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Terrinoth Supplement

Fantasy Flight Games Genesys Foundry, Cover image ©
Chris Markham 2020 Dean Spencer and used with permission and formatted
using the cover templates designed by Roy Altman. Some
interior art © 2019 Kabouter Games, used with permission,
all rights reserved. Other interior art by Dean Spencer, Matt
EDITING Morrow, Brett Neufeld, Indi Martin (Tortoise & Hare Creations),
and used with permission. Some interior art by Heidi
Chris Markham and Wendy Markham Friedemann and Chris Markham.

Chris Markham, Wendy Markham, Randall Mason, and Heidi Friedemann, Wendy Markham, Fran Mason, Randall
Roy Altman Mason, and Daniel Nicholson


Fantasy Flight Games Genesys Foundry, Chris Markham
and Chris Markham.

And thanks to Roy Altman and Giri

Raman for additional design elements PUBLISHER
Gazrok Games via Genesys Foundry
Some of the most infamous adventures are those which include some kind of dastardly trap which nearly killed the party!
Overcoming these kinds of deadly obstacles are the stuff great stories are made of. Traps can be some of the most useful
tools in the GM’s toolbox. They can warn the party off, guide where they end up, and ensure the players feel they earned
their rewards through danger and risk! This tome offers guidance on using traps, but best of all, (15) examples of some great
traps a GM can use, with complete Genesys mechanics! If you’re a fan of old school traps books, you’ll love this!
As always, special thanks to my family for allowing me the time to work on these labors of love!

This product was created under license. GENESYS and its logo, and GENESYS FOUNDRY and its logo are
trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight Games characters
and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games.

This work contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry. All other original material in this
work is copyright 2021 by Chris Markham and published under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry.

Terrinoth Supplement

This product is a supplement for the R EALMS OF TERRINOTH CONTENTS
setting. Though the supplement explores the world of
Mennara, it can be converted for use in your own fantasy Overview information and the various traps are broken
world. The GENESYS CORE RULEBOOK (CRB), REALMS OF into the following sections:
TERRINOTH setting (RoT), and either Genesys Dice or the
Genesys Dice App are required to use this product. USING TRAPS……………………………………..…….4

TRAP TRIGGERS…………………………………………4
This is a book designed for GMs to put more traditional MAGIC IN TRAPS………………………………….…….5
fantasy dungeon-style traps into their games, complete with
the GENESYS rules and mechanics to do so. In addition, it is SKULL RATING…………………………………….……5
designed to give the GM the tools they need to come up with
their own traps using the (15) traps in this book as ROLLS FOR THE TRAP…………………………………...5
inspiration. The traps herein are described somewhat
tongue-in-cheek with a (hopefully) humorous approach THIEVES AND TRAPS……………………………………6
reminiscent of traps books of old.
CORRIDOR TRAPS……………………………...……....7
This book is not designed for PC’s setting traps on the fly, or Icebox………………………………………..………....7
in the wilderness. For this purpose, I would recommend the Pendulums…………………………………..…...…..…8
existing SURVIVALIST’S GUIDE TO SURVIVAL supplement, Aren’t You Clever?.............................................................9
created by Caleb Smith. Walls Are Closing In!………………………………….10
You’re My Idol………………………………...……….11
Black Widower……………………………………..….12
“Grisbane Geargrinder” was first introduced in my very It’s a Gas!………………………………………..……..13
first title, the TERRINOTH TAVERNS supplement. Now retired, Obelisk……………………………………………..…..14
this ingenious Gnome designed and built many infamous Shock Therapy……………………………………...….15
traps and security measures for people of import. He serves Spores…………………………………………………..16
as your guide through the dangerous traps featured in this
tome, many of which he designed personally. ROOM TRAPS………………………………………….17
Tale of Two Deaths……………………………….……20

WILDERNESS TRAPS……………………………..…….22
Animal Traps……………………………………..……22
Log Sandwich……………………………………….....23

Grisbane Geargrinder

“Greetings adventurers! During my many years spent

designing various deadly traps for rather important clients,
I toyed with many different grisly ways to end explorers and
looters such as yourselves! However, today, I am here to
help you survive such hazards should you encounter them.
Of course, as always, the best advice is to simply TURN
BACK! When all is said and done, this is really the primary
goal of the trap designer…to get the would-be victim to
leave! But of course, you lot will never listen to good advice
when you hear it.”
Terrinoth Supplement

Traps can make for some of the most memorable Often, the trap-designer provides the means for explorers
roleplaying experiences a group can ever have. The closer to unknowingly trigger the trap themselves via a lever,
they come to failure, the more memorable the encounter. button, wheel or other similar device. The usual solution
This section serves as an overview of how traps are handled is simply not to disturb such devices, but many times,
in this book and how GMs can more easily work traps into there will be a correct lever (or direction to move it) along
their own games. with incorrect ones (which trigger the trap).
Determining which device or direction is correct often
requires a Daunting ( ) Skulduggery check to
TRAP TRIGGERS successfully identify what needs to be done. Of course,
the GM could rule there is already a means to determine
Regardless of the type of trap, most are triggered in just a this (such as a clue) and that clue needs to be used
handful of ways. Each of these triggers are handled a bit (though such a check may help to provide hints, etc.)
differently, and the mechanics of each are discussed below.
GMs may wish to add or 󲊸 to skill checks as TIMED DELAYS
circumstances dictate, as always. Some traps are designed to be triggered a short while
after the triggering mechanism (so this is typically used
TRIPWIRES along with another trigger type). Instead of instantly
Tripwires are one of the most common triggers. Most going into effect, a timing mechanism is used. It could be
tripwires are very difficult to see, requiring a Hard ( ) a fuse, an hourglass, a geared mechanism, etc. Often,
Perception check (if actively looking for them) or Daunting these timers are not in a location visible to the explorers.
Vigilance ( ) check to notice. These are typically For this reason, there is often little one can do to halt the
placed low, to be easily tripped by those walking through time delay (and most simply are not aware of it, unless
an area. Once discovered, it only takes an Average ( ) there is some other tell-tale sign of such a thing, like a
Skulduggery check to disable the tripwire. ticking sound, water drip sound, etc. In cases where the
timed delay is visible, any attempts to halt it generally
simply trigger the trap prematurely. If the GM determines
it is possible, halting the mechanism should require a
Hard ( ) Skulduggery skill check.

