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<td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" align="center">
<h3 class="asubtitle">(and be assured everything still<br />
works when you dig it up)</h3>
<p class="abyline"><em>By Charles Wood</em></p>
<td align="center"></td>
<td class="text3i">Issue #115 • January/February, 2009</td>
<p>Back in the early 1990s the outlook for the nation in general and gun owners in
particular seemed rather grim to many people. A few years earlier in 1986, Congress
had banned civilians from owning newly manufactured machine guns. There was ever
more strident talk of banning semi-automatic weapons or so called assault weapons.
Many of us regarded a semi-automatic rifle as the foundation of a home defense
battery. Many of us believed that more laws banning ever more types of guns were
imminent. About that time I acquired a Ruger Ranch Rifle through a private sale. I
decided to stash it away in a safe place just in case my worst fear was to
materialize, another gun ban.</p>
<table style="width: 270px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
<table class="tcenter" style="width: 250px;" border="0" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td class="text2ic"><img loading="lazy" src="/articles2/images/wood115-1.jpg"
alt="The general location of the pipe after the logging was done. It would have
helped if I had had a better method of locating the pipe." width="250" height="188"
border="0" /><br />
The general location of the pipe after the logging was done. It would have helped
if I had had a better method of locating the pipe.</td>
<p>First order of business was to decide how I would prepare the gun for long-term
storage and where I would store it. I decided that for maximum security I needed to
bury it. This would keep it safe from all but the most determined government goons.
I set about finding an appropriate location. I live in a fairly remote, wooded
rural area in the northeast. One day as I was walking in the woods I noticed a
hemlock tree had blown down and been uprooted by a recent windstorm. There was a
small crater about eight feet across and three feet deep where the root ball had
been torn out of the ground. It occurred to me that this would be a good spot for
my rifle.</p>
<p>Since I now had the location, I began preparing the rifle for storage. I bought
a piece of 6-inch diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe, end caps, and PVC solvent from a
hardware store in another town where I had never done business before. Being in a
rural area where everyone knows everyone I didn&#8217;t want to arouse any
suspicions about what I was up to. I then disassembled the rifle and completely
coated every metal part with a rust preventative oil intended for storing unused
machinery in damp locations. This oil dries to form a waxy coating. I was extra
careful that the bore was completely coated. I wanted to vacuum-pack the rifle as
extra insurance against rust. As it turned out my employer had just taken delivery
of a mainframe computer that happened to be wrapped in a large</p>
<table style="width: 270px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
<table class="tcenter" style="width: 250px;" border="0" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td class="text2ic"><img loading="lazy" src="/articles2/images/wood115-2.jpg"
alt="Here is the top of the pipe uncovered with the noose and winch attached."
width="250" height="188" border="0" /><br />
Here is the top of the pipe uncovered with the noose and winch attached.</td>
<p>aluminized mylar bag for shipping. This proved to be the perfect material for my
purpose. I discovered that with a warm iron I could fuse the edges of this material
into a custom-fitted airtight bag for the rifle. I placed each individual component
of the partially disassembled rifle in its own custom-made mylar bag with a small
bag of silica gel desiccant to absorb any moisture present. Using my shop vac and
an iron I managed to produce a professional-looking vacuum-packing job. The
barreled action, stock, trigger assembly, hand guard, magazines, scope, and mounts
all went into individual bags.</p>
<p>Since the rifle was so heavily preserved I knew I would need something to
degrease it with when I finally retrieved it so I included two small cans of 1-1-1
Trichlorethane in the package. Also, since a rifle is of little use without
ammunition, several thousand rounds of .223 were included. Because every well-
maintained rifle needs to be cleaned and oiled occasionally, I added a cleaning
rod, patches, Hoppe&#8217;s #9 solvent, gun oil, grease, and owner&#8217;s manual.
A set of reloading dies was included as well. If dire circumstances required me to
retrieve my rifle I wanted to be sure that I would have everything at hand
necessary to put it into service. All of the individually wrapped components were
sealed together into a larger mylar bag custom-made for the purpose along with a
couple more medium-sized bags of desiccant. A few bags of ammo were taped to the
side of this bag and the entire thing was wrapped in duct tape. Additional ammo was
packed into zip lock freezer bags.</p>
<table style="width: 270px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
<table class="tcenter" style="width: 250px;" border="0" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td class="text2ic"><img loading="lazy" src="/articles2/images/wood115-3.jpg"
