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Findings from the Questionnaire

1. Whether training is needed?

 Yes
 No

No. of Respondents % Basis

Yes 50 100%
No 0 0%
Total 50 100


70 Percentage
Yes No

Fig.1. Illustrating the need of training facilities among the employees.

Inference: Here from their responses shows that need of training

facilities among the employees is 100%. Hence it is seen that
employees are well required of the training facilities and programs to
them in the corporation.
2. Whether training will actually improve the employee performance on the
 Yes
 No


Fig.2. Illustrating performance improvement among the employees

with the basic training facility available to them.

Inference: Here, 100% of the employees were quite satisfied with this
that training facilities available to them improves their performance
on the job. Hence it is seen that employees are well required of the
training facilities and programs to them in the corporation.
3. Are you satisfied with the present Training need Identification system?
 Yes
 No

No. of Respondents % Basis

Yes 32 64%
No 18 36%
Total 50 100



Fig.3. Illustrating employees’ satisfaction on the present TNI system

Inference: Here, 64% of the employees are satisfied with the present
Training Need Identification system provided by the corporation
while, 36% of the employees are not satisfied with the present
Training Need Identification.
4. Does the training provided to you, fill up your needs on the job?

No. of Respondents % Basis

Yes 44 88%
No 6 12%
Total 50 100



Fig. 4. Illustrating the fulfillment of their needs with provided training

facilities to them
Inference: Here, 88% of the employees said the training facilities
provided by the corporation are ‘good’ and it helps to fulfill their
needs while 12% of the employees said that it does not fulfill their
5. Is training provided to you according to work profile?
 Yes
 No
 Not sure
 To some extent

No. of Respondents % Basis

Yes 30 60%
No 10 20%
Not sure 2 4%
To some extent 8 16%
Total 50 100

To some extent

Not sure

No Yes
20% 60%

Fig. 5. Illustrating the training facilities with the work profile

Inference: Here 60% of the employees said the training facilities are
provided according to the work profile, 16% of the employees said
that to some extent, 4% of the employees said that it is not sure and
20% of the employees said that it does not put according to the work

6. Training provided to you in the past helped to improve your productivity?

Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Training provided to you in the past helped to

improve your productivity
Scale Maximum possible Actual Score
score (No. of statements*
(No. of statements* total no. of
total no. of respondents* points)
Strongly agree =5 1*50*5=250 1*0*5=0

Agree =4 1*50*4=200 1*44*4=176

Neither agree nor 1*50*3=150 1*0*3=0

disagree = 3
Disagree = 2 1*50*2=100 1*4*2=8

Strongly disagree =1 1*50*1=50 1*2*1=2

Total Score 186


50 100 150 200 250

Fig. 6. It shows the favourable opinion i.e. many of them agreed that
the training provided to them in the past helped to improve their

7. Do you think the present Training Need Identification rules need any

 Yes (if yes, then state the reason)………………………………………

 No

No. of Respondents % Basis

Yes 20 40%

No 30 60%

Total 50 100



Fig.7 Illustrating the opinion of employees with regard to

modification on TNI system
Inference: Here, 40% of the employees said that the present TNI
system needs some modifications and gave the following suggestions.

Suggestions for modifications:

1. To find out the drawbacks of the employees.

2. To add training on material management.
3. Should be implemented properly and effectively.
4. Needs to provide job related.
5. Disturbance to be controlled.
6. It is required to keep reminders.
7. It should be as per need of employees.

While 60% of the employees were satisfied with the present TNI

8. How comfortable do you feel with benefits of training in your department?

 High
 Moderate
 Low
No. of Respondents % Basis
High 14 28%

Moderate 32 64%

Low 4 8%
Total 50 100
Low 28%


Fig.8.Illustrating comfortable of employees with regard to benefits of training in

their Department

Inference: Here it was found that 28 % of the employees were highly

comfortable with the benefits of training in their department while,
64% of the employees said ‘moderate ’and 8% of the employees said

9. How satisfied are you with this situation?

 Highly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Highly dissatisfied
Response No. of Respondents % Basis
Highly Satisfied 2 4%
Satisfied 32 64%
Neither satisfied nor 12 24%
Dissatisfied 4 8%
Highly dissatisfied - -
Total 50 100

Dissatisfied Highly satisfied

8% 4%

Neither satisfied nor



Fig.9 Illustrating the employees satisfaction with the present situation.

