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Q1. In which year TCS was established?

Ans- 1968

Q2. Which of the following sorting algorithms are best suited when almost all
are already sorted(max one or two are not sorted)?
Ans - Insertion Sort

Q3. What is the use of CAPTION tag in HTML?

Ans- Add Title to the table

Q4. What is the use of Blockqoute tag in HTML?

Ans- Used to indicate the quotation of a large section of text from another

Q5. Which of the following is inline tag in HTML?

Ans- <b> <a> <i> <img> <q> <br>

Q6. Syntax to define array in Javascript.

Ans- arrayname = [ ]

Q7. Table Level Constraint in Mysql.

Ans- Check , Primary Key

Q8. Command to compress a file in UNIX.

Ans- gzip , bzip2, zip

Q9. Command to give length of longest line in a file in UINX.

Ans - wc -L filename

Q10. When to use dynamic programming approach?

Ans- Optimization is needed

Q11. How to give negative information through email?

Ans- Negative information should not be given

Q12. You are new to an organization and you are middle of an assessment then
your senior asked to attend a seminar behalf on him.
Ans - Politely say you will attend after completing your assessment
Q13. Pattern matching command in UNIX.
Ans - grep

Q14. TCS has won mega partner excellence award in

Ans- 2017

Q15. Two A's of effective writing is

Ans- Accurate and Accesssible

Q16. Details provided in signature of email

Ans- Name,Email,Phone,Role

Q17. Some challenges of Artificial Intelligence

Ans- Cost, Common Sense, Technology

Q18. Synatx of background image in css

Ans- background-image

Q19. All html tgs have closing tags

Ans- False

Q20. How mant types of indices are present in sql server

Ans- 2

Q21. Emphasizing the text in HTML

Ans- <em>

Q22. Which of the following is not a formatting tag in HTML?

Ans- <p>

Q23. Invalid filed in HTML

Ans- Day

Q24. Fastest sorting algorithm among Heap,Merge,Quick & Selection Sort

Ans- Merge
Q25. Which of the following in not a dynamic programming approach?
Ans- Primes Algorithm

Q1. What is the command for ordered list with roman number in HTML?

Ans- <ol type='I'>

Q2. What is not a CSS unit?

Ans- ut

Q3. To remove a folder which have files

Ans- rm -rf

Q4. Being objective in writing skills means

Ans- Figuring out facts and something & Figuring out facts not personal view

Q5. p{ color : green} <p>xyz</p>

Ans- Paragraph will be printed in green color

Q6. Judging others based on our culture

Ans- Ethnocentrism

Q7. Sql commands to drop a column from a table

Ans- Alter table tablename drop column columnname

Q8. Correct Sql command to check between the value

Ans- BETWEEN value1 and value2

Q9. What’s the difference between public and private cloud

Ans- Deployment Location

Q10. Computer algorithms that learn from previous result

Ans- Classification

Q11. The production log can be shared with the concerned team after appropriate

Ans- Approval

Q13. Which of the following is invalid escape sequence in javascript?

Ans- /e

Q14. Which method is used by humans while making judgments?

Ans- Intuitive

Q15. The filed that investigate in intelligence is

Ans- Cognitive Science

Q16. One power and one neutral wire is known as

Ans- Single Phase

Q17. Which of the following is valid modes of operation in vi editor?

Ans- Command Mode

Q18. What is minimum number of disks in RAID

Ans- 3

Q19. To copy two files in a new file in UNIX

Ans- cat file1 file2 > file3

Q20. RiO week is celebrated because

Ans- To create awareness and motivate people

1. Which application takes highest maintaince cost ?

Ans - Native Application

2. What will be fair, honest, transparent and ethical in our conduct .

Ans - Integrity

3. Major Concern of data centers is

Ans - Data Loss

4. Navigational concern is one of the key consideration for hybrid application as

the UI flow can be complicated .

Ans - TRUE

5. The science and technology that deals with Automatic Computer driven
machine which replaces Humans is called ad
Ans - Robotics

6. Customers asserts that Cloud computing permite businesses to bypass upfront

infrastructure charge.

