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1 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

PTW Training & Awareness

2 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

❑ Risk Assessment
❑ PTW procedure
❑ Work authorization & General work permit
❑ Isolation
3 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
4 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is a careful examination of
anything in your work environment that could cause
injury or ill health

A risk assessment helps to protect:

• You
• Your business
• Your workforce and others
5 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
✓ Identify the Job steps and Hazards

✓ Determine the Potential Consequences

✓ Identify & review existing control measures

✓ Evaluate the Initial risk rating

✓ Identify Additional Control Measures

✓ Evaluate the Residual risk rating

6 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
Risk Assessments are required for non-routine jobs or
routine job for the assessment and control of occupational
health, safety and environmental hazards and risks in order
to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace
7 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
a hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm.

This can be a substance, plant, process, or environment; and

be physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, or
combinations of these.
8 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
Risk is the combination of the Likelihood of a hazardous
event occurring, and the Consequence of the event.

If you want to reduce the Risk, you’ll need to:

❑ Reduce Likelihood

❑ Reduce Consequence

❑ Reduce Both
9 as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
• The Residual risks shall be calculated as per the rating
criteria detailed in tables d, e, f & g above to decide on
at Risk Priority Number (RPN) from the table b.
• RPN is calculated as ‘RPN=Impact X Likelihood’.
• Use table ‘a’, the 5x5 Risk Heat Map to identify the rate
for the Impact and likelihood.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
Control Measures:

Items (Physical or Procedural) used to eliminate,

reduce or control the risk.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment
Method Statement:
Method Statement details the way a work task or process is
to be completed. The method statement shall outline the
hazards involved and include a step by step guide on how to
do the job safely.
Team Member:
A member of the team for a particular risk assessment.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment Approval

Risk Assessment shall be prepared by a multi-disciplinary
team consisting of minimum 3 members.
The Risk Assessment shall be reviewed by Marafiq
Coordinating Department and OHS section & approved by
Marafiq Operations Department.
If the change is significant, the work associated with the
change should be paused while the risks are re-assessed and
new control measures identified and communicated.
Marafiq OHS section is entitled to demand for the review of
the Risk Assessment .
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Risk Assessment Validity

The validity of the Risk Assessment shall be as below:

❑ For a standalone activity, once the activity is completed,

for example, an excavation job has been completed for a
specific location, the risk assessment and method
statement are no more valid.

❑ For routine PM / CM High Risk job, the Risk Assessment

shall be valid for 3 years if all the conditions remain same
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Permit to work
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

PTW Procedure
• To control and authorize any non-operational work.
• Recognized all hazards associated with the intended work.
• Risks involved in exposure to those hazards are assessed.
• Safety precautions are identified, understood and applied.
• To prevent Injury to Personnel, Damage to Plant and

Non-operational work
The Works which are undertaken by personnel not
belonging to the Operations Department working in that
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

PTW Procedure
• Any area of MARAFIQ premises, facilities or properties.

• Complied with dept procedures, Isolation Procedure and

relevant OHSMS

• Issuance of Permit to Work Certificate is automated

through SAP.

• In case of unavailability of SAP, Permit to Work Certificate

can be issued manually on hard copy.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use


Permit to Work:
A formal system to authorize and control non-operational

Permit to Work Certificate (PTWC):

is a formal written document that gives authorization, to
certain people ( APC – API – WAI – APR – AGT )
• Control all non-operational work
• With safety precautions that are to be complied
• To complete work without any risks to people, plant
and environment.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Authorized Persons
Person having appropriate knowledge, training and
experience holding an authorization card, issued by the
chairman of PTW Authorization Committee, to issue, endorse
or receive PTWCs for the areas he is eligible. Adhere strictly
to Permit to Work procedure and implement it effectively in
their specific geographical area.
• Authorized Permit Controller (APC)
• Authorized Permit Issuer (API)
• Authorized Permit Receiver (APR)
• Authorized Gas Tester (AGT)
• Work Authorization Issuer (WAI)
❖ Authorization card validity three years, renewal after
refresher course.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

PTWC Office
A place designated by Marafiq area owner to handle PTW
system where all required stationery items and isolation
tools such as:

❖ Forms
❖ Tags & Padlocks
❖ Gas detectors, etc., are kept.

