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Good, Kitten

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: SB19 (Band)
Relationship: Justin De Dios & Felip Jhon Suson | Ken
Character: Justin De Dios, Felip Jhon Suson | Ken
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Sir Kink, Smut, ropes, Dirty Talk, top!Ken, Penetration,
Lingerie, Sex Toys, im so sorry didn't proofread
Stats: Published: 2021-08-19 Words: 2553

Good, Kitten
by kentinwritings


Ken needed to remind Justin that he was his favorite kitten.


u know what it is ;)

advance apologies for grammatical errors, typos, inconsistencies and other mistakes. enjoy
at maraming salamat sa pagbabasa!

See the end of the work for more notes

It’s been an hour and Ken is still nowhere to be seen. It made Justin even more furious! How dare
he ditch our bebe time? He’s been looking forward to this for almost 3 months! He even ordered a
new pair of lingerie for him in hopes that they get the chance to make love again but here he is,
slumped on Ken's couch, waiting for him to fetch Kuro and Saoirse.

Now don’t get him wrong, he really loves his babies. Specially, Kuro and Saoirse but fucking hell
he just wants to spend time with Ken! As if on cue his phone rang a notification. He sighed and
fixed his hair before looking at it.

“Love, medyo malalate ako, traffic kasi pauwi from vet tapos kakausapin pa daw ako ni Doc for
Saoirse’s vaccinations. I’ll buy you pasalubong, okay po? See you later. I love you!”

He knew it. It’s been like this for weeks. He had so many plans for the night. He sighed, once
more. He can’t help but to scream in frustration. He let all the pent up emotions from this week go.
He was okay with the times Ken ignored him just because he wanted to spend more time with the
cats. Or that night where they were supposed to have a simple dinner date inside Ken’s condo but
were interrupted when Stell called in saying that he can’t handle babysitting two cats for more than
2 hours. Or that time when Justin fetched Ken to take him outside on a picnic date with no
inconveniences but unfortunately it was vet day for Kuro. It seems like the love gods have been
liking the way they’re torturing Justin right now because it doesn’t get any better. Oh well, Ken
decided that Kuro will join them. Justin’s supposed to be couple date turned into a family date .
And it’s not even the worst! Kuro just decided that it wasn’t the picnic day for him and whined and
hissed at everyone, even at Ken. He decided to give up on that day and just take Ken and Kuro
home. He will try again tomorrow. But, Oh god, that tomorrow never came because of their cats
and how Ken could not resist them.

But how about me?

He shook his head.

No, he won’t slump and curl in a ball just to cry all night because he missed Ken. He would make
this night extra special for him. Yup, that’s the way it is! Pamper night for Justin.

He suddenly felt giddy, wanting to wear the lingerie he just bought and look at the mirror to admire
how beautiful he would look in them. He immediately stood up from the couch and went to Ken’s
closet, flipping through each hanger, making sure he chooses the best oversized shirt to pair with
his thongs. In no time, he picked the black one with Japanese prints to it, probably from some other
anime Ken watched. It perfectly matched his white thongs!

He wasted no time and quickly went into Ken's bathroom to wash himself, making sure to clean
every nook and cranny there was. He planned to take a lot of pictures, especially in front of Ken’s
big mirror. His thoughts suddenly changed from feeling himself to a scenario of him on all fours in
front of the mirror while Ken fucks him from behind. Or him on his knees while he takes every
inch of Ken. A moan suddenly slipped through his mouth, not noticing how his hand was already
palming his erection. Oh god! It felt so good. How long has it been since he was touched? He
didn’t know but he stopped himself before he spilled everything and make a mess inside Ken’s

After he washed and dried himself up, he turned on the speakers and blasted off his playlist. The
thought of Ken walking in with him in Ken’s oversized shirt with a thong on seemed to slip off
Justin’s mind.
He started to sway his hips to the rhythm of the music, making his way to Ken’s bed where he put
the shirt and his thongs. He immediately put them on, making sure to wear it properly.

He loved how the oversized shirt just went past his ass cheeks and how his thongs hugged his
plump ass perfectly! This would definitely look good in his camera. Feeling all giddy and fuzzy, he
made his way to turn some of the lights off to give his pictures a more sensual feel to it. He looked
at himself in the mirror one more time before deciding to sit on the floor, arching his back to make
his ass more prominent. Oh how he loved how the thongs looked so sexy on him right now! The
laces were just the right amount to cover his soft, silky skin.

He took even more pictures with different poses from sitting on the floor to bending over the bed.
He loved each and every one of them! He thought as he swiped through his phone to admire his
photos. He turned on the lights and decided that he was done with the photoshoot part of his
pamper night. He was about to turn the music off when he heard the clicking of the doorknob
which indicated that Ken was home. As if on cue,

“ Love? I’m home.”

