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- Centiosome
-ellul0SC Cel walt
nuclt us
.cronatin threads
nucleus To Study The Stages of Hitosis EXpesiment1
- nucleolus
duplicaled centiiolcS
moving apart
chromatids It is the resting phase
aster A.ERRLY Cenuor
-centromere 2.PROPHASE
Chiomahids centioles start moving apart ànd eacn opposikt poleS and dhiornosomes bemrne
nucltär me¬mbiane Chromosomes duplicakt as the sister chømtids at
paired chromatids and
B. LATE nuclear nembtane
-asttr PAOPHASE disappears attached to eachother at a small central region called the centtomese.
spindle Spindle ftbes appear betwen the daughter certuidles forming the achomalic
-spindle ibres ibres spindle ànd the nuceng membrane and the nuclealus disappear

C.HETAPHASG chromSomes
lie along the 3. HETAPHASE:
lie along thc
equatorial Each chromosome qts attached to the spindle by its centromere
quarotial plare of the
plare of the
Spindle Chomosomes line up_ in one plang at the eauator.


sishtr dhomatids tuo sskr
Speraht and itut p AUAPHBSC chrornatids
Stperate and mov
the centromere ataching the tuoo coroutids split and the
Opposit polec touoatds oppositt chiomatide of each hsomosome seperakes and are dralan fouwards 0pposlt
d u e to tontiac on
oSpindltfbre) poles (dueto poles by shortening of spindle ffbres
(onttachion of spind
Hidres) a furrow starts in the cell membrane t the middle in the animal
turiDu in
cytoplasin E LATE cl. In the plant cell , cell plakt formation beqns.
daug ttr
Ciromatid 5 TELOPHASE
SEts chromosomes reach oppositt poles and the spindle
UDD of daughter
FTELDPHAsf Htbres disappear
chromatids thin out toform chomatin fbres and the nucdear membrane
begins and nucleolus reappear.
Cieavagt {usow depens in he animal cell.
6CIeavage furoo deepens totally-Seperates lto uoo neuw daughttr cells

TStudy Tht Structure of ANEurOn Experiment
The three main parks of a neuon at the cel body. dendrts and axon.
THE CELLBoOY (pevikaryon or duton)
econtains a well defined nudeus Surrounded by aanular (yhoplasm.
dendrites has all the cell organelles like other ces eXcept the centrosome is absent
because they tannot divide.
>nissl granules
perikayon (cuon these are branched cyfoplasmic projections o the cel ody Theu Condud
axon nerve impulses fo the tyon of e body.

- nutleus
neurilernna tis a long pocess from ihe cell body
nodes of Ranvier the axon.ih rmost neuíons is sutounded by a ahit insulaing
shtath caled the muelin sheath or the medullary sheath
myelin sheath the muelfn 3heath is covered by an ouktmmost thin 3htath called
Deurdlemma or neurilemma
the muein sheath has gapa in bethween it called the Nodes of
axon endings
Sume axOnS have SidE brandhes caled collathtrals
The end porion of the axons haue Suwolen ends like bulbs which
contain chemicals talled neurotransmiHers-
Axon ferminals are closely packed near the dendoitts of another one
but are not (onnecttd. These 9aps n betueen are talled
synaptic clefks.
ToStudy The lotcrnal Stuctuse of lhe Human Brain Experiment 3
The bualn is a very delkat ofgan wel protCka by tne buain box OT Clantum.
tIs puoktctd by 3 membranous (ovetines called rneninges:
1.Dura mater -the ourtimost tough fbrous layer
a. arachnod membrane -
thin delícate middle layer
3. pia matfer - innermost hiqhly vastular layer.
The space betueen the
the covering membíanes is filled oith
Cerebrospinal fuid.
frontal lobe The brain has three parks
of cerebral parietal lobG of .Cerebtun: t s the 1áKaest part of the braia divided inio huo
Cerebral COrttx cerebral hemispherest Ave has an outer (ottex and an inmer medulla.
ouipital lobe The outtr posion cortains cell bodies caled 4he
of cèrebral cortex mattr and the Inner potion tontins MAnmy aXons (alled uoittmakt
Callosum pineal qland COKpus callosum is a sheet of fbres tonnecting the
thalamus two ceebral hemispheres. t tansfers information fom one herntsphere o
Hhe other, He cerebrum is the seat of inteliqence rmemory et.
Cerebellum CeiebelluM: Itis the smaler part o the tuan lotated at the
hypoth alamus
base of the cerebrum. Hs main funchion is to maintaia balante
pituatary gland- o fhe body and coordimtt musde activity.
Medula olon gata 3:medulla_oblongatài i t controls the activities of intinal
organs. eq: peristalic movement of the alimentaru Canal ,moverment
obxeathing beatinq the heat and other invotuntay 2ctions.
the brain has thuee pumary eqiong
Focebrain tonsisks f the ceiebrum And diancephalon.
the diantephalon consists of the thalamus (reraus pain and
pressure impulses) and hypothalamus (regulats body tmpesature).
2:HEdbraiN: 3 small tubular part.
Hindbrain consisks of the terebeltum pons and the
medulla oblongata.
pons carru impulse fom ont hermispheve of the cerebelunm tothe
To Study The Structure of The Human Eue Expeximent4
The wall of the eyeball is tormposed o threE Concenttic lauers
The sde.otic layer lb is the outermost tough tauer made un
Of tough fibrous tiseSues and 13 whte in Colour.
f the cornea (bulged thanspaient pat of the sclerotic lauer) betomes
opaque becomes non-funcktonal and tan be teplaced by a