Some traps are triggered by the application of weight.
Similar to pressure plates, these triggers are typically
tripped by a higher weight limit (to allow for more
victims to be affected by the trap) or they depend on more
weight being on one side of a fulcrum or other device.
Typically, the only way to discover such a trigger is to be
the one who tips the weight over the threshold. When
done, that character (and that character alone) can make
a Hard ( ) Coordination or Athletics check to
quickly move back to a safer position. Of course, whether
the trigger has already activated, is up to the GM (though
the dice results of the skill check should determine what

Still other triggers are tripped by fulfilling some kind of
magical requirement such as “when a being crosses this
threshold” or other criteria set when the spells were
cast. These are nearly impossible for non-casters to
PRESSURE PLATES disable, though as always, this is determined by the GM.
Pressure plates are made to be activated by anyone stepping If allowed, the difficulty for the applicable skill check
on them. They are designed to look just like the surrounding should be at least Hard ( ).
floor, but as they are different materials (often), they are a
little easier to detect than tripwires, requiring an Average
( ) Perception check (if actively looking for them) or
Hard Vigilance ( ) check to notice. Anyone Gnome-
sized or larger will generally trigger a pressure plate. Once
discovered, it only takes an Average ( ) Skulduggery
check to disable the pressure plate.

Terrinoth Supplement


Either a nuisance or as harmful as one successful hit
PUZZLES from a weapon.

Of course, the main fun in using traps is giving the PCs a As harmful as a powerful weapon hit or from a
method for overcoming them. Often, this is provided in the couple of hits. Any roll to avoid or mitigate damage from
way of a riddle or puzzle which then leads to the PCs such a trap should add 󲊸.
making a choice (whether it is which lever to pull, what
button to press, or it triggers a secret door, etc.). Of course,
there are many sources for such riddles and puzzles A bit more likely to result in a critical injury
available. No matter which one is used, the key way to use or even death. The difficulty to avoid or mitigate damage
them is to allow the solution of the riddle or puzzle to from such a trap should always be upgraded by at least
provide a clear method of negating the trap. If this really one or add 󲊸󲊸 if the trap isn’t potentially lethal.
isn’t your thing (as a GM), there is good news. You don’t
even need to have an ANSWER for your riddle or puzzle. Extremely deadly, a good chance failure
Simply decide when the PCs have tried something cool means damage from multiple sources including critical
narratively and make THAT the correct solution! (they will injuries or death. The difficulty to avoid or mitigate
never know it wasn’t planned)! damage from such a trap should always be upgraded by
at least one and +20 should be added to any Critical
Injury results.
Lethal. Victims of this trap are likely
Magic has four major roles when used in a trap. First, it can going to end up dead, deceased, stone cold dead. The
be used as a triggering event, defined criteria for which difficulty to avoid or mitigate damage from such a trap
conditions result in the trap being triggered. Usually, should always be upgraded by at least and +30
adding this to the trap is a use of Utility magic. Magic can should be added to any Critical Injury results.
also be used to create imagery (Mask magic) or physical
objects or creatures (Conjure magic). Finally, magic can be Roy Altman’s GENESYS EXPANDED CRITICAL TABLES
used to deal damage (Attack magic). A given trap may have supplement is great for these Critical Injury results as it
one or more of these elements as a component. separates critical results by attack type.


While some GMs prefer to have Genesys traps do set
amounts of damage, etc., the following optional rule
provides a way to include some random elements into
how well the trap functions. A trap which has been
dormant for centuries in an old tomb may now be more
or less lethal. Ropes could have decayed, poison could
have evaporated, or metal blades may now include rust
to poison any wounds they make.

To account for such factors, and introduce the element of

chance, it is recommended to “roll for the trap”. In this
case, the GM is really rolling for the trap’s creator, to
determine just how well it performs when triggered. As
with any roll, the GM should consider whether
conditions warrant adding , 󲊸 or to the dice pool
for this roll.

The default dice pool (for simplicity’s sake or if the

creator’s pool is simply unknown) is against an
Average ( ) difficulty. If the trap setter/creator’s skills
are known, the Mechanics skill should be used for
constructed mechanism traps, Skulduggery or Survival
RATING for impromptu or wilderness traps, and the appropriate
magical skill should be used for any magical traps. Any
For fun, nostalgia, and just a quick gauge for the GM, each uncancelled 󲊳 add +1 to damage. A 󲊵 result means the
trap has a skull rating to indicate just how dangerous the trap inflicts a Critical Injury (roll on the chart).
trap can be if the characters fail to circumvent it.

Terrinoth Supplement


As mentioned under each trap trigger, those with ranks in Most thieves or shadowy characters who engage in the
the Skulduggery skill (or Survival, for Wilderness traps) can disarming of traps carry Thieves’ Tools (as mentioned on
often attempt to disarm the triggers and thus the traps page 101 of the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook). As
themselves. Of course, it is important to note some traps normal, using these tools adds 󲊴 to the results.
may have multiple triggers and disarming one does not Attempting to disarm a trap or trigger without these tools
disarm them all. Those without ranks in these skills may still incurs at least one 󲊸. Superior quality Thieves’ Tools
attempt to disarm, but at one higher difficulty. Especially (150 silver) add an additional 󲊴 to the results. There are
dangerous traps may also assign a or more to the also a few pieces of new gear (see the GRIZELDA’S GEAR
unskilled roll. The GM may rule that a character with ranks supplement for other sneaky stuff) given here to help a
in Mechanics can apply that skill to the disarming task at thief disarm traps:
either the same or an increased difficulty as Skulduggery or
Survival as the situation dictates. PRESSURE-PLATE WEDGE
These small wedges of leather are used to aid in disarming
If the trigger is also magical in nature, or the trap was made pressure-plate trap triggers. The assorted sizes of wedges
by a highly-skilled trap-maker, the GM may assign are placed under the pressure-plate to make it ignore any
additional difficulty increases to disarming attempts weight application. Using these items adds 󲊳 to a
(and/or add to the trap’s roll). Skulduggery check to disarm a pressure-plate trap
trigger. (Encumbrance 1, Price 25, Rarity 5).
These small items are like threaded tent stakes, but with
As an optional rule, the GM may allow for certain skill a ring on top to use for maintaining the tension in a
synergies. Regarding disarming traps, a thief with the disarmed tripwire. The stakes are screwed in, the wire is
Skulduggery skill who also has ranks in the Mechanics skill carefully cut, and then tension maintained while tying
has a more in-depth understanding of mechanical traps the wire to the ring of the stakes. Using a pair of this
than the average cutpurse. In such instances, the GM may item adds 󲊳 to a Skulduggery check to disarm a trip
opt to allow a synergy bonus to the roll. In this example, for wire trap trigger. (Encumbrance 0, Price 25, Rarity 5).
each rank in Mechanics the thief has, they would add a
to the roll to represent this increased chance of success.

