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Panilao, Pilar, Bataan | E:
L: 2377030 or 6122144 | M: 09478915239 (Smart) 09175918143 (Globe)

A Narrative Report in
Work Immersion undertaken at Maritime Academy of the
Asia and the Pacific located at 2105 Las Asin Mariveles

Presented to the Senior High School Faculty

Bataan Christian School
Villa del Pilar, Panilao, Pilar, Bataan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Work Immersion

Submitted by:
Bunio Jon Jason M.

Submitted to:
Jefferson O. Cruz
Panilao, Pilar, Bataan | E:
L: 2377030 or 6122144 | M: 09478915239 (Smart) 09175918143 (Globe)


A Portfolio entitled “Narrative Report in Work Immersion”

undertaken at 2105 Las Asin Mariveles Bataan, prepared and submitted

by Sioson Ivan Joshua D. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Work Immersion, is hereby endorsed for approval.

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Work Immersion.

Ethel Brace A. Ramos, MAED

Senior High School Principal


I. Title Page
II. Table of Contents
III. Dedication
IV. Acknowledgement
V. Introduction
VI. Company Profile
 Vision and Mission
 Brief History
VII. Narrative Report
 Daily Accomplishment Report
 Narrative Report on Weekly Activities
 Learnings
 Conclusion
VIII. Appendices
 Evaluation Sheet
 Certificate of On-the-Job Training
 Pictures
 Daily Time Record
 Recommendation Letter
 Resume

I dedicated this to my father that is also amarine over seas, I just want to thank him because he is
the one fighting for all family members that left home.

So I did what I can in that immersion for my father to be proud of me even I did not make it there
but I old him that I will not stop chasing my dreams that easily.

I also told him that just trust me and I will have my own job and take his responsibility that he can
just rest at our home.
There are over 1.6 million seafarers worldwide. The majority of seafarers originate from the
Philippines, China, Indonesia, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Women make up just
2% of the workforce. Seafarers leave their homes and families to earn money that can be
sent home to their spouses, children, and parents. They are often away for nine to twelve
months at a time. During these periods shore leave can be a rarity, as seafarers ensure that
the essential items and commodities on which our lives depend arrive safely at our homes.
Just look around your home to see the importance of what seafarers do. Chances are your
television, your laptop, your fridge, your clothing and your car just to name a few items –
were all brought to you by sea.

As a Senior High School student the institution where we study does everything it
can and it could to prepare us for College thus every institutions goal is for us to be
successfully happy, ready, and fully contented on the knowledge we have for our goals and
dream in life. I am lucky to be a student at Bataan Christian School which is a facility that
has a curriculum Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Pre Baccalaureate
Maritime) and it also has a partnership with Maritime Academy of Asia and The Pacific
(MAAP) this curriculum is based on STEM but has a electives that requires on teaching
basic about being a Seafarer.

Pre Baccalaureate Maritime according to West Bay College the Pre-Baccalaureate

Maritime specialization is a modified program of the STEM strand under the Academic
Track. In this specialization, six specialized subjects of the STEM strand were retained and
three were replaced with maritime – related subjects. The goal of the Pre-Baccalaureate
Maritime Specialization is to encourage SHS graduates to pursue maritime higher
education. With this, the country will be able to produce more seafarers at the officer level.
Bataan Christian School is a facility that supports Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime so that it can
help produce astonishing seafarer.
Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific

In 1960's, moved by the unjust working conditions of the Filipino Seafarers, Capt.

Gregorio S. Oca formed the Associated Marine Officers' Union of the Philippines (AMOUP)

for the protection of officers working on board commercial ships. Guided by similar

principles and united by the same vision AMOUP unified with Associated Seamens' Union

of the Philippines (ASUP) forming the Associated Marine Officers' and Seamen's Union of

the Philippines (AMOSUP) in 1972. From 1972 up to the present, AMOSUP has

championed the rights of the Filipino seafarers by negotiating CBA's with foreign shipping

companies which has become the standards and by providing unparalled programs and

range of essential services to its members and their dependent. Presently,. AMOSUP-

PTGWO-ITF embarks its most ambitious project to date, an academy where the best breed

of merchant marine deck and engine officers in the world can be found - the MARITIME



established by Capt. Gregorio S. Oca, the visionary founder, the President of AMOSUP

(Associated Marine Officer's and Seamen's Union of the Philippines) to be at par with the

best maritime education and training institutions in the world. MAAP, which was founded

in January 14, 1998, is designed to be a world-class maritime academy hence; it is equipped

with state-of the-art facilities compliant to the requirements of the STCW (Standards of

Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers).

