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Official FAQ / Known Issues List

v. 1.0 (April 2021)

General Rules Questions

My Character traveled to Location A. Then, another Character already in Location A starts to Explore. Am I allowed to join them?
Doesn’t it count as taking two Actions in a row?
You can! By default, players should take turns making their Actions, but joining someone else’s Action does not count against this limit.

I have a list of choices in the Exploration Journal. Am I allowed to read the cost and the result of each of them before I make a choice?
Yes, as long as the results are in the same Verse! Any results that were intended to be secret are hidden behind redirections to other
Verses or the Book of Secrets.

Help! I drew an Event card that doesn’t seem to make sense story-wise.
Please return to recently revealed Event cards and re-read them. Event cards often ask you to put some additional Random Events
and Special Events on top of the deck – overlooking this might result in drawing a card you shouldn’t draw at this point in the game.

Can I run out of Event cards in the deck if I play one Chapter long enough?
No. When properly maintained, the Event deck will keep adding new events indefinitely, until you finish the Chapter.

Can I move more than one Location away as one Action?

Default Travel Action moves a Character only one Location away, in a straight line. However, players may agree to let a Character
have two such Actions in a row – for example if they want this Character to join them before they all Explore. The “one Action at
a time” rule is only meant to manage the downtime. It should never prevent you from strategizing or cooperating with your team.

My Party reached a Journal choice or redirection that says: “If you’re Ailei…” Are we allowed to proceed even if Ailei is one of several
Party members?
Yes! As mentioned in the “How to Use the Exploration Journal,” it is always enough for one Party member to meet the requirements
in order to unlock the choice for the entire Party. This also applies to Character-specific choices.

My Party reached a Journal entry that says “Gain 1 Wealth”. Do we all get one? If not, who gets it?
As explained in “How to Use Exploration Journal” section, the Party receives 1 point of Wealth and has to assign it to one Party
member. All scalable rewards use the “each Party member gains” wording instead. Please keep in mind that many rewards are static
and need to be shared – after all, an amount of gold in a chest won’t multiply just because more Characters dug the chest out. There
are also rare static penalties that need to be assigned to chosen Characters.

If Party members can’t agree on who receives the reward or the penalty, the Chronicler makes the final call. If there’s no Chronicler,
the Character with the lowest character number decides instead.

Remember that in Tainted Grail you lose or win together! We encourage players to discuss and find solutions that would maximize
their chances as a team.

My Party reached a journal entry that said: “Move to the lowest-numbered connected Location.” Do we all move, or does only one
Character move?
Parties cannot split mid-exploration unless explicitly stated in the Journal. Each effect that moves Characters moves the entire Party.
The same goes for effects that result in passing the whole day.

When exactly am I allowed to change the Armor, relics, and weapons I’m using?
As outlined in the “Items” and “Playing the Game” sections of the Rulebook, players equip their Characters at the Start of the Day
and are only allowed to change their active Items when they acquire a new Item or lose a part of their equipment.

The purpose of this rule is to avoid players changing or micro-managing their entire equipment several times a day, with specific
Encounters in mind – after all, when a hill troll jumps out at you, it’s too late to change out of your diplomat’s robe into something
more sturdy!

What if I run out of Menhir models, tokens or markers?

Running out of Menhirs is impossible, as only three Menhirs may stay active on any given moment. If you decide of activate a fourth
Menhir, you need to take it from another Location of your choice.

Tokens and markers should never run out in a standard game. However, in the extremely unlikely event they do, you are free to use
any temporary replacement pieces (such as dice or wooden cubes) until some of the components are freed.
If a card asks me to lose some Resources, can I still play the card if I have less than the indicated number of Resources?
Yes. Loss effects always trigger, even if you have nothing more to lose. For example, if you have 0 Reputation, you can trigger effects
that cause you to “Lose 1 Rep” (but you can’t trigger the effects that require you to “Pay 1 Rep”).

If you lose a point in an Attribute, do you have to lose the skill card attached to this Attribute first?
Yes. As mentioned In the “Buying Skills” section of the Rulebook (page 12), each Skill card also represents a point of the Attribute. If
your Aggression is 3 (two markers in Aggression slots + a skill card with third Aggression point) and you lose a point of Aggression,
you need to remove this skill card.