Inference: Here, 4% of employees felt highly satisfied with this

situation in the corporation, 64% felt quite satisfied with it, 24% felt it
was moderate, while 8% of the employees were dissatisfied with it.

10 .A detailed TNI procedure leads to improved performance?

 Yes
 No
 Not sure
 To some extent

No. of Respondents % Basis

Yes 30 60%

No 10 20%

Not sure 6 12%

To some extent 4 8%

Total 50 100

Not sure To some extent

12% 8%

No Yes
20% 60%

Fig 10. Illustrating the opinion of the employees about the TNI
procedure in the corporation improved their performance.
Inference: Here, 60% of the employees said that a detailed TNI
procedure leads performance improvement while, 12% of the
employees said that not sure and 8% of the employees said that to
some extent. On the other hand, 20% of the employees said that it
does not improved performance.

11. Please rank the following from 1 to five in order of importance. (Highest=5,
Lowest=1). Training is necessary for-

 Higher Employee Morale

 Increased productivity
 Reduced turnover and absenteeism
 Less wastage
 Less supervision

Chart Title
Increased Productivity Higher Employee Morale
Reduced Turnover and Absenteeism Less Wastage
Less Supervision
13% 30%


19% 21%

The respondents have ranked the above in order of their importance:

Training is necessary for

Rank 1: Increased Productivity
Rank 2: Higher Employee Morale
Rank 3: Reduced Turnover and Absenteeism
Rank 4: Less Wastage
Rank 5: Less Supervision

12. The present TNI system is

 Highly effective
 Effective
 Neutral
 Non effective
 Highly non effective

Response No. of Respondents % Basis

Highly effective 0 -
Effective 24 48%
Neutral 22 44%
Non effective 2 4%
Highly non effective 2 4%
Total 50 100

Highly non effective

Non effective



Fig 12. Illustrating the opinion of the employee on the effectiveness

of present TNI system
Inference: Here, 48% of the employees said that the present TNI
system is effective while 44% of the employees said that it is neutral
and 4% of the employees said that it is non effective on the other hand
4% of the employees said that it is highly non effective.

13. Is TNI system important?

a) Most important
b) Very important
c) Somewhat important
d) Not very important
e) Least important

Response No. of Respondents % Basis

Most important 14 28%
Very Important 14 28%
Somewhat Important 10 20%
Not very Important 12 24%
Least Important - -
Total 50 100
Most important
Not very important 28%

Somewhat important
Very important

Fig.13 Illustrating importance of TNI system

Inference: Here, 28% of employees felt that the present TNI system
applicable to them was the most important facility to be improved,
again 28% said its improvement was very important, 20% also felt it
was somewhat important, 24% said it was not very important.

14.Training provided by IOCL is(put a cross on the line where u feel is


 Modern:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:Outdated

 Unreliable:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:Reliable

Modern Outdated
Unreliabl Reliable
3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
This scale consists of a set of bipolar rating scales. It is using for 50





Highly Reliable Reliable Neutral Unreliable Unreliable highly un
reliable times times reliable

Fig. 14. Illustrating the opinion of the employees as regards to show modernity
and reliability.

Inference: Here, most of the employees expressed that the training

provided by IOCL is reliable but it needs more modifications because
some of the employees said that it is not modernized and unreliable..



 It was found that majority of the employees were aware of the
training facilities provided to them.

 Training helps in orienting staffs hence helps in management.

 Latest TNI matrix and its proper execution is helping T&D Department to find
out actual training need of an individual.

 Trainings are generally related to work assignment.

 To acquire the right skills and knowledge, training is a must in that particular
field of knowledge.

 It was found that majority of the employees had full support that
training actually improves their performance on the job.

 It was found that employees had mixed responses in satisfaction with

the present training need Identification facilities.

 It was found that majority of the employees support that training

provided to them fill up their needs on the job.

 It was found that employees had mixed responses about the

training facilities provided to them according to the work
 It was found that employees had mixed responses about the
training facilities provided to them in the past help to improve
their productivity in the present time.

