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University of Kashmir

Kashmir Valley – Paradise on Earth

“It is a country where the sun shines mildly being a place created by Kashayapa as if for his glory. High school-
houses, the saffron, iced water and grapes which are rare even in heaven are common here. Kailasa is the best
place in the three worlds, Himalaya the best part of Kailasa and Kashmira the best place in Himalaya”

Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir, located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent in the
vicinity of the Karakoram and western Himalayan mountain ranges and covers an
area of 2,22,236 sq km. It is bounded to the northeast by the Uygur Autonomous
Region of Xinjiang and to the east by the Tibet Autonomous Region (both parts of
China) and the Chinese-administered portions of Kashmir, to the south by the
Himachal Pradesh and Punjab, to the southwest by Pakistan, and to the northwest by
the Pakistan administered part of Kashmir. From North to South, it extends over 640
km and from East to West, 480 km. The number of streams, brooks, hill torrents and
rivers is also fairly large. The most important rivers are the Indus, Chenab, Jhelum
and Tawi.

Geographical location
The state lies between 32o 17' to 36o 58' North latitude and 73o 26' to 80o 30' East
longitude. There is a sharp rise of altitude from 1000 feet to 28250 feet above the sea
level within state's four degree of latitude. There is a sudden rise of altitude from 305
to 6910 meters above sea level. A major part of Jammu & Kashmir state consists of the
western Himalayas which besides many lofty mountain ranges with varying heights
of 3000 to 6000 meters and above, also abound in rivers, lakes, passes, glaciers, plateaus
and plains.
The state’s territory is mountainous, and the physiography is divided into seven zones
that are closely associated with the structural components of the western Himalayas.
From southwest to northeast these zones consist of the plains, the foothills, the Pir
Panjal Range, the Vale of Kashmir, the great Himalayan zone, the upper Indus river
valley and the Karakoram range.

The State of Jammu and Kashmir comprises of three distinct climatic regions viz.,
Arctic cold desert areas of Ladakh, temperate Kashmir valley and sub-tropical region
of Jammu. The climate varies from alpine in the northeast to subtropical in the
southwest; in the alpine area, average annual precipitation is about 3 inches (75 mm),
but in the subtropical zone (around Jammu), rainfall amounts to about 45 inches (1,150

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 1

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

mm) per year. The state extends from the hot plains of Jammu province through
Kashmir valley to the coldest dry table of Ladakh. These territories are transitional in
climate i.e. the climate is variable from subtropical (Jammu plains), to temperate
(Kashmir valley), to temperate cold but arid (Ladakh region). The climate found in
zone of the middle mountains and the valleys enclosed, is of a particular type; altitude
determines the degree of coolness and the elevations, the form of precipitation and
summer temperature.
The annual rainfall also varies from region to region with 92.6 mm in Leh, 650.5 mm
in Srinagar and 1115.9 mm in Jammu. A large part of the State forms part of the
Himalayan mountains. December has 80% humidity, which is the highest and May
has 71%, which is the lowest. The State is geologically constituted of rocks varying
from the oldest period of the earth's history to the youngest present day river and lake

Kashmir Valley
The beautiful valley of Kashmir is located between the inner Himalayan range to the
east, comprising of the Nanga Parbat and outer Himalayan range to the south-west
called the Pir Panjal. It is around 135 km. long and 32 km. wide, drained by the river
Jhelum and is bounded on the north-east by Ladakh, on the south by Jammu and on
north by the Karakorum range. In Kashmir, winter is cold and of long duration. The
valley is unique in its surroundings, which offer breathtaking view of its varying
topography and forms a bowl shaped basin enriched by mountains of the Western
Himalayan range. Practically, the valley is cut off from Ladakh province in the north
and from Jammu in south. Nature has endowed Kashmir with strikingly different
beauty, which is reflected in its picturesque landscapes, lush green forests of Chinar,
Deodar and Pine trees, beautiful rivers and waterfalls with crystal clear waters that
trickle down its snow covered mountains and a range of flora and fauna. Known as
Paradise on the Earth, Kashmir has earned its name from the heavenly features that it

Water Bodies: Rivers, Lakes, Streams and Glaciers

The river Jhelum is the main waterway of the valley of Kashmir. About 177 kms. in
length, the Jhelum flows in loops till it enters the Wular lake where from it flows
through Baramulla and then enters into Pakistan occupied Kashmir. For its fresh-
water lakes and tarns, Kashmir is known all over the world. Those lying in the valley
against the charming mountain background are: the Wular lake, the Dal lake and the
Manasbal lake, besides Anchar, Nilnag, Khushalsar etc. Wular lake being the largest
and Manasbal lake being the deepest in the country. Besides the above enumerated
lakes and lakelets, there are scores of tarns and glaciers found in the mountain ranges
around the Gurais valley, Ladakh and Karakorams.
2 Valley of Kashmir
University of Kashmir

Wetlands are defined as ‘lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic eco-
systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered
by shallow water (Mitsch & Gosselink, 1986). Further, wetlands are dynamic,
characterized by fluctuating water, nutrient and vegetation levels. Strategically, the
wetlands of Kashmir serve as important staging grounds for medium and long
distance migratory geese, ducks, shorebirds, cranes and other species that breed in the
northern latitudes of Central Asia and Siberia. Hokersar, Wular lake, Haigam,
Mirgund, Shallabugh are some of the known wetlands of Kashmir.

Flora and Fauna

Kashmir valley has always been considered wealthy in floral and faunal diversity.
About 250 species of macrophytes, 150-200 species of phytoplankton, and 300 taxa of
periphytic algae and over 50 species of periphytic rotifers (Zutshi and Gopal, 2000), 187
species of breeding birds belonging to 46 families under 16 orders have been reported
from Kashmir valley. A total of 76 mammalian species belonging to 20 orders and 42
species of fishes have been reported from Kashmir Valley (Dar et al., 2002). The most
common fishes include Schizothorax, trouts and carps. The amphibians and reptiles are
mainly represented by frogs, toads, lizards and snake. The dense forests of Kashmir
are a delight to the sport-lovers and adventurers for whom there are Ibex, Snow
Leopard (Felis pardus), Musk deer (Mosches moschiferous), Tibetian Antelope, Wolf,
Black bear and Leopard. Some of the other wild mammals of the valley are Fox
(Volpes montana), Jackal (Canis aureus), Wild Boar (Sus cristatus), Marmot (Arctomys
hemachalanus), Markhor (Capra falconeri kashiriensis), Kashmiri Stag (Cervus elaphus
hanglu), bats, lizards etc. The winged game birds include ducks, geese, partridge,
chakor, pheasant, wagtails, herons, water pigeons, warblers and doves. In otherwise
arid desert of Ladakh, some 240 species of local and migratory birds have been
identified including black-necked crane, which is recently considered as an endangered
species as per IUCN.

Culture, Art and Crafts

The Kashmiri culture is a diverse blend and highly influenced by Northern, South
Asian as well as Central Asian Culture. Kashmir, besides its scenic beauty, is famous
for its cultural heritage as it amalgamates Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist
Philosophies and has involved a composite culture based on the values of humanism
and tolerance. The Kashmiri language (Koshur) is the cultural identity of Kashmiri
people. Kashmiri is spoken mainly in the valley of Kashmir by Kashmiri Pandits and
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Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

Kashmiri Muslims. The Persian and Central Asian cultures have greatly influenced
the Kashmiri culture, cuisine and language. The cultural music and dance like Rouf
and Wanvun, carpet/shawl weaving and Koshur Sufiana forms a very important part
of Kashmiri identity. The Dumhal is a famous dance in the Kashmir valley, which is
performed by the men of the Wattal region.
Kashmiri handicrafts are known throughout the world for their artistic work and
grandeur as Kashmiris are well adept at knitting and making pashmina shawls, silk
carpets, rugs, kurtas, chain-stich and pottery. The close link between nature, history
and crafts is reflected in the characteristics of embroidery, wood carving, paper
machie, carpets, pottery etc. The main crafts are the silver work paper machie and
embroidery which draw inspiration from the gentle colours of the landscape, from
flowers and birds and from the elaborate designs evolved during halycon days of
famous Kani Shawl. The various handicrafts are in tune with its age-old splendid
civilization which has been perfected over centuries. Be it Kashmiri carpets, shawls,
paper machie or any other craft, it is only the Kashmiri artisan who can hands down
show his mastery to crave out those master pieces of Kashmiri art and craft. At
Kashmir we manufacture and market the Kashmiri handicrafts directly from the
source, thereby discouraging the middle man who exploits the manufacturer directly.
It was in the 15th century that Zainul Abiddin (1400- 1470 A.D.) introduced the art of
fine weaving and excellence in techniques in Kashmir Handicrafts. During the
Mughal period (1586-1752 A.D.) while the Kani technique was at its peak in Kashmir,
embroidery was fairly advanced along with other crafts. Since embroidery assumes a
central position in Kashmir craft and art, it is therefore, quite known and very famous
outside Kashmir.
The embroidery craft itself is composed of a multitude of varieties of shawls like, Kani
shawl (almost endangered craft variety), Sozni shawl (refined and delicate
embroidery), Pashmina shawl, Raffal shawls, Tusha shawls (rare products) and Silk
saries as well.
Among the major crafts as economic heritage of Kashmir, carpets equally are of
primary importance. While the origin of hand knotted carpets in the world can be
traced back more than 2000 years. The craft was first introduced in Kashmir in the 5th
century after which it progressively attained high degree of perfection. The craft was
brought to Kashmir by Sulton Zainul Abiddin from Persia and Central Asia. He
brought weavers from the said region and established factories. The industry got
encouraged particularly when two exceptionally beautiful carpets were displayed at a
great crystal palace exhibition, London in 1857 which caught the imagination of the
western world that subsequently helped to create an awareness and appreciation for
Kashmir carpets in western markets and the industry continued to survive till date. It
has multiple varieties in terms of skills and craft.

4 Valley of Kashmir
University of Kashmir

One cannot lose sight of Kashmir wood works as the craft heritage of this region. The
craft wood works are noticeable in house construction, house boats, furniture and
religious shrines besides the decoration pieces in homes. The Khatamband is a
noticeable attraction of Kashmiri wood work. The wood work is usually carried out on
walnut wood which has tremendous export market. Kashmir is bestowed with dense
rich forests and has a rich tradition of wood carving and architecture. The history of
Kashmir architecture reveals the old twelve storey wooden palace as a monument of
wood carving in Srinagar. It unfortunately was set on fire by invaders during the
religion of King Harsha (1089-1101 A.D.). From 11th century onwards, wood crafts got
related to architectural intricacies and thereafter it remained confined to consumer
items. The first paper machie object produced in Kashmir was Kalamdans (long
horizontal cases for holding pens, brushes and inkpots). The paper machie
subsequently trickled down to many ornamentation consumer products. This craft in
itself has many varieties based on different craft skills. Besides Kashmir is known for
its nomadic crafts, straw, willow and grass work crafts, metal pottery and stone works

Kashmir valley is a popular tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists
because of its scenic beauty, highland pastures, rich biodiversity, ancient monuments,
hill stations, lakes and water bodies, sky rocketing snow-peaked mountains
surrounding vital vales comparable to Austria, Switzerland and Saszberg of Germany.
These features have attracted western tourism in the past and present. Contemporary
tourism is dominated by the tourist influx of both pilgrims and indulgent tourists.
The pilgrim tourist attraction resides magnificent and massive temple ruins at
Awantipora, 29 kilometers from Srinagar, a town founded by King Awanti Varman
who reigned Kashmir from 855-883 A.D. The Amar Nath Cave known as the Abode
of Lord Shiva is a great source of attraction to pilgrim tourism between July and
September. Similarly, a marble temple with gold plated dome in the midst of pool of
spring waters at Kher Bhawani is visited by thousands of devotees. This in itself is
characteristic symbol of the heritage of coexistence of various ethnic groups drawn
from different beliefs.
Srinagar itself is a tourist attraction landscape having the famous Dal lake 2½ x 4
miles with lot of wetlands around. The mountain ridges, which are reflected in its
waters as in a mirror, are grand and varied. The trees and vegetation on the shores of
the Dal lake are of exquisite beauty. The popular house boats and the shikaras add
charm to the world famous Dal lake. Golfing, water-skiing, or simply drifting down
Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 5
Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

in shikaras and living in gorgeous house boats are some of the most favoured ventures.
Srinagar with its lakes and waterways is unique in the world.
The University of Kashmir is located on one side of this famous Dal lake and amidst
between two lakes, Nagin lake and Dal lake. The second part of the campus, erstwhile
Regional Engineering College, Srinagar was taken over by the university in mid
seventies, which is known as Naseem Bagh, "the garden of breezes", planted in
Mughal king Akbar's time, is the most beautiful of all. The other bank of the famous
Dal lake constitute a ridge over which famous Mughal gardens – Harwan, Shalimar,
Nishat, Chesme Shahi and above all, an old school of astrology (Pari Mahal) is
located. The valley of Kashmir has multiple tourist attraction places like – Gulmarg,
Sonamarg, Khilanmarg, Yousmarg, Pahalgam, Daksum, Doodpathri, Nilnag, Verinag
besides the vallies likes Wangat valley (North of Kashmir) and Lolab valley (West of
Kashmir). Gulmarg is famous for its ski resort and has the worlds highest green Golf
course as well. The valley hill stations include the Sindh river at Nilgrar Sonamarg
and Lidder river flowing through Pahalgam valley. Some of the mountaineering peaks
of the valley include Mount Haramukh, Kolhoi peak, Machoi peak, Sarbal peak,
Amarnath peak etc.
Tourism constitutes an important economic pursuit of the state. The high altitude
tourism and adventure tourism has gained currency in recent times and Ladakh is a
great source of attraction for adventure tourism.

Kashmir valley is connected to Jammu and Ladakh region by road and air. It has
access to Jammu and rest of the country through the Banihal road tunnel near
Qazigund on National highway. Sheikh-ul-Aalam International airport is the main
Airport of the valley and has scheduled flights from various parts of the country;
besides some international flights which connect the valley to rest of the world also
fly from here.
Even if not connected directly with the Indian Railway line, Kashmir valley has a 119
km. long modern railway line that started in October 2009 and connects Baramulla in
the west to Srinagar and Qazigund. It further links Kashmir valley to Banihal across
the Pir Panjal mountains through the 11.215 Km long Pir Panjal Railway tunnel or
Banihal Rail tunnel from 26th June 2013. Banihal railway station will be linked to the
rest of the country in coming years as the construction of railway line from Jammu to
Banihal is in progress.