I have two cards or effects that are resolved exactly at the same time. In which order should I resolve them?
When two effects trigger exactly at the same moment (for example: at the start of a phase, or at the end of an Encounter), player may
choose the order in which to resolve them. If they are mutually exclusive (for example: Burial Mask Item and the Full Moon Random
Event), player may choose which one to resolve.

A Journal Verse I was reading ended without ‘Exploration ends’. Should I end exploration?
Yes. If you find there’s nothing more you can do in the Verse, end your Exploration.

Fall of Avalon Questions

When does the Fore-dweller Hunter (Secret Card 13) move, specifically?
It moves together with Guardians, in step 6 of the Start of the Day stage.

Age of Legends, Last Knight Questions

In which order should I play those two campaigns?
You may play all campaigns (including Fall of Avalon) in any order – everything will work just fine. However, the order recommended
for the best experience is Fall of Avalon, Last Knight, and then Age of Legends. If you have the Red Death expansion, you may play it
right after finishing any of these campaigns.

Last Knight: What happens when I restore Health from a source other than Rest, and there is an Exposure marker blocking my max-
imum Health?
Unfortunately, you can’t gain any more Health – you are freezing, and simple healing or rest won’t help you until you warm up your
body in settlements or using other means, such as the powerful Fiery Brew.

Last Knight: How does Mabd’s ability (Stories Await) work in a Party?
Only Mabd Travels/Explores for free (also ignoring all rules changing the cost of travel, such as Heavy Rainfall). So, if there are 3
Characters (including Mabd) in a Party, the Travel/Exploration cost would be 2 Energy.

Monsters of Avalon: Past and Future Questions

Some of the cards from the stretch goals campaigns are different from their Guardian versions from Monsters of Avalon: Past and
the future. Is it intended?
Guardian versions of the cards were tested and balanced independently, and that’s why they may differ from their base game
counterparts. They may have different Difficulty, Values, Combat/Diplomacy tables, or even colors (meaning they go to a different
Encounter deck).

This was done to keep the difficulty of the game with and without this pack similar, and to ensure proper Guardian distribution
throughout all difficulty levels and decks.

What exactly should I do in order to use cards included in Monsters of Avalon: Past and the future expansion?
You should find and remove ALL cards from Stretch Goal campaigns that have the same name as cards in the Monsters of Avalon
expansion. The full list of these card names and more information can be found in the Setup part of the Last Knight and Age of
Legends Exploration Journals.

Then, you should add all cards from the expansion to the corresponding decks. Note that some of these cards will go to different
decks and may have a different number of copies (such as Pale Lady card from the Age of Legends campaign).
Combat and Diplomacy Questions
Some diplomacy Encounters cause you to lose Wealth or Energy on Response (for example, “Temptations”). What happens if I run out?
If an Encounter has any unusual win or lose conditions, they are defined on the card. “Temptations” have no special end condition,
therefore Characters in this Encounter will keep losing 1 Energy and 1 Wealth with each Response until they win, decide to Escape,
or someone runs out of Diplomacy cards.

Please keep in mind that “loss” can always trigger, even if you don’t have enough Resources. For example, if you have 1 Energy, “lose
3 Energy” will simply put you at 0 Energy.

I’m playing Ailei’s “Empowering Brew” Combat card. Can I spend more Charges to multiply the bonus Keys by 4, 8, or even 16?
No. This effect only doubles the bonuses printed on the card. Using it more than once per card would have no additional effect.

Do you resolve “on placement” abilities before or after resolving the Key bonuses?
After. The card becomes a part of the sequence only after you join its keys, so they need to go first.

If multiple items and card abilities apply at the same moment, is there a specific order to resolve the effects? For example: the Enemy
deals 2 damage. I have the Improvised Armor item (-1 , but can’t reduce to 0) and the Battle Cry card (-1 ) in play. Can I first
use the armor to reduce the damage to 1 and then use Battle Cry to negate the last point of damage?
If any effects trigger precisely in the same moment (like two damage prevention effects kicking in at the same time), players are free
to choose any order – usually the one that would benefit them most. In this case, you can indeed reduce to 0.

Other Questions
I have another question, not mentioned here, please help!
We will be expanding this FAQ in the future, and we encourage you to send any questions to In the
meantime, please allow your Chronicler to settle other disputes. The Chronicler’s responsibility should always be to moderate the
game in a way that makes for the most exciting, fair campaign for everyone involved.