Ans - TRUE

7. Key expectation in mobile application development is

Ans - Option 1 and 2

8. What are two A's of effective writing?

Ans- Accurate and Accessible

1. Technique include fluid layout design so that site can adjust according to the
resolution of the device

c. Responsive Design
2. Cloud services are massively scalable IT enabled capabilities which are
delivered to external customers using Internet technology


3. I need software to install in my laptop to complete a critical delivery. Should I do

it ?

b. Never make unauthorised copies of computer software program to use

unlicensed software on company’s computer/laptop

4. Who founded TATA groups?

b. Jamsetji TATA

5. What are the problem associated with Big Data ?

a. All of the option is correct Harshi

b. Not accustomed to dealing with such large quantities of data

c. Inexperience collecting data from nontraditional resources

d. Overlay complex with relatively slow system

Bizz Skill

1. What are the elements of a Project Status Report?

c. Current Status, Area of Concern , Plan for Next phase

2. What are the elements of conversation ?

d. Plan, Prepare, Listen, Close & Clarify along the way

3. Jennifer works as a Project Manager. She is required to provide a solution to

beat the exponential increase in costs. What could be the best possible

d. Automation of the tasks which requires continuous monitoring &


5. What is the aim of Project Development under a digital learning program?

c. Synthesize the technical and business skill set that help associate
to become adaptive in digital business requirement

Design & RiO

1. List three aspects that will be at stake, if a major impact on business has
occurred due to outage

a. Integrity in Business b. Brand Reputation

d. Sales Revenue

2. Developers should follow design principles to achieve which of the

following quantities?

a. Maintainability b. Readability

d. Extensibility

3. As per good programming practice it is better to __________ in code.

c. Minimize coupling & increase cohesion

4. Rio provides TCSers with “RiO Workbench”, a framework that help us to

benchmark our maturity in providing support.


5. Do you think you know the secret to success ? Select the option that leads to

a. Continuous learning as it makes an individual have a steady growth

in his career

b. Being Proactive
c. Continuous innovation and differentiation

d. Taking up responsibilities of his/her action

All 4 are answers


1. What will be the output of the below command?

find . -type f -perm 0777 -print

a. Display all files who has all the three permission for all levels of

b. Display all directories who has all the three permission for all
levels of users

c. Display all files who has minimum level of permission for all
levels of users

d. Display all folders who has all the three permission for all levels
of users

2. Which awk script will give you the average of second column of the file named
file1, which has ‘|’ as the delimiter

a. awk ‘BEGIN(FS=”|”;s=0)(s=s+$2)END(print s/NR)’ file1

b. awk ‘BEGIN{FS=”|”;s=0}{s=s+$2}END{print s/NR}’ file1

c. awk ‘BEGIN{FS=”|”;s=0}{s=s+$2}END{print s}’ file1

d. awk ‘BEGIN{FS=” ”;s=0}{s=s+$2}END{print s/NR}’ file1

3. What is the use of diff command & what is the correct syntax ?

a. diff file1 options file2 . This command is used to display the

difference in the file by comparing the file line by line

b. diff options file1 . This command is used to compare the lines

within the a file a display the lines which are different

c. diff options file1 file2 . This command is used to display the

difference in the file by comparing the file line by line

d. diff file1 file2 options. This command is used to display the

difference in the file by comparing the file line by line

4. What is the use of shebang line in Unix?

a. It indicates the directory in which the shell is saved.

b. A first line in the shell scripts which shell need to be execute the
following command in the shell scripts

c. The line which contains the total numbers of lines in the shell

d. None of the Above


1. Which is the significance of using a number in an order by clause?

a. Number used in an order by clause signifies the position of a

column in a table
b. Number used in an order by clause signifies the position of a
column in the select list

c. Number used in an order by clause signifies the position of a

column in the where clause

d. Number cannot be used in a order by clause

2. Which of the following set of operation can be used to enable a multi value
comparison within a single column?

d. IN

3. What is the output of below Query:


b. SQL command is used to select database named as “CUSTOMER


1. Which of the below is the correct way to set a font size?

b. h2 {font-size:200px;} d. h2 {font-size:200%;}

2. To specify table border in CSS _____ proper is used

b. border
3. Block element can be aligned by setting the left and right margin to


4. Output of the below script



<p id=”showresult”> <b> Welcome To TCS </b> </p>

<input type=”button” onclick=”display()” value=” Click Me”/>


function display()

b = document.getElementById(‘showresult’).innerHTML;





d. Welcome To TCS
5. Output of below script.