The Birth of an Institution


established by Capt. Gregorio S. Oca, the visionary founder, the President of AMOSUP (Associated

Marine Officer's and Seamen's Union of the Philippines) to be at par with the best maritime

education and training institutions in the world. MAAP, which was founded in January 14, 1998, is

designed to be a world-class maritime academy hence; it is equipped with state-of the-art facilities

compliant to the requirements of the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping

for Seafarers).

The academy is accredited by the Commission of Higher Education (CHED), offers

four-year scholarship grants in Maritime Transportation and Maritime Engineering, a five-year

course in Integrated Maritime Studies and Brigding Program for Maritime Engineering to qualified

applicants selected nationwide through competitive entrance requirements. Through appropriate

arrangement with various sponsors and donors, every graduate is assured of employment aboard

commercial ships plying the foreign trade.

The AMOSUP Seamen's Training Center (ASTC) on the other hand, which is accredited by the

Maritime Training Council (MTC), the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), and

the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), was established to
carry out programs and services to benefit Union's members and their dependents. ASTC was

established in 1972. It conducted its first orientation seminars and training courses in 1973, with

emphasis on trade unionism, dignity of the profession, duties and responsibilities to the Union, to

the employer, to the country and other subjects on the never ending technological changes affecting

working conditions onboard modern vessels. Owing to the vision of Capt. Oca, the support of Stolt-

Nielsen, Norwegian Shipping and Offshore Federation, and other unions and private organization,

the training center continuously improved and upgraded its quality of service and kept on

increasing the number of courses being offered. A Governing Board composed of the Private Sector,

Danish Shipowners Association, Norwegian Shipowners Association, Japanese Shipowners

Association (JSA), All Japan Seamens' Union (AJSU), International Transport Workers Federation

(ITF), International Maritime Employees' Committee and the Filipino

Association of Marines' Employment (FAME) run the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific. As

to date, MAAP sits on a 103 hectare site upon the inauguration of the IMMAJ-PJMCC Campus last

April 7, 2009 equipped with the first cutting-edge maritime simulators and laboratories in the

Philippines. The Center for Advance Maritime Studies was inaugurated with the unveiling of Capt.

Gregorio S. Oca monument, campus and building together with Engr. Johnny S. Oca building last

November 28 2011

The Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific envisions itself as a leading institution of
excellence in the maritime education and training in the Asia-Pacific Region and beyond.


The Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific provides quality education and training to
midshipmen/trainees for the development of competent seafarers who shall possess the
character, knowledge, and skills necessary for the successful pursuit of a maritime career
Organization Chart
Daily Accomplishment Report

Student Trainee: Bunio Jon Jason M.

Company/Institution: Bataan Christian



Day 1 – 7
We started meeting up at our school at exactly
6:00 Am on the day January,25 2020 and drop off at Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific
(MAAP) after dropping as off we stared unpacking our things off the bus and started to do assembly
we count off making sure that our strength is complete and because Bataan Christian School is only
Seven that time we were grouped with Bataan National High School, at first us and the Arellano are
not yet close and only starting to get familiar with each other. After the morning Assembly we were
yet told to go to the Mess Hall (it is their term of their cafeteria) to eat breakfast at MAAP time is
gold we were only given 5 minutes to eat and clean our mess after eating we were introduced to our
barracks, our barracks is only small but enough to get us rested and prepared for next day. After
settling at the barracks we were told to go down for our lunch at the mess hall and again we were
given 5 minutes to eat and clean the mess we made after that we started going to the training center
to start our Basic Training.

We now started our Emergency First Aid (EFA) based on my knowledge Emergency First Aid is the
most needed thing to do when there is a life that is in danger like someone who suffers with shock,
bleeding, burn, unconscious, no pulse, no breathing, how to properly bandage a wound, and how to
rescue and transfer in danger our whole afternoon is all

about studying Emergency First Aid after our class at 5:00pm we started heading out to the mess
hall our dinner and again we were given 5 minutes to eat and clean the mess we made. After eating
our mess we immediately start heading to our barracks to rest a bit and after 15 minutes we started
heading back to the grounds to do ICT calls then our marcher started accounting us for supply of
our water after ICT again we came back at the barracks to rest again. After 30-45 minutes we again
head to the grounds to do evening muster on evening muster. What we do there is to stand and wait
for our assigned instructor of what we’ll do for tomorrow. After assigning us on what we’ll do
tomorrow we started heading up to the barracks but there is this canteen called “slap chest” that
sells us junk foods and other varieties of foods me and my classmate tried it and their food is the
best but it is only open for 30 minutes. After that we immediately head back to our barracks to
finally sleep and get some rest.

