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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

4, 1994, 15-22 Copyright 0 Munksgaard 1994

Printed in Denmark . All rights reserved
ISSN 0906-6713

Tooth mobility and the biological -

rationale for splinting teeth


For many years dentistry was influenced by a series re-establishment of periodontal health after success-
of paradigms based predominantly on mechanical ful treatment, persisting hypermobility used to be
concepts. In this respect, the fear for occlusal over- regarded as pathological. However, if the height of
load and the presumptive sequelae of trauma from the supporting tissues is reduced but the width of
occlusion often led to meticulous replacement of the periodontal ligament is unchanged, it should be
any missing tooth and the incorporation of a large realized that the amplitude of root mobility within
number of abutment teeth into fixed bridge recon- the remaining periodontium is the same as in a
structions. Also, increased tooth mobility in itself tooth with normal height of the periodontal bone
was always considered to be a sign of pathology height (Fig. 1).Hence, the so-called hypermobility of
jeopardizing the longevity of the tooth. These a periodontally healthy tooth with reduced support
thoughts manifested themselves in a claim (1) that but normal width of the periodontal ligament should
was adopted as a therapeutic law for fixed recon- be considered physiological tooth mobility (10).
structive dentistry for more than half a century. The second determining factor for increased tooth
Ante (1) postulated that “the total periodontal mem- mobility is a widening of the periodontal ligament.
brane area of the abutment teeth must equal or ex- This is the result of uni- or multi-directional forces
ceed that of the teeth to be replaced”. Similar state-
ments reiterated the mechanical approaches to
restorative dentistry; for example, “the length of the
periodontal membrane attachment of an abutment
tooth should be at least one half or two thirds of that
of its normal root attachment” (18, 19). Conse-
quently, a number of teeth with reduced periodontal
support could no longer serve as abutments for fixed
bridgework but had to be extracted and, hence, re-
placed. Such concepts easily led to overtreatment.

Tooth mobility
Since teeth are not ankylotically anchored but sus-
pended in the jaw bone by a network of collagenous
fibers, they exhibit a certain degree of mobility. This
mobility is usually assessed as the amplitude of
crown displacement resulting from the application
of a defined force (such as 0.1 N) (8). The magnitude
of this amplitude has then been used to distinguish
between physiological and pathological tooth mo- Fig. 1. Schematic drawing illustrating the relationship be-
tween tooth mobility and the height of the alveolar bone.
bility. In teeth with non-inflamed periodontal
An applied force (arrow) will result in a greater amplitude
tissues, two basic factors determine the degree of of crown displacement if the bone height is reduced. How-
tooth mobility: the height of the supporting tissues ever, within the periodontal ligament, the amplitude of
and the width of the periodontal ligament. Following the root displacement remains the same.

Nvman & L a m

Fig. 2. Reversibility of bone loss resulting from traumatic tive tissue attachment has occurred. C. Following discon-
forces. A. Normal periodontiurn with normal height of tinuation of the traumatic forces, crestal bone regrowth
supporting bone prior to the application of traumatic has occurred. Photomicrographs courtesy of Kantor et al.
forces. B. Loss of crestal bone resulting from the appli- J Periodont 1976: 47: 687-695.
cation of jiggling forces. Observe that no loss of connec-

to the crown, high and frequent enough to induce Occlusal therapy influencing tooth mobility
resorption of the alveolar bone walls in the pressure
zones. This phenomenon is well known in orthodon- Tooth mobility can be reduced by occlusal adjust-
tic therapy. In a series of controlled animal experi- ment and/or splinting teeth. In this chapter, the in-
ments in periodontally healthy teeth (6, 171, the al- fluence of occlusal therapy on tooth mobility is dis-
veolar bone resorption induced by such forces cussed only in relation to teeth with non-inflamed
resulted in increased tooth mobility but not in loss periodontal tissues. For the rationale and the selec-
of connective tissue attachment, irrespective of the tion of the two occlusal treatment modalities, the
height of the supporting bone. Other studies on the different reasons for the increased tooth mobility
effect of occlusal trauma on healthy periodontal must be recognized: to diagnose whether the reason
tissues (2, 16) have documented the reversibility of is a widened periodontal ligament, reduced height
this bone loss following neutralization of the applied of the supporting tissues or a combination of these
forces (Fig. 2). Later it has been suggested that bone two factors. If hypermobility is the result of a wid-
resorption as a result of so-called traumatic forces ened periodontal ligament, it may be reduced by oc-
may only represent demineralization of the bone, clusal adjustment, that is, elimination of occlusal in-
and remineralization occurs when the forces are dis- terferences. Such treatment reduces the stress on the
continued (4, 15). The results of these studies, show- actual tooth and thereby normalizes the width of the
ing that the application of traumatic forces to peri- periodontal ligament, consequently stabilizing the
odontally healthy teeth does not result in the loss of tooth. On the other hand, if the reason for increased
connective tissue attachment, and furthermore, that tooth mobility is exclusively a reduced height of the
the alveolar bone loss is reversible following discon- supporting tissues, occlusal adjustment will not af-
tinuation of the forces allow the conclusion that fect the degree of mobility. In such situations, reduc-
increased tooth mobility as a result of a widened tion of mobility can only be obtained by joining
periodontal ligament, usually diagnosed radio- teeth together in a splint. Since increased tooth mo-
graphically, is a physiological adaptation to altered bility due to reduced height of the periodontal sup-
functional demands and not a sign of pathology (7). port should be considered as physiological mobility,