alt="The pipe was carefully sawn open to reveal that it remained watertight after
15 years underground." width="250" height="188" border="0" /><br />
The pipe was carefully sawn open to reveal that it remained watertight after 15
years underground.</td>
<p>With everything prepared I was ready to load the pipe. I first put in a large
bag of desiccant followed by several bags of ammo, followed by the bag containing
the rifle and supplies. Since there was some empty space surrounding the rifle, I
dumped in some loose ammo just to fill the voids. More bags of ammo were then added
to fill the pipe. Since I had a tank of nitrogen available, I also purged the air
from the tube with the nitrogen before sealing it. This was undoubtedly overkill
but I had it available so I used it. I took extreme care while using the PVC
solvent to insure that the caps were perfectly sealed and watertight. Finally, I
painted the pipe black, and at this point, 15 years later, I&#8217;m not sure
<p>I loaded the sealed pipe in the back of my truck and drove up into the woods to
the downed hemlock tree previously selected. With a post hole digger I dug a hole
about six feet deep and a foot in diameter in the center of the crater left by the
root ball of the tree. After gently placing the pipe in the hole, I carefully
pulled the tree upright using a chain attached to my truck. By this time the tree
had died and most of the needles had fallen off. Once returned to vertical it was
pretty stable and a little dirt and debris shoveled around the edges did the trick.
In any healthy, well-managed forest there are always a few standing dead trees, so
this one would not arouse the curiosity of anyone who hunted or hiked there.</p>
<table style="width: 270px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
<table class="tcenter" style="width: 250px;" border="0" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td class="text2ic"><img loading="lazy" src="/articles2/images/wood115-4.jpg"
alt="The contents of the pipe, still in the protective wrapping." width="250"
height="188" border="0" /><br />
The contents of the pipe, still in the protective wrapping.</td>
<p>I never told anyone what I had done and I didn&#8217;t write down the location
anywhere. About five or six years later I had a timber harvest. I had my consulting
forester mark the tree as a wildlife tree so it wouldn&#8217;t be disturbed by the
loggers. It was, after all, popular with the Pileated Woodpeckers. It has been 15
years since I buried the rifle and I have recently had another timber harvest. The
tree was quite rotted by this time and it didn&#8217;t survive the harvest. I had
been keeping an eye on it, so when it finally fell I marked a nearby tree so I
could find it again after the loggers left. Even careful logging causes quite an
upheaval in the forest and it can be difficult to locate a specific spot after all
the landmarks have been changed. After the logging crew had left it took me several
days with a shovel and a rake to locate the rifle. In hindsight, I should have had
some additional way of locating it. Since the top of the pipe was about three feet
below ground level, my old metal detector wasn&#8217;t much help. I decided that it
would be interesting to retrieve the rifle and see how well my storage plan had
<p>I managed to locate the very rotted stump beneath the logging debris and started
digging. Once I located the top of the pipe I excavated around it about a foot on
all sides and to a depth of about a foot below the top of the pipe. I attached a
noose of polypropylene rope and used the winch on my truck and a convenient log to
slowly pull the pipe out of the ground. After all these years the soil was still
very loose around the pipe and it was relatively easy to pull it out. I could have
accomplished it without the winch had it been necessary. After removing the pipe, I
filled the hole with logging debris and covered it
up with some loose hemlock boughs to prevent someone from falling into it.</p>
<table style="width: 270px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
<table class="tcenter" style="width: 250px;" border="0" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td class="text2ic"><img loading="lazy" src="/articles2/images/wood115-5.jpg"
alt="All components were individually wrapped and sealed. The contents show no
adverse affects after spending 15 years underground." width="250" height="188"
border="0" /><br />
All components were individually wrapped and sealed. The contents show no adverse
affects after spending 15 years underground.</td>
<p>Back at the house I hosed off the mud and prepared to saw the pipe open. Using a
handsaw, I very carefully cut completely around one of the caps. I didn&#8217;t
want to damage the contents by being too enthusiastic.</p>
<p>With the cap removed it was immediately obvious that no moisture had gotten into
the pipe. I carefully slid the contents out on to a table for examination. After
unwrapping the duct tape and removing the outer bag, it was obvious that all was
OK. All of the individual packages were unwrapped to reveal the contents were as
good as the day they were packaged.</p>
<p>So if you think it is necessary, you can store a rifle safely for long periods
in harsh environments. A little attention to detail, some scrounged materials, and
a few dollars in supplies are all it takes.</p>
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<h4 class="td-comments-title block-title"><span>19