Terrinoth Supplement

“The one thing would-be treasure hunters often forget is
Corridor traps are the most common trap a delver most trapped corridors are intended for AUTHORIZED
encounters. Trapping the pathway from point A to point B people to be able to traverse them safely. This means for
is a commonly employed tactic for those wishing to keep most such corridors, there IS a solution for getting
pesky treasure hunters at bay. Many such trap ideas can through it safely. Coming up with the solution is the
easily be converted to encompass a whole room or even easiest way to avoid dying in horrible, grisly ways.” –
boiled down to create a door or item trap. Grisbane Geargrinder


equivalent of torchlight. When the Neverfrost crystal is

Isheim is known for various magical crystals which grow placed close to the Frostgrabber crystals, the Frostgrabber
in secluded areas of the nation. Some enterprising trap- crystals instantly retreat to their natural state. Of course,
makers use these “Frostgrabber” crystals to create a this means the PCs must think to grab it at the entrance
dangerous corridor. The goal for this trap is typically to and use it in this manner.
hold the intruders in place (to either die of starvation or be
easier for the guards to dispatch). Oddly, the Frostgrabber crystals can survive, even thrive,
even in warm climates (though their area will feel colder
“These strange crystals are used to growing in extreme than others nearby). They appear like frozen little
situations. To prosper, they can instantly crystalize when puddles until a warm-blooded creature comes within
they sense any heat source to attempt to ensnare and drain Engaged range of them. The crystals are not “alive” in the
the natural heat of the living” – Grisbane Geargrinder traditional sense, but their “attack” is simply a natural
consequence response with the following profile:
Most corridors using these crystals as a trap also have its
counter “Neverfrost” crystal, placed as a torch at the Frostgrabbers (Brawl ; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
corridor’s entrances. The Neverfrost crystal is a golden [Engaged]; Ensnare 3).
color and gives off a luminescent glow almost the near

Terrinoth Supplement


Of course, it is entirely possible a character may not take

A staple of many a dungeon corridor, swinging pendulum the time to look for the pattern and simply trust their own
blades of death are the doom of many a would-be tomb- skill to avoid the blades.
robber. Nothing says, “Not this way!” more than a
pendulum corridor! The GM may make this into a skill challenge (requiring
multiple successes) if the trapped corridor is
“Sometimes, the classics are a classic for a reason. For me, exceptionally long (such as multiple range bands). There
such corridors are always about the timing. Smart delvers may or may not be a “safety” point between these lengths
study the timing of the pendulums to more easily go (that is up to the GM). Of course, each such length may
through it unscathed. My personal touch is to alternate the have its own timing (requiring another Perception
timing between cycles to truly throw off their game.” – check), though this may be exceptionally cruel or
Grisbane Geargrinder unnecessary (as the GM determines). A failed
Coordination check to get through the pendulums means
As stated by Grisbane, timing is indeed important when the following trap profile is used:
facing such a trap. Characters can opt to spend at least a
full round to observe the pattern of the swinging Pendulums (Mechanics ; Damage 10; Critical 2;
pendulums. This action involves the character making a Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 2).
successful Hard ( ) Perception check. Success allows
the character (for the Hard [ ] Coordination check [or Pendulum traps are often triggered by tripwires or
checks] to run through the pendulums) to add for each pressure plates towards the beginning of the trapped
uncancelled 󲊴󲊴, downgrade the difficulty by one for each corridor. Dungeons with a perpetual source of power,
additional uncancelled 󲊳 results (to a minimum difficulty such as magic or running water, may simply have the
of Easy [ ]), or easily bypass them with a 󲊵. If the pendulums always in motion (with the noise bound to
Perception check fails, GMs should assign upgrade the attract the attention of delvers and other dungeon
difficulty with a , possibly adding 󲊸 for excessive 󲊱 or inhabitants alike).
󲊰 results. A 󲊲 result on the Perception check should make
the subsequent Coordination check even more difficult (as
the character completely misinterprets the timing of the
pendulums in the corridor).

Terrinoth Supplement


Poisoned bolts which successfully damage a target (after

This corridor trap is intentionally designed to affect those soak), require the victim to make a Hard ( )
in the party who let one member take all the risk. Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental or suffer 4
additional wounds, and must check again on their next
“The designated rogue or trap-finder often assumes most turn if the check generates 󲊲.
of the risk in the average trapped corridor. This trap seeks
to even the score a bit and ensure everyone is punished for 2. Trigger Mechanism: Disarming the trap requires a
their trespassing.” – Grisbane Geargrinder character to make a Hard ( ) Skulduggery check.
Success avoids all the nastiness to follow. Failure means
Of course, the best reason for delvers to mess with the the trap door opens (area 3) and character is dropped
trigger of this trap is the belief the mechanism does into the spiked pit (area 4).
something important. The GM is encouraged to use this trap
somewhere the party must unlock a door, lower a bridge, 3. Trap Door: This trap door is made to look like its
or some other important action they believe the mechanism surrounding floor. Spotting the trap door requires a
does. There may even be a successful way to do so, without successful Hard ( ) Perception check or Daunting
triggering the trap (though such a GM should be ashamed ( ) Vigilance check.
of themselves). Without an incentive, wise delvers are sure
to give this obvious trap a wide berth. 4. Spiked Pit: A character falling into the spiked pit (and
landing on the spikes), triggers the bolts (area 1) to fire
1. Bolt Holes: Of course, seeing such holes in a dungeon is into area 5.
never good. The actual trigger for this part of the trap
happens one round after the trap door (area 3) is triggered. Spiked Pit (Mechanics ; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
When triggered, it will affect those in area 5 with the [Engaged]; Pierce 2).
following profile:
5. “Safe” Zone: Characters in this area are susceptible to
Bolts (Mechanics ; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range [Short]; the bolts coming out of the bolt holes (area 1) once a
Pierce 1). They may also be Poisoned. character falls into the spiked pit (area 4).
Terrinoth Supplement