In Exceptional cases for remote areas, PTW office may be an

API’s vehicle wherein PTW related documents & Isolation
devices & tools shall be available.
PTW office is under the custody of API
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Potentially High risk Jobs

Significant risks which, if not eliminated or controlled, can
result into severe incidents causing major human injury or
fatality and/or plant / environmental damage.
Examples of Significant risk activities are:
1. Confined Space Entry
2. Hot works such as Grit/Sand Blasting works, Welding,
Gas Cutting, Grinding works. Hot works at / near
flammable gas / liquid systems.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Potentially High risk Jobs

3. Critical Lift as per OHSMS
Procedure on Critical & General Fly Jib
4. Work at Height as per
OHSMS Procedure on Work at
height, Example: Unprotected
roof of building
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Potentially High risk Jobs

5. Work on live electrical equipment

6. Work on or near energized electrical installations or


7. On line leak arresting jobs

8. Deep Excavation over live buried utilities / adjacent to

fuel gas lines.

9. Work involves Hazardous chemicals

10. Work on or near pressurized gas systems

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Potentially High risk Jobs

11. Diving / Work in or near water or other liquid that
involves a risk of drowning.

12. Work with asbestos.

13. Demolition works.

14. Working in Extreme Hot & Cold Weather.

15. Radiation testing / works.

Note: Other than the above-mentioned significant activities,

the final decision shall be decided by APC / API or OHS
section to confirm the job as high risk.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Work on Live Equipment

Work intended to be carried out on equipment, which is live
and contains potentially harmful energy. This type of work is
permitted only when the equipment cannot be reasonably
made dead, i.e. isolated & earthed.
Examples of Live work:
• Testing the transformer / breaker during Pre-
Commissioning / commissioning or after the major
maintenance work
• Hot Tapping

The PTWC for ‘Work on Live equipment’ shall be issued for a

period of maximum 8 hrs.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Work on Live Equipment


❑ Vibration measurement.

❑ On line laboratory sampling / instrument analyzer

calibration etc.

❑ Adjusting valve handles, opening indicators etc.

❑ Computer related software / hardware works.

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of APC
• Endorse PTWCs for certain non-operational high risks
activities as requested by API and specify any extra safety
precautions to be taken.

• Participate & conduct oral test for API / APR / AGT / WAI

• Visit the endorsed PTWC’s job site along with APR & API
before work commences.

• Visit the job site periodically to ensure that the

precautions are being followed.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of APC
• Standby and monitor the work which involves breaking
into Hazardous Live Systems (electrical, mechanical,
chemical, etc.) having a high potential risk)

• Resolve any safety issues that encounter between API and

APR and seek advice of Marafiq OHS Section for the same
where required.

• Endorse PTWC for shutdown activities

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of (API)
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of (API)
• Verify Authorization cards of APR for discipline, validity
and limits of authorization.

• Visit the job site along with APR.

• Demand Risk Assessment as per relevant procedures of


• Ensure that APR is fully aware of the hazards of the


• Check and verify authorization cards of APR with respect

to discipline, validity and limits of authorization.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of (API)
• Prior to issuing PTWC, ensure availability of the
approved Risk Assessment for all the jobs
• Decide the requirement and request APC endorsement
of PTWC’s that involves potential high risk.
• Specify gas test frequency for confined spaces and
other areas suspected of atmospheric hazards where
frequent or continuous gas monitoring is required.
• Conduct joint site visit with the APR before issuing
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of (API)
• Decide and specify the necessary safety precautions in the
PTWC that has to be applied during the activity.
• Ensure that APR:
- Applies the safety precautions specified in PTWC.
- Use the PPE specified in PTWC.
• State additional safety requirements if any.
• Carry out all required isolations (mechanical, electrical,
chemical, etc), enter them into “Isolation Certificate” and
link the Isolation Certificate Number with all the relevant
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of (API)
• API can carry out isolations during night shift with the
completion of Isolation Certificate. The PTWC relevant to
that isolation may be prepared during night shift and the
API may issue the PTWC simultaneously during night, or
next day in the morning by another API, provided that the
API shall ensure all the conditions of preparing & issuing
the PTWC have been complied and safety precautions are
in place.
• In case of PTWC issue at remote places far from fixed PTW
offices, API shall use his vehicle as mobile PTW office, go
to site along with APR, handover PTWC to APR along with
supported documents.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of API
• If the PTWC is prepared & Issued manually i.e. on hard
copy, Sign PTWC and issue original and pink copy to APR
with all the supported documents to commence the job
and keep yellow copy in PTWC Office. Also, ensure that
APR must display pink copy at site.

