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the book of

Genesis 1:31 Genesis 3:15
And God saw everything that he had made, I will put enmity between you & the woman,
& behold, it was very good. & between your offspring & her offspring;
you shall bruise his heel but
CREATION he will crush your head.
God creates the universe, the world & everything in it (Gen 1:1-25)
God creates Adam out of the dust & breathes life into him (Gen 2:7)
God creates woman to enable human relationship (Gen 2:18-25)
Man commanded to be fruitful & have dominion over the earth (Gen 1:28-31)
Man in Eden, perfect relationship with God and each other (Gen 2)
God shares the gospel in the third chapter of Genesis (Gen 3:15)
God sets the stage for his plan of salvation

Genesis 3:6 The children of the promise & the children of the curse

The woman saw that the tree was good for God foretells the coming of a Messiah

food, a delight to the eyes, & desireable

to make one wise.
Genesis 4:7
Sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for
THE FALL you, but you must rule over it.
Adam & Eve sin, death comes into the world (Gen 3:1-13)
Woman cursed with the headship of man and painful childbirth (Gen 3:16)
Man cursed with toilsome work & ground that resists fruitfulness (Gen 3:17-20)
God approves Abel’s animal sacrifice, but not Cain’s grain sacrifice (Gen 4:1-7)
Adam & Eve feel shame, God clothes them (Gen 3:20-21)
Cain kills Abel out of jealousy, Cain cursed (Gen 4:8-24)
Separated from God, Adam & Eve driven out of the garden (Gen 3:22-24)
Seth is born in Abel’s place to carry the promise (Gen 4:25-26)
Genesis 6:5 Genesis 12:2
The LORD saw that the wickedness of man I will make you a great nation, & I will bless
was great in the earth, & that every you & make your name great.
intention of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually. ABRAHAM
THE FLOOD God calls Abram to go to the land of Canaan (Gen 12:1, 4-7)
God establishes his covenant with Abram (Gen 12:2-3)
God promises to bless Abram & Abram worships God (Gen 12:2-3, 8-9)
Corruption increases on the earth (Gen 6:5-7, 11-12)
God finds favor with Noah (Gen 6:8-10)
Due to famine, Abram & Sarai travel to Egypt (Gen 12:10)
God has Noah build the ark to preserve his family & the animals (Gen 6:13-7:9)
Abram tricks Pharaoh into thinking Sarai is his sister (Gen 12:11-16)
God sends a flood over the earth, it rains for the first time (Gen 7:10-16; 2:6)
Pharaoh sends Abram away (Gen 12:17-30)
Everything not on the ark destroyed (Gen 7:17-24)
The flood subsides & God establishes his covenant with Noah (Gen 8-10)

Genesis 13:15
Genesis 11:4 All the land that you see I will give to you &
Come, let's build a city & a tower to the your offspring forever.
heavens & let's make a name for ourselves, Abram & nephew Lot grow wealthy (Gen 13:1-7)
lest we be dispersed over the earth. Abram & Lot separate as the land can’t support them both (Gen 13:6-9)

Abram settles in Canaan, Lot goes to Sodom (Gen 13:10-13)
God promises the land of Canaan for his offspring forever (Gen 13:14-18)