Few things terrify delvers more than the sudden realization
the walls are closer than they were before. There are as
many variants of this type of trap as there are reasons to
employ one. Some have the walls move almost
imperceptibly slow. Others have the movement as obvious,
usually accompanied by the sound of loud gears leaving no
doubt as to how much force is going to turn them into
delver pancakes! Some are made to discourage exploration
any further, still other uses of this trap are designed to
channel the explorers down a particular path. Still more are
designed to simply squish explorers into a bloody pulp.

“Maintenance is everything. If you are going down a

corridor, and you see two large, nearly equally sized
bloodstains on either side of the walls, it’s a good chance
you’re about to trigger this type of trap. Of course, regular
cleanup after such uninvited guests can ensure you don’t
tip your hand too soon. Then again, if your goal is simply to
frighten the delvers, the mere appearance of such stains
(even if there is no such trap) is sure to get their paranoia
going...” – Grisbane Geargrinder


Awareness of such a trap is largely dependent on how fast
the walls are set to close together. This speed directly
correlates to the difficulty of the Vigilance or Perception This trap has a four-skull rating because barring some
check for the characters. Walls which move almost solution to stop the walls or finding a secret door out of the
unnoticeably slow would require a difficulty of Daunting corridor (or room), death is likely assured.
( ) to Formidable ( ). Slightly faster-
closing walls may be a difficulty of Average ( ) to Hard Closing Walls (Mechanics ; Damage 10; Critical 2;
( ) to notice. It is doubtful faster-closing walls than Range [Engaged]; Concussive 2, Burn 4). (The “burn”
these require any kind of check at all to notice. damage is the victim being squeezed to death).
THWARTING THE TRAP Merciful GMs are wise to put some kind of escape
In literature and movies, the heroes often thwart this kind mechanism in the corridor, such as a hidden way to reset
of trap by wedging some kind of very strong pole between and deactivate the trap, or the availability of a secret door
the walls to prevent them from closing. Of course, the to go forward. After all, it is assumed the hallway can also
success of such a solution depends on the amount of force be used by authorized personnel who know how to avoid
behind what is pushing those walls together (often it is tons getting squished.
of weighted sand, rocks, or water filling a ballast).

This solution also depends on a suitable item being in the

vicinity to use in this manner (as it is doubtful a PC brought
something like this with them). Likewise, the success of
such a solution is up to the GM, and whether or not it fits
the narrative.

Terrinoth Supplement

Many Lizardman and Naga temples in the dark jungles of
Zanaga make good use of this variety of trap. Variations on
the theme can also be found in ancient pyramids in the
deserts of Al-Kalim.

“Luckily for delvers, the poisons once used by the

trapmakers have likely dried up decades before their
intrusion, or I suspect these traps would be responsible for
many more explorers’ deaths. The magical variety of such
idol traps however, remain just as lethal as they were
centuries ago.” – Grisbane Geargrinder

Many variations on this trap exist. Some use small darts,

others use crossbow-like bolts, and still others use full-sized
spears. An example of each is given below:

Darts (Mechanics ; Damage 4; Critical 2; Range

[Short]). They may also be Poisoned.

Bolts (Mechanics ; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range [Short];

Pierce 1). They may also be Poisoned.

Spears (Mechanics ; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range

[Short]; Pierce 2). They may also be Poisoned. Fire (Mechanics ; Damage 8; Critical 󲊵 only; Range
[Short], Burn 3)
If the trap location is particularly old, the GM may wish to
assign or to the trap’s roll, to recognize such an old trap may Ice (Mechanics ; Damage 8; Critical 󲊵 only; Range
fail to function properly. Likewise, a merciful GM may wish [Short], Ensnare 3)
to describe the poison on the dart, bolt, or spear (to make
the PCs worry), even if the poison is long dormant. Lightning (Mechanics ; Damage 8; Critical 󲊵 only;
Range [Short], Stun 3, Auto-fire)
Note: these darts, bolts, and spears are often launched with
a bit more force than normal hand-held weapons. Of course, inventive GMs could have such idols do any
variety of magical effects such as turning PCs to stone,
They are typically triggered by tripwires or pressure-plates. transporting them elsewhere, holding them in place (while
However, many religious locations use magical triggers summoning guardians), etc.
(and attack forms). Magical versions of idol traps tend to
use one of the following:

Terrinoth Supplement

“While not as challenging for the trap designer, item
Item or creature traps have the distinct advantage of and creature traps will always have role in protecting
placement. For corridor and room traps, the mechanics of one’s valuables from others. Sometimes, nature simply
the trap often dictates construction. Conversely, trapped provides the perfect solution, and only a fool ignores
items or creatures which serve as traps can be placed such a simple solution when it is useful.” – Grisbane
wherever they are required in an existing dungeon or Geargrinder
stronghold of the villain.

The Black Widower is yet another giant Mennaran spider
creature (not to be confused for the tiny, but normal black
widow spider). This creature is native to Zanaga, but many
rich and powerful individuals use them as guardians to
secure items of import.