• If the PTWC is prepared & Issued in SAP, print and issue a

copy of PTWC along with all the supported documents to
APR and ensure that APR display the PTWC copy at site.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of API
• Visit the site from time to time to ensure that written
precautions are being followed and that conditions as
stated in PTWC have not been changed.
• Ensure that the equipment / system are ready and good
housekeeping is maintained for safe operation on
completion of the work.
• If the PTWC is prepared & issued manually i.e. on hard
copy, preserve the white copy of PTWC that has been
signed & closed by both API & APR for 3 months. If the
PTWC is prepared & issued in SAP, the records of the
closed PTWC’s shall be maintained in SAP system for 3
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of API
• If there is any change in job conditions, requirements,
occurrence of incident, declaration of emergency, working
environment or imminent danger while performing shut
down jobs or work on isolated equipment or system, then
work should be discontinued. API should withdraw PTWC
and revalidate after improving the working conditions.

• If any non-conformances are observed to the specified

safety precautions during execution of jobs, API should
withdraw PTWC till the specified safety precautions are
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of WAI
Issue PTWC only for the low risk activities as per the OHSMS
‘Work authorization and General Work Permit Procedure’
The remaining Responsibilities will be same as API
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of APR
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of APR
• Prepare risk assessment in coordination with his
department staff by using OHSMS Risk Assessment form.
• Ensure that Marafiq coordinating department and Marafiq
OHS section reviews the Risk Assessment & approved by
Marafiq operations department.
• Hand over Risk Assessment to API / WAI while / before
requesting PTWC.
• Conduct joint site visit with API / WAI before receiving any
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of APR
• Ensure written details of location and description of work
in PTWC on its receipt are correct.
• Ensure that all required tools, work equipment, safety and
emergency equipment are available prior to commencing
• Ensure all isolations, locks and tags, which are applied on
system / equipment to be worked on, are correctly applied
and conform to those specified on the Isolation Certificate.
• APR should verify gas testing as per frequency specified by
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of APR
• Conduct toolbox talk at the job site to all personnel
working on the job to be fully aware of the hazards/risks
and precautions that originate from PTWC, Risk
Assessment, lifting plan and method statement.
• Ensure the control measures / safety precautions are
complied and maintained throughout the duration of the
• Provide the required PPE to the work crew.
• Keep a PTWC pink copy & risk assessment on site at all
times with all the ancillary documents.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of APR
• Stop work, if the conditions have changed the manner in
which the job has to be carried out or if incident or
Emergency occurs. Consult API and if necessary APC
whether to restart the work or not.
• Maintain good housekeeping throughout the duration of
the job.
• Visit the site from time to time to ensure his staffs are
following the written precautions and that conditions
have not been changed which would make the job unsafe.
• Ensure that the workers fully understand area, associated
hazards and assembly points of working site.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of APR
• If the PTWC is prepared and issued manually i.e. on hard
copy, Sign off PTWC mentioning the status of work as soon
as the work has been completed/ stopped/ incomplete
with good housekeeping and return the PTWC to API/WAI.

• If the PTWC is prepared and issued in SAP, sign off on the

PTWC Copy and close the PTWC in SAP mentioning the
status of work as soon as the work has been completed/
stopped/ incomplete. Handover the singed PTWC copy to
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Duties of (AGT)
• Check for flammable gas / vapors, toxic gases and oxygen
in all confined spaces prior to issue of PTWC.
• Record the first result in PTWC (decide and sign) and then
in Gas Free Certificate.
• Carry out continuous or frequent monitoring of
atmosphere as instructed by API.
• Make general surveillance of the surrounding atmosphere.
• Use calibrated gas monitoring equipment.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

PTW for Administration Buildings

• Area Owner shall issue PTWC for buildings.