The next day (Day 2) We woke up 4:00am and this part is what we hated the most the “road
run” it is a morning routine of MAAP an exercise meant for cramps, muscle pain, and sickness. It
started from a stretching and warm ups like push-up, curl ups, mountain climbing exercise. After
that tiring stretching and warm ups we jog 5 laps around their track field to be honest I didn’t catch
up at my squad because of my weight. I struggled running but I manage to finish the exercise then
after the road run we were instructed to change to our uniforms and for our personal necessities to
be done for 15 minutes so we rushed everything. After dressing up we proceed to the mess hall for
our morning mess then after the morning mess we were instructed to get our things for our basic
training. After getting our things we proceed to the training center for our continuation of
Emergency First Aid. On our second day morning of learning Emergency First Aid our instructor
shows us the proper ways of doing basic ways of helping first aid then after our class we headed to
the mess hall to eat our lunch. After eating we headed back to our afternoon session of basic
training we were given time to practice because tomorrow we will have a practicum and
examination after our given time we headed to the mess hall to eat our dinner then after that we
proceed doing ICT, Study Call for reviewing our test tomorrow, and evening muster the after
receiving instructions we head back to our barracks and sleep.

The next Day (Day 3) We again woke up at 4:00am and do road run again I struggled but I
manage to complete the road run after that we proceed to the barracks and did our personal
necessities after that we eat our breakfast then we get the our things then go ahead to the training
center to take our exam for Emergency First Aid. I got a high score because of our study call last
night after taking our exam, we headed into the mess hall to eat our lunch. After that we head back
to the training center to do our practicum and we were divided into pairs I was pair up with my
classmate Emman but the time on the practicum was short and will be continued tomorrow
morning and afternoon. After our afternoon session we started heading into the mess hall to eat our
evening mess and after that we rest and did ICT and Evening Muster. After having our instructions
we headed back into barracks and rest.

The next day (Day 4) we woke up at 4:00am and started our road run but today I slowly
manage to keep up because of a cadet advice to me about proper posture when I’m jogging. It
helped me to maintain my phase and keep up after the road run we headed up on the mess hall to
eat out breakfast. After eating we did our personal necessities and started getting our thing for basic
training. Our whole day is about the practicum when it was our turn it turned out to be okay some
minor errors on my performance but overall it was great after our practicum we finally passed
Emergency First Aid the started heading into the mess to eat our dinner then back to barracks to

Then next day (Day 5) we woke up again at 4:00am and now I finally start to be excited
about road run because now I can keep up and our two instructors were pleased to see us being able
to keep up with each other. After our road run we started heading back into our barracks to do our
personal necessities. After that we head down to the mess hall to eat our breakfast. After that we get
our things and go straight to the training center their we started now another part of our basic
training which is Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting our whole day is about studying that after
studying the different types of fire extinguisher and different types of fire. We headed into the mess
hall to eat our lunch and dinner after that we headed back to rest and do ICT, Evening Muster the
head back to the barracks and rest for tomorrows practicum for fire prevention.

The next day (Day 6) we woke up at 4:00 am then started the road run as usall I started catching
up and finish it. After that we started doing our personal necessities
and started heading up to the mess hall. After eating we head back to
the barracks then getg our things and head to the site of the fire
fighting there we encounter different types of fire extinguisher and we
even managed to use them then we all did a fire fighting with a hose
and nozzle then we entered a tank where it is on fire and we have to
stop it and save a dummy that is placed inside there were minor
mistakes with our team but we manage to pass it all as a group. After
the practicum we head back to the mess hall and eat our lunch and
dinner after that we waited for instructions and after getting our
instructions we headed back to the barracks to rest.

The next day (Day 7) We woke up 4:00am then started the road run after the road run then
we did our personal necessities after that we head up to the mess hall to eat our breakfast. After that
we get our things and proceed to the training center and take the examination for the Fire
Prevention and Fire Fighter and I passed the exam after the exam and we all now passed the fire
prevention and fire fighting. After we head down to the mess hall and eat our lunch. After eating our
lunch we rest a bit at our barracks then head back to the training center to start our discussion
about Personal Survive Techniques (PST) our whole afternoon was about discussion on what to do
when the ship is sinking, material and crafts used for surviving at the sea. After the discussion we
head down to eat at the mess hall to eat our dinner then started doing ICT, Evening Muster then
head back to the barracks to rest.
Daily Accomplishment Report

Student Trainee: Bunio Jon Jason M.

