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Name: ______________________________________Section: ____________Date of Assessment: ___________


Once in ancient Greece, there lived a young and fine sculptor named Sirius. He crafted images of men
and beasts out of a teakwood. He fashioned his works with elegance and perfection which made him great and
famous throughout the land. He was so faithful with his work that every creation he made was exceptionally
One day, he decided to carve a replica of a beautiful maiden. He spent many days and months working
on it until one day, he felt a strange emotion of wanting to possess his work of art. He felt an intense feeling
towards the figure that when he was away to gather teakwood in the forest, he rushed home to gaze the
lifeless maiden as it was steadily standing, half-finished in his doorway. He devoted so much time finishing it
until such time the sculpture was completed magnificently.

Lo! and behold him was a very pleasing work of art. It looked as if it were alive. Hence, Sirius felt
deeply in love with his masterpiece. Every night, he prayed to the goddess Aphrodite. Sirius mumbled, “O,
goddess Aphrodite, hears my prayer. Grant that this image be transformed into a living soul so I can shower
her the greatness of my devotion”. Every night, Sirius was so pious in offering his supplications to the goddess.
Till one day, Aphrodite was moved with the earnestness of Sirius’ intentions and granted his desire.

One great day, after his usual errand in the woods, upon returning home, he saw in his abode, a very
fair and fine maiden strolling the room, walking to and fro. By then, Sirius knelt with overflowing joy and offered
his thanksgiving to Aphrodite. He named the maiden, Teakne from a Teakwood tree, and the two lived with
long lives, happiness and contentment.

COMPREHENSION TEST: For teacher’s only

1.Who was the goddess who helped Sirius?
a. Teakne
b. Hera
c. Aphrodite Word Recognition:
d. Athena
No.of Major Miscues (N) = ______
2. Where did Sirius usually go?
a. in the farm No. of Words (M)= 233
b. in the grass land
c. in the woods
d. in the meadow
Comprehension Test:
3. What could be the reason why Aphrodite granted Sirius’ prayers?
a. The goddess was touched with the pure intentions of Sirius. No.of Correct Responses= _______
b. The goddess was moved by Sirius dedication towards his profession. No.of Items = 5
c. The goddess was moved with the seriousness of Sirius.
d. The goddess was moved by Sirius’ helplessness. Assessed by:

4. What quality trait is best manifested in the passage?

a. loyalty
Teacher’s Name and Signature
b. diligent
c. courage
d. perseverance

5. Which comes first in the order of events in the story?

1. Sirius eyed at the lifeless creation.
2. Sirius clung to Aphrodite’s power.
3. Sirius was a sculptor of images.
4. Sirius saw Teakne became a living being.

a. 3412 b. 3124 c. 3142 d. 3214

Answer Key:
1. c
2. c
3. a
4. d.
5. b

Written by:


Imelda NHS

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