“The Black Widower is an example of how nature also uses

deception and trap-craft to snare its victims. Like any
successful trap, it uses bait or a lure to entice the victim,
while hiding the source of true danger in store… ” –
Grisbane Geargrinder


Skills: Brawl 3 , Cool 2 , Coordination 3

, Ranged 3 , Stealth 4 , Vigilance 4

Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat

The creature prefers a watery environment though it can
checks against this target once).
survive on both land and in the water. It uses the water for
Abilities: Silhouette 2, Skitter (can move across walls,
concealment and it can even shoot its web underwater,
ceilings, and giant spider webs without penalty).
acting as a potent fishing net.
Mask Spells (the Black Widower can suffer 2 strain to cast
a Mask spell action). Its favorite tactic is to mask its back to
If well fed, the creature can make for a powerful guardian.
appear to be a small rock island with a beautiful, illusionary
It enjoys using its illusion abilities to toy with its prey
example of a creature of the opposite sex of any potential
before it kills and consumes. If it encounters multiple foes,
victim, luring in the target.
it may cocoon the others to consume later. Of course, most
Amphibious (can breathe underwater without penalty and
such victims quickly drown, as the cocoons are stored in
never suffers movement penalties for traveling through
the creature’s underwater lair (often a cave or nest on the
Equipment: Venomous Fangs (Brawl, Damage 8; Critical 2;
Range [Engaged]; Burn 3, Pierce 3), Webbing (Ranged;
The creatures are rare, even in Zanaga. Some of the native
Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Ensnare 3).
cultures even view them as jungle spirits or minor gods (or
demons). Amazingly, the spider does have the willpower
While the Black Widower can survive on fish and other
to ensure it doesn’t decimate a local population in the wild,
creatures, it’s preferred prey is sentient humanoids. To this
but instead feeding only as it needs to, in order that it has
end, anyone looking to use one of these creatures as
a steady diet in the future.
guardians must ensure they receive a steady supply of such
prey in order to strike such a bargain.

Terrinoth Supplement



Alchemists are often a trapmaker’s greatest ally. Poisons, As in many traps, the key to thwarting it is to defeat the
acids, glues, and other alchemical substances offer a variety triggering mechanisms. Tripwires and pressure-plates
of solutions for the enterprising trap designer. are the most common means used by trapmakers.
However, magical triggers could also be employed, or
“Poison gas has always been a favorite instrument of mine. such a corridor could become trapped as the villain flees
Armor may deflect a poisoned dart, magical barriers may and pulls a lever, etc.
make the delver impervious to flame, but few measures
employed by adventurers can protect them from poison gas. COMMON VARIANTS
It’s a great way to ensure such trespassers meet their The stats for more common variants are given below,
demise.” – Grisbane Geargrinder though GMs should certainly feel free to devise their own
nasty surprises for PCs to encounter.
While poisonous gas is the most obvious variation of such a
trap, there are actually many varieties of gasses often Poison Gas (Mechanics ; Damage 6; Critical 󲊵 only;
employed by trap-makers. Gasses can put delvers to sleep, Range [Engaged]; Burn 3). Affected characters must make
turn them into stone statues, alter their minds, or even just a Hard ( ) Resilience check as an out-of-turn
be highly flammable (something a character carrying a incidental or suffer 4 additional wounds and must check
torch is sure to discover in a horrible way). again on their next turn if the check generates 󲊲.
Flammable Gas (Mechanics ; Damage 6; Critical 󲊵
Awareness of such a trap usually occurs when a character
only; Range [Engaged]; Burst 3)
with an adept sense of smell picks up on the latent smell of
such gasses used in the past, in the area. This is a good way
for a merciful GM to assign one or two to a Vigilance or
Survival skill check to notice the gas’ odor. Of course,
further identifying the type of poison may fall more under
an Alchemy skill check or appropriate Knowledge check as
the GM determines.
Terrinoth Supplement

Magical traps often do not hide their magical nature.
While mundane traps hint at something valuable being
protected, nothing quite communicates the import of
protection offered by obviously magical traps. There are
many varieties of such traps of course, but this entry will
focus on one which is common all over Mennara, though
expressed in different themes and scripts, from the
abandoned obelisks of Djinn ruins in Al-Kalim, the menhir
(standing stones) of Isheim, to the strange, rune-marked
obelisks found in the Ashen Hills (such as that pictured).

“While most obelisks are found in long-forgotten ruins or

desolate parts of the countryside, there is no reason I can
think of to prevent current arcanists from duplicating these
magical traps for their own purposes.” – Grisbane


These traps are often obvious, with softly-glowing runes
indicating these objects are likely dangerous. Of course,
when have delvers ever heeded such obvious warnings?
Noticing the trap shouldn’t even require any kind of a skill
check as it is a Simple (-) task.


About the only way to disarm magical traps is for another
caster to make a successful Dispel spell action. The difficulty
depends on the caster who originally created the obelisk,
but it is recommended to be at least a Hard ( )
difficulty to dispel the magic. Even then, this should only
work for a certain period of time (perhaps equal to a
number of rounds or minutes for each rank of the caster in
their appropriate magical skill or Knowledge (Lore) as the
GM seems fit to determine.

Similar to Idol traps, obelisks typically work in a similar

way, but often house far more magical energy resulting in
a more powerful attack: NOTE: Those in mostly metal armor (this includes:
Brigandine, Chainmail, Plate, and Scale armor) cannot
Fire (Mechanics ; Damage 10; Critical 󲊵 only; Range apply soak when being damaged by the more common
[Short], Burn 3) lightning version of the Obelisk (such as the unfortunate
soul pictured above). In addition, such characters
Ice (Mechanics ; Damage 10; Critical 󲊵 only; Range upgrade the difficulty of the Athletics or Coordination
[Short], Ensnare 3) check to dodge the attack for the lightning version.

Lightning (Mechanics ; Damage 10; Critical 󲊵 only;

Range [Short], Stun 3, Auto-fire)


Merciful GMs may allow a character to dodge the attack
from the obelisk by either making a successful Hard
( ) Athletics or Coordination check to evade.