<input type=”text” name=”Java” value=”JDK” />

<input type=”text” name=”Version” value=”1.8” />

<button onclick=”display()”> Display </button>

<div id = “content”></div>


function display() {

a = document.getElementByTagName(“input”);

document.getElementById(‘content’).innerText = a[0].value+a[1].value;




b. JDK1.8

2. What is the output of below code?

tcs = {}


a. <type ‘dict’’

Big Data Applications prefers large datasets over small datasets


Which are the below listed options that we need to take care with respect to
environment protection?

a. To prevent the wasteful use of natural resources

b. The management of waste and hazardous materials

c. Consumptions of water and electricity

d. All of the option is true harshi

Reporting to any event(actual or potential) of misconduct that is not reflective in

our values and principles can be done via.

d. Immediate line manager or the Human Resource department of our company

An associate is interested in Cloud, while his current project requires him to learn
an Automation Testing Tool, in which he has no interest. How can the situation be
handled effectively ?

c. The associate can prioritize the current need of the project. At the same time,
he cater to personal interests by striking a fine ball of time and interest
How many hours of videos uploaded to YouTube every minute

d. 100


Advantages of Diversity include:

a. All of the options is true harshi b. Fosters Innovation

b. Enhance employee engagement d. Improve business performance

Judging another person’s view solely based on our own values and culture is
called :

a. Ethnocentrism

Sarah, an associate, is a bit confused about dining etiquette. For a business

lunch, Sarah took the napkin and placed it on her lap. Which of the following does
not come under the etiquette for napkin use?

d. If your napkin falls on the floor during a formal meal , pick it up.

General best practice for Telephone etiquette include :

A. Assuming proper posture

B. Speaking clearly & slowly

C. Smiling when speaking

D. Giving the call your full attention

E. Avoid confusion language

F. Speaking loudly

b. All of the options


What is Single Responsibility Principle

d. One class should perform a single task

According to KISS Design Principle, we should use features like frameworks, APIs
only when there are perceptible benefits to the problem we are solving.


What type of review must be done to determine the change success rate

a. pre-implementation review

During a crisis, do not cascade incorrect updates to the customers and other
associates. Always wait for confirmation from the

d. Crisis Management Team


Which one is the true regarding awk command?

a. BEGIN and END blocks are not Mandatory in all awk commands

Which command will print the last line of a file ?

b. tail -1 filename

Select the command to read the input from the User in shell scripting?

b. read


Which option/opinions correctly represent the code of creating and initializing a

string variable?

a. var str1=’Hello’;

d. var str1=”Hello”;

<h2 class=”fruit mango”> I love fruits </h2>

What is true about the above statement?

c. It is a heading tag with two classes named as “fruit” and “mango”

Which of the following CSS syntax will be hiding the element?

b. h1.hidden{ visibility: hidden;}

d. h1. hidden { display: none;}

“The <div> element is a block-level element” State true of false.


Which of the following are the elements that have been added in HTML5? All is the
answer harshi

a. <article> b. <header>

b. <footer> d. <main>

“I cannot create a JS array using the ‘new’ keyword” State true or false.


State true or false. “ Different tags cannot share same class.”

1.class A

error in line 3

2.To find length of the string:

String a;


3.class Box{.....}

Class solution

Box box[]={b1,b2,b3,b4,b5};

for(int i=0;i<box.length();i++)

error ( because we should use box.length)

4.Object includes ?

1. attributes



5.____is also known as static variable.. ?

1) class variable

6.Predict output of program

char ch=127;


System . out . println(ch+" = "+(int)ch);

3) garbage value =-128

7.Predict output of program

String s[] = {hybernate, java, object}

Arrays . sort(s);

for(String k in s)

System . out . println(k);

2) hybernatejava object

8.Predict output of program

String str = "I like JAVA";

System .out .println(str . length());

2) 11
9.Which operator gives result if no condition satisfies.?

3) NOT

10.Which is not the correct declaration ? 1_a

11.Tick the correct one-all are correct here.

1.Java is platform independent

2.Jvm is platform dependent

3. Jvm converts byte code into machine level code

12.Static int a=1;







13.What is the output of relational operator?

Boolean(true, false)

14.Which among the following falls under key elements of programming? All arre

1. Good analytical skills

2. Declarative knowledge
3. imperative knowledge

4. Abstraction knowledge in programming

15.What is the extension of java code files?

1. .java

16.Which is not OOPS concept?


17.Which component is used to compile, debug and execute java program?

18.What is the extension of compiled java classes?


19.Which of these can not be used for a variable name in java?