Tooth mobilitv and the biological rationale for splinting teeth

Fig. 3. A. 43-year-old male patient after periodontal ther- turb the masticatory function or the patient’s comfort. B.
apy. A certain degree of hypermobility of the front teeth 20 years later, no further loss of periodontal support has
persisted following treatment. This, however, did not dis- occurred.

as discussed above, splinting in such situations is tium as in the patient described (Fig. 4A) cannot be
only indicated if the mobility disturbs the patient’s used as abutments for a unilateral bridge. Such a
masticatory function or chewing comfort (Fig. 3A, B). bridge would most likely be luxated and the abut-
If a combination of a widened periodontal liga- ment teeth extracted as the result of functional
ment and a reduced height of the periodontal sup- forces of normal magnitude. Since such teeth cannot
port is the reason for the increased mobility, occlusal serve as individual chewing units either, similar ef-
adjustment may be sufficient to reduce the mobility fects would also be expected if they were incorpor-
to an acceptable degree. However, if the patient’s ated in a conventional partial, removable denture. In
subjective chewing comfort is still disturbed, splint- fact, if these teeth are to be maintained in the jaw,
ing may be considered. they must serve as abutments for a fixed bridge of
In final stages of periodontal disease, the pro- cross-arch design (Fig. 4D, E) (11). This is in direct
gressive breakdown of the supporting tissues may contrast with previous paradigms of reconstructive
have reached such an apical level that, despite dentistry.
proper periodontal treatment and occlusal adjust- The present treatment concept is based on scien-
ment, the remaining periodontal tissues can no tific evidence from longitudinal clinical trials (3, 5,
longer withstand the masticatory forces. In such 13, 14). In these studies, the successful maintenance
situations, a gradual resorption of the remaining al- of abutment teeth with severely reduced periodontal
veolar bone will occur and single teeth or groups of support has been documented. In fact, in over 50%
remaining teeth may yield a gradually increasing or of the bridges presented by Nyman & Ericsson (14)
progressive mobility. As an ultimate consequence, after an observation period of 8-11 years, the total
the remaining periodontal ligament components periodontal membrane area of the abutment teeth
may be disrupted and the teeth extracted by other- was more than 50% less than required by Ante’s law
wise normal, functional forces (Fig. 4A). The only (l), and yet the periodontal support around the
way of preserving such dentitions is to use the teeth abutments remained unaffected. Of course, the pa-
as abutments for a fixed splint of cross-arch design tients subjected to the type of treatment discussed
(Fig. 4B, C). The objective of such a bridge construc- were selected based on their oral hygiene standards.
tion is to create a situation in which the mobility of Furthermore, they were incorporated in a mainten-
the entire bridge is either “normal” or at least non- ance care program including professional tooth
progressive. A cross-arch design of a fixed bridge sig- cleaning at regular intervals.
nificantly reduces the lever effect of the occlusal
forces. Hence, the stability of the entire bridge is as-
sured and the mobility of the individual teeth before Occlusal aspects of fixed
bridge installation is no longer a pertinent problem bridgework and splints
(Fig. 4D, E) (9).
It should also be realized that teeth with such As discussed above, functional forces exerted on a
minimal amounts of remaining, healthy periodon- cross-arch splint are evenly distributed over the en-

