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MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris

HARI/TGL : Senin, 26 April 2021
DOSEN : Nurul Hasanah F, M.Pd
DURASI : 1 minggu
JENIS : Terbuka

Nama: Pramudja Rapikhasa

NIM: 1220200026

Fakultas: Hukum

Prodi: Ilmu Hukum

No Question Answer
1 How do your family welcome Ramadhan? Usually our families gather, then pray together
so that they can smoothly carry out worship in
the month of Ramadan
2 What kinds of activities that you and your In the month of Ramadan, our family and we
family have during Ramadhan? perform taraweh prayers in congregation at the
mosque, sometimes at home if it is raining
outside. after the tarawih is usually
accompanied by a prayer together. Towards the
middle of Ramadan we usually make pastries,
such as nastar, cheese sago
3 Share your unforgettable Ramadhan Ramadan moments that were unforgettable for
moment. me, namely when I was at the Islamic boarding
school. Unforgettable moments, such as, when I
was a taraweh prayer reciter, I completed a two
juz memorization task, and the moment of
breaking the fast together which is always held
every day with Mr. Kyai.
4 What is your expectation of Ramadhan this My expectation is that in this month of
year? Ramadan, the first is that I can perform fasting
smoothly, the second is that I can complete 30
juz recitations for a month. share takjil to those
who cannot afford it just before sunset
5 If you have a chance to held Ramadhan The project that I want to do in the month of
Project, what kind of program that you Ramadan is to invite the surrounding
have? community to perform recitations of Al-Quran
up to 30 juz

I want to hold a congregational recitation to the local community which will be held at the Miftahul
Jannah mosque. in this event will be led by Ustadz Abdul Somad who will together recite the chants of
the al-quran up to 30 juz. the program will be held on April 16/1442 Hijriyah at 6.30 pm until finished.

Rasululullah SAW said, "It is best that you are people who learn the al-quran and teach it to others".

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