20.expression1 ? expression2 :expression3|what it will return?

21.Which of these is long data type literal?


22.Which of these is superclass of every class?

2.Object class

23.Which of these keywords can be used to prevent inheritance of a class?


1.What type of join in below statement..?

Select column name(s) from table1 T1 , table2 T2 Where condition;

1.self join
2.Plsql question with global variables and local variables


3.How many types of indices are present in sqlserver ?


4.Sql command- age where age between 30 and 100

5.Which is the invalid command in sql?

6.To increase the size of a column in SQL.. ?

ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name datatype(new_size)

7.One question from plsqlwas” the upward to lower flow in a loop is ....?”


8.SQL Query used to search details based on the 1st character in a column..?

Select * from table_namewhere name like ‘(char)%’;

9.What is purpose of type and rowtype..?

TYPE provides datatype of a variable and ROWTYPE provides record type that
represents a entire row of a table or view or columns selected in the cursor

10.Procedure can be called in how many ways

3.using execute command

4.calling the name of the procedure from other plsqlblock

11.What will happen(pl/sqlcode)Exit when (c1%rowcount>5) or (c1%notfound)

terminate loop when row count is greater than 5 or when no data found

12.Which are the types of conditional statements in plsql?


14.We cannot use where clause with truncate.


15.What is the output of the below query?

select left('Welcome to PLSQL',3)

16.Sql command to drop the column in specific table.. ?

alter table tablenamedrop column columnname

1.Syntax of background image in CSS ?


2.All html tags have closing tags ?


3.what is command for ordered list with roman number ?


4.Which is not CSS unit ?

5.p{ color: green }


Paragraph is printed in which color


6.Emphasing the text in html ... ?


7.Tag which is not for formatting text ?


8.which is the invalid field in HTML5 ?

9.Which is invalid escape sequence in JavaScript ?

4./e have created a shell script and wants to run the script . what should you do
before try to run

the script ?

3.Update the execute permission of the script

11.Caption tag is used with ...




12.Text-align:justify... ?
4.None of these correct answer [Stretches the lines so that each line has equal

13. a:link,a:visited {background-color : red;}

a:hover {background-color : green}

<a href= "abc.html">Click me </a>

2. will create a link having background color red and on moving the pointer
background color will be green

14.Question from javascript section ,’var x=100+5**3 ? ‘


15.Which tag is used to emphasize the text.. ?

3.<emph> or <em>
16.<p>top news </p

><blockquote url: Hindu</blockquote>

Todays news block quote display or not ?


17.Which is not inline in html ?


18.Array in javascript.. ?

1.List form[]

19.Color in html not valid .. ?

2.Color :#000ff
20.<imgurl="sky.jpg" width="100" height="100" opacity="0.25".> ?

2.Display image as watermark

21.Appearence of <ins> tag ?


22.A link can be image or any other html element ?


23.Svg is used for ?

1.drawing lines , graphics etc.

24.<span> is used for ? group elements for styling purposes.

25.Which property is not applicable for paragraph ?


26.Which block of code will be executed ?

2. p{/* comment */ color: red;}

27.Which of below block is used to style Xplore <h1> tag ?

(<h1 class="Xplore">)


28.<p class="abc"></p>

<script>var x ;
document.getElementByClass("abc").innerHTML= x;


What is output of code ?

1) NaN

29.JavaScript run using ScriptEngine?


30.Which of these statement is correct in JavaScript?

4.true and false are non numeric values.

31.<p class="A">ABC</p>how to style ABC?

1. .A{color: red;}

32.Which is not CSS properties?


Rio weekly celebrate because ?

Aimed to improve System support

2.Operation Flow of information in Rio.. ?

1.Primary -> Secondary -> KT

3.Transition phase ?

1.Primary -> Secondary -> KT

4.In which normalization from transitive dependency.. ?


5.How to print server output on terminal

3.set serveroutput on

6.Difference between primary key and foreign key ? all harshi

1.primary key is only one and foreign key may be one or more

2.primary key is unique and foreign key can be duplicate

3.primary key can't null and foreign key can be null

7.Insert into category values(2, 'polo', 1200.99);

3) syntax error of insert

8.Truncated command can't be used with where clause .. ?



1.discipline in execution+pursuit of excellence+customer experience

10.The role of production support engineer requires

3.right combination of technical and inter personnel skills​

11.RiO stands for?

