12*10^(-4) m^2
ur = 1600
so that
R1 = = 161641.74
4 π 10−7∗1600∗12∗10−4

For R2 and R3 we know that

R2 = u ˳ urA

Were, l2 = (3a+3b – d’) = 116.953*10^(-2) m

L3 = 3a +3b -d = 116.959*190^(-2) m
A = a*b = 12*10^(-4) m^2
ur = 1600
so that
R2 = = 484730.41
4 π 10−7∗1600∗12∗10−4

R3 = = 484755.28
4 π 10−7∗1600∗12∗10−4

Then equivalent reluctance of the circuit is calculated as

( R 2+ R d' )∗( R 3+ Rd)
Req = ' + R1
R 2+ R d + R 3+ Rd

Req = 542722.9
Then total flx across the centre limb is calculated as
ϕ= ¿
ϕ= = 0.1503 weber

Now magnetic flux in left air gap is given as

R 3+ Rd
Φleft = *ϕ
R 2+ R d ' + R 3+ Rd

Φleft = 0.07328 weber

Magnetic flux in right air gap is given by
Φright = ϕtotal – ϕleft = 0.1503 – 0.07328
Φright = 0.07701 weber

Solution 2:
(a) .
Voltage drop across transmission line is given by
Vtrans = ¿ Zline∨ ¿ Zline+ Zload ∨¿ ¿ ¿ * Vgen

Rline = √ Zline 2−Xline2 = √ 0.352−0.14 2 = 0.321
Vtrans = 2.486 *380 = 53.5 volt

(b ) .
Power loss in the line is given by
Ploss = I^2 * Rline
Were I = 2.486∗68 =2.247A

Then Ploss = 2.247^2 *0.321*68 = 110.3 watt

Voltage drop across the transmission line is given by
Vtrans = ¿ Zline∨ ¿ Zline+ α 22∗Zload∨¿ ¿ ¿ * Vgen*α2

Vtrans = 0.000003987*380*200 = 0.303 volt

(d) .

Power loss in the line is given by

Ploss = I^2 * Rline
Were I = 2.486∗68 = 0.0127 A

Ploss = 0.0127^2 * 0.321*68 = 0.277 watt

Solution 3:
From the open circuit
We need to calculate no load power factor
Poc 582
cos(ϕ) = Voc∗Ioc = 4800∗0.477 =0.254

then ϕ=cos−1 0.254=75.27 °

current through Rc = Ic = Ioc*cos(ϕ) = 0.477*0.254 = 0.12125 A
current through magnetizing component = Im = Ioc*sin(ϕ) = 0.4613 A
then across the secondary side
Vs 240
Rc = Ic = 0.12125 = 1979.38 Ω

Vs 240
Xm = ℑ = 04613 =520.26 Ω

Now from the short circuit test we get

Vsc 294
Zep = primary side impedance = Isc = 3.56 = 82.58 Ω

Psc 249
Then Rpri = primary side resistance = = = 19.64 Ω
Isc 2 3.562

Xpri = √ Ze p2 −Rpr i2 = √ 82.582−19.64 2 = 80.208 Ω

Therefore equivalent circuit referred to secondary side is given by
N s2
Rsec = * Rpri = 0.036 Ω
N p2

N s2
Xsec = * Xpri = 0.1473 Ω
N p2

Rc =1979.38 Ω
Xm = 520.26 Ω
Similarly equivalent circuit across the primary side is given by
Rpri = 19.64
Xpri = 80.208 Ω
N p2
Rcpri = * Rc = 1077.66 k Ω
N s2

N p2
Xmpri = = *Xm = 283.25 k Ω
N s2

(b) .
Per unit value of transformer resistance is given by
I 2∗Rsec 354.1672∗0.036
R (p.u.) = = = 0.053125 pu
VA 85000

(c ) .
Input voltage on primary side = 5600 volt

(d ) .
Power loss of this transformer s given by
Ploss = Poc + Psc = 831 watt
(e ) .
Poutput 85000∗0.92
Efficiency = Poutput + Ploss+ Pcopper loss = 85000∗0.92+ 831+ 4515.625 = 0.936

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