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<li class="comment " id="comment-16877">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Ralph Westin</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-16877">

<time pubdate="1594062610">
July 6, 2020 At 7:10

<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">
<p>Only bury on property you or friend/relatives have control
over.<br />
My uncles buried a ‘time capsule’ a few blocks from their house, 6 months later a
new house covered their stuff.<br />
All they lost was some pocket change.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-16877">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-15246">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Cyberdan</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-15246">

<time pubdate="1591399106">
June 5, 2020 At 11:18


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>Location is easy. If you’re familiar with (swing ties), which is
simply using two permanent spots each measured to your burial spot. Come back
measure and there it is.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-15246">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-10870">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite><a href='http://Google' rel='external nofollow
ugc' class='url'>Mr. L</a></cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-10870">

<time pubdate="1580089452">
January 27, 2020 At 1:44

<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>How long of a 6&#8243; pipe did it take to store all that in?

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-10870">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-10536">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Godzilla</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-10536">

<time pubdate="1579161662">
January 16, 2020 At 8:01


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>&#8220;I did this with several guns and cannot find them. Have
looked over 20 days &#8230;&#8221;</p>
<p>Job &#8211; buy or borrow a good metal detector. Depending on how deep you
buried them will dictate how sophisticated of a detector you&#8217;ll need.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-10536">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-9751">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>PapaTom</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-9751">

<time pubdate="1577240038">
December 25, 2019 At 2:13

<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">
<p>Did the sale thing, but laid the pipes horizontally. 14 long guns,
with ammo. Dug them up when Trump was elected for inspection. Perfect condition
after 22 years&#8230; Simply placed the weapons and ammo in the pipes and sealed
them in the house. Nothing else in the tubes. Buried them one foot deep and placed
brush over them. Newspaper the mags were wrapped in was still dry and ammo was
untarnished. Never bury a tube you can&#8217;t dig up with your hands and a pocket

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-9751">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-9744">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Oldfart</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-9744">