6 Valley of Kashmir
University of Kashmir – A Brief Profile

(NAAC Accredited Grade “A”)

University Motto

From Darkness to Light

To be a world class University committed to create and
disseminate knowledge for human development and

To create intellectually stimulating environment,
promote excellence in teaching, research and extension
activities and facilitate academic freedom, diversity and

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Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences


Institutional education is not new to Kashmir as it used to be known as
Sharda Peeth (seat of learning) in ancient times and people from every
nook and corner of the world would come to Kashmir in the pursuit of
knowledge and wisdom. The University of Jammu and Kashmir was
founded in the year 1948, with jurisdiction over the whole of the
Jammu & Kashmir State, started as an affiliating and examining body,
but right from the outset, the intension was to develop it into a full-
fledged University to sustain and enrich the ancient tradition of
learning in Kashmir. Teaching in the University was started in 1956
with the opening of three Post-Graduate Departments – Economics &
Geology at Jammu and English at Srinagar. Three more Departments,
viz., Mathematics, Urdu and Hindi were added at the Srinagar Campus
in 1958. The first full time Vice-Chancellor was appointed in 1957,
until then the University was headed by an honorary Vice-Chancellor.
The University initiated development programmes for the construction
of buildings and setting up of new Post-Graduate Departments with the
financial assistance from the University Grants Commission and State
Government. For the implementation of general schemes of
development, the Union Ministry of Education sanctioned an adhoc
grant of Rs. 35 lakh. The former Chancellor of the University – Dr.
Karan Singh, gifted to the University one of his orchards – the Amar
Singh Bagh. This orchard, situated on the western bank of the Dal lake
near Hazratbal Shrine, at a distance of about 10 kilometers from
Srinagar, provides the present 125 acre campus of the University. The
layout of the Campus was prepared by Shri Fayaz-ud-Din, the Chief
Town Planner of Andhra Pradesh and Shri G. B. Mhatre of Bombay.
The Arts Faculty building with a plinth area of 25,000 square feet was
the first to come up on the campus in 1959. Other buildings came up
subsequently on the campus. The Naseem Bagh campus previously
occupied by the Regional Engineering College, has long been taken over
by the University.
In 1956, the University was re-organised on a federal basis providing
for two divisions of equal status, one for the Jammu region and the
other for the Kashmir region, with a central organization having
specified legislative and executive powers. Each division had an
executive body for running its day to day administration and its own
academic bodies for initiating academic programmes and policies. The
8 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)
University of Kashmir – A Brief Profile

Pro-Vice Chancellor was chief Executive and academic officer of the

division while the Vice Chancellor was the principal executive and
academic head of the entire University. This change in the structure of
the University was made to facilitate cohesive and integrated
development of teaching and research in various subjects taught in the
two divisions. The Jammu campus then had eight Post-Graduate
Departments and the Srinagar Campus eleven.
In pursuance of the recommendations of the Jammu and Kashmir
Commission of Inquiry set up by the State Government and headed by
Dr. Gajenderagadkar, ex-chief justice of India, the University of Jammu
and Kashmir was replaced by two separate and full-fledged Universities
in the Jammu and Kashmir regions by means of an Ordinance
promulgated by the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir on 5th September
1969, subsequently replaced by an Act of the State Legislature.
Accordingly the University of Kashmir came into existence on 5th
September 1969 with jurisdiction over the Kashmir division of the
State of Jammu and Kashmir.
University of Kashmir situated at Srinagar, is flanked by the world
famous Dal Lake on its eastern side and Nigeen Lake on the western
side. The Main Campus of University spread over 247 acres of land is
divided into three parts – Hazratbal Campus, Naseem Bagh Campus
and Mirza Bagh Campus. The Zakura Campus, near the main campus,
spread over 300 kanals of land houses Institute of Technology
presently comprising of three Departments viz., (i) Applied Sciences, (ii)
Mechanical Engineering and (iii) Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Besides Anantnag (South campus) and Baramulla (North campus),
three more satellite campuses at Kupwara, Kargil and Leh have been
established to make higher education more accessible to people living
in remote areas.
University is committed to provide an intellectually stimulating
environment for productive learning to enhance the educational,
economic, scientific, business and cultural environment of the region.
University offers programmes in all the major faculties; Arts, Business
& Management Studies, Education, Law, Applied Sciences &
Technology, Biological Sciences, Physical & Material Sciences, Social
Sciences, Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Oriental Learning and
Music & Fine Arts. It has been constantly introducing innovative / new
programmes to cater to the needs and demands of the students and

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 9

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

the society and is presently floating UG, PG, Diploma and Certificate
programmes with M. Phil and Ph. D research programmes.
In tune with the needs of the present day world, scholars are
encouraged to take up high profile research problems in science for
explorations and they are successfully becoming part of big projects
involving national and international interests. A lot of research in
science is being extended to areas having direct or indirect ramification
to human welfare. Recognizing our socio-environmental obligations,
University of Kashmir is seriously pursuing active independent and
collaborative research on issues such as, Climate Change, Alternative
Sources of Energy, and Biological Invasions. We at Kashmir University
are not only addressing the contemporary socio-economic, political and
environmental challenges, but are addressing the future concerns as
Over the years, University has marched towards excellence in its
programmes and activities. It has been re-accredited as Grade-A
University by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC)
of India in the year 2011. This is the recognition and reflection of the
high standard of quality in teaching and research at University of
We at present are not only consolidating and strengthening existing
educational programmes and infrastructure, but new, creative,
innovative and futuristic programmes are being introduced through
participatory engagement of teachers, scholars, students and learned
members of the civil society. Several departments are being encouraged
to submit proposals under Special Assistance program (SAP) of the
University Grants Commission so as to position the University for the
award of the University with Potential for Excellence (UPE) status and
already tens of KU departments have received financial assistance
through SAP and FIST.
University believes in the pre-eminence of autonomous research, so
that it comes up with brainstorming ideas to pioneer radical
innovations. University, undoubtedly, has kept pace with the world at
large and not lost sight of its primary purpose of offering programmes
of scientific and technical education that conform to the employment
requirements of both the corporate world and the industry.

10 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

V i s i o n

Envisions high quality teaching and research for being internationally

acclaimed centre in animal sciences and adoption of holistic approach
to develop our students to full potential for the welfare of the society in
this dynamic era of Science and Technology.

M i s s i o n

Exploring animal diversity and develop students as leaders for

management and conservation of animal resources. To inculcate the
specialized skills in Zoological Sciences and sense of responsibility
among students for the betterment of mankind through community
based outreach programmes.

Departmental Profile 11
University of Kashmir


The Post-Graduate Department of Zoology was established in August, 1961 and

temporarily housed in the Department of Zoology, S. P. College, Srinagar. The
Department was shifted to the present building in the University Campus in
September 1962. Two extension blocks on east and west of this building were
completed in 1973/74. This erased to a large extent the difficulty of space for research
laboratories, store and staff. A separate Animal House towards East side and a
Laboratory Block towards west side were developed in due course of time. Another
extension block of the main building was constructed towards South side to address
the growing needs of the Department. This Department enjoys the rare privilege of
having a galaxy of reputed teachers and scientists. The present teaching staff strength
is 12, including three Professors, one Associate Professor and eight Assistant
Professors. Since its inception, this Department has been on the fore front with
regard to active and excellent teaching and research activities. This is evident from
the fact that more than 2000 research papers, 19 books and one Monograph, have
been published by faculty members. Apart from this, 37 Research Projects (major and
minor) have so far been successfully accomplished in this Department. Till date the
number of M. Sc. students produced by this department is more than 1500. The total
number of M Phil and Ph D awarded so far is 172 and 123 respectively.
Teaching Activities
Presently, the total number of students in the M. Sc. IV semester (2016 batch)
is 98 including the supplementary shift, whereas the total number of students in the
II semester (2017 batch) is 59. Since 2014, the department is offering 40 course papers
(Core, Discipline Centric & Generic Elective) under the Choice Based Credit System
(CBCS) scheme. The Department has successfully introduced choice based credit
system along with some job oriented courses for which huge number of students are
showing their keen interest to get enrolled in our department for additional courses.
In this regard, presently more than 100 students from other departments of this
University have already enrolled themselves in the department in different
specialized courses during current session. The lecture theaters meant for M Sc
students are spacious, well ventilated, equipped with Air conditioned facility, thus
providing soothing atmosphere to our students. Practicals are essential components
of laboratory courses and are being conducted regularly having 2hrs duration/credit
course/week as per the scheme under CBCS. Our teachers are leaving no stone
unturned in imparting best practical training to the students. There are two practical
laboratories in the main building and three separate laboratories, situated outside the
main department as annexes’ meant for PG students.

12 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

In order to achieve excellence in teaching and practical work, the syllabi

adopted by the department are already revised and updated in light of U.G.C
prescribed guidelines. Besides, not only tutorials and seminars are held regularly, the
students are assigned project work as one credit course of 25 marks in 3rd and 4th
semesters. The students present their project work in the form of organized report,
covering local faunal studies in the natural habitats and parasitic examination of
vertebrate hosts. The department regularly conducts local and national Zoological
tour for 2nd and 4th semester students, respectively. The students visit the places of
faunal interest in and outside the state and collect the biological materials (seashore
fauna, insects, skeleton, dead specimens, mammalian hairs etc.) for conduct of
practicals as well as for preserving these specimens for enriching the museum.
A full-fledged Seminar Library, as a supplement to the University Central Library on
the Campus, having more than 5,550 books and, number of journals, dissertations
and theses.
The departmental museum contains a rich collection of animal specimens, skeletons,
charts and models. More than 400 invertebrate and 300 vertebrate animal specimens
are maintained in its scientific collections. The collections are arranged according to a
Zoological system. Many of its displays like Hangul deer (state animal of J&K), Snow
leopard, Leopard, Tiger, Black bear, Brown bear, poisonous snakes, poisonous lizard
(Heloderma), African clawed toad, sponges, corals etc. are unique. The assemblage of
animal groups from Protozoa to Mammals provides a vital educational resource not
only for the students of the Department of Zoology, but also provide learning
resource for other institutions of the state as well.
Fish Pond & Animal House
The fish pond, situated adjacent to the main building of the department, caters to the
practical and research needs of students, in the field of Ichthyology and Limnology.
The department possesses an Animal house adjacent to the main building, wherein
the research is being performed on live animals. The Animal house caters to the
immunological and physiological needs of the study. The wet laboratory situated
alongside the animal house is used for rearing of fish and conducting feeding trials
further strengthening the research activities of the department.
Computer Lab
A dedicated Computer Lab with Internet connectivity and all relevant softwares for
training to the students and scholars is available in the Department. The lab provides
computer services to the students and research scholars and is used to impart
practical knowledge about the computing tools, software, printing, power point
presentations etc.

Departmental Profile 13
University of Kashmir

Current Research Activities

Presently, the department is blooming with diverse type of research activities
mainly pertaining to sponsored research projects and Ph D programmes. The
different research thrust areas in the department are: Taxonomy, Morphology,
Biochemistry, Histochemistry, Histopathology, General Parasitology, Experimental
Parasitology, Medical and Veterinary Parasitology, Immunology, Fish Biology, Fish
nutrition & physiology, Agricultural Entomology, Biological control of Insect Pests,
Aeroentomology, Wildlife Ecology, Ornithology, Limnology and Microbiology.
The Department has got state-of-the-art scientific equipments, the important ones
are: Advanced microscopes (with digital Image Analyzers, Fluorescence, Projection
and CCTV attachments), Cryostats, Centrifuges, PCR, ELISA Reader, Histokinete,
Soxtec fatty acid analyzer, CO2 Incubator, Automatic hematology analyzer,
Kjeltecnitrogen, Protein analyser, Spectrophotometer and Audio-visual aids,
including LCD and Magnetic Board.
Departmental Research Committee
The Departmental Research Committee (DRC) is entrusted with the job of
maintaining transparency, high standards and accountability in the conduct of
research. The committee encourages the teachers/scholars to publish their findings
according to widely recognized research norms. It also ensures that teachers &
scholars adhere to high levels of research ethics while pursuing and publishing
research and abide by the requirements set out by the professional research
guidance. The newly admitted scholars are called for counseling wherein, they have
to present their research proposals before DRC for suggestions and further
improvement. After approval from DRC, each scholar is required to maintain data
notebook/field notebook for recording their daily or regular lab or field based
activities on day to day basis with dates and endorsement by respective supervisors.
The raw data endorsed by respective supervisors is to be made available for
assessment by the DRC. During the period of residency, every scholar is assessed by
the Committee at least four times to monitor his/her progress. This assessment is
done twice a year beginning from 2nd year of residency. The six monthly assessments
are carried out by DRC with a Vice-Chancellor’s nominee to be included in 2nd and
4th assessment processes. The committee evaluates the progress made by the scholar,
assesses the attendance records, and makes necessary suggestions for improvement.
Finally, the committee makes recommendations for the grant of academic clearance
only after the scholar has worked up to its entire satisfaction. The utmost importance
is being given to problem of plagiarism wherein the electronic version of the thesis
are subject to evaluation for non-unique content, copyright violations and any other
research misconduct with the help of plagiarism detection software.

14 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

Ph.D. Programmes
Presently 52 PhD research scholars are actively engaged in conducting
research on different kinds of research problems. The number of scholars and their
main area of research is as follows: 19 in Parasitology, 12 in Entomology, 9 in
Wildlife, 12 in Ichthyology and Limnology.
Research Labs
The department currently has seven research labs:
1. Advanced Research Lab for molecular studies
2. Parasitology Research Lab
3. Ichthyology & Limnology Research Lab
4. Wildlife Research Lab
5. Fish Nutrition Research Lab
6. Entomology Research Lab
7. Biodiversity Conservation Lab
Sponsored Research Projects
This Department has completed 37 research projects sanctioned by DST, CSIR,
UGC, ICAR and J&K State Science, Technology & Innovation Council. This
Department is not only DST-FIST funded but also SAP-DRS Phase-II funded,
strengthening our teaching and research activities. After successfully completing the
SAP Phase-I, in the field of experimental Parasitology and Immuno-diagnostics,
UGC has sanctioned SAP-II Phase covering research activity in the fields of
Parasitology, Aquaculture and Integrated Pest Management.
The ongoing sponsored research projects in this department funded by SERB-
DST, Govt. of India; DBT, Govt. of India and University Grants commission (UGC)
are four in number. These major research projects cover multi-disciplinary thrust
areas in the fields of Biodiversity, Entomology and Ichthyology.
Details of Major Research Projects Completed since 2001
Sr. Investigators Title of the Project Agency Funding
1. Prof. M. Z. Chishti “Studies on the Pathogenic Parasites of ICAR, New Rs 12.00
(Principal Investigator) fishes of Wular lake, Kashmir and the Delhi lacs
influence of pollution and hydro biological
factors on the dynamics of various
2. Prof. R. C. Bhagat “Light-trapping study of insects damaging UGC Rs 4.22
(Principal Investigator) crops and economically important Plants lacs
of Kashmir Himalaya” .
3. Prof. G. Mustafa Shah “Studies on the bioecology of Hangul DST, Govt. of Rs 14.58
(Principal Investigator) & Deer, Cervus elephus hanglu Wagner and India lacs
Dr. Ulfat Jan) (Co- its relationship with predators at Dachigam
Investigator) National Park, Kashmir.
Departmental Profile 15
University of Kashmir

4. Dr. Fayaz Ahmed Pathogenic Parasites of the fishes of river

(Principal Investigator) Jhelum with special reference to their
UGC 0.4 Lac.
influence on the decline of the native fish –
Schizothorax (Principal Investigator).
5. Prof. M. Z. Chishti “Survey of gastrointestinal pathogens of DST, Govt. of Rs 18.65
(Principal Investigator) helminth parasites in ruminants of Kashmir India lacs
& Dr. Fayaz Ahmed (Co- valley, with detailed study on
Investigator) histopathology, immunology, biochemical
pathology and prophylaxis of helminthiasis
6. Prof. M. Z. Chishti “Histopathological and serological studies UGC Rs 4.6
(Principal Investigator) of helminth infection in fishes of some lacs
lakes of Kashmir”
7. Prof. M. Z. Chishti Study of the factors responsible for decline ICAR Rs 8.00
(Principal Investigator) of native freshwater fish Schizothorax in lacs
& Dr. Fayaz Ahmad (Co- Kashmir waters with special reference to
Investigator) Limnology, pathology and pollution
8. Prof. M. Z. Chishti Experimental Parasitology in Fishes UGC Rs 37.00
(UGC–SAP). lac
9. Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan Dietary essential amino acid, N3 and N6 DST 17.00 lac
fatty acid requirement of India Catfish
species with a view to develop nutritionally
balanced feed for intensive culture.
10. Prof. M. Z. Chishti Biodiversity of Parasites of Ruminants of J DST 28.00 lac
(Principal Investigator) & K State.
11. Dr. Fayaz Ahmed Epidemiological and Hemato-Biochemical J & K State S 6.30 lac
(Principal Investigator) Studies of Gastrointestinal Helminth &T
infection in the Children of Kashmir Valley
12. Prof. M. Z. Chishti Study of the factors responsible for decline ICAR 17.07 lac
(Principal Investigator) & of native freshwater fish Schizothorax in
Dr. Fayaz Ahmad (Co- Kashmir waters with special reference to
Investigator) Limnology, pathology and pollution
13. Prof. M. Z. Chishti (Principal Biodiversity of Parasitofauna in Fishes of
Investigator) & Dr. Fayaz UGC 15 lac
Ahmad (Co-Investigator) Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh (Co P.I.).
14. Prof. M. Z. Chishti (Principal Gastrointestinal Parasitic Fauna in Department of 16.00
Investigator)& Dr. Fayaz Ruminants of J & K State with emphasis Science and
Ahmad (Co-Investigator) Technology (DST)
on Prophylaxis
15. Prof. M. Z. Chishti Survey, Diagnosis and Control of
(Principal Investigator) & Protozoan, Bacterial and Pollution related Rs.
Dr. Fayaz Ahmad (Co- Diseases in Fishes of Jammu, Kashmir 46,78,377
Investigator) and Ladakh (Co P.I.).
Sr. Investigator Title of the Project Agency Funding
1. Dr. A. A. Buhroo ‘’An Integrative Approach to assess the SERB-DST 65.49
(Principal Investigator) Phylogeny and the Systematic of the lac
bark beetle genera (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in the
Northwestern Himalaya’’

16 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

2. Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan ‘’Optimum feeding, protein and DBT 45.22

(Principal Investigator) aminoacid requirement of rainbow trout,
Onchorhynchus mykiss with a view to
develop nutritionally balanced feed for its
intensive culture in J & K’’
3. Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan (Co- “Documentation of animal biodiversity UGC 5.25
ordinator UGC with special reference to chemical and
integrated project) molecular characteristics of economically
important food fish species of Kashmir’’
4. Dr. Tariq Ahmad “Sustainable Management of invasive SERB-DST 62.34
plants using native insect herbivores in lac
Kashmir Himalaya”
List of JRFs, SRFs, Research Associates and other research
fellows currently enrolled in the Department:
Sr. Duration of Type of the Granting Qualifying exam if any
Name of the Research Fellow
No. Fellowship fellowship agency (NET, GATE etc.)

