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Garland 1

Letecha Garland 

ENG 120 1N 

Dr. Rose Mctier 

December 2nd, 2021 

Reflection Paper 

Prior to enrolling in this class, I considered myself an average writer. As a child,

I have never considered English as a top subject. I would avoid or procrastinate when

it comes to writing or anything pertaining to the English subject. This class has

taught me so many writing skills that will last a lifetime. This class has taught me the

different fallacies, how to write an argumentative research paper, with proper

citations and the different kinds of figurative languages used in different types of


There are many fallacies, according to Purdue online writing lab, fallacies can

be defined as common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your

argument. There are many types of fallacies that include ad hominem, red herrings,

and slippery slope. I have come to understand that we come across fallacies in our

everyday life. Many advertisements use different types of fallacies in their marketing

to persuade potential clients to purchase their product.

The hardest assignment for me this semester would have been the research

argumentative essay. This assignment alone has taught me that procrastination is not

a good academic decision. With proper planning and organizing this assignment
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would not have been as stressful as it was for me. After submitting my first draft and

reading the peer editing, I realize that I had not place my citations in the paper. I also

learnt that I could have improved on my topic sentences for my paragraph. This gave

me a clearer idea and understanding on how to support my thoughts and ideas

throughout my essay. The peer editing was a major help to improving my essay for

my polished draft. Based on my lecturer’s call, I tried to carefully include all the points

that were given to me to improve my research essay to the best of my ability. I tried

to make my transition between paragraphs stronger and I also tried to stay on track

throughout the essay. I also reconstructed my reference page to the format that was

needed after gaining a clearer understanding of what was required. 

The different types of figurative languages also stood out to me during this

class because these are phrases that are used in our everyday life. Many times, we

know what something is or how to explain it but rarely know the correct name for

the item. When I initially started the assignment the only two figurative languages I

recognized and had some kind of understanding were a simile and a metaphor. Of

course, I heard the words pun and oxymoron before, but I had no idea what it

actually was and how to explain it. Some of my favorite types of figurative languages

now include hyperbole, paradox, and pun.

Prior to enrolling in this class, I was not familiar with the vital aspects of

writing however, during this class I was able to learn the importance of using

complete sentences, avoiding abbreviations. Utilization of the right words and the

importance of ensuring that punctuations are always in the right place. I have learned

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many things in this class that can be used in my everyday life, especially in my job

profession. These include thoroughly reading and editing, writing down my thoughts

so that they are clearer, and the importance of developing a clearer message. All of

these items are critical to a good essay.

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