Soal Kosakata Kelas 1 Semester 1

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Soal Latihan Numbers

A. Write the numbers in English!

1. 25 ___________________________________________
2. 36 ______________________________________________
3. 48 ___________________________________________
4. 150 ___________________________________________
5. 255 ___________________________________________
6. 369 ___________________________________________
7. 1.500 ___________________________________________
8. 2.360 ___________________________________________
9. 10.00 ___________________________________________
10. 25.698 ___________________________________________

B. Write the words into the numbers

1. Fifteen =
2. Fifty =
3. Five hundred fifty five =
4. Three thousand five hundred thirty two =
5. Nine hundred forty eight =
6. A thousand and one hundred twenty seven =
7. Two hundred seven thousand three hundred and eighty six =
8. Nine hundred thousand =
9. Seven million four hundred forty four thousand a hundred and twenty nine =
10. Thirty eight million three hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred and fifty three

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