1 Ms. Iram Abdullah 5 years JRF CSIR NET

2 Mr. Naveed Nabi 5 years JRF CSIR NET
3 Ms. Kouser Jan 5 years Inspire Fellow DST 1st topper
4 Mr. Mohd Muzaffar Sheikh 5 years JRF CSIR NET
5 Mr. Mohd Awas 5years JRF UGC NET
6 Mr. Nafee Maqbool 5 years JRF CSIR NET
7 Mr. Aamir Majeed 5 years JRF UGC NET
8 Mr. S. M. Abbas Andrabi 5 years JRF CSIR NET
9 Mr. Ab. Lateef Khanday 3 years JRF SERB-DST Project
10 Mr. R. M. Zubair 3 years JRF SERB-DST Project
11 Mr. Zubair Ahmad Sheikh 5 years JRF UGC Project
12 Mr. Ishtiyaq Ahmad Tali 3 years JRF DBT NET
13 Mr. Mir Tajamul 5 years JRF UGC NET
14 Ms. Aqleemul Islam 3 years JRF MOEF Project
Other academic activities
The faculty members of the department have attended and presented research
papers from time to time in different National and International Seminars, Symposia,
Conferences, Congresses and Workshops. In this connection Prof. G. Mustafa shah, Prof.
Ulfat Jan, Prof. Fayaz Ahmad, Dr. A. A. Buhroo, Dr. Syed Tanveer and Dr. Tariq Ahmad
had privilege to visit foreign countries, viz., USA, Argentina, Hungary, Thialand, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, Phillipines and Germany. Members of our faculty have participated in
various refresher courses organized by various Indian Universities. Also, teachers of this
department acted as resource persons in such activities. This department has never lagged
behind in performing other academic activities such as organizing refresher courses,
seminars and workshops. In this direction, so far, this department has organized seven
refresher courses for college and university teachers. Two workshops, one on awareness

Departmental Profile 17
University of Kashmir

about helminth diseases and other on fabrication and maintenance of aquaria, have been
organised in the past. In addition to these programmes, this department has successfully
organized seven symposia / seminars.
The department has a full-fledged library catering to the growing needs of students,
staff and research scholars, having a rich collection of books / journals, numbering about
more than five thousand. The department has a Zoo-society (Zoological Society), existing
since the inception of the department. The main aims and objectives of this society are to
bring M Sc students and other members, having Zoological background to one platform for
mutual exchange of their academic thoughts/views and for fostering the scientific
temperament and academic capabilities. Under Zoo-society, the department organizes
various academic, awareness and cultural programmes. The Zoological expeditions to high-
altitude areas of Kashmir Himalayan regions for faunistic study and for collections and also
to study the sea-shore fauna, are essential activities of this society. In order to instill the spirit
of competition and encouragement among students, this society also organizes quiz contest
programmes, pertaining to latest research / updates on topics of M. Sc. courses of syllabi
and winners are awarded suitably with certificates, etc. The various other functions of
students are also organized under auspices of Zoo-Society. The society has recently
undertaken the task of preparing database of not only for the M Phil / Ph D scholars
produced by this department but also for the M Sc students who qualified various
competitive examinations at both state and national level.
Faculty of the Department
The Post-Graduate Department of Zoology, established in August 1961, has
completed 57 years as on July, 2018 and has the unique distinction of having the
services of a galaxy of faculty since its inception till date. The first to join were Dr. D.
N. Fotedar (earlier Professor & Head Zoology Department, S. P. College) joined as
Reader, while Dr. Y. R. Malhotra and Dr. P. L. Duda joined as Lecturers. The founder
Head of the Department, late Dr. S. M. Das (earlier Reader in Zoology, Lucknow
University) joined in September, 1961 as Professor and Head; an internationally
acclaimed Zoologist, was given extension for 6 years and retired in 1973. Dr. M. Y.
Qadri and Dr. M. K. Raina joined in October, 1965 as Lecturers in Ichthyology and
Helminthology respectively. They were promoted as Readers in 1974. Dr. Dildar
Ahmad joined as Lecturer in 1969 and Dr. N. D. Rishi as Lecturer in 1972. Dr. Y. R.
Malhotra left in 1972 and Dr. P. L. Duda in 1973 and joined the Department of
Biosciences, University of Jammu. Dr. Sharifa Akhtar and Dr. R. L. Dhar joined as
Lecturers in 1974. Dr. M. Y. Qadri left the Department in 1982 and joined Centre of
Research for Development (CORD) as Director; Dr. N. D. Rishi (Lecturer in the
Department) left in 1982 and joined CORD as Reader. Dr. D. N. Fotedar, promoted as
Professor in August 1969, took over as head in 1973. He was given an extension of 4½
years and retired in 1988. Dr. M. K. Raina was promoted as Professor in January 1983
18 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)
Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

and took over as Head in August 1985. A number of renowned personalities went on
serving the Department. The available information about the former faculty is
reproduced as under:
Heads of the Department
Sr. Duration
Name of the HOD Start date End date
1. Prof. S. M. Das 01.11.1961 1973 12.00.00
2. Prof. D. N. Fotedar 1973 09.08.1985 11.09.09
3. Prof. M. K. Raina 10.08.1985 20.07.1990 04.11.11
4. Prof. Dildar Ahmad 21.07.1990 03.12.1992 02.04.13
5. Prof. A. R. Khan 04.12.1992 03.12.1995 03.00.00
6. Prof. M. Z. Chishti 04.12.1995 01.05.1999 03.04.28
7. Prof. A. R. Khan 02.05.1999 01.05.2002 03.00.00
8. Prof. M. Z. Chishti 02.05.2002 01.05.2005 03.00.00
9. Prof. R. C. Bhagat 02.05.2005 01.05.2008 03.00.00
10. Prof. G. Mustafa Shah 02.05.2008 01.05.2011 03.00.00
11. Prof. A. K. Channa 02.05.2011 31.05.2011 00.00.30
12. Prof. R. C. Bhagat 01.06.2011 31.08.2011 00.03.00
13. Prof. G. Mustafa Shah 01.09.2011 19.04.2012 00.07.18
14. Prof. M. Nayyar Azim 20.04.2012 31.07.2013 01.03.12
15. Prof. Ulfat Jan 01.08.2013 31.07.2016 03.00.00
16. Prof. Fayaz Ahmad 01.08.2016 Continuing

Details of the Faculty Members of the Department of Zoology

Sr. Name Lecturer/ Reader/ Professor Superannuated
Assistant Professor Associate Professor
1. Dr. S. M. Das 1961 1973
2. Dr. D. N. Fotedar 1961 31.10.1983
3. Dr. Y. R. Malhotra 1961
4. Dr. P. L. Duda 1961
5. Dr. M. Y. Qadri 14.09.1965 18.05.1974 03.06.1982 1982 Joined CORD
6. Dr. M. K. Raina 01.10.1965 06.11.1976 18.01.1984 31.01.1999
7. Dr. Dildar Ahmad 11.08.1969 20.03.1980
8. Dr. N. D. Rishi 01.09.1972 06.01.1994
9. Dr. Sharifa Akhtar 01.04.1974 Expired on 20.03.1983
10. Dr. R. L. Dhar 0.06.1974 18.01.1984 10.03.2001 31.10.2005
11. Dr. M. Z. Chishti 01.04.1977 01.07.1984 01.08.1992 28.02.2007
Departmental Profile 19
University of Kashmir

12. Dr. A. R. Khan 19.04.1977 18.01.1984 01.01.1991 31.01.2006

13. Dr. A. R. Yousuf 02.03.1981 30.01.1987 08.12.1999 Shifted to CORD
14. Dr. A. K. Channa 02.03.1979 31.05.1987 18.10.2001 31.05.2011
15. Dr. R. C. Bhagat 02.03.1981 01.03.1992 01.03.2002 31.08.2011
16. Dr. Abdul Baqui 15.06.1985 15.03.1997 17.12.2006 31.12.2006
17. Dr. M. Nayyar Azim 19.09.1986 17.10.2001 17.10.2009 31.07.2013
18. Dr. Muni Parveen 13.11.1991 31.07.2017
19. Dr. Majidah Rashid 25.08.2001 30.09.2008
20. Dr. Md. Niamat Ali 26.10.2002 Shifted to CORD
List of serving faculty members
Name of Teacher Designation Specialization
Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Professor & Head Parasitology
Dr. G. Mustafa Shah Professor Wildlife
Dr. Ulfat Jan Professor Ichthyology
Dr. A. A. Buhroo Associate Professor Entomology
Dr. Syed Tanveer Assistant Professor (Stage-III) Parasitology
Dr. Mustahson F. Fazili Assistant Professor (Stage-III) Wildlife
Dr. Tariq Ahmad Assistant Professor (Stage-III) Entomology
Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan Assistant Professor (Stage-III) Ichthyology
Dr. Hidayatullah Tak Assistant Professor (Stage-III) Parasitology
Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat Assistant Professor Wildlife
Dr. Yahya Bakhtiyar Assistant Professor Ichthyology
Dr.Altaf Hussain Assistant Professor Entomology
List of Monographs, Books & Journals published
1) Raina, M. K. 1975. A monograph of the genus Avitellina Gough, 1911 (Avitellinidae:
Cestoda). Zool. Jb. Syst. (Germany), 102: 500-552.
2) Fotedar, D. N. and Bhagat, R. C. 1985. Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh: Zoological
Studies: An Annotated Bibliography (1848-1983). International Book and Periodical
supply Service. New Delhi.
3) Yousuf, A. R.; Raina, M. K. and Qadri, M. Y. 1992. Current trends in fish and fishery
Biology and Aquatic Ecology (Proc. 3rd National Seminar on Fish and their Environment),
held at Srinagar from 19-22 Sept.1989, P.G. Department of Zoology, University of
4) Kundangar, M. R. D.; Yousuf, A. R. and Kant, S. 1997. Wetlands of Kashmir- A profile.
Published by World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)-India, New Delhi.
5) Dar, G. H.; Bhagat, R. C. and Khan, M. A. 2002. Biodiversity of Kashmir Himalaya.
Valley Publishers, Hazratbal, Srinagar, Kashmir.
6) Bhagat, R. C. and Bala, Poonam 2002. Biological Diversity of Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh:
A comprehensive and classified Bibliography. A. P. H. Publishing Corporation, New

20 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

7) Chishti, M. Z.; Hassan, S. M. & Tak, Hidayat-Ullah 2002. Cell and Development Biology.
Yaqoob Brothers (Publishers), University Road, Srinagar, Kashmir.
8) Chisihti, M. Z.; Tak, Hidayat-Ullah and Hassan, M. 2003. Essentials of Zoology (Part-I).
Yaqoob Brothers (Publishers), University Road, Srinagar, Kashmir.
9) Chisihti, M. Z. and Fayaz Ahmad 2004. Proceedings of the National Workshop on
“Experimental Parasitology and Immunodiagnostics” Organised by Post-Graduate
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, October
7-16: 142 pages
10) Chisihti, M. Z. and Fayaz Ahmad 2005. Pre-Workshop Proceedings of the National
Training Programme on “Experimental Parasitology, Molecular Biology and
Immunodiagnostics” Organised by Post-Graduate Department of Zoology, Faculty
of Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, September 5-26: viii + 200 pages
11) Chisihti, M. Z. and Fayaz Ahmad 2006. Proceedings of the “Second J & K Science
Congress” Organised by the University of Kashmir, from 25th to 27th July 2006; 292 pages
12) Chisihti, M. Z. and Fayaz Ahmad 2007. Workshop Manual on “Helminth Taxonomy
– Revisited” Organised by University of Kashmir, Sponsored by DST, GOI, 3 – 5
November, 2007. 92 pages
13) Chisihti, M. Z. and Fayaz Ahmad 2008. Proceedings of the “Fourth JK Science
Congress” Organised by the University of Kashmir, from 12th to 14th November, 2008; 316
14) Chisihti, M. Z. and Fayaz Ahmad 2008. Science for Better Tomorrow. University of
Kashmir 568pp.
15) Fayaz Ahmad 2010. Helminths of Medical Importance with Special Reference to
Kashmir. ISBN: 978-81-909088-1-8.
16) Fayaz Ahmad 2011. Impact of Helminth Parasites on Nutritional Status” A Reference
Book in Medical Parasitology. ISBN: 978-3-8473-1721-0.
17) Ahmad, T. 2012. Recent Advances in Acridology: Novel approaches. Lap Lambert
Academic Publishing, Germany.
18) Tanveer, S. 2012. Toxocariasis: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Immunological
Studies (ISBN: 987-3-8473- 3897-0). Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, USA.
19) Tanveer, S. 2012. DNA Structure and Replication: Basic Concepts in Molecular
Biology(ISBN: 987-3-8473-2877-3) Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, USA.
20) Tanveer, S. 2012. Cestode Parasites of Birds: Morphological Peculiarities. Lap
Lambert Academic Publishing, USA.
21) Tak, Hidayatullah 2013. Essentials of Zoology Part- I (ISBN: 818659232-6). Valley
Book House, Hazratbal Srinagar.
22) Tak, Hidayatullah 2013. Essentials of Zoology Part-II (ISBN: 818659232-6). Valley
Book House, Hazratbal Srinagar.
23) Buhroo, A. A. & Khanday, A. L. 2016. Lady Bird Beetles of Kashmir Himalaya.
Studium Press New Delhi. 80pp.
24) Fayaz Ahmad 2018. Practical Handbook of Parasitology. ISBN: 978-1-64116-039-1.
25) Journal (Bi-annual January & July): Oriental Science, Published by Jammu & Kashmir
Academy of Sciences, P.G. Department of Zoology, The University of Kashmir
(Registered Office).