donated Cornea.
2. The Choxok laue it is tichly 3upphed with blood vessels for
providiog nourishment fo Ahe eye
igament H Contains 2 dash blach piqmet called melanin nhich prevends lgtt
Tetina Tays fiom reflectng and scattring in theeye
yellow spot n Ane Ront of the eye ths layer expands to form the uiliarus body
Conjunctiva (fovea)
pupil whose smooth muscles aller the shape of fhe lens.
0ptic nerve
lens blind Theis i also an extnsion of the dhoroid partatlu Covering Hhe lens
IiS and aving a urcular opening in the uiddle the pupil.
queous 3: he Rektna: t is the inneumost layer and is s.nsitive to liatt
humour contains tuo types of sense cells:
ciLular ciliary N (a) Rods -sthey are sensifive o dim Iight burt dd not respond to
vitreous humour olDur
sclera Covtains the piamet hodopsin o visual Pusple and are
horoid distributed almost thoughout the (etina
) Cones- Sensitive
to bright (iaht. and are responstble for colou VISlon.
Cortains the pigment lodopsin and ae tonfined malny
Ho the yEllo spot [area of best uision)
blind 3pot-he aieRa of_no vislon
The ye ontalns funo chambers- the vhreous chamber and the
aqueous harnber:
Vitreous dhamber- cortains vitteous humour and helps n keeping fhe shape
of the eyeball.
30ueous dhamber - tontains aqueous humour and keeps ihe ens moist
(3 and refracts lignt (q
ToStudy thestructuse of he ear Expesiment 5
he ear has three main divisions:
Inner ear: The inner ar or the membranous labyrith has tuo main
veStibular porfion parts cochlea: spiral ahaped and h2s tuo and a haf turns
canais of Ahe auditoru
inner winding cavity is divided. into three
parale) canals
anvit nerve
The vestibular canal (1) ontaining perilumph.
hammer *
The median canal (2) Containing endolumph his reqion
sensoru cells and an Orqan of Corti tor heaing. The sensony cells
portion 0f lieon the basilar membrane
the auditdru The tyrmpanal canal (3) ontaining perilymphn.
netve 6 semicircular canals: ThTee semiclcular canals are
arfanqed at riqht angles to eachother.
The short stem joining the bases of the Stmisirulat tanals
ana to the cochlea shows two partsthe utriculus and the
COch lea
2 middle ear : The middle ear consishs of three tiny bones
SOund malleus inus and 3tapes also knoun as hammer , 3nvil and
ar drum Stirrup, colLeckively known as ear ossidles.
stirrup here is a ustachian tube which connects the kavity ot the
middle ar with ihe thoat.
eustachian he flat part of the sicup fts into the oval window ,2
. membranR COvered openinq ltadinq to the inner ear
A Seond opening,the round window is also covered by
a thin membrane C0nnects the middle and the inner ear.
The Ouktr ear: consists of the pro jecking part th piona
AISo Consists of the passage leading 0 he ear drum the
audttory Canal
Tostudy Hhe Strutture of Different Types of Blood Experinent6
RED BUooD CELLS (RBC) RedBlood Cells: (ReC) struchures
minuk biconcave disc-tike
in the centre and thich and (ounded at he perighery.
one Ae8C tat
micron in diameker.
very small about 7

CONCavities are present on either side.
chemi cal constituent is haemoqlobin.
does not contain nucleus mitothbndria
or endoplasmic setiailum.
2. NHITE BLOOD CELLS (WBC): Whlt Blood Cells (uBc)
have a nudleuS
do not Contaia haemogloba
(R amoeboid in shape
has pseudopodia t with wihtch i can squeeze thwugh the
walls of tht capillaries into the tissues
NEUTROPHIL EOSINOPHIL BASOPHIL Can ether tontain qranules 0 not.
Ns hudeus Can ether be constricded ito lobes or be a

single large nuceus.

3 Plakelets minuk oval or round Strucures
non -nuxleated
LVMPHOCYTnt Rach of he blood plaelek are Surounded with a membrane


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