Terrinoth Supplement


However, if a character is wearing metal armor on their

This nuisance trap works on the principle of the path of arm (as defined by the armor type as listed in the REALMS
least “resistance”. An explorer reaching into a hole in the OF TERRINOTH sourcebook), the damage cannot be soaked
wall and finding a lever is more likely to pull than to push by the character pulling the lever.
said lever. In this case, pushing the lever is the correct
solution (to open up the escape secret door, raise a sturdy Pulling the lever turns small gears which release a
portcullis, etc.), while pulling the lever delivers a bit of a wound-up spring and magnets sending a jolt through the
shock to the unhappy lever-puller. metal rings lining the lever recess. Pushing the lever back
to center position rewinds the spring and resets the trap.
“Ever walk across a fur rug and then give your wife a little Pushing it forward engages the opening mechanism gear
shock when you touch her? Such a moment was the instead, avoiding the shock.
inspiration for this idea. By isolating the cause of this mild
jolt, I was able to amplify it a bit for this lever deterrent. DISARMING THE TRAP
Why do explorers always have the perverse desire to pull GMs should note anyone attempting to disarm this trap is
strange levers anyhow?” – Grisbane Geargrinder equally likely to disable the function of the lever
completely (meaning it may not then open what it is
This trap is really more of a nuisance than deadly (hence supposed to open).
the one-skull rating). The recess housing this lever should
be extremely difficult to find (thus highlighting its In addition, someone trying to disarm the trap may
importance)! The simplest way to avoid any damage is to inadvertently shock themselves in the process when
simply push the lever forward (thus activating the secret fiddling around with the wires, springs, etc. of the
door, portcullis, or whatever other portal or object the GM mechanism. A fun way to narratively treat this may be to
wishes the lever to activate). Of course, we all know the have a small shock result from any 󲊱 results on the
average delver is going to just pull on the lever. disarm attempt or a more typical shock from a 󲊲 result.
Lever (Mechanics ; Damage 4; Critical 󲊵 only; Range
[Engaged], Stun 3)

Terrinoth Supplement

Alchemy often takes inspiration from nature and turns it
into something even deadlier. Natural fungi which emit
spores are often altered to make these spores even more
dangerous in a variety of ways.

“A wise delver avoids going anywhere near mushrooms,

especially those they cannot identify. Most natural spores
may cause sneezing or itching, but alchemical varieties can
cause you to burst into flame or start dissolving the skin as
if one were doused in acid!” – Grisbane Geargrinder


Encountering strange mushrooms does not require a skill
roll. However, if the characters hope to determine the type
of mushroom encountered, a variety of skills could be
used. An Alchemy or Survival check should be relatively
Easy ( ) to note they are not normal mushrooms. An
Average ( ) Perception or Vigilance check can glean
the same information. If the characters wish to identify the
exact variety and possible effects of them, the GM should
increase the difficulty of these checks accordingly.


If the spores completely block the path, there are generally
3 different ways to clear them:

1) Have something (preferably inanimate) trigger the

spores and simply wait a bit for the spores to dissipate.

2) Burn the mushrooms away.

3) Douse the mushrooms with a lot of water, thus keeping

the spores from flying up when going through the

Acid Spores (Survival ; Damage 4; Critical 󲊵 only;

Of course, GMs should feel free to come up with any
Range [Short], Burst 2, Burn 3) The GM should add
other spores they wish to plague their players. Other
narrative effects and consider the acidic spores’ effect on
ideas include the spores having mind-altering affects
the character’s gear. Chances are, most normal gear
(such as a love potion), having the spores put the
becomes of Inferior quality if fully exposed to the spores.
characters to sleep, stronger poisons requiring a
Resilience check, etc.
Fire Spores (Survival ; Damage 4; Critical 󲊵 only;
Range [Short], Burst 2, Burn 2) The GM should consider
items catching on fire as the fire spores burst open.

Poisonous Spores (Survival ; Damage 4; Critical 󲊵

only; Range [Short], Burst 2, Burn 3)

Terrinoth Supplement

“Full-blown rooms of death were my specialty. Many of
Room traps could be otherwise ordinary-looking, or they my clients wanted would-be thieves to know certain
could even be obvious traps. Sometimes, that’s part of the areas were traps. After all, this kind of fear is the best
fun! All three of the rooms in this section are the latter. It deterrent against future theft attempts! These three are
should be obvious that things are amiss in all of these rooms, some of my favorite examples!” – Grisbane Geargrinder
but of course, that won’t stop the delvers from trying to
figure it all out.


1. Door: Once the door closes, it is magically sealed.

This is easily both the strangest and deadliest trap in this Though it is apparently made of wood, any attempts to
supplement. Even the most cursory inspection of the room break it down will feel as if it is made of thick metal. In
and its contents reveal its strangeness. Once there is more addition, even Sunder attacks will fail to penetrate the
light in the room, it gets even weirder. Once the party is in door. About the only way to open it is a successful,
the room (or after a few minutes, if some stay outside of the Daunting ( ) Dispel spell action. Even then, it will
room), the door to the room will magically seal the close again in the same way in a few minutes, if forced
characters inside. open in this manner.
“My favorite thing about this trap is it is easy to successfully 2. Cat Ass Trophy: This strange example of taxidermy is a
bypass…if you know the means. If you don’t however, you superbly-mounted rear half of a cat. The trophy has an
will likely end up as another permanent decoration in the ornate, carved wooden plaque with a gold name plate.
room…” – Grisbane Geargrinder The name is written in Dwarven runes. Any character
fluent in Dwarven can translate the name as “Duckie”.
Unbeknownst to the players, this is actually the key to

Terrinoth Supplement

safely bypassing the harmful effect of the room. In addition 5. Half Corpse: This torso skeleton has obviously been
to the other “halved” objects in the room, it also serves as a here a while. Like the half trunk, it is a clue as to the fate
clue to the nature of this room’s trap. of those who fall victim to the room. Generous GMs may
wish to hide a small treasure here, but it is far more likely
3. Half Trunk: The trunk seems almost fused to the wall, as the victim’s companions left long ago with anything of
if it is half into the wall (because it is). The trunk is easy to value he might have carried.
open as it has only half the lid and it just sitting on it. There
are a few gold coins inside (yes, gold), including a few half 6. Normal Walls: All of the other walls (except area 4) are
pieces which are fused into the wall. This is the largest normal stone, as is the floor and ceiling of the room. They
warning yet about the room. are at least 10’ thick.