Departmental Profile 21
University of Kashmir


Sr. Year Title
1. 1967 Summer Science Institute for College
2. 1971 All India Symposium on Ichthyology and Hydrobiology
3. 1976 Refresher course in Zoology for College Teachers
4. 1977 All India Symposium on Helminthology
5. 1989 National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Helminthology”
6. 1989 National Seminar on Fish and their Environment
7. 1989 2nd U.G.C. Refresher courses in Zoology
8. 1989 (June) 3rd U.G.C. Refresher courses in Zoology
9. 1989 4th U.G.C. Refresher courses in Zoology
10. 1989 (July) 5th U.G.C. Refresher courses in Zoology
11. 1995 Workshop on Public awareness against Parasitic Diseases
12. 1996 Workshop on Fabrication and Maintenance of Aquarium
13. 1999 Fifth National Seminar on Fish and their environment
14. 2002 Three-Week Refresher Course in Biosciences.
15. 2003 U.G.C. sponsored Refresher course in Zoology for University &
College Teachers
16. 2003 National Seminar on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Zoological
17. 2004 National Seminar on “State-of-the-Art on Conservation of
Biodiversity in India with particular Reference to Himalaya.
18. 2008 Fourth JK Science Congress
19. 2010 Sixth JK Science Congress.
20. 2004 10-day National Workshop on “Experimental Parasitology and
21. 2005 21-day National Training programme on “Experimental Parasitology,
Molecular Biology and Immunodiagnostics”.
22. 2012 National Seminar on Science for shaping the future of India:
Faunal Diversity challenges and opportunities
23. 2012 8th JK Science Congress organized at university of Kashmir from 17th
to 19th September, 2012.
24. 2013 Regional Science Congress and 9th JK Science Congress 1st to 3rd
October, 2013.
25. 2015 11th JK Science Congress 2015 at University of Kashmir from 2th to
14th October 2015.
26. 2017 National Seminar on Himalayan Biodiversity, organized by Centre for
Kashmir Himalayan Biodiversity: Documentation, Bioprospection &
Conservation, University of Kashmir on 18th & 19th September 2017.
27. 2017 Workshop on ‘’Scientific and Popular Writings: How to
communicate results of Research’’
28. 2018 3-day National Seminar, “Animal Science Congress: Horizons in
Zoological Studies” 4th to 6th August 2018.

22 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

List of Alumni of the Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir

Degree/s from
Sr. Name Designation/s the Department
e-mail I. D.
1. Prof Y R Malhotra Ex-VC Jammu University & Member J&K Ph D
Legislative Assembly
2. Prof P L Duda Professor Zoology, Jammu University Ph D
3. Prof M Y Qadri Former VC KU, Dean F/O Science, Ph D
Director CORD
4. Prof M K Raina Former HOD Zoology, University of M Sc, Ph D
5. Late Prof M Yaseen Ex-Professor Higher Education, J & K
6. Prof M. K. Jyoti Former HOD Biosciences, Jammu Univ. M Sc, Ph D
7. Prof R L Dhar Former Professor Zoology, University of M Sc, Ph D
8. Dr. Rajesh Mahajan Ex-Professor Nematology PAU Ludhiana M Sc, Ph D
9. Prof M Z Chishti Former Chief Coordinator PG Courses, M Sc, Ph D
Dean F/O Science, HOD Zoology
10. Dr S Satinder Singh Bijral Ex-IG Police J&K Govt. M Sc, Ph D
Gandhi Nagar Jammu
11. Late Prof A R Khan Former Dean College Development Council M Sc, Ph D
& HOD Zoology, University of Kashmir
12. Dr Nisar Jan Commissioner Fisheries J&K Govt. M Sc, Ph D
13. Dr Avtar Krishan Malla Rtd. College Principal, J & K M Sc, Ph D
14. Dr. Harbachan Singh Pricipal Scientist CIFRI (ICAR) M Sc, Ph D
15. Dr Nisar Qureshi Ex-Director Fisheries, J & K M Sc
16. Mr J P Singh Joint Director Fisheries, J & K M Sc
17. Abdul Gani Khan Ex-Secretary Technical Board, J & K M Sc
18. Dr Mehraj ud Din Khan Ex- Secretary, J & K BOSE M Sc, Ph D
19. Dr Hari Krishan Khar Rtd. College Principal, J & K M Sc, Ph D
20. Dr Bansi Lal Koul Rtd. College Principal, J & K M Sc, Ph D
21. Prof Sayeeda Mir Yarmouk University Jordan M Sc, Ph D
22. Dr Usha Moza Agriculture Scientist, ICAR M Sc, Ph D
23. Dr. Zaffar Handoo U.S.D.A. Maryland Washington D.C./ M Sc, Ph D zafar.handoo@ars.usda.go
FDA, Meriland USA v
24. Mr Bashir Ahmad Wani Professor, Higher Education Dept, J & K M Sc, M Phil
25. Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad Former CM, J&K State M Sc
26. Mr Yameen Khan Ex-Secretary J&K Govt. M Sc
27. Prof R N K Bamezai Former VC SMVDU M Sc
28. Prof A R Trag Ex-VC IUST M Sc, Ph D
29. Prof A R Yousuf Former Member NGT, New Delhi; Dean M Sc, Ph D
Academic Affairs, Dean Biological
Science, University of Kashmir
30. Prof Ashok K Pandita Ex-Director, CORD, University of Kashmir
31. Prof R C Baghat Former Dean Faculty of Science, M Sc, Ph D
University of Kashmir
32. Mr Khawja Bashir Ahmad Commissioner/Secretary (Rtd), J & K M Sc
33. Mr Farooq Ahmad Ex IGP, J & K State M Sc
34. Dr M A Khan Ex-Chairman Research Advisory M Sc, Ph D
Committee, CSR & TI, Pampore, CSB, GOI

List of Alumni 23
University of Kashmir

Degree/s from
Sr. Name Designation/s the Department
e-mail I. D.
35. Mr R P Singh Bali Ex-Director Fisheries M Sc
36. Mr Showkat Ali Mir Ex-Director Fisheries M Sc
37. Mr Aadil Naqash J & K Govt M Sc, M Phil
38. Mr R N Pandita Director Fisheries M Sc
39. Mr Bashir Ahmad Joint Director Fisheries (Projects) M Sc
40. Mr Mohamad Amin Joint Director Fisheries, Kashmir M Sc
41. Prof M H Balkhi Dean Fisheries, SKUAST (K) M Sc, M Phil, Ph D
42. Dr Rahul Koul Vice President and Chief of Conservation M Sc, M Phil
Wildlife Trust of India
43. Sheikh Arshad Ayoub (KAS) J&K Govt. M Sc
44. Mr Mahmood Ahmad Director, Tourism, J & K Govt M Sc
Shah (KAS)
45. Mr Muzaffar A. Shah (KAS) SP Traffic Rural, J & K govt M Sc
46. Dr Anil Pandit Consultant, Fisheries, A. P. M. Sc, M Phil, Ph D
47. Mr J S Bali IG Police, J & K Govt. M Sc
48. Prof M Y Peerzada Dean Academic Affairs, Cluster M Sc, M Phil, Ph D
University, Srinagar
49. Prof Irshad A Wani Director North Campus, University of M Sc
50. Dr. Haroon Rashid Ahmad Central Silk Board Pampore M Sc, Ph D
51. Dr Kanwar Naraian Director ICMR Lab., Dibrugarh, Assam M Sc, M Phil, Ph D
52. Dr Khursheed A Sahaf Former Director CSR &TI; Prof & Head M Sc, M Phil, Ph D
Sericulture Dept SKUAST Mirgund
53. Dr Mir Nissar Ahmad Central Silk Board Pampore M Sc, M Phil, Ph D
54. Dr Ravinder Koul Ex-Divisional Manager National Insurance M Sc, Ph D
55. Dr Ravinder Koul SKUAST (J) M Sc M Phil, Ph D
56. Farooq Ahmad Kirmani France M Sc
57. Farooq Ahmad Nawchoo Joint Director Fisheries M Sc
58. Gh. Rasool Wani Ex-Scientific Officer M Sc, M Phil
59. Maraj- Ud- Din Malik Deputy Conservator of forests M Sc
60. Owais Farooq Mir Deputy Conservator of forests M Sc
61. Musaid Iqbal M Sc, M Phil
62. Nisar Geelani Ex-Asstt. Commissioner M Sc
63. Prof. G. M. Mir Former HOD Entomology SKUAST M Sc
64. Prof Nasreen Malik Ex-Principal M Sc, M Phil
65. Prof Opinder K Raina Indian Veterinary Instt. Izatnagar UP M Sc, M Phil, Ph D
66. Dr Shabir Qadri M Sc
67. Dr Showkat Naqash J & K Forest Service M Sc, Ph D
68. Dr Sunita Gagroo Consultant, Aquaculture M Sc, M Phil
69. Riyaz Ahmad Shah (KAS) Dy. Director Tourism M Sc
70. Mr. Sajad Ahmad (KAS) M Sc
71. Dr M Farooq Mir Head, Hydrobiology Research Laboratory, M Sc, M Phil, Ph D
Cluster University Srinagar
72. Dr Ibraq Khurshid Coordinator, Department of Animal M Sc, M Phil, Ph D
Sciences (Zoology), Central University of

24 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

University of Kashmir

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 25

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

26 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Professor Mohammad Yasien Qadri

Former Vice Chancellor
University of Kashmir

It is a pleasure to know that the Department of Zoology is organizing a 3-day National

Seminar - Animal Science Congress, from 4 th to 6th August 2018 and publishing a
souvenir on the occasion, for I have been requested to for a 2-page write up about my
experiences in highlighting the hardships faced to reach the goal. I am thankful to the
organizers for having remembered me on this occasion and am pleased to write a few
lines in this regard.
I began my career at S. P. College, Srinagar in 1961, from where I graduated in 1959 and
joined back as lecturer in Zoology in 1961 where many of the students happened to be
my friends and class fellows. I joined the then University of Jammu and Kashmir in 1965
as Lecturer, before progressing through a number of senior leadership roles till I retired
as Vice-Chancellor in 2001.
The Department of Zoology was only four years old and with only four faculty
members, Prof. S.M. Das, Mr. D.N. Fotedar, Mr. Y.R. Malhotra (who later rose to the
position of Vice Chancellor of Jammu University) and Mr. P.L. Duda. It had just shifted
to University campus from S.P. College. I enjoyed my stay in the Department as the
youngest teacher, friendly with students both in the class and outside. To begin with, I
would teach and guide scholars in the field of Ichthyology but soon expanded it in the
areas of Limnology, Wildlife, Wetland Studies, Neuro-endocrinology. The Department
was blooming with academic activities like National Summer Schools, Refresher
Courses, Seminars, Conferences, Congresses, and Workshops under the auspices of
University Grants Commission, Indian National Science Academy, Wildlife Department
and other organizations, both of national and regional levels.
I continued in the Department till my appointment as Director, Centre of Research for
Development in 1982 and from there I took over as Vice Chancellor in October 1994. It
was Governor’s rule and as Chancellor, the Governor called three of us, Prof. V. Kaul,
Professor of Botany; Prof. A.R. Mattoo, Professor of Commerce and myself for
discussion or call it interview, separately. It was Friday, October 10, 1994, I entered his
Chamber at Raj Bhavan, Cheshma Shahi at 10 a.m. and after nearly two hours
discussion on all academic, administrative matters concerning the University, I left the
Chamber as Vice Chancellor. I offered Friday prayers at Hazratbal, the University had
been informed and I left for home with a contingent of police from the University
security. My mother and my wife became nervous until I informed them about the
whole situation. They were apprehensive and not in favor of taking up the position.

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Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Being at university for nearly four decades has generally been an exciting and
rewarding time – a chance to challenge yourself mentally as well as academically, learn
new skills and take bold decisions. Given the prevailing disturbed conditions and from
what the University was passing through since early nineties, with almost a skeletal
teaching staff (after most of the non local teaching staff had left); admissions almost
unrestricted, mass copying with over 90% success rate in examinations. With entire
administrative set up and academic calendar having gone out of gear, the situation was
grave, unimaginable and unforgettable; the two tenures of Vice Chancellorship were
most challenging. Bold decisions had to be taken and were taken. Despite tremendous
pressures the post graduate admissions were for the first time made on the basis of
entrance test; undergraduate examinations where mass copying had taken place were
cancelled and the pass percentage dipped to 15%. Nearly 125 teaching positions were
filled up with interviews held in Srinagar, which even in normal circumstances were
being held at Delhi.
The academic atmosphere steadily consolidated and Visiting Committees of UGC,
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Association of Indian Universities, National
Accreditation and Assessment Council started visiting the University. New faculty
positions and funding from University Grants Commission was obtained. New
disciplines viz. Sociology, Geology and Geophyiscs, Environmental Science,
Bioinformatics and Biotechnology were introduced. Funding for a campus hospital,
Information Technology Department, Library were procured from Ministry of
Education and Department of Science and Technology, GOI was obtained. In the midst
of curfew even Convocation was held in Centaur in which President of India was the
Chief Guest. It was a team effort and I am extremely proud of the close-knit community
we were able to build on the campus where everyone was positive. It is satisfying to
note that the University has grown to become a flagship university, recognized as grade
A by NAAC for excellence of its teaching, research and its service to local communities.
The success is based on high quality courses, good facilities, friendly ambience and
dedicated academic staff. This tempo of integration of teaching and research needs be
maintained if students are to benefit from exposure to the constantly expanding
boundaries of knowledge and become emerging leaders who will help shape our future
and keep pace with overall development of the region.
Ever since the establishment of the University in 1949, generations of students, staff and
alumni have built our reputation, and I am confident the people of today and tomorrow
will embark on new journeys and fresh horizons and add to this reputation in future.
We have much to look forward.
I have found it both a privilege and a joy to occupy this role and I am profoundly
grateful for the opportunity.
I wish the seminar a great success.

28 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Former VC
SMVDU, Katra, J&K

Having thought of inviting me as an alumnus of the department of

Zoology to write for the souvenir at the time of a conference, has been a pleasant
surprise. I wish the department, its functionaries, the organizers and the university, well
in its future endeavors.
Born in Kashmir, brought up and having studied in both the provinces of J&K, i.e.,
Kashmir and Jammu, I have had the history behind my Sir name of Bamezai, who was
the first historian of Kashmir. I have always cherished my childhood memories, the time
spent in Kashmir University; and above all the old spiritual atmosphere and values.
After my part of schooling at Baramulla, graduation from Udhampur and Masters in
Zoology from the University of Kashmir, I joined All India Institute of Medical Sciences
(AIIMS), New Delhi for my Ph.D. in early 70s. I had a short stay of less than a year at
Delhi University, Zoology department immediately after my M.Sc., along with a friend
of mine, Dr. Ravi Dhar (another alumnus and a dear friend), who had motivated me to
come out of J&K. Finally, after an initial phase of struggle in Delhi, my stay at AIIMS
shaped my career in the area of Human Genetics and Genomics. The period between
1980 and 1989 as a faculty at the Department of Anatomy, Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University and later at the School of Life Sciences, JNU, as an Associate
Professor (1989) and then as a Professor (1996), contributed to my growth and
achievements. This was a period full of competition and struggle with its highs and
lows, but with a resolve to never give up and keep learning.
In recognition of our efforts by the then Chairman, University Grants Commission,
Professor Dr. Hari Gautam, granted my laboratory the status of a National Centre of
Applied Human Genetics, which brought in requisite infrastructure and financial
support. This showed up in the progress which followed in our research both in terms
of quality and quantity; and also helped in building a base for seeking infrastructural
support from Department of Biotechnology, DBT. Mentoring and providing freedom to
researchers with adequate monitoring was an ever-inspiring mantra of our success;
which came in by becoming the Fellow of NASI, NAMS, INSA, and getting awards and
conferment of Padma Shri in the year 2012.At international level, the recognition came
in becoming an editor-in-chief and editorial board member of peer-reviewed journals,
such as (Nature) SciRep, Research Reports, Human Genetics. The positive attitude in life
has been handy in dealing with students and employees as Dean of two different
schools, SLS and SCIS, at JNU and as the 3rd Vice-Chancellor of the university, SMVDU,
Katra, J&K, besides heading and being part of several university and national level
Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 29
Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

My interest in Genetics was initiated during my Masters at the University of Kashmir

by one of my teachers, Professor P.L. Duda. Incidentally, I pursued this new area of
research as a Ph.D. problem in AIIMS. Professor P.L. Duda and Professor M. K. Raina at
the University of Kashmir acted as mentors and enforced academic discipline and
seriousness. Interestingly, in today's context of 'Systems Biology', I somehow feel, the
exposure to the subject of classical Zoology to understand the organism as a whole and
the subsequent practice of the 'reductionist approach' with molecular biology over the
years, gave me an advantage to look at the Jigsaw puzzle of biology holistically.
Over the decades, doing research grew as a passion to unravel the ‘complex diseases
through the prism of 'Genome to Metabolism' and establish 'Genotype - Phenotype'
correlations in Infectious diseases, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Motivating young
students and researchers to pursue a research career with honesty, consistency and
dedication over ~40 years of my service period within the three universities, BHU,
SMVDU and JNU; along with diverse administrative and academic responsibilities,
added to the challenges faced with dignity and honor.
I always wondered if there was a formal set up to cater to the needs of wandering
students for training and exposure of a higher order in different institutions. We were
keen to play our role and thus trained more than 400 such students within a decade or
so. Just this exposure worked well for the students to continue with research career in
science in acknowledged institutions, which was very satisfying. I acknowledge the
cooperation extended by my doctoral and post-doctoral students in the laboratory who
motivated the budding researchers and students to pursue their career in science and
adopt research as a profession with passion. I think there is a gap in thinking and
execution of a proper plan, as applicable to INSPIRE of DST, or Young Investigators
programme of DBT, the scale of which has to be gigantic, with a proper database in
place. Since the career in biology may not attract young students to follow the path of
research, one finds that despite enough motivated students in place, they tend to change
their path because of lack of direction, opportunity and proper mentoring. Moreover,
inappropriate infrastructure, non-uniform support and absence of a level playing field
for all universities and research laboratories, contributes further to the dismal situation.
In addition, the procedural impediments encourage red-tape. All in all, once a youngster
sees no gain and a lot of struggle, discouragement follows. Some of these notions could
be wrongly placed, for at least a motivated lot, where we need to play a vital role, and
highlight to them the career options and opportunities. There is also a need for
universities to own the responsibility of training the teachers of neighboring colleges
and upgrade their skill sets and knowledge; and in turn the college teachers do the same
for neighboring schools. This could build an inverse pyramid where within a short time
frame a large number of school and college students are covered and the teachers also
get exposed to a continuing education paradigm on a regular basis. The program has to
be self-perpetuating.
I take this opportunity to wish my alma-mater, with which I continue to feel connected
as always, a healthy and successful future.

