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AMPATUA, Sittie Aisah L.

PED001 Section Tt5.1

Activity 1!

1. Mention Various Components of Exercise Prescription.

Components of Exercise Prescription are Type, Duration, Frequency, Intensity and

Volume. Type refers to exercises that focus on improving either the person’s endurance,
flexibility, strength, or balance. Duration refers to the given time frame an exercise should be
done. Frequency refers to the number of sessions of exercise that should be done in a given time
frame. Intensity refers to the amount of effort the person’s body is exerting while performing an
exercise. The ideal level of intensity your body needs will be determine by the help of your health
goals and current level of fitness. Lastly, Volume refers to the number of repetitions you perform
in one session of an exercise.

2. Physical Activity can help to prevent, treat, and manage a range of Chronic Health
Problems. How and explain such Activity?

Physical Activity refers to activities that involves bodily movement, whereas Exercise is a
subset of Physical Activity. This includes playing, working, doing house chores, and recreational
activities. Basically, performing physical activity regularly strengthens the heart and circulation
of blood. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen level in the body that will help the body
lower its risk of heart diseases. It as well lowers the blood pressure and triglyceride level of the
body. It helps insulin lower the body’s blood sugar level effectively. It helps in controlling you
weight in an orderly manner and boost your energy to start your day wonderfully.

3. How will you screen, assess, and know when is appropriate to prescribe exercise for
the benefit of you families?

I will be prescribing exercise to my family when I had noticed that they are getting sick
often, when I find them experiencing shortness of breath, when they are more irregular than
usual, when I had noticed that the are feeling down a lot, and when they are having trouble in

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