<time pubdate="1577224107">
December 24, 2019 At 9:48


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>There are other methods to accomplish the same end. The first and
most important step is to decide where to bury the pipe. Once you&#8217;ve done
that, the rest is pretty easy. </p>
<p>Some people feel that glued-on caps at both ends is overkill, that threaded caps
will work just as well and also allow access without cutting off the end of the
pipe. I get the feeling they want to inspect their cache from time to time.
Gluing the caps on ensures that you won&#8217;t be checking things out frequently,
introducing dirt and moisture into the package. Remember, you&#8217;re doing this
to be prepared for the BIG emergency. All that said, you still must keep oxidation
of parts at bay until you dig the cache up and it&#8217;s best to be prepared to
use the contents as soon as possible. </p>
<p>I tried a slightly different method and &#8211; admittedly, for a shorter time
but it worked perfectly. </p>
<p>After carefully measuring my Chinese SKS I realized It would fit nicely inside a
6&#8243; diameter pipe. I chose ABS pipe over PVC because it is less brittle and
because it&#8217;s already black. After normal lubrication I assembled the rifle
and dry-fired it a few times to be sure I hadn&#8217;t lost any parts. I then dug
up several plastic 35mm film cans and drilled holes through them. Then I started
putting stuff together.</p>
<p>First, I glued the cap on one end. This became the &#8220;bottom&#8221; of the
tube and a handful of rags went in. Then came one of those film cans with a couple
of oxygen absorbers in it and a couple of handfuls of loose ammo followed by a
single rag to cushion the muzzle of the rifle. Now the rifle went in slowly so I
could insert more ammo (in stripper clips) and film can O2-absorbers as space
became available. All this was followed by more rags and the other cap was glued
in place.</p>
<p>At the time I did all this there was no urgent push to bury my stuff to avoid
confiscation so I simply tossed the sealed tube into a pile of similar scrap pipe
behind my garage. It laid there in the rain for a year before my curiosity got the
better of me. I knew where to saw to avoid anything valuable and when I finally
broke through the wall of the tube I heard a distinct &#8216;his-s-s&#8217; as air
went INTO the tube. Oxygen comprises about 16% of our atmosphere and it had been
tied up with O2-absorbers!The rifle worked perfectly and AFAIK it still does.</p>
<p>If anyone is concerned about getting the tube open they should consider fire:
Heat the end of the tube (remember the rags?) until the plastic softens enough to
cut away with a knife. It might require several visits to the fire with the
subsequent whittling to get the job done but if you really need the rifle
it&#8217;ll be worth it. If starting a fire isn&#8217;t a good idea then using an
asphalt road as a huge file will also work &#8211; slowly.</p>
<p>I&#8217;m too old to be much help in a shooting war but young enough to hope all
these preparations are unneeded. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-9744">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-9740">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>old guy</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-9740">

<time pubdate="1577210844">
December 24, 2019 At 6:07


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>No access to Nitrogen? Go find some Dry Ice. Drop inside tube and
let it evaporate. It will force the air out.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-9740">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-9736">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Steve</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-9736">

<time pubdate="1577190950">
December 24, 2019 At
12:35 PM</time>


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>I&#8217;m surprised at some of the snarky, know-it-all comments that
people have made here. &#8220;overkill&#8221;, really, it worked didn&#8217;t it?
Followed by, &#8220;if I did this&#8221; tells me all I need to know. You
haven&#8217;t done this, but you&#8217;re such a know-it-all you sit there on your
fat ass second guessing what was done and what worked. You&#8217;re so damn lazy
you won&#8217;t even start digging a hole. Criticism for a guy who tried and
succeeded at this is ridiculous. If some of you know-it-all&#8217;s are so damn
smart why haven&#8217;t you done some long term storage and then written a similar
article? I&#8217;ll tell you why, because you&#8217;re not smart enough to know
how to do it, and furthermore you&#8217;re not willing to risk ruining a rifle
trying to do a long term storage because deep down inside your pea sized brain you
doubt that your method of storage will work.</p>
<p>Note to Harlan, thanks for the idea about the threaded cap sealed in grease.
Maybe marine grade grease?</p>
<p>Kudos to Mr. Wood for trying to educate a few morons.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-9736">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-8235">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Citizen</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-8235">

<time pubdate="1573252687">
November 8, 2019 At 10:38


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>@bigcitynights<br />
Why are you asking the author what you are supposed to do?<br />
He’s just posting his experience for anyone who’s interested.<br />
Solve your own problems you metro-child.</p>
<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-8235">
</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-8196">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Jimmy Johnson</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-8196">

<time pubdate="1573089969">
November 7, 2019 At 1:26


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>You may not be able to bury it but why not hide it? Does your work
bench need a new leg or legs? The shed walls may need attention. Get creative.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-8196">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-7769">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Carl</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-7769">