Nyman & Lang

Tooth mobility and the biological rationale for splinting teeth

does not disturb the patient’s masticatory function

and comfort. Likewise, an increased bridge mobility
due to reduced height of the support around the
abutment teeth may also be tolerated. Fig. 5A shows
a unilateral bridge extending from 13 to 15. Follow-
ing periodontal therapy, both abutment teeth ex-
hibited hypermobility due to a reduced height of the
supporting tissues. Since such a bridge does not pro-
vide a splinting effect on the abutment teeth in the
buccolingual direction, the total bridge has the same
degree of hypermobility as the individual abutment
teeth. It is then important to design the occlusion in
such a way that no further increase of the mobility
occurs: that is, that the functional forces do not wid-
en the periodontal ligaments. If so, the bridge mo-
bility might increase to a degree that is no longer
tolerable. To prevent this from occurring, the pre-
treatment degree of overbite of the abutment teeth
should be reduced and the overjet increased. This
reduces the lever effect on the abutments during lat-
eral movements of the mandible and minimizes the
risk for progressive bridge mobility. Radiographs ob-
tained 20 years after insertion of the bridge shown
in Fig. 5A (Fig. 5B) reveal no widening of the peri-
odontal ligaments around the abutment teeth, and
the bridge mobility has not increased over the years.
Fig. 4. A. Radiographs obtained after periodontal treat- Similar thoughts should govern the treatment
ment and preparation of preserved teeth as abutments for
cross-arch splintslbridges in a 28-year-old patient. B. Fix-
planning in patients with, for example, reduced peri-
ed splints of cross-arch design were incorporated. Despite odontal support around the teeth in the maxillary
pronounced hypermobility of most of the individual abut- front region. It is well known that functional forces
ment teeth, the splintslbridges were stable at the time of of normal magnitude may induce protrusive mi-
cementation. C. Radiographs obtained 5 years after incor- gration of such teeth. Stabilization of the front teeth
poration of the bridges. D. Radiographs obtained 18 years
after periodontal and restorative treatment. No further
may not be obtained by merely joining them to-
loss of periodontal support is observed. E. 21 years after gether, since in cases with advanced loss of the peri-
completion of therapy and following regular maintenance odontium around the teeth, the entire front segment
care, periodontal health and bridge stability are main- may tilt in the frontal direction. Stabilization of such
tained. front teeth can only be obtained by extending the
splintlbridge posteriorly, thereby neutralizing the
tire extension of the splint and the lever effect of the anterior lever effect of the functional forces. In situ-
forces is substantially reduced. Hence, overloading ations where posterior teeth are missing, this can be
of abutment teeth with very reduced periodontal achieved by using posterior cantilever extensions ri-
support is unlikely, especially when the number and gidly joined together with the anterior segment. Fig.
the distribution of the abutment teeth are favorable 6A and B show a maxillary dentition with lack of
in relation to the bridge extension. Quite another teeth posterior to the canines. The front teeth have
situation exists when a unilateral bridge is placed on lost more than 70% of the periodontium and have
abutment teeth with reduced periodontal support also migrated out in the frontal direction. The peri-
and increased mobility. Such bridgework will not odontal support around these teeth is reduced to the
provide a multidirectional splinting effect, and extent that it can no longer withstand the patient’s
hence, the bridge may show the same degree of mo- normal functional forces. A splint encompassing
bility as the individual abutment teeth. However, as only the 6 front teeth would most likely not be suf-
mentioned before, an increased mobility of a single ficient to prevent anterior tilting of the entire seg-
tooth due to reduced height of the periodontal sup- ment, since the functional forces would almost ex-
port can be accepted, provided that the mobility clusively be acting in the anterior direction. These

Nyman & Lang

Fig. 5. k Unilateral bridge 13-15 inserted following peri-

odontal treatment. The bridge does not provide a splint-
ing effect on the abutment teeth and has the same mo-
bility as the individual abutment teeth 13 and 15 before
bridge insertion. B. Radiographs obtained 20 years follow-
ing treatment.

forces can be neutralized by creating counteracting shelves providing gliding contacts in the protrusive-
forces in the posterior region. This, in turn, can be retrusive mandibular movement; that is, the func-
accomplished by the use of posterior cantilever seg- tional forces establish a balance on the bridge (12).
ments, rigidly joined with the anterior bridge. In lateral excursions of the mandible, the guiding
In the present patient, the front teeth were retrud- contacts were placed on the canines to avoid work-
ed to their original position and stabilized by means ing and non-working side contacts on the cantilever
of a temporary reconstruction after extraction of pontics (5).Fig. 6E documents a stable occlusal and
tooth 22. Following periodontal treatment, the per- periodontal situation 8 years after treatment with no
manent reconstruction encompassed a fixed bridge widening of the periodontal ligaments and no loss
with bilateral two-unit cantilever segments (Fig. 6C, of supporting tissues.
D). The occlusion was designed to obtain a balanced It is important to realize that reconstructive ther-
load on each site of the fulcrum of bridge mobility. apy in patients with severe loss of periodontal sup-
In other words, simultaneous occlusal contacts must port can only be successful if the treatment prin-
be established in the anterior and posterior regions, ciples described are followed. Since each patient
not only in centric occlusion but also during frontal presents a different situation, the precise analysis of
excursion of the mandible from a retruded to pro- the individual functional pattern is a prerequisite for
truded contact position. This, in turn, implies that predictable outcome of the treatment. Finally, it
the palatal surfaces of the crowns in the front region should be kept in mind that utilization of polyunit
are given a functional anatomy with horizontal cantilevered fixed bridges involves a number of tech-

Tooth mobility and the biological rationale for splinting teeth

Fig. 6. A, B. Radiographs and clinical documentation of a

50-year-old woman before periodontal therapy. Severely
reduced periodontal support and pronounced hypermo-
bility of the front teeth. All posterior teeth were missing.
C, D. A cross-archbridge with bilateral two-unit cantilever
segments inserted following periodontal therapy. E.
Radiographs obtained 8 years after treatment. A stable oc-
clusion and periodontal health were maintained (courtesy
of J. Wennstrom, Goteborg).

nical and biophysical aspects. These aspects are dis-

cussed elsewhere in this volume by Lundgren & Lau-
re11 and Glantz & Nilner.

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