Abram rescues Lot, who was taken captive in war (Gen 14:1-16)
All people united under one common language (Gen 11:1-3)
Abram blessed by Melchizidek, priest & king of Salem (Gen 14:17-24)
People decide to build a city reaching to heaven (Gen 11:4-5)
God divides their language & they disperse throughout the earth (Gen 11:6-9)
Shem, son of Noah, is chosen to carry the promise (Gen 11:10-32)
Genesis 15:6 Genesis 19:13
He believed the LORD, & it was counted to We are about to destroy this place, because
him as righteousness. the outcry against its people has become
great before the LORD, & he has sent
God promises Abram a son who will carry the promise (Gen 15:1-4) us to destroy it.
God promises Abram will have a myriad of descendants (Gen 15:5)
Abram’s faith was counted as righteousness (Gen 15:6)
God re-establishes his covenant with Abram (Gen 15:7-20)
Sarai is old & barren & can’t provide an heir for Abram (Gen16:1)
Sarai gives Abram her servant Hagar as a concubine (Gen 16:1-3)
The two angels continue toward Sodom & Gomorrah (Gen 18:16-19, 22)
Abram sleeps with Hagar & she has a son Ishmael (Gen 16:4-6,15)
God tells his plan to destroy the cities for wickedness (Gen 18:20-21)
God promises to also make Ishmael a great nation (Gen 16:7-16)
Abraham intercedes for Sodom because of Lot (Gen 18:22-33)

The two angels arrive in Sodom, Lot invites them in (Gen 19:1-3)

Genesis 17:5-6 Men of the town try to force the visitors to sleep with them (Gen 19:4-7)

I have made you into a father of a multitude. Lot offers up his daughters, the angels strike the men blind (Gen 19:8-11)
The angels help Lot & family escape from the city (Gen 19:12-22)
I will make you exceedingly fruitful,
God destroys Sodom & Gomorrah with sulfur and fire (Gen 19:23-29)
& I will make you into nations, & kings
shall come from you.
God renews his covenant with Abram, again (Gen 17:1-8) Genesis 19:26
God renames him Abraham (Gen 17:5) Lot's wife, behind him, looked back, & she
God introduces circumcision to the covenant (Gen 17:9-14, 22-27) became a pillar of salt.
God promises Isaac’s birth to Sarai, re-names her Sarah (Gen 17:15-21)
Lot’s wife looks back as they flee & is turned into a salt pillar (Gen 19:23-26)

God & two angels visit Abraham in human form (Gen 18:1-8) Lot’s daughters get him drunk & have sex with him (Gen 19:30-35)

God promises the birth of Isaac, Sarah doesn’t believe (Gen 18:9-16) Both daughters conceive and give birth to sons (Gen 19:36-38)
Genesis 22:12 Genesis 25:23
Now I know that you fear God, seeing you Two nations are in your womb & two peoples
have not withheld your son, your only from within you shall be divided; the one shall
son, from me. be stronger than the other, the older shall
serve the younger.
Isaac is born to Sarah in her old age (Gen 21:22-7)
Sarah & Abraham send Hagar & Ishmael away (Gen 21:8-21) God assigns Jacob as the child of the promise (Gen 25:1-28)
Esau sells his birthright to Jacob (Gen 25:29-34)
God asks Abraham to sacrifice his teenage son Isaac (Gen 22:1-2) God establishes his covenant with Jacob (Gen 26:1-5)
Abraham obeys and travels to Mount Moriah to sacrifice Isaac (Gen 22:3-8)
God stops Abraham & allows a goat sacrifice instead (Gen 22:9-17) Jacob tricks Abimelech into thinking Rebekah is his sister (Gen 26:6-11)
God again renews his covenant with Abraham, again (Gen 22:18-24) Abimelech sends Jacob away for his increasing influence (Gen 26:12-22, 26-33)
God renews his covenant with Jacob (Gen 26:23-25)
Rebekah & Jacob trick Isaac into blessing Jacob instead of Esau (Gen 27)
Genesis 24:67
She became his wife, & he loved her. So
Isaac was comforted after the death Genesis 26:24
of his mother. "Fear not, for I am with you & will bless you
& multiply your offspring for my servant
ISAAC & REBEKAH Abraham's sake."
Sarah dies at age 127 (Gen 23) Isaac sends Jacob away so he wouldn’t marry a local Hittite woman (Gen 28:1-9)
Abraham sends his servant to get a wife for Isaac (Gen 24:1-14) God renews his covenant with Jacob (Gen 28:10-22)
Rebekah travels back with the servant & marries Isaac (Gen 24:15-67) Jacob goes to work for his uncle Laban (Gen 29:1-14)
Abraham dies at age 175 (Gen 25:7-18) Jacob marries Laban’s daughters Rachel and Leah (Gen 29:15-30)
Jacob works seven years for rights to marry the beautiful Rachel
Jacob is tricked into marrying Leah, works seven more years for Rachel
Genesis 30:23 Genesis 35:2
She conceived & bore a son & said, 'God Put away the foreign gods that are among
has taken away my reproach.' you & purify yourselves & change
your garments.
Leah has Reuben, Simeon, Levi & Judah (Gen 29:31-35)
Jacob takes his wives' servants Bilhah & Zilpah as concubines (Gen 30:1-18) God again renews his covenant with Jacob, renames him Israel (Gen 35:1-15)
Bilhah has Dan & Naphtali (Gen 30:1-8) Rachel dies while giving birth to Benjamin (Gen 35:16-21)
Zilpah has Gad & Asher (Gen 30:9-13) Reuben sleeps with Bilhah, Jacob’s concubine (Gen 35:22)
Leah has Issachar, Zebulun & Dinah (Gen 30:14-21) Isaac dies at age 180 (Gen 35:27-29)
Rachel has Joseph (Gen 30:22-24) Esau’s descendants become the nation of Edom (Gen 36)