 It was found that employees thought that the new scheme of

TNI system was very good but there were some responses for
adding more facilities.
 It was found that majority of the employees thought that the
benefits of training in their department is quite moderate.
 It was found that employees had mixed responses about the
satisfaction with this situation. It was found that employees had
mixed responses about the TNI procedure in IOCL leads to
improve performance.

 It was found that majority of the employees believe that the

corporation’s goals and strategies were clearly emphasized
through proper training facilities.

 It was found that majority of the employees believe that they

had reached a satisfied level of their wants through their job.

 It was found that employees had mixed responses about the

effectiveness of the present TNI system.

 It was found that majority of the employees were happy to work

with the corporation. It shows the level of employees morale.

The recommendations that are suggested after the completion of the
research report are as follows:

Based on the findings of our study, we would like to put forward the following
suggestions to the company:

 The present TNI system should be well organized; it needs to provide full
satisfaction to the employees.
 The Training & Development should be done keeping in pace with the fast
changing technology worldwide.
 The T&D should identify expansion of operation and impart suitable training
 The T&D Department should make a systematic evaluation of the training needs
across the organization before imparting training. If necessary, reputed faculties can
be outsourced.
 The training should be provided according to their needs on the job.
 It is required to provide the training according to work profile.
 It is required that the provided training should improve their productivity.
 The required modifications should change in time i.e.
 To find out the drawbacks of the employees.
 To add training on material management.
 Should be implemented properly and effectively.
 Needs to provide job related.
 Disturbance to be controlled.
 It is required to keep reminders.
 It should be as per need of employees.

 The present TNI procedure needs to make clearer.

 Training should be given according to some criteria like background of the
candidate, physical fitness, work experience and educational qualification.
 The TNI system should match with this advanced and challengeable environment.
Training Need Identification activities in an industrialized society has far
reaching impact not only on the work force but also all the facets of human
resources. Training Need Identification emphasized that all training must be
directed towards the satisfaction of the defined needs for the company as a
whole, for specific functions or groups of employees or for in individuals. It
comprises of short term and long terms goal toward building a human society.
IOCL, Guwahati Refinery, Noonmati being an organization which is the first
public sector refinery of the country functions as one of the largest production
based organization in the entire North east, its ability to develop, sustain its
human resource is significant although more improvements can be made from
proper training and development programs. The main task in assessing the
training needs of the employees is to determine what the job entails and to break
it down into subtasks, each of which is then taught to the new employees.
Assessing the training needs of the current employees can be more complex.
Since there is an added task to decide whether or not training is the solution. It
needs organizational analysis, task or role analysis and manpower analysis.

“SWOT” Analysis of Indian Oil Corporation Limited”


Consolidation of retail & consumer business is supported by appropriate

product quality to compete with the competitors.
 Wide range of product & services.
 Large variance of product & services.
 Indian Oil Corporation Limited has the highest no. of retail outlet in
 World class R&D centre.
 Indian Oil Corporation Limited has 10 refineries in India.
 Largest pipeline network in India.
 Indian Oil’s ISO-9002 certified Aviation Service commands a 64% market
share in aviation fuel business, meeting the fuel needs of domestic and
international flag carriers, private airlines and the Indian Defence
Services. Indian Oil also enjoys a dominant share of the bulk consumer
business, encoding that of railways, state transport undertakings,
industrial, agricultural and marine sectors.
 IBPs (merged with IOCLs marketing division) solo marketing initiatives.

 Development of new energy efficient product, formulation including

lubricants and bituminous product and up gradation of refinery
processes to maximum product yield.
 Proper quality implementation of quality concepts like six sigma etc.
 Listed in Fortune 500 Company- 135 position holder as on 2007


 High cost of raw material.

 Government rules & regulations & its intervention
 Dependence on Exploration Companies for the crude oil
 Rising prices of the crude oil
 Social obligations
 Inability to process different types of crude
 The technological drawback, as compared to some major foreign player
is another weakness for the company.


 As IOCL has entered into new market like Sri Lanka and Mauritius. It can
continue to spread out its offshore marketing venture to tap new
markets and explore business opportunities.
 Capacity expansion for popularizing different brands as penetration level
in India is  highly prospective.