“Shit, I-” he murmured. He immediately went up and cleaned his things. Taking his towels and
camera lenses out of Ken's bed.

“W-Wait! Don’t go...” He panicked, not sure how he would get these things out of Ken's sight.

"Here.." He trailed off.

But he was too late. There he saw Ken leaning on the doorframe looking at him with this look that
he couldn’t read. Is he mad? Turned on? Disappointed?

“What a view.” Ken smirked. Looking up and down at his stressed lover who's holding some
clothes, his towel, and camera lenses. He quickly noticed the familiar t-shirt that hugged his lover.

“I-, No, I’m just trying on the new lingerie I bought.” Justin felt his cheeks flushed as he tried to
cover himself by dragging the oversized shirt down which made no sense as it only goes past his
ass cheeks.
“Oh, no hun, keep them on.” Ken smirk grew as he thought of an idea. The hands that were
placed in his pockets earlier immediately went on his waist, with arms crossed he thinks where he
put it.

“W-What?” Justin couldn't help but be confused. Is Ken being serious right now? He should be
mad right?

“On second thought, I think I know the exact accessory that’ll suit you.” Ken clicked his tongue
as he makes his way under his bed.

Ken suddenly pulled a black box under his bed and opened it. There, Justin saw what Ken was
talking about.

“How come I never knew you had these?” Justin looked up at Ken who was standing right in front
of him, fumbling through the leather collar.

“Uh, you never asked me?” Ken chuckles.

“To be fair, I didn’t know that you’re into these things too..” Ken’s words lingered for a minute
as he tugged on the waistband on Justin’s thongs. A slap from the waistband was heard. He
couldn’t help but to grip the latter’s plump butt which made Justin let out a yelp.

“There, it fits you perfectly.” Ken said, wrapping the thick black collar with its chains dangling
down around Justin’s neck.

He couldn't help but stare a little longer at his lover. He looks so filthy good right now, like a
perfect meal to be feasted on.

“You look like a good obedient kitty.”

“I-I wanna be your kitty..”

“Alright, won't you be my good kitten, then?”

“Y-Yes, I will, Sir,”

“That’s my good kitten.”

“Now, will you please lay down for me? I have to get your toys, babydoll. Let’s have some

“Yes, Sir.”

"Right there, perfect." Ken said as soon as he was satisfied with the knot on both of Justin’s
hands. He made sure to tie it perfectly and not too tight for Justin’s liking.

"Do you fancy anything, love?" Ken asked and displayed an array of sex toys. From butt plugs to
dildos, vibrators, and even mouth gag. Everything you can think of, Ken has it. Is he that clueless
that he didn't know Ken has this collection?

"I.. honestly don't know, it's up to you."

"Alright baby, relax. I will do you good." Ken whispered just below his earlobe. He shivered at
Ken's hot breath fanning his ears.

"Please.." Justin pleaded.

"Oh, kitten's needy." Ken smirked and turned his back at his lover.

"Hngg." Justin mewled at the feeling of his growing erection against the fabric of his garment.

"You're having fun there without me, kitten?" Ken teased as he starts to get himself undressed by
the view of his lover struggling to keep his composure, laying on the bed with his eyes closed,
hands tied, and a wet patch on his thongs, probably from his precum.
"N-No, Sir!" Justin sobs. Not wanting to make any wrong move that'll prevent himself from getting
the orgasm that he's been wanting. God, he wants to be fucked so hard! Why's Ken taking so long?!

"You know, I can sense that you're growing impatient. And I kinda like it." Ken chuckles which
made Justin groan. I knew it, he was doing it on purpose!

"Sir, please, I can't take it any longer.." Justin squirmed, tugging on the ropes that'll surely leave a
bruise on his wrists but he was too horny to care.

Ken swiftly made his way on top of his lover, his already hard dick touching the younger's clothed

"Have you prepped, love? Or do you–"

"Yes! Yes! Please, Dick, Inside–"

"Shh, be patient." Ken whispered, trailing soft kisses down his lover's chest.

“You don’t want to be punished, don’t you?” Ken smirks, tugging the collar on his lover’s neck to
pull him closer to his kisses.

“N-No, Sir..” Justin grunts in between Ken’s kisses. They both make out for a moment, with Ken’s
tight grasp still on Justin’s collar.

“I knew this would look good on you..”

Justin could only respond with a moan.

“It perfectly matched your thongs, bun.”

They let go of each other's lips as Ken trailed his kisses down his lover's neck.