30 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Professor A. Rashid Trag

Former Vice Chancellor

After passing B. Sc. from Govt. Degree College Anantnag, I had

number of options for seeking admission for M. SC. in many
Departments of University of Kashmir and other universities of Country. I opted to
compete for admission in Deptt. of Zoology as it had name and fame for academic
excellence. Later, as a student I could assess that faculty members were very competent,
knowledgeable and student friendly. They would take immense interest in career
building of students by remaining available to them for guidance and counseling even
beyond class rooms/labs during and after official hours. The deptt. was equally
emphasizing on extracurricular activities. Every where our deptt. was being highly
praised for its proactive approach. We had nationally and internationally known
personalities like Prof. SM Das, Prof. DN Fotedar, Prof. MY Qadri, Prof. YR Malhotra,
Prof. D. Ahmad, Prof. PL Doda and Prof. MK Raina as faculty. They have carved a
permanent impression on my mind because of their affectionate and helping nature
especially Prof. Fotedar and Prof. Dildar. May almighty rest the souls of Dr. Fotedar and
Dr. Dildar in Peace.
After completing my M.Sc. with specialization in Entomology in 1974, I was under prof.
Dildar for my Ph. D. based on my merit. Immediately, I succeeded in getting CSIR
fellowship which remained available till completion of my Ph. D. In May, 1980 I was
appointed as Senior Research Officer through JKPSC in Sericulture Research Centre
which was later merged with SK university of S&T and named as Division of
Sericulture. I have worked on following positions from 1980 to 2016 and made humble
contribution to my satisfaction:
 Senior Research Officer at Sericultur Research Centre, J&K Govt. from May, 1980
to October, 1983).
 Associate Professor-cum-Senior Scientist/Head Silkworm and Breeding Section
at Division of Sericulture, SKAUST-K, Mirgund from October, 1983 to June, 1986.
 Head of Division as Professor and Associate Professor at Division of Sericulture,
SKUAST-K, Mirgung from june, 1986 to March, 1994.
 Director Sericulture Research and Trainings, Pampore at Central Silk Board,
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India from March, 1994 to March, 1997.
 Director Sericulture (on deputation) at Sericulture Development Deptt., J&K
Govt. from March, 1997 to July, 2005.
 Director Research at SKUAST-K from July, 2005 to November, 2010.

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Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

 Acting Vice-Chancellor of SKUAST-K from July 2010 to July, 2010.

 Vice Chancellor of Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora,
J&K. from Feb., 2011 to May, 2016.

Memberships so far:
 Chairman of Regional Research Advisory Committee Regional Sericulture
Research Station Central Silk Board, GoI..
 Chief Editor of the “Journal of Sericulture “published by Indian Society of
Sericultural Sciences.
 Member of Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Sericulture, Mysore.
 Member on various Sericultural Committees of Central Silk Board, GoI at
National level viz; Research Co-ordination Committee, Research Advisory
Committee, Race Authorization Committee, Standing Committee and Board
 Member Secretary Research Council meetings, SKUAST- K, J&K.
 Chairman State Standing Evaluation Committee for finalizing the Spray Schedule
in the State.
 As Chief Editor of SKUAST-Kashmir Journal of Research got published 10 issues
(05 volumes).
 Member State Higher Education Commission J&K.
 Member University Court, Central University of Kashmir, J&K.
 Member Academic Council, Central University of Jammu, J&K.
 Member University Council SKUAST-Kashmir and SKUAST-Jammu, J&K.
 Member Executive Council Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, J&K
 Member Academic Council, Islamic University of Science and Technology,
Awantipora, J&K.

It was during my tenure that the IUST got accredited by UGC in 2011 and got upgraded
to Grade ‘B’ by the same in 2013. I was awarded certificate in acknowledgment of
academic wisdom, commendable research activities and outstanding contribution in
Zoology by Executive Committee of Zoological Society of India on the occasion of 18th
All India Congress of Zoology & SCIAZE held at University of Lucknow and was
identified as ‘Silkworm Breeding Expert’ by United Nations Development Programme,
Geneva on the basis of my experience and contribution in Sericulture. I was also on the
FAO roster for an assignment in future as Sericulture Expert. I have published 45
papers in National and international Journals and have authored One Book “Pests and
Diseases of Mulberry and their Management”.

32 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Dr. M. A. Khan
Ex-Director, CSR&TI, Pampore
Central Silk Board

Govt. of India

On the onset, I am grateful to the organizers of the three day National Seminar on
“Animal Science Congress” to provide me an opportunity to share my service career
experiences with the learned members of the society. I believe opportunities and
challenges are both vital for holistic growth. They both have different purpose in life
and both are essential to a perfect you. With the grace of Almighty you get your share of
opportunities, accept the challenges you face, step forward with faith and believe that
great times are around the corner, when you will find the success. During my service
career of nearly 34 years, in reputed institutions, like SK, University of Agriculture
Sciences as Asstt. Prof and Dy. Director (R) and in Central Silk Board, GOI, as Joint
Director and Director, got the opportunity to work in the R&D, sector of these
Institutions, for the betterment of the farming community. As Dy. Director (R) in the SK
University of Agriculture Science was entrusted with the “Implementation of “National
Agriculture Research Project”, financed by ICAR, Govt. of India, envisaged for the
development of one main zonal station of multi displinary nature in each agro climatic
zone of the service area of the university. The equipping of the zonal stations under the
said program, paved way for implementation of various operational research programs
for the development of various cropping systems. Has served as convener of the
Research Council of the said university and also acted as Zonal coordination for the
Zonal Research Advisory Committee (ZRAC). I joined central Silk Board as a Joint
Director in 1994, and later as Director in 2007, to head Central Sericulture Research and
Training Institute, Pampore, the pioneer institute of the country looking after the
Development of Bivoltine Sericulture. The assignment was a challenging one, wherein
you had to provide needful R&D, support to the Silk Sector of North Western States,
face the stiff competition with the other National Sericulture Institutions of the Central
Silk Board of the country. The ground situation, particularly the unorganized Silk Sector
of the Northern States, needed innovate approach to address the harsh ground realities
and with the grace of Allah coupled with hard work of the staff working in Research
and extension, the main institute and its nested units, the successful implementation of

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Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

need based projects, led to the development of “Innovative Technologies” which

proved useful in crop improvement and production in terms of quantity and quality.
The immediate task was to standardize the existing package of practices and evolve new
production technologies. The regular interface with the leading research institutions and
sister organizations working for development of sericulture in North Western States led
to the development of a “Holistic Package of practices” for practicing sericulture, which
paved way for successful technology adoption and absorption. The regular interaction
with the state holders of the Silk Industry, a number of flag ship programs were
implemented by the central Silk Board in the country as well in the North Western
States, viz., “ Cluster development approach” in sericulturally active villages, paved
way for building infrastructure with the stake holders for better adoption of
technologies, the implementation of “Central sector Schemes” with holistic approach
launched on sharing basis with states during various plan periods to make silk industry
self sufficient in terms of infrastructure and skill development. Besides working as team
leader of the central schemes, had the opportunity to implement. SGSY project for
development of Sericulture in Uttrakhand funded by MORD, Govt. of India.
With the proper coordination by the main institute and its nested units working in
different, North Indian States was able to develop a “Disease forecasting and fore
warning model for pests and diseases of mulberry and silk worm”. The institute was
the first in the country to implement a program on “Collaborative Technology
assessment refinement and transfer” under the guidance of the chairman of RCC of
Central Silk Board.
As team leader the development of a cluster project based on “Tree mode Plantation in
Himachal Pradesh” was a success story and became a model approach for future
The efforts made laid foundation for sustainable development of silk Industry, and
surely further efforts will fulfill the dream of turning North Indian States into
“Bivoltine Bowl” of the country in the years ahead.
The affection and guidance by the revered teachers always served as an inspirational
force in my life. May Allah bless them all.

34 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Prof. A. R. Yousuf
Consultancy Projects,
CORD, University of Kashmir

Born on 28th August, 1951 at Malla Bagh (Hazratbal), Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) in a
middle class agriculturist family, Prof. Yousuf did his basic education from Govt.
Primary School, Malla Bagh (up to Class 4), Govt. Central School, Soura (5 th to 7th Class)
and Govt. High School Hazratbal (8th standard). He passed his Matriculation from High
School, Zadibal in 1967 (February). On his Fathers advice, he joined PUC (Pre-
University Course) medical stream in Islamia College. He concentrated on graduation
course and qualified B.Sc. (medical stream) in 1971, the same year he got admitted to M.
Sc. Zoology in University of Kashmir.
Prof. Yousuf was very fortunate to have renowned persons like Prof. S. M. Das, Prof. D.
N. Fotedar, Prof. P. L. Duda, Prof. M. Y. Qadri and Prof. M. K. Raina as his teachers.
These illustrious persons kindled in him the interest for research. He joined the research
program under the supervision of Prof. M. Y. Qadri, (then Reader in the Zoology
Department). After joining the Ph. D. Course in May, 1975, he submitted his Ph. D.
thesis in less than four years in March, 1979, and was awarded the degree in October,
1979. The Almighty Allah provided him a second mentor during his research - Prof. R.
George Michael from North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, who not only identified a
number of crustaceans for him, but also helped him in the compilation of his thesis.
Timely award of Junior Research Fellowship (1976 – 1977), Senior Research Fellowship
(1978) and Post-Doctoral Fellowship (1979-80) from CSIR, New Delhi also facilitated the
smooth completion of his research work.
After completion of his Ph. D. Program, Dr. Yousuf worked as Assistant Research
Officer in the Research Division of J & K Sericulture Department for a brief period of
about 10 months from May, 1980 to February, 1981. In March, 1981, he joined as
Lecturer in the P. G. Department of Zoology and worked there as Lecturer (1981 – 1985),
Senior Lecturer (1985 – 1987) and Reader (1987 – 1999). In 1999, he shifted to the Centre
of Research for Development as Professor, ultimately superannuating from there in
August, 2011. On the whole, he worked as post-graduate teacher and researcher for
more than three decades (March, 1981 through November, 2012).
During his tenure at the University of Kashmir, he held several important positions such
as (a) Director, Center of Research for Development (CORD) (2000 – 2009), (b) Head,

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Department of Environmental Science (2000 – 2009), (c) Dean, Faculty of Biological

Sciences (2009 – 2011) and (d) Dean, Academic Affairs (2009 – 2011).
After retirement from the University of Kashmir, Dr. Yousuf was selected as Expert
Member in the National Green Tribunal, New Delhi (an Environmental Court of
International repute), where he served from 23rd November, 2012 to 27th August, 2016
and was engaged in the adjudication of civil disputes pertaining to environmental
Dr. Yousuf have five books (including three edited ones) and more than 160 research
articles in the field of Limnology & Fisheries published (jointly either with my guide or
my students) in different National and International Journals to his credit. He has
guided 42 students for their M. Phil and 25 students for Ph. D. He has conducted 20
Research and Consultancy Projects sponsored by different funding agencies of the
country, organized a number of seminars/symposia and had scientific collaborations
with scientists from Sweden and Germany.
He is Honorary Fellow of (a) Inland Fishery Society of India, (b) Zoological Society of
India, (c) National Institute of Ecology and (d) Bioved Research Society.
In 1995, Dr. Yousuf along with several colleagues from University of Kashmir and
University of Jammu founded the Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Sciences, of which he
was the chairperson since its inception. The Academy published a research Journal
“Oriental Science” under his editorship regularly up to 2012.He was also Chief Editor
(2001 to 2009) of “Journal of Research & Development” published by CORD and Editor
(2006 to 2009) of “Journal of Himalayan Ecology & Sustainable Development”
published by Department of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir.
Dr. Yousuf also served as a Member of many National level and State level committees,
Jammu & Kashmir State Appellate Authority for the period 2003 – 2007,
Expert Appraisal Committee of MoEF&CC (Govt. of India) for Hydropower
projects (2007 – 2010),
Central Wetland Regulatory Authority of India (2011 – 2012).
Scientific Advisory Committee to Chief Minister, J & K State (SAC-CM) for the
period 2010 – 2012.
Presently Dr. Yousuf is:
Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee, Dal Lake Conservation Project (J &
K Govt.)
Coordinator, Consultancy Projects, CORD, University of Kashmir

36 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Professor A. R. Khan
Former Head Zoology and
Dean, College Development Council
University of Kashmir

The faculty and the ministerial staff of the Department of Zoology today remembers one
of their dear former colleague, Professor AR Khan, who left for his heavenly abode in
March, 2017. Having spent almost four decades with Professor Khan, it is very difficult
not to remember him at an occasion when his own Department is holding an event
where he would have been in the leading role, had he been living. Although he had
superannuated before his death, he was there all the time with us giving his valuable
guidance in taking the Department to the greatest heights of excellence. Given the
charisma that Professor Khan had had, we his colleagues, students and research
scholars, have yet to reconcile with the irreparable loss that his passing away has caused
to the Zoology fraternity of the University, in particular, and his student-teachers,
working in different educational institutions, in general.
Professor Khan joined the University of Kashmir as a lecturer on 19 th April, 1977 and
was elevated to a Reader’s position in 1984. These were the times when Professor Khan
manifested his capabilities as a teacher and researcher and won accolades from his
colleagues, some among whom had been his teachers as well. He was appointed as a
Professor in 1991 at a time when the entire valley had gone out of gear because of the
turmoil. In spite of the difficult times, Professor Khan continued to teach and guide
research in the Department winning admiration even from his very few adversaries. He
had no adversaries as such as he had established himself as a man of principles and a
warrior in fighting out things that mattered for the future of the University, in general,
and the Department of Zoology, in particular. He headed the Department of Zoology in
two spells, first from December 1992 to 1995 and, second, from May 1999 to May 2002.
During his headship, he saw to it that the Department developed and progressed both
vertically and horizontally. During these years, he demonstrated his administrative and
academic acumen and never compromised the quality of teaching that he had
developed over the years. It was because of his administrative and academic capabilities
that Professor Khan was appointed as the Dean, College Development Council, on 29 th
December 2004, which he held till his retirement on 31 st January 2006. Professor Khan

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Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

gave a definitive direction to the Dean’s office and restored its sanctity as a watchdog on
the quality of education in professional and non-professional colleges.
Professor Khan took an active part in the welfare of teachers of the University. As an
active trade unionist, he took the reins of the Kashmir University Teachers Association
(KUTA) as its President more than once and as its Executive member during the last
phase of his academic career. As the President, he not only gave the first written
constitution to the Association but also got the entire teaching community together to
work for the welfare of the institution. His mantra would be very simple: that the KUTA
and the University administration don’t necessarily have to be at loggerheads for the
heck of it, but essentially have to be in sync for the betterment of the institution and the
teaching community, and that any deviation in this ‘betterment stance’ had to be fought
out at any cost and whatever be the implications. Professor Khan would put his foot
down when it came to the welfare of the institution and the teachers. He never shied
away from taking things that were otherwise professional, deeply personal to that
extent that it was like ‘worship’ for him to see them set right. And, the cost at which it
might come was never a consideration. He was very ‘firm’ in upholding the professional
responsibilities, both as a teacher and a frontline representative of the university
teaching community.
Professor Khan’s ‘other side’ to his professional capabilities was his humility and of
lending a helping hand to the needy in his own way where none would come to know
of this ‘help’ that many of us otherwise boasted of. He was exceptionally social and
would take care of his friends in times of grief and sorrow and/or occasions of
happiness. Professor Khan had an innate desire to see things around him go right at a
right time.
Today, the Department of Zoology misses this great teacher and colleague. We feel short
of words to write an obituary of a great human being who has left an indelible mark on
us all. Professor Khan shall always be remembered for both his professional and
personal integrity; for all his positive contributions of the University’s growth and
development in general, and the Department of Zoology, in particular. He was Iqbal’s
visionary in:
Hazaron saal nargis apni benoori pe roti hai,
Badi mushqil say hota hai chaman mai deedawar paida.
For thousand years the narcissus was lamenting its lack of luster;
With great difficulty the one with true vision is born in the garden.
We pray to Almighty Allah to grant him the best place in Jannat-ul-Firdous! May his
soul rest in peace!