• PTWC is not required for the following jobs in

administration buildings:

✓ Regular housekeeping including floor cleaning & mopping

✓ Cleaning of welfare facilities – toilets, bathrooms, etc.

✓ Computer related IT jobs such as installation of

Hardware, Software and IP phones excluding laying of
overhead cables & projectors.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

PTW for Administration Buildings

API from ASD shall issue PTWC’s for following non-
operational works in administration areas:
✓ Repairs and maintenance of generators, electrical system
& equipment, elevator, changing tube lights or bulbs.
✓ Service/Repair of HVAC units including window AC.
✓ FPS & water utility systems,
✓ Civil works that includes car parking area, road,
pavement, building repairs & painting, etc…
✓ Plumbing jobs, cleaning of windowpanes at height using
of ladder or scaffolding or elevated mobile platform.

Note: admin services API shall coordinate with Operation

Department for any Isolation.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Security Facilities
• Security API will issue PTWC for Security barrier, gate,
fence system, window AC units, hydraulic road blocker etc.
as per the Marafiq area owner map.
• The Departments/Facilities that are outside the plant such
as T&D, MaSa facilities, GD etc. shall be responsible to
issue the PTWC’s for security barrier, gate, fence system,
window AC units, lighting etc.
• Security API will coordinate with job executing department
for isolation and complete the isolation certificate.
• Security API can do the isolation if he is trained to do so.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Project / Contract Works

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Project / Contract Works

• For a contract job of less than or equal to 30 days
duration, APR from the Marafiq concerned department,
job executing department or permanent site / project
contractor of the area can receive PTWC, provided that he
will apply safety precautions as specified in PTWC and
monitor the contractor activities on site.

• If the duration of the project contract as per PO is more

than 30 days then, APR from the contractor is mandatory.
Marafiq APR is not permitted to receive the PTWC.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Project / Contract Works

• Separate Risk Assessment shall be submitted for different
activities of Project.

• API / APC shall decide duration / validity of PTWC without

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Shutdown Works
A shutdown is a “Period during which a well - defined unit
(s), subunit (s) or system (s) is out of service without
interfere with company activities”.

Risk assessment and method statement for

Shutdown works:
API should demand the safe work method statement and
risk assessment from APR, detailing each job steps of
Shutdown works to be done and safety precautions that will
be taken against each job step to control risks.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Shutdown Works
API shall confirm that the unit(s), subunit(s) or system(s) is
vented, drained, purged, blinded, flushed, ventilated,
atmosphere tested, earthed (grounded), etc., and rendered
it safe prior to issue of PTWC and commencement of work.

Permit to Work Certificate for Shutdown works:

❑ During Shutdowns, PTWC once issued will be valid up to

specified duration.

❑ Gas test frequency (if required) must be maintained as

specified by APC in PTWC, and results should be recorded
on Gas Free Certificate.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Shutdown Works
❑ The equipment or the system to be worked on shall be
isolated from all sources of energy or process fluids
(mechanical, chemical, electrical, fire protection system,
etc.) in accordance to department operational and
technical procedures or switching programs.
❑ Locks (where lockable) and tags shall be installed for
isolation points.
APC shall endorse the PTWC for Shutdown works
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

PTW implementation documents

• Valid PTWC for all non-operational works before
commencement of work.
• Risk Assessment
• Method statement
• Isolation Certificate for all energy isolations (mechanical,
electrical, etc..)
• Excavation Work Authorization for excavation deeper than
15 cm.
• Ionizing Radiation Work Request for conducting
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

PTW implementation documents

• Lifting plan

• Gas free certificate

• Test / adjustment on Live clearance form

• Work on fire protection notification form

• Record of interconnection point safety where required.

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Permit to Work Certificate

Section # 1 : Work Details
API / WAI shall fill up all PTWC sections completing the
following details:

• APR’s discipline

• Work details – date, facility, equipment number, system

and description of job.