Genesis 33:28 Genesis 37:6

Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, Israel loved Joseph more than any of his
but Israel, for you have striven with God & other sons, because he was the son of his
with men, & have prevailed. old age. And he made him a robe
Jacob prospers & flees because of Laban’s jealousy (Gen 30:29-31:55)
of many colors.
Esau pursues Jacob & Jacob fears his brother’s wrath (Gen 32:1-21)
Jacob wrestles with God, God blesses him (Gen 32:22-32) JOSEPH
Jacob is renamed "Israel," meaning "he strives with God." (Gen 32:28)
Esau meets Jacob & they exchange gifts & blessings (Gen 33) Joseph dreams he will reign over his father & brothers (Gen 37:11)
Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery (Gen 37:12-36)
Jacob’s daughter Dinah is raped by Shechem, the Hivite prince (Gen 34:1-11)
Simeon & Levi kill Shechem & all of his men (Gen 34:12-31) Judah has 3 sons, first Er killed by God for wickedness (Gen 38:1-7)
Judah orders his son Onan to take Er’s wife Tamar as his wife (Gen 38:8)
Onan refuses to have children with her in Er’s name, God kills him (Gen 38:8-11)
Tamar disguises herself as a prostitute and sleeps with Judah (Gen 38:12-26)
Tamar has twins Perez & Zerah, sons of her father-in-law (Gen 38:27-30)
Genesis 39:21
The LORD was with Joseph & showed him
steadfast love & gave him favor in the sight
of the keeper of the prison.

Joseph is sold to Potiphar, captain of Pharaoh’s guard (Gen 37:36, 39:1)

Joseph prospers in Potiphar’s household (Gen 39:2-6)
Joseph refuses to sleep w/ Potiphar’s wife despite her advances (Gen 39:7-12)
Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses Joseph of attempted rape (Gen 39:13-18)
Potiphar throws Joseph into prison (Gen 39:19-23)

Genesis 50:20
You meant evil against me, but God meant it
for good, to bring about the saving
of many people.

Joseph is called upon from prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams (Gen 40-41:24)
Joseph warns Pharaoh of upcoming famine (Gen 41:25-36)
Joseph rises to power in overseeing famine preparations (Gen 41:37-57)

Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt to get food during the famine (Gen 42-43)
Joseph forgives his brothers and they all move to Egypt (Gen 44-47, 50:15-21)
Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen 48)
Jacob blesses his sons and dies at age 130 (Gen 49-50:14)
God promises to bring Jacob’s descendants up out of Egypt (Gen 50:23-24)
Joseph dies at age 110 (Gen 50:22, 25-26)

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