<time pubdate="1571708158">
October 22, 2019 At 1:35


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>I’m partially with Beau that I like my guns close but a have safe
queens that haven’t been touched in over a decade. Considering you can buy a
functional AR15 for under $400 we should all store more than one. Store one like
this, store one that’s all intact and have a few close but not at home. Watch the
videos about confiscating guns during Katrina in New Orleans if you want your blood
to boil. Think about it, we all buy gas and vehicles that are way more than what
we need to put this in perspective. The idea that we can’t afford two extra guns
and ammo just to bury is a cop out. Stop listening to her and go buy your extra

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-7769">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-6092">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>BigCityNights</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-6092">

<time pubdate="1569121298">
September 22, 2019 At
3:01 AM</time>


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>Yeah this all works fine and dandy for those of you who live in, or
near remote areas like that. But not so good for those of us who live in larger
cities and such.<br />
Where the fuck are we supposed to bury things? Cant take a shovel and dig in
cement. And I sure as hell wouldn&#8217;t bury anything in some public park. So
what are we supposed to do then?</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-6092">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-5940">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Mongo</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-5940">

<time pubdate="1568570393">
September 15, 2019 At
5:59 PM</time>

<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">
<p>Mongo never bury his gun he wants it ready when Beto comes.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-5940">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-5668">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Scott</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-5668">

<time pubdate="1567694322">
September 5, 2019 At 2:38


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>Great article and read. Suggestion on location; use your phone to
determine the exact GPS coordinates and then record them somewhere in coded
fashion. If you&#8217;re paranoid, and it&#8217;s good to be so, use a burner phone
to acquire the GPS coordinates never your own phone. Never take your Cell phone
with you on any clandestine excursion. It automatically tracks and records your
movements. Big brother may not be actively tracking you but guaranteed they can go
back to historical records and run a search.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-5668">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-5604">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Don</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-5604">

<time pubdate="1567525649">
September 3, 2019 At 3:47

<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">
<p>If you&#8217;re too lazy to go to the trouble of making your own
burial tube, you can find them here: This guy sells
a few different sizes for just a few bucks over what you&#8217;ll spend at the
hardware store for materials.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-5604">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-5531">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Job</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-5531">

<time pubdate="1567292984">
August 31, 2019 At 11:09


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>I did this with several guns and cannot find them. Have looked over
20 days. Shit</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-5531">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-5526">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Keith</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-5526">

<time pubdate="1567280461">
August 31, 2019 At 7:41

<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">
<p>Definitely a good idea as you live in Yankee Land. Your gun rights
are not long for this earth. Land of Cuckolds &gt; Mason Dixon Line!</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-5526">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-5143">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>harlan</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-5143">

<time pubdate="1566107864">
August 18, 2019 At 5:57


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>Instead of gluing on both ends glue one end with one that has the
threaded screw in and use a heavy grease or Vaseline &amp; screw it in tight no
water should get in.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-5143">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
<li class="comment " id="comment-748">
<img alt=''
s=100&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50'
loading='lazy'/> <cite>Beau</cite>

<a class="comment-link" href="#comment-748">

<time pubdate="1551156246">
February 26, 2019 At 4:44


<div class="comment-content tagdiv-type">

<p>Overkill in the burial, but effective, IMO. If I did this, it
would be a quick retrieval burial, and the gun would be ready to load an fire upon
retrieval. Having to put your rifle together if you’re pressured might not be a
good idea, but then again you may be good at that sort of thing.<br />
My biggest problem would be finding it later. I have a bad memory for such a
location, and would need not only written directions of the location, but some
visual cues nearby. How would you have opened the pipe in the outdoors without
your tools, if needed? I would leave on end of the pipe unglued so I could
hopefully remove it by hand in the field. When I think of hiding my weapons, I
feel a sense of urgency if I have to retrieve them, and would want to have them
ready for use as soon as I dug them up. I got several good ideas from you
example, and actually had planned the exact same thing for my Ruger Mini-14. I
also wanted to bury 2-3 handguns with ammo, and some supplies in separate places
inside sealed ammo cans. My problem is I hate to be separated from my guns at
all, but it may become necessary someday.</p>

<div class="comment-meta" id="comment-748">

</li><!-- #comment-## -->
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