"Oh god." Justin moaned as soon as Ken licked his hard, sensitive nub while flicking the other one
with his fingers.

He was so immersed with how Ken lapped and sucked both of his nipples that he somehow didn't
notice how Ken reached the vibrator, carefully turning it on.

"Let me try it on you, bun." Ken said as if he's asking for consent while Justin eagerly responded
with a nod.

With that signal, Ken reached in for Justin's clothed dick. He admired his lingerie of choice. The
lace patterns made it even more beautiful, it complimented Justin perfectly.

He was about to clasp his fingers on Justin's thin lingerie to put it aside so he can get a better view
of his lover's dick when Justin mumbled something.

“Uh, I, Panties..”

“I thought, you wanted to feel sexy, bun?”

“Yeah, I do. But don’t you want to take it off so you could fuck me better?”

“Oh no, baby, I’d rather fuck you with this on. So sexy.”

"Please do, Sir."

Ken couldn't help it anymore and gave Justin's ass cheek a slap like how he was fantasizing about
earlier. It elicited a moan from his lover, which he gladly takes as a compliment.

He then tightly gripped on the vibrator carefully running it through his lover's shaft. He lowered
this lover's lingerie just a bit so he could properly pleasure him. His hands clung onto it's shaft
pumping it up and down while the vibrator rests on its head, overstimulating it's slit which gushed
out even more of the younger's pre cum.

"Hm, Yes–Yes, please, oh god, don't stop," Justin breathed out, heavy moans started to fill the

"Louder, kitten. Let me hear you."

After a few more pumps, he knew Justin was about to cum. He eventually let the vibrator go and
grabbed Justin closer by his waist. He went on his knees and lined himself up on Justin's entrance
making sure to smother his precum all over the latter's puckered hole.

"J-Just put it in please.." Justin begged, wrapping his legs on Ken's waist, pulling him closer than
ever. With that, Ken slammed his dick inside which made the younger scream in pleasure. The
moment his lover's dick filled him up, he had his toes curled up as he tries so hard not to arched his
back. It didn't help that Ken was testing him, he felt him grab his legs closer before slamming up
into him in one, quick, harsh thrust.

"F-Fuck.." Justin couldn't take it any longer and arched his back which made Ken's dick dug in
even more deeper inside his ass.

“Ugh, so good, so tight, my favorite Kitten.” Ken softly murmured those words while thrusting in
and out of Justin, not minding the thin fabric keeping in contact with his dick with each thrust.

"S-Sir, close.. I'm–" Justin dragged the words along his mouth, grinding even more on the older's
dick, meeting halfway on each thrust.

"Go on baby, paint this beautiful lingerie of yours with your cum."

And with that, Ken quickly fastened his pace with each thrust getting deeper and deeper and with
one last thrust that reached Justin's sweet spot, they finally let everything go. As pleasure washed
over them, they made sure to feel the ecstasy at that moment.

With Ken spilling it all out inside Justin's hole, he made sure to pump his lover's cock a few more
times, milking it all out. It made Justin squirm and shiver under his touch with little moans and
As soon as they regained their strengths, Ken decided to clean both of them.

"Stay here. I'll get the towels."

Justin could only nod in response, as he was still slightly panting from what happened earlier. He
shortly felt Ken wiping the sweat and cum off his chest, stomach, and thighs. He sighed in
satisfaction. How could he ever get mad at him? He's so stupid!

"What's wrong?" Ken stopped and asked as soon as he saw Justin staring straight at the empty

“Awhile ago, while we were fucking, you said I’m your favorite Kitten..” Justin mumbles.

“Hm, yeah?” Ken looked at him, confused as ever.

“I.. Is it true?” Ken was met by Justin's puppy eyes. Oh god, he's the cutest!

“Of course baby, what do you mean?” Ken lightly chuckles, trying to break the small tension.

“Hmp, Kuro and Saoirse.” Justin let out a puff and as soon as Ken heard his lover he exactly knew
the reason.

“Oh, my big baby! You’re always my favorite. I love you. I’ll make it up to you alright? I’m
sorry.” He smothered him with kisses all over his face and embraced him with a hug. Making sure
to pat Justin's hair the way he likes it.

“Oh yeah, you’ll make it up to me?” Justin let out a smirk.

“Yes, baby.” Ken said with certainty.

“Let me top you then.”


End Notes

at kung umabot ka dito, isa lang ang ibig sabihin non. Congrats! nakarating ka na sa dulo
nang destinasyon mo, salamat sa pagbabasa at sa suporta. Sana’y nagustuhan mo.
Hanggang sa muli. <3

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