• Risk assessment and lifting plan where required.

• Isolation Certificate & Lock out Box numbers where

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Permit to Work Certificate

Section # 1 : Work Details
• Categories of works involved in the job.

• Nature of PTW:
➢ Shutdown,
➢ WA or GWP for low risk jobs,
➢ Normal PTW, which is required daily extension

• Validity /Duration of the PTWC

• Discipline / Limits / expiry of authorization card.

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Permit to Work Certificate

Section # 2: Safety Requirements
• To be complied prior to commencement of job or while it
is being performed.

• API select precautions after joint job site visit and enter it
in the blocks given.

• Also specify clearly any other additional precautions.

• APR to understand all safety precautions and be ready

prior to issuing PTWC.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Permit to Work Certificate

Section # 3 : Gas testing when required

• API will notify AGT to carry out gas testing when required.

• AGT carry out gas tests, record first results in PTWC and
then in GFC.

• APR should verify gas testing as per frequency specified by


Section # 4 : Authorized permit controller

• Upon request from API, the APC shall endorse PTWC to
perform the works involving high potential risks.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Permit to Work Certificate

Section # 5 : Declaration
API / WAI and APR will acknowledge and accept
responsibility for the effective implementation.

✓ If the API / WAI’s shift changes, all PTW Certificates must
be presented to the oncoming API/WAI immediately
upon his arrival at the PTW Office to ensure proper

✓ All the continuation works under PTWC shall be done

under the responsibility of present shift API / WAI
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Permit to Work Certificate

Section # 6 : Extension

• Prior to extension of PTWC, API / WAI and APR shall visit

the job site to ensure that there is no change in condition

• PTWC shall be extended every morning shift before re-

starting of the work by both API / WAI and APR

• For WA and GWP, PTWCs are valid for the specified

duration up to maximum 3 months..

• For Shutdown job, PTWC is valid for a specified duration.

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Permit to Work Certificate

Section # 7 : State of work at permit expiry
• APR shall maintain good housekeeping by removing
men, material, tools & work equipment.
• APR to mention the status of work and specify reason if
• For incomplete works, API shall keep all isolations intact
as per Isolation Certificate.
• Submit the duly signed copy of PTWC to API / WAI for
closing if the PTWC is issued manually. If the PTWC has
been issued through SAP, close the PTWC in the SAP
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Safety Culture
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

General Work Permit (GWP)

Written authority as marked in the PTWC given by Marafiq
Operations for Marafiq Maintenance to carry out low risk
work activities with appropriate control measures.

It remains valid till the date specified by the issuer which

could be maximum for 3 months, it doesn’t require daily
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Work Authorization (WA)

A document as marked in the PTWC authorizing a contractor
to carry out non-operational work.

It remains valid till the date specified by the issuer which

could be maximum for 3 months, it doesn’t require daily
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

(WA) & (GWP)

Does the work Require WA or GWP ?

For the WA & GWP, the tasks will be repeated and will
remain reasonably consistent over a period of time.

For all the jobs which come under WA & GWP the PTWC
could be marked with validity for a specific period,
maximum 3 months.

Method statement is not required for jobs covered by WA &

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

(WA) & (GWP)

Some Examples of low risk
activities which are covered by
WA & GWP are:
❑ Fixing signs to walls.
❑ Installing furniture.
❑ HVAC routine maintenance.
❑ Vibration measurement.
❑ Routine calibration of
❑ Changing of fused tube
lights in the buildings.
❑ Painting road markings.
❑ Decorating rooms.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

(WA) & (GWP)

The following activities are not covered by WA & GWP:

❑ Work requiring isolation.

❑ work in confined spaces
❑ Diving operations.
❑ Hot work.
❑ Critical lifting
❑ Radiography
❑ Work on unprotected roof
❑ Live electrical work
❑ Excavation jobs
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Requirements for the management of energy isolation
through formal documentation, locking and tagging.
Control risks to health and safety while undertaking non
operational works

This procedure is applicable to all works that requires
isolation of the equipments, other interactions, contact with
or exposure to hazardous energy, or when there is a need
for tests and inspections that are intended to be performed
under PTWC and other works as intended by area owner,
through a supporting document Isolation Certificate.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

What is Isolation?
Disconnection and separation of the equipment or system
from all sources of energy such that it will not be
accidentally energized and the disconnection and separation
is secured by means of a lock and identified by a tag.