4. Phase Wall: This is the main trap in the room. If any 7. Knick-Knack Shelf: This shelf has a variety of ceramic
character tries to touch the wall, it almost seems spongy, knick-knacks on it. Closer examination will reveal each
though still as hard as stone. Putting a hand or arm in is one is actually only half-complete, with the other half of
easy and can be easily pulled out. Once part of a character’s it missing. Some of the objects here are: a cat, a dragon, a
torso or head moves into the wall, the character must make bottle, a large bird, a duck, a mushroom, a genie lamp, a
a Hard ( ) Athletics check or be stuck in the wall! gnome, and a pig. GMs should feel free to add in any
Characters with part of their head stuck in the wall will other items, especially any item which may seem more
begin to suffocate (see page 112 of the GENESYS CORE important to the players. The key item of course, is the
RULEBOOK). There is only one way to safely travel through duck (from the clue of the cat’s name on the trophy
this wall (and presumably to the next objective). This is plaque). If a character walks through the wall holding the
explained in area 7. Any character getting stuck in the wall duck, they can safely do so without getting “stuck”.
suffers 4 damage for each round spent in the wall (in Trying to walk through with any other object will seem
addition to suffocation). to work at first, but the character will get stuck exactly
halfway through the wall as mentioned in area 4.
Characters can easily hand the duck back through the
wall to allow passage for others.

Terrinoth Supplement


3. Danger Floor: The entire floor is on a giant axle. The

Another room that just screams “TRAP”, the See-Saw trap’s part of the floor between area 4 and the door is referred
danger is obvious, though the delivery mechanism isn’t. to as the dangerous part.
Upon opening the door, the delvers will see a large, man-
sized target affixed to the wall, with alternating circles of 4. Floor Axle: The giant axle allows the floor to tilt (or be
red and white as well as a bullseye circle in the middle. The launched via the lever (area 2). Even if the lever isn’t
target is splattered with blood, indicating numerous pulled, as soon as there is more weight on the side of the
gruesome impacts. Any delver who doesn’t pause at this floor closest to the target, the whole floor will quickly
point should really seek counseling. tilt. The character pushing the weight over the threshold
can make a Hard ( ) Coordination or Athletics
“The beauty of this room is that it tells the delvers right check to quickly move back to a safer position.
away there’s a target on them. When they open the door,
they will all be thinking the same thing…is that a target on 5. The Pit: The pit below is 30’ deep (or 10 meters) and
the wall? And…is that blood on the target?” – Grisbane the floor is peppered with long, sharp iron spikes!
Geargrinder Characters falling into the pit (including those launched
at the target) take damage according to this profile:
1. Metal Door: Nothing screams “This room is important!”
more than it having a strong metal door. Of course, in this Spiked Pit (Mechanics ; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
case, it is more for keeping the delvers in than keeping [Engaged]; Pierce 2).
others out. The fact that it is unlocked should make the
group wary, but of course, they’ll just consider themselves Note, anyone landing on the spikes triggers pressure
lucky. The door will stay open until someone falls into the plates which trigger the door (area 1) to slam shut and
pit (area 5). Landing on the spikes will trigger the door to lock tight. This condition may make it difficult for those
shut and lock shut (requiring a Daunting [ ] outside the room to help their allies down in the pit.
Skulduggery check to pick the lock open).
6. Target: This man-sized, thick wooden target is sturdily
2. Lever: When the PCs enter the room, the lever will be mounted to the wall. When first encountered, it will
pointing up. Moving the lever down makes the floor quickly already have a couple of blood splotch areas stained on it.
launch as pictured above. Anyone on the floor between area If a character is launched at the target, and has a dagger
4 and the door is launched at the target at a pretty good rate at the ready, the GM may allow the victim to make an
of speed, with the following profile: upgraded Hard ( ) Athletics check to reflexively
move and stab into the target to keep from being
Catapult Floor (Mechanics ; Damage 6; Critical 3; splattered and falling into the pit.
Range [across the room]; Concussive 2).

Terrinoth Supplement


3. Lorimor Fire Storage: This large oil reservoir is within

This trap is quite deadly, no matter where an adventurer is the walls and filled via access from the upper level of the
located when different parts of it trigger. Of course, a lone complex where the trap is located (or can be a one-time
treasure chest in the middle of a round room should scream supply for a limited number of trap triggerings).
“TRAP” to any delver, but of course, since when has that
stopped them? Anyone approaching area 4 will be subject to attack from
the 8 arrow slits (area 5). See this section for details.
“Sometimes, you want to ensure anyone trying to steal your
belongings is just dead. This trap ensures the demise of the 4. Treasure Chest: This iron chest is made and painted to
thieves anywhere in this room. Would-be thieves are either appear to be made of wood. It has a particularly
struck with multiple arrows or burned alive in Lorimor challenging lock (requires a Hard [ ] Skulduggery
Fire.” – Grisbane Geargrinder check to unlock unless one has the key (likely elsewhere
in the complex). Any 󲊱 on this check means a number
1. Metal Wheel: Turning this metal wheel to the left will of strikers are triggered from the left corridor wall. This
slowly raise the portcullis. However, this same action also will cause the Lorimor Fire in area 2 to ignite! Anyone
causes thinned Lorimor Fire (highly flammable alchemical caught in the corridor when this occurs is dealt damage
substance first mentioned in the TARIANOR’S TRANSPORTS according to the trap profile:
supplement, stored in area 3) to imperceptibly spray out of
the small holes along the right wall (after the 4th turn), onto Lorimor Fire Corridor (Mechanics ; Damage 10;
the floor (area 2). Of course, for “authorized” personnel, Critical 3; Range [anywhere in the corridor]; Burn 3).
turning the wheel 3 times to the left, then 3 times to the
right will ensure the oil does not spray out. 5. Arrow Slits: Many options exist here, depending on the
resources of the trap owner. The archers could be undead
2. Fiery Corridor: Until the treasure chest is messed with, (easy maintenance), rigged crossbows, or paid archers
this will seem like an ordinary corridor. Those with torches (though then they need to have a means of getting in and
or some other light source may (Hard [ ] Perception out of that hidden corridor). If using rigged crossbows,
check or Daunting [ ] Vigilance check) notice the damage is dealt according to the profile below:
small holes near the floor of the corridor. No check is
required to notice the floor is a bit slippery and smells Rigged Crossbows (8) (Mechanics ; Damage 8;
slightly of oil. This may make those carrying torches a bit Critical 2; Range [anywhere in the round room]; Pierce 1,
nervous (as it should, as stray embers could easily ignite the Limited Ammo 1). These are typically triggered by
entire corridor!). pressure plates or trip wires, depending on the trap