38 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Professor M. Z. Chishti
Adjunct Faculty
School of Life Sciences
Central University of Kashmir

Born in Srinagar Kashmir on 22nd February, 1947 in a middle class educated family, got
education at Islamia middle school Nowshera upto eighth standard. Then joined Govt.
High School, Zadibal and passed Matriculation through University of Kashmir in 1963.
After that joined Islamia college of Science and Commerce Srinagar and passed Bachelor
of Science degree in 1967 with good percentage, on the basis of which got selected for
M.Sc. course in Deptt. of Zoology, University of Kashmir. Passed M.Sc. in Zoology in
1969 and was selected for undergoing Ph. D. in 1970 in the same department under able
guidance of Professor D. N. Fotedar. During those days it was very difficult task to
undergo research due to paucity of literature and one had to toil hard, visit various
Universities and Institutes to get in touch with the necessary material needed for
tackling the problem of research, so I had to visit eight Universities that time including
JNU, AMU, BHU, Andhra University etc. The reprints were to be purchased from
INSDOC Delhi which would take about three months to procure the reprint of a
publication through this agency. Photography was a big task as one had to rely on cut
films and to take Photos under microscopes in dark room, then to develop those
photographs and dry them during nights as there was power shortage, cut downs and
low voltage during the day time. Somehow, after putting great hard labor and
describing around 40 species with 20 new to science and one new genus also from avian
hosts in Kashmir, I Completed Ph D in 1974 and was awarded Post doctoral fellowship
of CSIR for two years viz., January 1975 to December 1976. I was selected as lecturer P.G.
Department of Zoology University of Kashmir in April 1977 and was later promoted as
Reader in the same dept in 1984.
I was selected as Professor in the same dept through open merit in 1991. As Professor
in the Post graduate dept of Zoology, I was assigned several duties from time to time
and got many awards which are listed below:
 EX-Dean Faculty of Science, Head Dept of Zoology, Chief Coordinator PG
centers, Director Centre for career planning and counseling, Chief Proctor -
University of Kashmir.
 Professor Emeritus UGC University of Kashmir 2010-13.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 39

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

 Research Publications 250 in National & International journals of repute with 40

publications having good impact Factor, Citations 875. Contributed several book
 Published twelve books (eight text books and four books for researchers).
 Participated in 50 International and National conferences held in various
 Research Collaboration with two American Universities.
 Visited 12 countries and availed Fellowships of various Academies of foreign
 Coordinator DST Special Package Program for J&K 2009-2012 with funding of 65
 Standing committee member DST-special package program for Bihar 2011-2016.
 Principal Investigator of 12 DST, ICAR &UGC major research Projects.
 Chairman Research Advisory Committee Central Silk Board from 2012-2017.
 Member National coordination committee Central Silk Board Bangalore 2012-17.
 Member standing committee- proceedings Indian National Science Acad. and life
achievement award by Zoological Society of India in 2015 at Central University
 Awarded Dr. Yamaguti International Award for Excellent research in the field of
Helminthology November, 2012.
 Program Advisory committee member NCSTC of DST 2013-15
 Awarded life achievement award and citation by Zoological Society of India in
 Program Advisory committee member DST Animal Sciences 2003 -2012.
 Research Collaboration with some foreign Universities including USA and UK.
 Advisory committee member Special Assistance Program, UGC for six Indian
 Fellow Zoological Society of India since 1989.
 Fellow Helminthological Society of India since 1982.
 Fellow Indian Academy of Environmental Science, since 2013.
 Member International council for Parasitology.
 Ex-coordinator UGC SAP I and II and DST-FIST Programm in the Dept. of
Zoology, Kashmir University 2003-2009.
 Member Academic council S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences and
Technology and University of Kashmir 2007-15.
 Vice President Indian society of Parasitologists ,Vice president Helminthological
Society of India and Life member Indian Science Congress, Academy of Env.
Science and many other societies.
 Conducted Two JK Science Congresses, seven National conferences and seven
Training programs in various fields of Zoology, Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology during past twenty years.

40 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Prof. R. C. Bhagat
Former Head Zoology and
Dean, Faculty of Science,
University of Kashmir
Prof. R. C. Bhagat obtained his Masters degree in Zoology (with specialization in
Entomology) from the Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir in the year 1974.
He was awarded Ph. D. in 1980 by the Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir in
the specialization of Entomology. During his Ph. D. he received training in the aphid
taxanomy at Calcutta University in 1977 and in the year 1979, he was selected for the
advanced training in techniques of breeding parasites and parasitoids of insect pests at
common wealth institute of Biological control, Indian station, Bangalore. As for as his
administrative achievements are concerned, Dr. Bhagat acted as Head of Department
for the period of three years from May, 2005 to April 2008. He also served as the Dean
Faculty of science, University of Kashmir for three years from June, 2006. He also acted
as incharge VC of the said university four times; 19th to 21st August 2010, 29th Dec to 31st
Dec. 2010, 10th Feb to 16th Feb 2011, and 24th Feb to 26th Feb., 2011.
Dr. R. C. Bhagat has teaching experience of more than 29 years at post graduate level
and more than 27 years of teaching/ guiding experience at M. Phil. Level. He also has
more than 34 years of research experience in various fields of agriculture and
entomology. About 14 scholars have been awarded M. Phil. Degrees under his
supervision in various fields of agricultural entomology/Parasitology. He has
completed three major and one minor research projects sanctioned by Sericulture Dev.
Deptt. J&K Govt.,CSIR and UGC New Delhi. He is also the author of four Reference/
Research books on Zoological studies and biodiversity of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh.
He has more than 150 publications including original research papers, reviews, and
abstracts of the proceedings of seminars / conferences / congress.
He was awarded Bharat Jyoti award for his remarkable achievements in the field of
science and education by Indian International friendship society in the year 2011. In the
same year, he was awarded Rajiv Gandhi Excellence award given by IIFS and Asia
Pacific excellence award by Citizen Integration peace society for his outstanding
contribution in Zoological sciences. He was also awarded Glory of India gold Medal by
International institute of success awareness for his achievements in the field of science in
Dr. R.C. Bhagat remained the member of Aphidological Society of India, Indian
science Congress and Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Science. He was also the
member of Committee of J&K Govt. on Man and Animal conflict. In addition to these,
he remained the member of Kashmir University Statutory Body viz., University council
as a chancellors nominee from 2006 – 2009.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 41

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Dr. Zafar A. Handoo

MNGDBL/Nematology Laboratory,
USDA- ARS, Beltsville, MD

Dr. Zafar A. Handoo obtained his masters degree in Zoology (with specialisation in Parasitology) from the
department of Zoology, University of Jammu and Kashmir in the year 1972. He was awarded Ph. D. in 1977
by the University of Jammu and Kashmir in the specialization of Parasitology (Plant Nematology). He
worked as the senior Research Fellow in the Deptt. of Zoology, University of Kashmir from 1977 to 1978.
He worked as the Post doctoral Associate in the Deptt. of Zoology, University of Kashmir from 1978 to
1980. He worked as the Nematologist in the Deptt. of Agriculture, Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir, Shalimar,
Srinagar from 1980 to 1981. From 1981 to 1988, he worked as Staff Research Associate, Nematology
Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD University of Maryland, college park, MD. From 1988 to 1990, he
worked as the Research Associate, Department of Agronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia,
Portageville, MO. He is currently working as the Microbiologist in the MNGDBL/Nematology Laboratory,
USDA- ARS, Beltsville, MD.
Dr. Handoo conducts research on the systematics and morphology of plant-parasitic nematodes. Over the
years, Dr. Handoo with the USDA, ARS, Nematology Laboratory now called as Mycobiology and
Nematology Genetic Diversity and Biology Laboratoryhave described many new species of plant- parasitic
and several fungus feeding and other nematodes by methods involving anatomical features obtained with
light microscopes and high powered electron microscopes and integrated with DNA sequence methodology
and phylogenetic analysis. He has also identified and published several new reports of root knot, cyst,
lesion stubby root, dagge and other nematodes of quarantine importance from United states and other
countries. He serves as a national specialist for the US to provide accurate nematode identification and
expertise for hundreds of samples each year submitted by various agencies, federal, state, and foreign
scientists for research, regulation and control purposes. He provides taxonomic expertise, identifications
and relative species abundance in nematode surveys from the U. S., Mid-East and other countries. Dr.
Handoo has provided training to scientists on identification of various plant-parasitic nematodes of
quarantine importance in several countries and has trained Nematologists throughout the United States
(including APHIS inspectors) and other scientists from various countries. He is also the curator of the USDA
Nematode Collection, managing and expanding the collection with thousands of valuable slides and vials.
He oversaw the development of a computerized internet-accessible database for the collection with
thousands of sample records on hosts, occurrence and distribution. He loaned hundreds of slides to
scientists around the world to enable them to perform accurate identification of nematodes. He is currently
working on two research projects:
Improved Classification and Taxonomic Methods for Agriculturally important Nematodes
Taxonomic identification of all Life stages of Nematodes.
Dr. Handoo serves as Editor of the Journal of Nematology over last ten years and on the Editorial Board of
the Int. J. of Nematology, the Pakistan J. of Nematology and Turkish J. of Agri. & Nat. Sciences; served as
Chair, and now member of the Systematic Resources Committee and Regulatory Committee of the Society
of Nematologists. He is having international collaboration on various projects with scientists from Egypt,
Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia and United Kingdom. Dr. Handoo has over 170
publications, 75 abstracts, and 7 book chapters and other reports.

42 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Dr. Rahul Kaul

Vice President and Chief of Conservation
Wildlife Trust of India

I vividly recall the day I appeared for an interview for my admission to Masters Course
in Zoology, in the University of Kashmir. The interviewers included Prof. P. Kachroo,
Prof. M.Y. Qadri and Dr. D.N. Fotedar. One of the questions asked by Prof. Kachroo was
about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. I was frank enough to tell them that I did not know
the answer very well because I had not understood the subject well enough. Dr. Fotedar,
who was signing some papers at his desk, paused and looked up but did not say
anything. Next I knew, I had been admitted to the course, and perhaps Dr. Fotedar had
taken it upon himself to teach me about Darwin, and much more. Apart from Dr
Fotedar, I was very fortunate to have teachers such as Prof. Qadri, M.K. Raina, Dildar
Khan, R.L. Dhar, M.Z. Chishti and A.R. Khan. Later, Dr R.C. Bhagat and Prof. A.R.
Yousuf joined the department and all of them made immense contribution to my
academic journey. Although the teaching method was very traditional, and the teachers
worked hard, but I wish self-learning was encouraged a little more than just a seminar.
After I obtained my Masters degree from Deptt. of Zoology, University of Kashmir, I
took up a research position (JRF) for M. Phil. with Dr. A.R. Khan in the discipline of
Parasitology. Dr. Khan invited me to work further for a Ph. D. but by then I had been
exposed to the interesting world of wild animals. As an M. Phil. student, the then chief
wildlife warden, Mir Inayatullah, gave me an opportunity to volunteer at an
international Conference in Srinagar. This was the 2nd International Symposium on
Pheasants, organized by the Department of Wildlife Protection and the World Pheasant
Association, a UK based organization. This conference offered me an opportunity to
listen to and interact with some international scientists. This exposure left a great
impression on me and I found my calling, especially after I heard Dr. Matthew Ridley
talk on the social organization of pheasants. It was this moment that I knew that this
was exactly what I wanted to do – work on pheasants, and be like these scientists in the
Dr M. Y. Qadri was kind enough to take me under his guidance, since I was insistent on
working on pheasants. During those days of snail mail, I wrote to Mr. Keith Howman,
Chairman of the World Pheasant Association and was thrilled to receive a response
from him saying that if interested, I should contact Dr. Peter Garson of the University of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne who was starting a project on the Cheer pheasant in the UP Hills
(Uttrakhand), and was in India scouting for students. I met him in Delhi and after a brief
chat, he took me on. Back in Srinagar, I discussed this with Dr. Qadri, who very
graciously agreed to change my synopsis.

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Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

My days on the cheer pheasant project were a different phase of my life. There was a lot
of self learning but with a lot of technical support and guidance from not only Dr.
Garson, but also research associate Lew Young, who spent over a year with me
roughing it out across the mountains of Kumaon. We finally settled in a very remote
village of Waccham, where we established our research station, braving odds and
studied the ecology of this threatened bird.
Earlier in 1989, I got a chance to present my work at an International Conference in
China. It was here that I was offered a chance to study painted francolins in Jamnagar,
Gujarat. During the two years at Jamnagar, I determined the distribution and also the
factors affecting the distribution of this elusive francolin. I also got an opportunity to
work for some time with scientists of the Game Conservancy Trust in UK, working at
their study sites on grey partridge and also in Ireland, surveying certain sites to estimate
In 1993, the World Pheasant Association, acknowledging that the sub-continent was a
hotspot for pheasants wanted to run field projects in this region. The South Asia Field
Office of WPA was started in Delhi and I was offered a chance to head it. At that time,
wildlife work was still in its infancy in India and pheasants were often confused with
peasants (farmers), and people often wondered why I was working on wildlife rather
than sociology. However, we made our mark with pioneering work in Northeast India,
an area visited by very few people. We spent months in the wild forests, documenting
wild animals and pheasants. We took researchers to work on several pheasant species
resulting in many theses and publications. We collated immense knowledge about the
ecology of these birds. I also helped train several biologists in Nepal, Bangladesh and
China as part of my assignment.
Nominated as the Co-chair of the IUCN/SSC Pheasant Specialist Group and also a
member of the Central Zoo Authority, I tried to popularize the concept of conservation
breeding as a tool for conservation, especially for Pheasants. I continued to coordinate
activities of this field office until 2005, when I took up an offer to join the Wildlife Trust
of India (WTI).
My move to WTI was largely dictated by my desire to work on species other than
pheasants. Fortunately, I got to work on the Himalayan species – Markhor, Hangul and
Takin. I also got an opportunity to direct projects on species whale shark, wild buffalo,
tiger, swamp deer, to name a few but also work on themes like species recovery,
estimation and distribution of species and man animal conflict. I was exposed to the
gamut of conservation issues that afflict wildlife species at the field level.
It has been over 30 years since I took up research on pheasants but I look back with
satisfaction and happiness. I consider myself fortunate for all the work that I have been
able to do, all the reports and papers we have been able to publish, all the places across
the globe that I been able to visit both for work and to present my work, and the
wonderful people I have had the opportunity to meet. But all this started from the
Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir, to which I will remain eternally grateful
for all the experiences that have made me reach where I am today.

