Occupational Health and Safety Practices Answer

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What are the practices of occupational health and safety?

Enumerate at least three and explain the

importance of each practices.

The pratices of occupational health and safety are be aware, Make Use of Mechanical Aids and Reduce
Workplace Stress. First is Be Aware we have to always be aware of what is going on around you;
remember that your safety is entirely your responsibility. Understand the specific risks associated with
your employment or workplace, and avoid potentially dangerous regions or circumstances. On the work,
be awake and alert, and be especially vigilant of machines. Avoid driving or working while inebriated,
since this can impair your focus, coordination, judgment, motor control, and attentiveness.

Next is Make Use of Mechanical Aids, take the time to get a wheelbarrow, a crank, a conveyor belt, a
forklift, or some mechanical device to help you carry large goods. Lifting anything that is too heavy to lift
might result in injuries that could have been avoided.

Last one is the Reduce Workplace Stress, stress can cause problems with concentration and depression,
making it difficult to stay awake at work. Workplace stress may be caused by a variety of factors,
including interpersonal difficulties, severe workloads, long hours, and job instability. If you're having
trouble at work, talk to your boss about how to deal with the situation.

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