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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IV-A Calabarzon

Division of Lipa


Lipa City

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education 9 (T.L.E)

I. SMART Objectives
At the end of the lesson the student must:
to identify the process of preparing a sandwich.
to prepare sandwiches in a proper way at your home.
to develop your proper way of making sandwiches.

II. Subject Matter

Subject: Cookery
Topic: Preparing Sandwiches
Reference: Internet (https://www.academia.edu/13129126/Cookery_Preparing_Sandwiches)
Materials: Power point presentation, Laptop, Illustrative pictures, Ham, Bread, Cheese, Tomato,

III. Procedure
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
Let’s all stand up and feel the holy presence
of god.

2. Classroom Management
Before you take your sit, let’s do the T.L.E
T- Thank god it’s Monday
L- Listen to me carefully
E- Enjoy this subject
Okay students, kindly arrange the chairs and
pick up all the mess on your respective chair.

You may now take your sit!

3. Checking of Attendance
Ms. Secretary, Is there any absent today?
Ma’am no one is absent today.

Very Good!
2. Greetings
Good morning everyone! I am ma'am Jhoan
and I will be your T.L.E teacher for today. So have
you eaten your breakfast and ready for our class
Yes ma'am

B. Priming

Go! Judge me!

Since you're ready, let's do our first activity

entitled "Go, Judge me!".

So here are the mechanics of the game:

I will present to you different pictures. All you
need to do is to identify what food establishment
is given on the board. You will be given 1 minute
to analyze and understand the pictures.

Are my instructions clear?

Yes ma’am

The meat looks like crispy and toasted and

the bread is compacted.

A two layered burger that has juicy and

flavorful meat.

Has varieties of meat which is also toasted

and juicy.

Did you enjoy our first activity? Yes ma’am

C. Activity

Moving on to our next activity entitled ‘’Make

your choice". I will present to you the different
filling in a burger. Arrange the picture based on
what is your favorite fillings. You have 2 minutes
to prepare this activity.

Are my instructions clear? Yes ma'am

Great work!

Did you enjoy our activity? Yes ma'am!

D. Analysis
Okay, so let's move forward to our
discussion. Based on what we did to our game and
activity, What is our topic for today? Ma'am our topic for today is preparing

Very Good!

Now tell me something about sandwiches. Ma'am sandwiches are the best snack after

Very Good!

What are sandwiches?

These are different types of bread sliced or
cut with fillings in between. The fillings can be
placed on top of a single piece or layer of bread
between two layers or between multi layers of
bread. They serve as the transition to regular
meals of breakfast, lunch, and supper or in some
cases they serve as the meal instead.
So here are the top ingredients in order to
prepare a sandwich.
Top Ingredients
1. Bread

In a sandwich, the bread serves as an edible

casing for the food inside. Good quality breads
provide variety, texture, flavor, and eye appeal
to sandwiches, as well as providing bulk and
2. Spreads

A spread is used in making sandwiches to

flavor and add moist mouth feel to the
sandwich. It also slows down the moisture
migration from filling to bread or prevents the
bread from being soggy.
Varieties of spread
 Mustard
 Ketchup
 Spreadable cheese
 butters
 Mayonnaise
3. Fillings

It could be a variety of limitless items. The

filling gives the sandwich its name. The filling
could be a single item or a combination of
several. The filling could be a single item or a
combination of several.
Meat and Poultry
 Beef
 Pork products
 Poultry
 Sausage products
 Cheddar Type
 Cream Cheese
 Spreadable Cheese
Mayonnaise Based Salads

Do you understand?

E. Abstraction

Continue this sentence,

We're eating sandwich

Very Good!

What matters is what's between the bread.

In short the fillings really matters. We're not
satisfy if we eat bread without any flavors and it is  Tuna Salad
worth sharing with our family, friends or  Egg Salad
classmates if we put a lot of effort in preparing it  Chicken Salad
and of course what really matters is, sandwiches is  Ham Salad
also a part of a healthy lifestyle. Vegetable Items

Okay so before we moved on, Do you have any Lettuce
questions? 
Again, In order to prepare a sandwich what are 
the top ingredient? Onion

Very Good!
4. Garnishes
F. Application
Okay, so let’s see if you are good in preparing
a sandwich. I provided here some ingredients and
you are going to make a sandwich. Design your
own plating style. Name your sandwich and
present it in class. You only have 5 mins. to do it.
Effort 30%
Creativity 20%
Final Output 50%
Total 100%

Are my instructions clear?

Garnishes have become a part of a

sandwiches overall structure. It serves as
component and also used to add appeal to the
general appearance of the sandwich. When
sandwiches are plated, a variety of side
garnishes may also be included:
• Green or side salads
• Lettuces and sprouts
• Sliced fresh vegetables
Great work! • Pickles spears and olives
• Dips, spreads, and relishes
G. Evaluation • Sliced fruits
Read and understand each statement • French fries, potato chips
carefully. Identify what is being asked in the
statement. Write it on your paper. Yes ma'am
_____1. Used in making sandwiches to flavor and
add moist mouth feel to the sandwich. It also
slows down the moisture migration from filling to
bread or prevents the bread from being soggy.
_____2. It could be a variety of limitless items.
_____3. It serves as component and also used to
add appeal to the general appearance of the
_____4. Serves as an edible casing for the food
5-7. Give at least 3 sandwich fillings
8-10. Write down at least 3 variety of side
We're eating sandwich because it is the best to
satisfy our cravings.

H. Assignment
For your assignment, make a 3 layered
sandwich by the use of clay. You will pass it on our
next meeting No ma'am

Ma'am the top ingredients are Bread, Spreads,

Fillings and Garnishes.

Yes ma'am
1 Spreads
2. Fillings
3. Garnishes
4. Bread
5-7. Cheese
Meat and Poultry
Vegetable items
8-10. Lettuces

Prepared by:

Jhoan F. Buela

Practice Teacher

Checked by:

Pamela D. Garcia

Cooperating Teacher
Noted by:

Nerissa Acero

Practice Teaching Head

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