Isolation Certificate:
A document completed and certified by API stating
that the system or equipment has been thoroughly
isolated from sources of energy or process fluids
prior to issue of PTWC. It should be attached to
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Responsibilities of API:

▪ Complete and certify the Isolation Certificate before the

issue of PTWC and after completion of jobs if required.

▪ Delegate the actual isolation to another competent

person but the isolation should be proven for the

▪ Confirm that the system / equipment is vented, drained,

purged, blinded, flushed, ventilated, atmosphere tested,
grounded, etc., and rendered it safe prior to issue of
PTWC and commencement of work.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Responsibilities of API:
▪ Record all actions taken and status of isolation points to
render the system or equipment safe.

▪ Carry out restoration of system or equipment back to

operational condition.

▪ API shall sign the Isolation Certificate

➢ Prior to issuing the PTWC to carry out works after

applying isolations, and
➢ On closing of PTWC following completion of the work,
after removal of isolations.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Responsibilities of API for Isolation

Only one Isolation Certificate should be completed for works
which will be carried out on system(s) / equipment having
common isolation point(s) under different PTWCs.

Serial numbers of PTWCs that interact with each other in

regards to common isolation points should be cross-referred
and entered on the Isolation Certificate.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Locking: means of securing isolations that are applied by
installing a padlock and all other in built locking system.
• Isolation points like valves, breakers, etc, that are lockable
shall be secured by means of padlocks to make equipment or
system safe prior to the issue of PTWC.
• Where there is no provision of applying padlocks directly on
to equipment, other means (e.g. tying with chains or hasps)
should be used with padlocks to secure isolations.
• Isolators, valves, isolating switches, circuit breakers, plugs
and socket outlets, fuses and disconnecting links that are not
lockable and are only tagged, should be under strict
supervisory control so as to prevent danger from tampering
or interference.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Lockout Box
An approved device with multiple locks for securing and
retaining all keys of padlocks that are used to secure
isolation points. A box fitted with five (5) locks of a type
operated by non interchangeable keys.

All lock out boxes shall be marked with a unique

identification number. LOB shall be used for the secured
retention of all keys of isolation points.

All Keys pertaining to padlocks installed for securing

isolation point + Isolation Certificate
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Means of identifying the isolation and/or earthing point and
its status by installing an appropriate tag.
Tags shall be used to define the limits or boundaries of
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Three types of Tags shall be used

Yellow tags:
Yellow tags shall be used when some specific
information, instructions or Caution are to be given.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Inter Connection Point safety

When a work is to be carried out at an inter-connection
point where the boundary isolation points are under the
control of two different departments or two different
Implementing Party (IP):
The one who is having control by ownership on the other
side of interconnection point.

Requesting Party (RP):

The one who intends to carry out works at an inter
connection point and requires isolations and safety
precautions to be applied at the other end of inter-
connection point which is not under its control.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Work on Fire Protection Systems

Careful consideration and communication should be given
where fire systems are temporary isolated or defeated.

❑ The system should be kept in manual mode.

❑ System should be restored before the end of working

hours where applicable.

❑ Isolation of the fire protection system must be done by

Facility Owner/Business Unit, notified to the Fire
Department and approval shall be taken from the
Facility Owner and APC.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Work on Fire Protection Systems

❑ BU API or BU representative shall Isolate and
Normalize Fire Protection System equipment, fire
pumps and related equipment during Normal/Routine
& Maintenance activities for operational buildings
using PTWC and Isolation certificate and information
shall be given to ISD-Fire Section before the start of the
work activities.
❑ ISD - fire Department shall Isolate and Normalize Fire
Protection System equipment during Normal/Routine
& Maintenance activities for non-operational buildings
and informing to Maintenance and the BU.
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use
Classified as MARAFIQ Internal Use

Running Water
and Power for Life.

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