 As they entered in new foreign market, they are able to gain more
foreign currency which is continuously uplifting Indian economy.
 IOCL is venturing into new business avenues like petrochemicals and
power generation. And the demand for petrochemicals and power
generation is increased day by day so it is a great opportunity for IOCL to
earn revenue.
 In India economic growth rate is 10%, purchasing power of people is
increased in India, so it’s an opportunity for Indian oil Corporation
Limited to sell their product.
 As IOC entered into upstream business and in the time of rising prices of
crude oil it’s not affect the profit margin of IOCL


 Large number of substitutes in the petroleum sector like coal, solar

energy, natural gas, bio-fuel etc. is coming as sharp substitute to the
petroleum products.
 Limited stock of crude oil.
 The foreign players with more advanced technology are the biggest
threat for the company.
 Highly oligopolistic market with a few number of players, i.e. no single
company can mobilize its resources to reap fullest advantage. It can be a
question of mere survival for many of them in the coming years.
 Buyers of the petroleum products are getting inclined to the new
substitutes coming up.
 With the entry of private players in domestic country and the product of
outside country bring stiff competition to the IOCL on the refining and
marketing margins.
 Removal of Excise Duty Exemption by Government of India would result
in substantial amount of loss
 If the Government Policies allow the private players to set their own
prices, the private player can seriously harm the market share of IOCL



Dear Sir/Madam

As part of my Summer Internship Project, I have prepared a list of questions

relating to Training Need Identification. This questionnaire will be kept
confidential and will be used for educational purposes only. Your response
together with our own assessment will contribute to the improvement of the
Training Need Identification system in IOCL. I will be grateful if you could kindly
fill up accordingly.

Thanking you in anticipation.

The questionnaire is as follows:

1. a)Name of the respondent:………………………………………………………

b) Department:……………………………………………………………………….

c) Designation:…………………………………………………………………………

d) Gender: Male Female

e) Marital status: Married Unmarried

2. Whether training is needed?

 Yes
 No
 Not sure
 To some extent

3. Whether training will actually improve the employee performance on the

 Yes
 No
 Not sure
 To some extent
4. Are you satisfied with the present Training need Identification system?
 Yes
 No

5. Does the training provided to, you fill up your needs on the job?


6. Is training provided to you according to work profile?

 Yes
 No
 Not sure
 To some extent

7. Training provided to you in the past helped to improve your productivity.

Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

8. Do you think the present Training Need Identification rules need any

 Yes(if yes, then state the reason)………………………………………


9. How comfortable do you feel with benefits of training in your department?

 High
 Moderate
 Low

10. How satisfied are you with this situation?

 Highly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Highly dissatisfied
11. A detailed TNI procedure leads to improved performance ?

 Yes
 No
 Not sure
 To some extent

12. Rank the following training criteria based on its importance. (Highest=5,

 Educational qualification
 Work experience
 Performance in test and interview
 Background of the candidate
 Physical fitness.
13. The present TNI system is

 Highly effective
 Effective
 Neutral
 Non effective
 Highly non effective

14. Is TNI system necessary?.................................

15. Training provided by IOCL is(put a cross on the line where u feel is

 Modern:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:Outdated

 Unreliable:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:Reliable


Name list of respondents for compilation of training calendar 2010-11.

1. K.B. Anand, [CHRM]

2. K Banerjee, [CITM]

3. B.K. Das, [CPNM]

4. V.S. Desai, [CIPM]

5. S. Gurumurthy, [SFM]

6. L.S. Kharkongkar , [CTSM-II]

7. S.K. Mitra, [CESM]

8. P.N. Sarma, [CMIS]

9. A. Thaoumoung, [SMNMCL]

10.N.K. Sarma, [DGM, materials]

11.A.K. Mathur, [SFSM]

12.Chandrima Sarmah, [Corporate Communications]

Name list for respondents who could not be interviewed

1. N.P. Barua, [CPJM]: reason:

2. Arup Das, [CMNM]: reason:
3. S.K. Sinha,[SPUM]:reason: official tour
4. A.K. Sarma[ACMO]:reason : official tour
5. S.N. Mathur, [CTSM I]: reason: official tour

o Human Resource Management, Shashi K. Gupta, Rosy Joshi

o C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology, New Age International
Publishers, 2004.

o IOCL, Personnel Manual,

o Internet
o Journals, newsletters, internal records of employees, industry
analysis, government publications, newspapers, magazines

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