44 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Prof. Masood-Ul-Hassan Balkhi,

Dean, Faculty of Fisheries,

Syed Masood-ul-Hassan Balkhi joined P.G. Department of

Zoology (KU) in the year 1980 as a student of M. Sc. and
completed his master’s degree program in Zoology with specialization in
Ichthyology/Fish &Fisheries. He continued his studies for M. Phil. & Ph. D. degrees
program from the same Department with specialization in Limnology/Aquatic
Ecology/Bio-diversity under the guidance of Prof. A.R Yousuf. Dr. Balkhi’s Ph. D. thesis
is the first and the only thesis in the State of Jammu and Kashmir on Aquatic
Ecology/biodiversity of one hundred water bodies of Kashmir including pools, ponds,
roadside ditches, fountains, springs, streams, rivers, lakes (both valley & High-altitudes)
etc. During his Ph.D. research, Dr. Balkhi has given one new species of a Calanoid
copepod (Arctodiaptomus michaelii. n.sp.) to science which was discovered from high-
altitude Lakes, Alapathar and Marsar of Kashmir published in Hydrobiologia (1990). Dr.
Balkhi started his carrier as a Lecturer Zoology (1985) in the Higher Education
Department of J&K. He joined SKUAST (J&K) in the year 1991 as Scientist in fisheries
and has been working since then in SKUAST-K in different capacities. He has put in
more than 30 years service in teaching at undergraduate /Post graduate levels, 32 years
in research/extension activities in diversified fields of Fisheries like Aquatic Ecology /
Biodiversity, Aquatic Animal Health Management/ Aquaculture etc. Dr. Balkhi carries
more than 25 years of administrative experience in different capacities including Dean,
Faculty of Fisheries, the position he is holding since December 2005. He is the senior-
most Dean Fisheries in the country and also the senior most Statutory Officer in
SKUAST-Kashmir. Dr. Balkhi has toiled very hard without any silver spoon in mouth. He
has labored in his service carrier to establish the Faculty of Fisheries in SKUAST-K
which has become the first and the only College in India with Hill/Coldwater Fisheries.
The said Institution is playing a vital role in producing trained and well qualified
professional fisheries graduates for the country fully exposed to the Hill/Coldwater
Fisheries. Besides, the J&K said faculty (College) has become a common facility for all
other hill states of the country having Coldwater /Hill fisheries like Arunachal Pradesh,
Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. Two seats each have been reserved in
SKUAST-K under UG/PG program in Fisheries for these states and the students are
already taking the benefit of this provision with Arunachal Pradesh taking a lead. In this
way, faculty of Fisheries, Rangil is the first and the only college in India receiving student
(State) nominees from other hill states which gives it a national recognition.
The human resource produced gets absorbed in different Government and Private
Enterprises within & outside the State for improving the economic status. The pass outs
Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 45
Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

from this faculty are excelling at the National level by qualifying exams like ICAR
JRF/SRF/NET & ARS (which is like IAS in Agricultural Science).The faculty of Fisheries
at Rangil with its Farm facilities has come up on 230 kanals of prized land at Rangil,
Ganderbal (erstwhile District Srinagar). Prof. Balkhi has been instrumental in conceiving
the idea of establishing a State-of-Art Fish Hospital at Rangil for the benefit of fish
farmers/State Fisheries Deptt. which is the first such facility in J&K State and second in
the country. It was indeed a great challenge for Dr. Balkhi to carve out Fisheries from
the domain of Agriculture/veterinary sciences in SKUAST. The evolution of Fisheries
from the erstwhile Division of Animal Products Technology (APT, FVSc & AH) to a
Section of Fisheries in 1996 (to a Division of Fisheries in 1998) to a full-fledged Faculty
of Fisheries in 2005(with nine independently fully functional Divisions) along with a new
creation of 152 staff was not only an uphill task for Dr. Balkhi but almost life-consuming
too. Ultimately, it was a dream come true, Alhamdullillah. The Faculty is presently
conducting its mandatory activities of research, teaching and extension in full swing.
Besides a 4-year degree program (B. F.Sc.), the faculty is offering Master’s degree
program (M. F.Sc.) in seven disciplines and Doctoral degree programme in two
disciplines of fisheries science with few more program in the pipe-line. Establishment of
Faculty of Fisheries in SKUAST is the Life-time Achievement of Prof. M. H. Balkhi.
Prof. Balkhi has remained on several state / national level committees from time to time
like Member of the Selection Committee of Agriculture Research Scientists (ARS) in
Fisheries, ASRB(GoI),New Delhi; Member on QRT and RAC of different ICAR (GoI)-
Fisheries Institutes of the Country; Member, Deans Committee ICAR, GoI etc.
Prof. Balkhi has visited a number of institutions abroad like University of Oxford,
England; University of Cambridge, England; London’s Global University (UCL), England;
University of Brighton, England; SAOS University of London, England; Middlesex
University, England; Institute of Fisheries Management, London, England; British
Museum (Natural History), London, England; University of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan; University of Agriculture (UAF), Faisalabad, Pakistan.
In recognition of his contribution in Institutional building and in furthering the cause of
education and research, Dr. Balkhi has been awarded Fellowships of prestigious
National Academies/Societies like Academy of Environmental Biology (FAEB); Inland
Fisheries Society of India (FIFSI) and Coldwater Fisheries Society of India (FCFSI). Dr.
Balkhi has also received several awards / honours for his humble contribution in science
. Besides this, he is life-(Founder Member) of several scientific bodies within and outside
the state / Country. He has more than 100 peer reviewed research publications to his
credit in national and foreign journals besides being author of several book chapters.
Prof. Balkhi has handled more than a dozen of externally funded Research Projects
worth Crores of rupees and around eighty SKUAST approved research projects. He has
guided 50 M.F.Sc. and 20 Ph. D. students and is still actively engaged in all the
mandatory activities.

46 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Prof. Irshad Ahmad Wani,

North Campus,
University of Kashmir

Born in Baramulla in a family that was passing through financial difficulties at the time
of my birth, my family had to migrate to a nearby town Sopore for proper Science
education of my elder siblings. I had my schooling from various Government schools of
Sopore and it was during my 9th class in the school that we shifted back to our home
town, Baramulla. I did my matriculation from Government High School Baramulla,
entered college in 11th class (then called PUC) and graduated in 1979. I got admission for
Masters in the Deptt. of Zoology, University of Kashmir in 1979. Those were perhaps
the golden days of the University. The intake capacity in each Science department was
only 25 and many bright students would take admission in outside state Universities
due to paucity of seats in Kashmir University. The department had a galaxy of teachers
and scientists on its staff that included Prof. D.N Fotedar, Dr. M.Y Qadri, Dr. Raina , Dr.
Dildar Khan and Dr. M.Z Chishti. Semester system was introduced in the University
that very year and the department would remain abuzz with seminars, quiz program,
practical classes, project work etc. till late hours in the evening. I obtained Masters in
1981 with 3rd position and got a Junior Research Fellowship from Department of
Environment, New Delhi to work on water pollution in rural lakes of Kashmir. The
project work earned me an M. Phil. and then Ph.D. from CORD, University of Kashmir
in 1987.
In the meantime, I was appointed as Lecturer in Zoology in the Higher Education
Department of the state. I served as a lecturer at Government College Sopore from 1984
to 2002 and was transferred to Government College, Baramulla in 2002 where I worked
till 2008. In the year 2008, I was promoted as Principal, Govt. Degree College, Gurez
where I worked till 2010. I served briefly as Principal of Govt. Degree College Shopian
College, was subsequently transferred to Govt. Degree College, Uri and from there to
Government Degree College, Baramulla. Serving as Principal in my alma mater was a
moment of pride for me and I saw to it that every day spent there was useful to the
society and the students.

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In 2014, I applied for the tenure post of Director, North campus and got selected. I
joined the campus in May, 2014 and have been there since then. My dream of
transforming that campus into a center of excellence and a mini-University could not
materialize for reasons beyond the scope of this write up. However, we have collectively
seen to it that students enrolled here get the best of education despite locational and
other disadvantages.
In my research career, I published 12 research papers which got published in national
journals of repute. I could not continue with my research career because of two factors.
One, that colleges offer little scope for meaningful research in Kashmir due to lack of
laboratory facilities. Two, after only few years of joining higher education department,
conditions in the valley took such a turn that preventing the higher education system
from total collapse became our first priority.
There are so many sweet memories associated with my student days at the Department
of Zoology, University of Kashmir. Almost all my batch mates occupied higher positions
in various departments across the globe, be it education, research, civil service, forestry,
banking or any other sector. I still cherish the days when we would take turns to borrow
a book from the central/departmental library. It pains me to see that reading culture has
diminished over the years. The department of Zoology, which was once a pride of the
University saw some rough times also over the years but it is heartening to see the
department back on the rails. It plays like sweet music to my ears When the students
from other Science departments ask for facilities, available to students of the department
of Zoology.
I have a strong belief that the conscientious teachers of the department will leave no
stone unturned in making the department a citadel of teaching and research in the
coming days. After all, what else but education can prove a panacea for all the ills that
our society is beset with in present times.

48 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Dr. Gh. Ahmed Bhat

Former Professor,
CORD/ Environmental Science,
University of Kashmir

Dr. Gh. Ahmed Bhat (Born, 20th April, 1950) at New Theed (Haripora Harwan, a
township after the name of last noble king of Kashmir Late Maharaja Hari Singh who
got our ancestral township of Theed, Gupkar, Cheshmashahi, Zeetyar relocated during
1940-1942) obtained his primary education from a just newly established Government
Basic School, New Theed, middle from Government Middle School, Harwan, with first
division in the last-held “Kashmir Middle Examinations”; higher secondary from the
then prestigious Government Multi Lateral Higher Secondary School, Shalimar,
Kashmir; studied his B. Sc. at Government Sri Pratap College, Srinagar with position in
science subjects in the university in 1972; obtained his M. Sc. in Zoology with
specialization in Ichthyology in first division in 1975 from the Department of Zoology,
University of Kashmir, Srinagar. During the year 1976 he joined a UGC project on
Ecology of some lakes of Kashmir under the principal investigators of the project, Dr. D.
P. Zutshi and Dr. Basheer Ahmad Subla in Hydrobiology Laboratory of Govt. Sri Pratap
College, Srinagar and carried on research in hydrobiology/limnology for around one
year. In view of scarcity of jobs during those days his teachers advised him to join some
government job. After rendering nine years of teaching service, Government of J&K
sanctioned a study leave of two years which enabled him to pursue his further research.
Obtained his 1987; and Ph. D. in 1995 in Terrestrial Ecology with credit from
The University of Kashmir, Srinagar. It took him four and a half years to get sanctioned
two years of study leave from the government. He used his earned leave, part time
permission and UGC, New Delhi sanctioned one year to complete his research degrees.
He started teaching Biology and afterwards Zoology at undergraduate level and finally
Ecology and Environmental Science at post-graduate level. The teaching of these
subjects continued for over forty years at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He
has also a simultaneous research experience of over thirty years; has participated in a
number of international and national level conferences/seminars; and has also
organized over a dozen of national level and state level conferences/seminars in the
University of Kashmir, Srinagar. He is and has remained a life member of a number of
prestigious scientific organizations and journals which include: Wildlife Preservation

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 49

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Society of India, Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists, Range

Management Society of India (RMSI), World Wildlife Fund for Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources (WWF), Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Sciences, National
Institute of Ecology(NIE), Founder Member Kashmir University Alumini Association
(KUAA), Member Animal Ethics Committee (PCA), Regional Research Institute of
Unani Medicine (RRIUM), Srinagar, Member Bombay Natural History Society, Member
Bird Conservation Network of India, Member (online) National Wildlife Federation
Club, USA, Indian Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), World Wide Fund
(WWF-India) Wildlife Advisory Board J&K State, Member, Forest Advisory Committee,
J&K government. Annals of Forestry, Cheetal, International Journal of Ecology and
Environment, Indian Jounal of Soil Conservationists, and Oriental Science. He has
worked as an additional researcher for the New Zealand Natural History Society film
“Himalaya” Episode I and has also been on the panel of honorary wildlife wardens of
the Department of Wildlife Protection, J&K Government for the last over 20 years
continuing interaction with the officers and staff of the Department of Wildlife
Protection for protection and conservation of the biodiversity of the region. He is a
NABET approved A Cat. EB Functional Area Expert and has worked as a consultant on
wildlife and terrestrial ecology component in the EIA and EMP of NHPC Hydroelectric
Power projects of Uri II (Kashmir), Nimu Bazgo (Ladakh), Bursar HEPP, J&K
Government sponsored Mughal Road Project, Tourist Resort, Sonamarg (Sonamarg
Development Authority), Pahalgam Tourist Resort (Pahalgam Development Authority)
and Lassipora Industrial Area (SIDCO).
He has over 115 popular Science articles and research papers in books, popular national
and international journals to his credit, and has supervised many post graduate research
projects, M. Phil and Ph. D. Program in thrust areas. He has superannuated as professor
in Zoology from Center of Research for Development and Department of Environmental
Science, University of Kashmir. Since 2011 he served as a guest faculty in Central
University of Kashmir, and has been continuing as a guest faculty in Department of
Environmental Science of the University of Kashmir, Srinagar.

50 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Dr. Mir Nisar Ahmad

Joint Director,
CSR & TI Pampore

Dr. Mir Nisar Ahmad after completing his studies at Department of Zoology, University
of Kashmir in the year 1991 joined as Teacher in J&K Government School Education
Department and served the department for three years. In October 1994, he was
appointed as Senior Research Assistant in Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles
Government of India. He was posted at Central Sericulture research and Training
Institute (CSR&TI) Pampore and started contributing in the field of Silkworm Breeding
and Genetics. In October 2004, he was promoted as Senior Research Officer. He
continued to work in Silkworm Breeding and Genetics Division. In the year 2009, he was
elevated to the post of Scientist-C (Deputy Director) and looked after the activities of
Silkworm Breeding and Genetics besides Technical & Coordination Division of the
Institute. From 2012 to 2017, he contributed in the field of sericulture extension and
looked after the extension activities of three sericulturally important districts of Kashmir
viz., Anantnag, Kulgam and Pulwama. In February 2014, he was promoted to the post of
Scientist-D (Joint Director) and up to July 2017 worked in Sericulture extension. On
August 1st 2018 he joined back at CSR&TI Pampore and is presently heading the
Sericulture Division of the Institute.
During his career of about 24 years in Central Silk Board, Dr. Mir Nisar Ahmad has
significant contribution in the field of Silkworm Breeding and Sericulture Extension. He
was awarded Shield and “Certificate of Appreciation” by Government of Jammu &
Kashmir for his outstanding contribution in the development of Sericulture in the J&K
State besides winning best presentation awards during various occasions.
Dr. Mir Nisar Ahmad has the honor of maintaining a rich Silkworm Germplasm of 165
genotypes of different origin viz., European, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Indian. He
has published about 93 research papers in reputed National and International journals
in the field of sericulture in general and silkworm breeding in particular. He has
written/edited about 33 books, booklets, technical brochures, book chapters. His
contribution in the book “Temperate Silkworm Germplasm Descriptor” published by
CSR&TI Pampore is highly appreciated. The descriptor gives details of 165 Silkworm

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 51

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

races along with the characteristics of the genotypes illustrated with photographs.
“Mulberry sericulture in North WestIndia” is one of his books highlighting the detailed
package of practices for temperate and sub-tropical sericulture of North West India.
Dr. Mir Nisar Ahmad has the credit of organizing eight seminars/workshops of
National and regional level. He has successfully completed 20 research projects on
Silkworm breeding, Race maintenance, Women Empowerment, Yield Gap Analysis and
Extension Management. His main contributions are:
 A new bivoltine hybrid CS6 X Pam 101 developed for temperate climatic
conditions of Kashmir and the said hybrid authorized by Provincial race authorization
Committee of central Silk Board.
 Bivoltine Hybrids PAM 114 x Pam 117 and CSR2 X PAM 117 identified for North
West India.
 Four new bivoltine breeds, PAM114, PAM115, PAM116 and PAM 117 developed.
 07 High survival silkworm genotypes developed.
 04 Thin denier silkworm genotypes developed.
In the field of Sericulture Extension, he has contributed in his operational field by
enhancing the cocoon productivity of area by more than 6 Kg and by decreasing the
defective cocoons from 14 % to 10%.
Besides serving as member of various scientific bodies; guiding students of Universities
in their M.Sc. and M. Phil. program, Dr. Mir Nisar Ahmad is member of School of Life
Sciences, Central University of Kashmir.