Company/Institution: Bataan Christian



Day 8-11

The next day (Day 8) We woke up at 4:00am then started the road run after road run then
we did our personal necessities. After that we proceed to the mess hall to eat our breakfast then get
the things we need for Personal Survival Technique (PST). Our whole day was about discussing the
basic ways of surviving oceans and the threats of it such as fear, hypothermia, Immersion foot and
sharks. After the whole day of discussion we head down to the mess hall to eat our dinner and head
back for ICT, Evening Muster and it is movie night we can watch movies or head back to our
barracks to rest but I picked to rest because we have our road run tomorrow after getting our
intructions we immediately take our rest our barracks so that we are prepared for our practicum

The next day (Day 9) we woke up at exactly 4:00am to do

road run as usual I managed to catch up and finish it. After that we did our personal necessities
then head down to the mess hall to eat our breakfast. After eating we head back to the barracks to
prepare our things because we will jump at the sea with a lifebuoy, immersion suit, and life jacket.
At first I was afraid because I am not a good swimmer. When it was my turn to jump with the life
jacket I was able to jump but I was motion sick when falling into the seawater but I manage to
conquer my fear and swim to safety. After that we jump using immersion suit. The immersion suit
was totally heavy when it is drenched with water. It was hard because you unlike the life jacket that
will turn you above the water in the immersion suit you need to turn by yourself when you’re facing
the water but still I manage to swim to safety but the next jump really scares me because I won’t
wear anything because the instructor will only throw the lifebuoy when you shout help three times
when It was my turn I was scared but I manage to swim and float back to the shore it was a fun
experience knowing that I manage to conquer my fear of the sea but our practicum didn’t end there
after jumping into the sea at MARINA tomorrow we will jump at the pool and be performing what
we’ll we do with a life raft after our practicum at MARINA we head back to the MAAP’s mess hall
and eat our lunch there then we head back to the barracks to rest a bit then after that we head back
to the training center to take the exam and we all pass it then watch videos on what we’ll do with the
life raft after watching the videos we ended the class then we head on to mess hall to eat our dinner
then after that we head back to the barracks to rest a bit then after that we head down for our ICT,
Evening Muster when we got our instructions we head up to the barracks to rest and be ready for
tomorrows practicum and road run.

The next day (Day 10) We woke up at 4:00 am to do road run our road run that time has
became easy for me because of the hardship I endure during the past days after that we head back to
the barracks to do our personal necessities and head down to the mess hall to eat our breakfast after
that we head back to the barracks to get the clothes we use on jumping at the MARINA to use again
on the pool then we head forward to the pool then we were instructed on what we’ll do to with the
life raft, and how to do the group circle and many tips on surviving the ravage sea after instructing
us we immediately performed it and then after the life raft practicum it was time to perform the life
circle and the caterpillar swim then we were instructed to sing happy birthday while we are on the
pool to boost up our moral then we were finished with our practicum and we all passed after our
practicum we head up to the mess hall to eat our lunch then we head up to our barracks to rest a bit.
After resting we head back to the training center to start our last training the Personal Safety and
Social Responsibility (PSSR) it was basically all our training combine into one subject it was for the
whole afternoon after that we were told we have examination tomorrow and started reviewing for it
then we head down now to the mess hall to eat our evening mess then after that we head back to the
barracks to rest and review then head down for our ICT, Evening Muster the instructions we have
was we won’t have road run tomorrow so that the passers can rest peacefully to prepare for their
interview after getting our instructions we head back to the barracks to rest.
The Last Day (Day 11) we woke up at exactly 6:00am
to head down to the mess hall and eat our last breakfast at MAAP after that we head back and get
our things for the examination for Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR) after getting
our test we immediately head onto the training center to take our exam after 30 minutes of taking
the exam we have finished our basic training we all passed and it was a relief. All we were waiting
for was the bus for us to come home after taking the exam we head down to the mess hall to eat our
last lunch at MAAP. Then the last thing happens is that we all go home together and safe thanks to
our dear lord that protected us.

The training I had in Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific

(MAAP) gave me strength to accept and helped me learn my weaknesses

and strength. I learn a lot from MAAP about how to slowly but surely

discipline myself. I also learn that team work is needed to be able to work

fast and perfectly but always remember that our all mighty and ourselves

are one we need the most to be able to succeed at every struggles and task

we face because at the ship you only have yourself. I also learn that our life

is to be valued and needed to be taken care of because all of our

instructors told us that we only get one chance to live so we need to

survive every difficulties we encounter.


I therefore conclude that helping each other is the happiest thing that I learned in MAAP

becsause even they are already finish they will help you until we are all finished, and also saving life

is the most serious this we need to learn because life is so important that we all need to value.

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