Rigor in Operations

12.Name the pledge taken by support engineers to ensure they adhere to project

2.operations pledge

13.Students as a group associated with multiple faculty members and faculty

members are associated with multiple students. The relationship?

3.many to many

14.Tick the correct one all are correct

1.foreign key can be null but primary key cannot be null

2.unlike primary key foreign key contains dublicatevalue primary key can have multiple foreign keys

15.What are the various keywords used along with the ALTER statements?


16.Which of the below option ensure that the value of COLUMN(named as budget)
is non-negative?


17.DBMS and RDBMS are one and same?


18.Rio is an initiative that is aimed at improving our production support

19.RiO Day Celebrated on

24th July as TCS operations day(available 24x7) and whole week is known as RiO
week to spread awareness about RiO

1.Fastest Sorting algorithm ?


2.Which is the not dynamic programming ?

3.Primes algorithm

3.Which algorithm will give best performance when array is half or almost sorted ?

1.Insertion sort

4._____method is used for state space search problem.

3.Backtracking and branch-and-bound

5.KISS design principle_______

3.Keep it simple stupid

6.Which of these are core design principles?


7.____is the first step in solving the problem?

2.Identify the solution

8.Time complexity of quick sort?

9.algorithm category.. ?

1.Minimum coupling and increase cohesion

10.Computer algorithm which learns using previous result .. ?


11.Duplication of code is the root cause of problem in design principle ?


12.Kadane algorithm is used to find.. ?

2.Maximum sum subarray in an array

13.Dynamic programming is used where greedy fails to obtain optimality(Optimal
solution)If we can decide some appropriate solution like we can say that in kitbag
problem how much amount can be stored inside bag but if we need to find
shortest distance between a to b we can not decide a perfect solution then we
need dynamic programming

14.Disadvantage of SOLID principle? All harshi



3.Less cost of maintenance

15.Design principle are used because ?

1.Extensible, reliability and flexibility

16.Single responsibility principle?

A class should do one thing and one thing only

When Tata Consultancy Service was established?

a. 1968

Some challenges in Artificial Intelligence are all harshi

a. Cost

b. Common Sense

c. Technology

d. All of the above

We will be fair , honest, transparent and ethical in our conduct, everything we do

must stand the test of public scrutiny. The above quote applies to which of our
five core values.

c. Integrity

Prime difference between Private and Public Cloud is

a. Deployment Location

Mobile application can interact with GPS and Camera of the device
a. True

Being objective in your writing is the ability to

1. Present accurate facts and figures

2. Present fact and not personal views

3. Present stereotypical information

• 1, 2

What is true about agile principles?

a. Leadership over management

b. Management over leadership

c. Adaptive over perspective

d. Perspective over adaptive

e. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

f. Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

• a, c, e
What all details should be provided in the signature of an e-mail? Choose the best

a. Name & role

b. Phone & e-mail

c. Personal address

d. Organization Website

• a, b & d

Paul is working with a client who is casual while communicating him through a
chat application. The client send him memes and other forwards to build a better
workplace relationship. Select the best option.

c. Paul can be task orient and polite. He can avoid responding by sharing
memes and forwards through chat applications.

Identify the correct statements

c. We need to accept help when needed. The key is to be assertive. Being

honest about your weakness build trusts.

After creating a Knowledge Article (KA) all harshi

a. Ensure you have used standard template

b. Ensure exception are clearly visible

c. All the options

d. Check and re-certify the KA at regular interval

We use dynamic programing approach when

a. The solution has optimal substructure

What is the sequence of the transition management phase

d. KT to Secondary Support to Primary Support

Which of the following sorting algorithms in typical implementation gives best

performance when applied on an array which is sorted or almost sorted(maximum
one or two elements are misplaced).

d. Insertion Sort

What is the use of $# in shell Scripting?

give the count of number of argument passed into shell script

Which is TRUE statement regarding PIPE(|) symbols?

Pipe symbol is used combine more than 1 UNIX commands.

The COUNT function in SQL returns the number of

Not NULL values

Which of the following is not a constraint in SQL?


Nulls in PL/SQL can be assigned and it can be equated with anything, including


Choose the inc correct variable declaration from below statement

v_text number(10);

Which tag is correct to add CSS style inline using Style attribute?

<tagname style="property: value;">

The <noscript> tag can only used inside <body> element in HTML5.

Strings in JAVA are Mutable.


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