Terrinoth Supplement

OTHER OPTIONS left wall (further away from the oil jets) to either mitigate
If the GM doesn’t want this room to be a simple dead end, or avoid the fire damage from the trap. Anyone carrying
there are a few different options. There could be a secret a torch should add 󲊸󲊸 to this check if this option is used.
door in the arrow slit wall (which also works great as access At least one 󲊳 is needed to get against the wall, while any
for flesh and blood archers) or the chest may actually be the extra uncancelled 󲊳 and 󲊴 can be used to mitigate the
lid for a trap door and ladder deeper down into the complex damage by 1 per die result spent or avoid all damage with
or dungeon. a 󲊵 result. A result means the character slipped in the oil
and suffers a critical burn result. Roy Altman’s GENESYS
If you want to give a bit more of an out for the fire corridor, EXPANDED CRITICAL TABLES supplement is great for this as
you could allow those in the corridor to make a Hard it separates critical results by attack type.
( ) Athletics check to get right up against the

Terrinoth Supplement

“Wilderness traps are more the domain of Hunters and
Wilderness traps tend to be one of two types. The first type Stalkers than my own profession, but mechanical animal
is purposefully crafted metal traps designed for hunting. traps have long been a hobby of mine. Most are severely
Most of these are of varying sizes for different kinds of savage and can easily be adapted to more professional
game. They can be made to instantly kill (usually through anti-theft devices. If nothing else, the principles of
decapitation) small game, or more commonly made to trap pressure plates, tension wires, springs, and other
game or enemies. advanced trigger mechanisms can easily be applied by
the professional trap-maker” – Grisbane Geargrinder
The other type of wilderness traps are those made from
natural materials, such as those featured in the
use branches for tension, vines as rope, and often large logs,
rocks, or sharpened sticks to deal damage.

Animal traps offer convenient ways to both capture wild
game and protect one’s property. Many a farmer has
discouraged thieving Goblins from stealing their crops with
a prodigious use of bear or wolf traps. The mechanisms for
many animal traps are easily adapted to serve as the trigger
(and injury mechanism) for use against trespassers.

“Animal traps were some of my first designs, and how I got

into making even more complex contraptions. Not everyone
can hunt, but these traps allow even inexperienced
explorers to often snare enough game to survive. Of course,
just as they do with the animals, these traps can hurt and
lead to some nasty injuries for people who stumble upon
them.” – Grisbane Geargrinder

Animal traps come in different sizes for different kinds of

prey. First mentioned in the GRIZELDA’S GEAR supplement
as “Hunting Traps”, the medium-sized variant was listed
there. Here, the small, medium, and larged-sized traps
are all given.

Small Animal Trap (Survival ; Damage 4; Critical 3;

Range [Engaged], Pierce 1, Vicious 1). Encumbrance 1,
Cost 25 silver, Rarity 4. These palm-sized traps are
intended for small game like rabbits, etc.

Medium Animal Trap (Survival ; Damage 6; Critical

3; Range [Engaged], Pierce 1, Vicious 1). Encumbrance 1,
Cost 50 silver, Rarity 4.

Large Animal Trap (Survival ; Damage 8; Critical 2;

Range [Engaged], Pierce 2, Vicious 2). Encumbrance 1,
Cost 100 silver, Rarity 5. This is similar to that pictured
to the left. These are often designed for silhouette 2 or
larger animals.

Terrinoth Supplement

This trap is often set to discourage larger beings (typically
Silhouette 2 or larger) from entering a given area (or at least
to weaken them if they do).

“To damage a giant, you must hit them with something as

big or bigger than they are. It is a simple concept, which is
often applied to the problem in the simplest of ways.” –
Grisbane Geargrinder

The log sandwich trap often involves a few helpers other

than simply the trap-setter. The key component is a large
tree trunk (which is then halved) to make the damage-
dealer of the trap. A good amount of rope is used in the
making of this trap.


As with most Wilderness traps, the key challenge is
ensuring your prey is going to come to that exact spot
(where the trap is triggered). For animals, bait is a common
tactic, but the same idea can be used for intelligent prey. Of
course, sentient prey will likely assume valuables left in the
open are perhaps a lure for a trap.
The log sandwich trap should be positioned on a well- Once triggered, this trap moves very fast and often quietly.
defined trail. This ensures larger targets will encounter it as Merciful GMs can allow characters to make a Hard
they often travel the path of least resistance. Of course, this ( ) Athletics or Coordination check to quickly step
trap is also useful against carriages and mounted knights. back, dive forward, or fall to the ground to avoid the
deadly collision of the two logs.
Most Wilderness traps use natural materials for making Log Sandwich Trap (Survival ; Damage 12; Critical 3;
triggers. Because of this, they are exceptionally difficult to Range [Short], Concussive 2, Vicious 2).
spot for untrained eyes. A character can make a Hard
( ) Survival check to spot such traps, or a Daunting
( ) Perception check to see them. It is not
recommended for characters to be able to detect such traps
with Vigilance, unless they know they are likely to
encounter such traps in the area (and such active awareness
is more applicable to a Perception check).


“Fare thee well intrepid explorers! I have far more trap knowledge to impart to you beyond the contents of this tome!
I look forward to bringing you further installments of this series as I reveal even more deadly and dangerous traps
designed to ruin a delver’s day (or end their life!)” – Grisbane Geargrinder

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