There is also a Community-run FAQ maintained on the Board Game Geek’s Tainted Grail forum. Though unofficial, it may help you
with some other questions.

Gameplay Balance
This section contains balancing fixes and suggestions you may apply to make the game more fair.

Item Cards:
• Third Eye – discard this Item after use.

• Story Mode – If you decide to play the Story Mode, regardless of the number of players, use standard markers in the track,
instead of the T-shaped limiter. Your does not limit your , and you never Panic in Encounters.
Fall of Avalon - Known Issues
• Page 19 – The “clear activations” step is missing from phase III of the Diplomacy overview. It should read:
Clear activations: Remove all Time Tokens from the Character Trays. This does not affect any Time Tokens left on the Combat

Exploration Journal and Book of Secrets

Please note that the following amendments contain spoilers. We suggest not to read them in full until you reach the amended Verse,
especially since you may never see these Verses in your playthrough.
To easily remember that these Verses have an errata, you may mark them in your Exploration Journal before starting the campaign.
• Location 112, Verse 3 – the correct ranges for this table are: 0-1, 2, 3-4, 5+.
• Location 126, Verse 3 – there should be a fourth option available “Leave – Exploration Ends.”
• Location 136, Verse 4 – the narrative section in this Verse was accidentally doubled. Ignore the first narrative paragraph.
• Location 140, Verse 1 – the narrative section in this Verse comes from another Verse and should be ignored. Verse 1 shouldn’t contain any narrative.
• Location 140, Verse 11 – the second paragraph starting with “CONGRATULATIONS!” was accidentally doubled and should be ignored.
• Location 142, Verse 5 – Party members should only gain the Exp and Food reward if they didn’t already have statuses granted by this Verse.
• Location 153, Verse 2 – the correct ranges for this table are: 1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8+.
• Location 190, Verse 17 – the part of this Verse that asks you to discard a Secret card is an error and should be ignored. The verse should not
remove this Secret card from players!
• Book of Secrets, Verse 174 – the second narrative Section in this Verse should read:
The Fore-dwellers have been gone from Avalon for six hundred years! The fact that one of them appeared here is the worst
omen you could have possibly imagined.

• Book of Secrets, Verse 520 – the second choice in this Verse should read:
Change your mind and attempt to draw the sword – pick a Character who will attempt this and place a Quest token on their
Character Tray to mark your choice. Go to Verse 508.

• Book of Secrets, Verse 643 – “Secret E (316)” should instead read: “Verse 316”, and “Secret A (521)” should instead read: “Verse 521.”

• Story Event, Chapter 7, Part 1:
The first of three ways of completing this Quest should read: “Help to restore the Round Table and gain the “Crest of the Order” secret.”
The Success line should read: “as soon as you gain Secret card 19 or 51, go to Verse 490 in the Book of Secrets.”
Last Knight, Age of Legends - Known Issues

Exploration Journal & Book of Secrets

To easily remember that these Verses have an official errata, you may mark them in your Exploration Journal before starting the
• Last Knight, Location 213, Verse 10 – the ‘It does not have the Runs Trait’ should read: ‘It does not have the Rush Trait.’
• Last Knight, Location 241, Verse 1 – ‘move all Party members to Location 241’ should read: ‘move all Party members to Location 235.’
• Last Knight, Location 261, Verse 1 – ‘move all Party members to Location 261’ should read: ‘move all Party members to Location 235.’
• Last Knight, Location 267, Verse 9 – the third option from the top (Take the weapon) should read: ‘gain 1“Weapon”Item. Then, make
another, different choice.’
• Last Knight, Book of Secrets, Verse 76 – contrary to the Journal text, Secret card 42 does not contain a “Global” keyword. However, its text
applies to all Characters in the game.
• Last Knight, Book of Secrets, Verse 411 – The following text should be added to the top of this Verse: “You can use Secret cards 57, 63, 89,
and 98 even if they will exceed your Companion Item limit.”
• Last Knight, Book of Secrets, Verse 711 – the first option (Study arcane knowledge) should end with ‘Then, make another, different choice.’
• Last Knight, Book of Secrets, Verse 820 – the rules part of this Verse should read: Discard Secret card 59. Go to Verse 628.
• Age of Legends, Location 338, Verse 20 – the third option (Visit the buried archive) redirects to a wrong Verse. It should read ‘go to Verse 21.’
• Age of Legends, Location 358, Verse 5 – the “Mark of Treachery” Secret card number given by this Verse is wrong. The correct number is 36.
• Age of Legends, Book of Secrets, Verse 416 – this Verse grants the wrong part of the ‘Adversaries’ status. Instead of part 6, it should grant
part 2.
• Age of Legends, Book of Secrets, Verse 722 – when moving all Characters from Location 357 to Location 358 at the end of this Verse, you
should also move all markers present on Location 357.
• Age of Legends, Book of Secrets, Verse 576 – the line to ‘Discard all Location cards’ is a mistake and should not be resolved. After you
resolve this Verse, your Characters should still be in the “Mirror Lake” Location (358).

Age of Legends Save Sheet

The ‘Long Campaign’ status should have empty checkboxes instead of numbered ones.
Additionally, some numbered status parts listed on the Age of Legends Save Sheet are no longer used in the final version of the Age
of Legends Exploration Journal. It does not affect gameplay in any way. They were kept to avoid renumbering other status parts in
the final stage of development.
It is possible to gain the ‘Astounding Discoveries’ and ‘Astounding Reports’ part 9 statuses. If you do, please add them manually to
your Save Sheet.

• Dearg Due Encounter:

The ‘Incorporeal’ trait does not exist; it should read ‘Ethereal.’

Red Death - Known Issues

Exploration Journal & Book of Secrets

To easily remember that these Verses have an official errata, you may mark them in your Exploration Journal before starting the
• Location 405, Verse 1 – the ‘If there are no Time Tokens on this Location’ text should instead read ‘If there is 1 or less Time Tokens on this
• Location 405, Verse 4 – the correct range for the first option is ‘0-1.’
• Location 451, Verse 5 – the third option (Buy equipment) should not be repeated in the same Exploration – its last sentence should read ‘Then,
make another, different choice.’
• Location 430, Verse 1 – the middle option should be changed to “Admire the views – go to Verse 5”.
• Location 490, Verse 1 – the rules part of this Verse should also progress your event card and read: CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve completed
your Quest! Find and resolve the Chapter 6: Part 3 card. Then, go to Verse 4.
• Book of Secrets, Verse 109 – the correct range of the middle option is ‘1-3.’
• Book of Secrets, Verse 160 – the Old Port card number in this Verse is wrong. It should read ‘Old Port Location (408).’
• Book of Secrets, Verse 222 – “Purge Outfit” Item should read “Purge Suit” Item.
• Book of Secrets, Verse 519 – the last sentence of the Verse mentions ‘Ancient Skills’ – it should refer to the ‘Advanced Skills.’
• The number of Event cards on the component list is wrong – there should be 29 Event cards instead of 33.
• Component List – the list contains a wrong number of the Story Events cards (there are 29 of them).
• Importing your Character – the first point of this procedure should instead read: “Use your Save Sheet from the completed campaign to
restore your Character, their Attributes, and Skills. Restore your Combat deck and Diplomacy deck from the Save compartments. If you have
not saved your Combat and Diplomacy deck, use the Character Creation section to rebuild your Character within the allowed 80 Exp limit for
Attributes, Skills and Deck Advancements.”

Save Sheet
Some Red Death statuses are missing from the printed Red Death Save Sheet. We looked into this matter, and we released an updated
RD Save Sheet PDF.
If you gain a status (or a status part) that’s not present on your Save Sheet, please print and use the updated Save Sheet or add this
status manually to your current one.
Red Death Save Sheet, December 2020 version:
Additionally, some numbered status parts listed on the Red Death Save Sheet are no longer used in the final version of the Red Death Ex-
ploration Journal. It does not affect gameplay in any way. They were kept to avoid renumbering statuses in the final stages of development.

• Chapter 4 Setup (back)
The card is missing setup information for 2 Characters. The first entry should read ‘1-2 Characters’.
• Location card 480 (Caved-in Sewers)
The Location card references the wrong status (‘Sewer Rat’ instead of the ‘Canal Rat’). It should read ‘unless you have four parts
of the ‘Canal Rat’ status.’
• Location cards 411 and 412
These Location cards are missing the ‘Dream’ seal.
Echoes of the Past - Known Issues

Caolin Achievement Sheet

The fourth Achievement on Caolin’s sheet should read: ”Gain 3 parts of “Reputation: Stiltwood” status – go to Caolin’s Memory 4.”

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