52 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Dr. Mohammad Farooq Mir

Hydrobiology Research Laboratory
S. P. College, Srinagar

Dr. Mohammad Farooq Mir did his post graduation in Zoology (with specialization in
Ichthyology) in 1988 with 1st division from University of Kashmir. He completed his M.
Phil. in 1992 and was awarded Ph.D. in 1997 by University of Kashmir, Srinagar. He
joined the Department of Hydrobiology, S. P. College as lecturer in 1992 and was
promoted as senior lecturer in 2001. In 2006, he got promoted as selection grade Lecturer
and finally in 2009, he was promoted as Associate Professor and is currently serving the
Department as Head Hydrobiology Research Lab.
Dr. Mir has a great research expertise and is an approved Supervisor for M. Phil. and
Ph. D. Program in Zoology/Environmental Science by University of Kashmir and other
Universities like Dr. BR Ambadkar, Jiwaji University Gwalior, Dr. C.V. Raman
University Bilaspur Chattisgarh, Barkatullah University Bhopal, M.P. and Rewa
University M.P. He has supervised six Ph.D. and four M. Phil. scholars. Dr. Mir has
been associated with several projects in collaboration with state and central
Government. He has completed his project on “Impact of Yatra on the Lidder Stream”
sponsored by Yatra Board, J&K Govt. in 2009. His another project “Effect of Pollution
on the biodiversity of river Jhelum: special emphasis on cold water Fisheries” Sponsored
by MOEF New Delhi is currently under progress and one more project has been
sanctioned entitled “Comparative study of Wetlands of Kashmir using Remote-sensing
and GIS with special emphasis on Wullar Lake/Ramsar Site”.
Dr. Mir has attended five different orientation and refresher courses in different state
and central universities. In addition to have attended 5 National Conferences, 5 National
Seminars and 4 workshops, he has been awarded certificate of appreciation for
publishing seven research papers in different international journals. Talking about his
teaching experience, he has taught both at UG as well as PG level. He has taught the
students Zoology and Sericulture for 7 years at GDC (woman) Anantnag and 13 years at
S.P. College, Srinagar. He has taught the students of PG Environmental Sciences for a
period of 04 years from 2005-2008 and also guided the students of PG in project work. In

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Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

addition of having a strong academic career, he is actively being involved in different

non-curricular activities. He has participated in several sports tournaments and trekking
programs. Also has acted as Convener for College sports board for the year 2012 and
Dr. Mir is Chairman of BORS, Cluster University Srinagar. He is a member of (i) Board
of Under Graduate Studies in Zoology, University of Kashmir (ii) Board of Under
Graduate Studies in Human Genetics (iii) Board of PG Studies, Department of Zoology,
University of Kashmir (iv) Board of Integrated PG Studies in Life Science, Central
University of Kashmir. He is presently working in collaboration with (i) Department of
Zoology, University of Kashmir (ii) Centre of Research for Development, K.U. (CORD)
(iii) Pollution Control Board of Kashmir, Srinagar (iv) SKIMS Soura, Srinagar.
Dr. Mir has authored one book on “Research Trends in Multidisciplinary Sciences” and
has published 47 research papers in different national and international journals.
Dr. Mir is a great resource person and has illuminated several occasions with his ideas
and vision. He has delivered a lecture to participants of Orientation course organized by
University of Kashmir, Academic Staff college. He has acted as a resource person for
district children congress organized by Department of Science and Technology, J&K
government. Also has imparted Hajj training to Haji’s of two districts of valley namely
Shopian & Anantnag districts for the year 2015.

54 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Dr. Ibraq Khurshid

Department of Animal Sciences (Zoology),
School of Life Sciences,
Central University of Kashmir

Dr. Ibraq Khurshid FZSI, after completing her education at her hometown Ganderbal,
obtained her M.Sc. Zoology (with specialization in Parasitology) in 2008 and second
Post Graduation (M.Ed.) in Education in 2010 securing first-class in both the masters
degrees. She completed her M. Phil. in 2011 with “Outstanding” Grades in all the three
components and was awarded Ph.D. in 2014 by University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Dr.
Ibraq has been recipient of Research Fellowship during her Research program on the
basis of merit and was awarded Junior Research Fellowship (UGC-BSR) for a period of
five years. She joined as Assistant Professor (Contractual) in the Department of
Education, Faculty of Education, University of Kashmir in 2014 and taught Bioscience to
the students of B. Ed. Program for the session 2014-15. In addition she conducted contact
classes of the B. Ed & M. Ed. students of the Directorate of Distance Education during
the winter of 2014-15. She also worked as counselor in IGNOU for M. A. Education
during 2014-2015.
Dr. Ibraq joined the Department of Animal Sciences (Zoology), School of Life Sciences,
Central University of Kashmir as Assistant Professor (Contractual) in August 2015 and
was regularized as Assistant Professor against an Open position in August 2016 and is
continuing in the same capacity.
Dr. Ibraq was awarded 1st in poster competition (Gold Medal) at Babasahib Bhimrao
Ambedkar Central University Lucknow in 2014 during International Symposium on,
“Biodiversity: Status, utilization and Impact of challenging climatic conditions”. She was
awarded Gold Medal as a young scientist by the foreign Jury at the International
Conference at Allahabad in 2014. Awarded Best Oral Presentation Award in the section
of Life Sciences during 9th JK Science Congress, 2013. Awarded Certificate of
Appreciation for rendering her selfless services for the smooth conduct of Regional
Science Congress (ISCA) & 9th JK Science Congress 2013 on “Innovations and Advances
in Science and Technology” organized by University of Kashmir from 1 st to 3rd October,

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Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

2013. Awarded Gold Medal by Zoological Society of India at International Symposium

on Innovation in Animal Sciences for Food Security, Health Security and Livelihood-
2015, organized by BBAU, Lucknow, UP conducted from 29 th to 31st October, 2015.
Dr. Ibraq is Fellow Zoological Society of India (FZSI). Recipient of G. D. Bhale Rao
Medal, conferred on her during Animal Science Congress – 2018 at University of Kashmir.
She is Life Member of (i) “Zoological Society of India”, (ii) “Indian Society of
Parasitology” and (iii) “Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Sciences”.
Dr. Ibraq has authored 2 books on (i) “Teaching of Bioscience”, and (ii) “Practical
Handbook of Parasitology”; has edited 6 books/proceedings and published 12 research
papers in various International Journals. In addition to having attended 7 International
conferences, 12 National Conferences, 5 Regional Conferences and 6 Workshops, she has
chaired 3 Technical Session; has delivered 2 Invited Talks and has presented 27 research
papers in various International, National and Regional Conferences/Seminars etc and
the Abstracts of these research papers have been published. She has so far developed 8
e-content modules in Education on different themes.
Currently Dr. Ibraq is Coordinator, Department of Animal Sciences (Zoology); Nodal
Officer Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Assistant Dean Students Welfare,
Sonwar Campus and Member ICC Central University of Kashmir, J&K.

56 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Ulfat Jabeen
Jammu and Kashmir

I did my schooling from Vishwa Bharti Girls School, Rainawari. I graduated from
Government College for Women, Moulana Azad Road, Srinagar in the year 1995.
Thereafter, I got selected for M.Sc. in two streams, Botany and Zoology. I pursued M.Sc.
in Zoology from University of Kashmir. I got gold medal for getting first class first
position in the year 1999.
Immediately after completing my masters, I was selected for a project sponsored by
ICAR under the able guidance of Prof. M. Z. Chishti, who was then the Head of the
Department of Zoology. The name of the project was Studies on the Pathogenic
Parasites of fishes of Wular lake, Kashmir and the influence of pollution and hydro
biological factors on the dynamics of various Parasites.
In the year 2000, I was selected for M. Phil. programme and my guide was Prof. M. Z.
Chishti and co-guide was Prof. Fayaz Ahmad. The title of my M.Phil. project was
“Microbial and Helminth Parasite of Fishes of Wular lake with their Pathology and seasonal
I qualified Kashmir Administrative Service Examination in the year 2001. Although the
field of administration is quite different from the research field but what I perceived
when I look backwards that the hard work, perseverance and the commitment is the key
to success. In the Administration, I served as Functional Manager (I&C Department),
Development Officer (Handicrafts Department), Deputy Director (Employment &
Counselling Centre) and Personnel Officer (Govt. Medical College, Srinagar). Presently I
am Deputy Commissioner (Stamps) Kashmir Division.
Every step of my life right from schooling up to the University level has taught me and
evolved me but most of its credit I would like to give to my Department i.e. the
Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir. Even at this point of life, I feel attached
to it because it provided me a launching pad to prove myself.
I dedicate all my achievements to my parents and teachers who played a pivotal role in
achieving these.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 57

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Mahmoood Ahmad Shah

Jammu and Kashmir

Mahmoood Ahmad Shah (Born at Srinagar) did his schooling from the Woodland
House School, Srinagar. He did his Bachelor’s degree in Science from Sri Pratap College,
Srinagar. He did his Masters degree in Zoology from the Department of Zoology,
University of Kashmir (With specialization in Entomology). After completing the
master’s degree he was appointed in the Jammu and Kashmir Bank and worked there
for two years. He qualified Kashmir Administrative Service in the year 1999 and chaired
the position of Deputy Registrar Co-operative for four years. After delivering his service
to utmost satisfaction and perfection, he was transferred and posted as Assistant
Commissioner Development for two years.
Mr. Shah loves travelling and trekking and has undergone the basic training course in
Mountaineering and Skiing. He has traversed Himalayas twice, each more than 100kms
and crossed passes higher than 4500mts three times to this date. He crossed Eight passes
from Kashmir to Kishtawar with an elevation of about 4000mts. He also crossed ten
passes in Pir Panjal range approximately 3500mts high. He has so far trekked to 108 high
altitude lakes in Jammu and Kashmir, all of which are located higher than 3400mts.
Mr. Shah has been elected as the president of Jammu and Kashmir Mountaineering and
Hiking club for second term. He is presently working on the Guide Book on High
Altitude Lakes of Kashmir and a trekking Guide on Book on Jammu and Kashmir.
Mr. Shah is a basic member of IMF (Indian Mountaineer Foundation) since 2007. He is
also a member of UIAA, and Life time member of YHAI (Youth Hostel Association of

58 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Muzaffar Ahmad Shah

Jammu and Kashmir

I did my Initial schooling from Srinagar. I did my

matriculation and higher secondary schooling from S. P.
Hr. Secondary School Srinagar. Subsequently, graduated
from S. P. College Srinagar in Science stream. I obtained
my Masters degree from Deptt. of Zoology, University of Kashmir in the specialisation
of Parasitology.
I briefly served as a contractual lecturer in S. P. college after completing my masters in
Zoology. I got enrolled for M. Phil. in wildlife as part of a DST funded project but had to
leave after qualifying the KAS exam in 2004.
In the KAS 2004 batch, I was allocated police services. After undergoing one year Basic
training at SKPA Udhampur in 2004-2005 & probation of 01 year at Ganderbal, I have
served the Department in various capacities as Dy. SP DAR/Hqrs. Ganderbal, SDPO
Nehru Park, SDPO Shaheed Gunj, Dy. SP Hqrs. Srinagar, Dy. SP CID SB Ganderbal &
Dy SP PCR Kashmir. After elevations as superintended of Police, I have served as Addl.
SP CID Special Branch Kashmir, Staff Officer to IGP Kashmir, Addl. SP Traffic City
Srinagar and am presently posted as SP Traffic Rural Kashmir, looking after the Traffic
management in all the districts of Kashmir division except the city of Srinagar.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 59

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Riyaz Ahmad Shah

Jammu and Kashmir

I did my early schooling from my village Hayatpora Chadoora upto 10 th class and my 10
+ 2 from HSS Nagam, Chadoora. I then pursued my graduation in Science Stream from
Amar Singh College, Srinagar. I obtained my Masters in Zoolgy from University of
Kashmir with specialization in Parasitology. I joined M. Phil in the year 2003 and
subsequently worked as JRF in DST sponsored project under the supervision of Prof.
Chisti and Prof. Fayaz.

I qualified KAS Examination in the year 2004 and completed my M. Phil during the
training programme. After completing my training, I was allotted the Department of
Social Welfare and served as District Social Welfare Officer, Pulwama and Kupwara.

I was inducted in Time Scale of KAS in the year 2014 and till date served as Deputy
Director, ICDS, Kashmir; Assistant Commissioner Development in Rural Development
Department; Sub-Divisional Magistrate and presently as Deputy Director Tourism,
Kashmir in Tourism Department.

60 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir


Jammu and Kashmir

I hail from a remote village namely Kuchmulla of Tehsil Tral Distt. Pulwama. I did my
schooling up to 10th from a local private school which was affiliated to Madrasa Taleem
ul Islam Tral founded by great Islamic scholar Moulana Noor- ud -din Trali. I completed
my Hr. Sec part-II with medical stream from GBHS Tral. Later I completed my B. Sc.
from S.P. College Srinagar and obtained M. Sc. Zoology, M. Phil., M. Ed. from KU and
qualified UGC SET twice.
I appeared in ACF (Assistant Conservator of Forests) examinations conducted by PSC
and topped in same and also qualified KAS Mains twice.
My message is that there is no substitute to hard work. Success is achieved sooner or
later when you are confident, committed and believe in yourself and hard work. Those
who set their mind right and know their job, achieve it sooner or later.
Some great man has truly said: ‘’Smooth waves in the sea never produce skillful

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 61

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Owais Farooq Mir (DCF)

Jammu and Kashmir

I belong to Village Konan of District Bandipore. I did my early schooling at Gousia

Islamia Model School in Bandipora. Thereafter, in 6 th grade, I shifted to Iqbal Memorial
Institute Bemina, Srinagar where I studied till 12th grade. For college, I got admitted in
Govt. degree College Bemina and 3 years later topped the science stream in the college
for my final year of graduation.
In March, 2008, I appeared for Kashmir University Entrance examination in 4 subjects;
MLIS, Zoology, Environmental Science and Biotechnology. I got through in 3 subjects
and got dropped in Biotechnology. Though my first choice was Biotechnology, getting
dropped in that subject meant I had to choose one among the other three. Fortunately, I
choose zoology and this decision, I believe, is one of the most valuable one I took at that
time. Getting dropped in Biotechnology was, indeed, a blessing in disguise, for I feel I
wouldn’t have achieved even an ounce of what I am today had I not been associated
with the subject of Zoology. My decision to choose zoology was validated with me
having topped the MSC examination of 2010 Batch which bestowed me with a rare
honor of being the Gold medalist of the batch.
After completing my MSc in July 2010, I appeared in exams of PSC for ACF in Feb, 2011
and got selected as Assistant Conservator of Forests in May, 2011. I also qualified KAS
in October 2011 but opted to remain in Forest department because of my affinity with
nature and being a zoologist, this entailed me an opportunity to work for the betterment
of Forests & wildlife.
My message to all the aspirants and specifically to zoology aspirants is that a traditional
subject like Zoology gives you vast experience and widens the scope of opportunities in
any field. The hard work and determination put in any sphere cannot bear positive
results unless it is combined with the sensible selection of subject which can open array
of opportunities.
I would like to utilize this opportunity to thank Department of Zoology, Kashmir
University for making me who I am today. I express my sincere gratitude to Professors
and associated staff of the department for providing the guidance and assistance during
the tenure. The experience and exposure gained in the department has served me till
date and shall continue to enrich me in future endeavors.

62 Biographies of Alumni
University of Kashmir

Prof. Fayaz Ahmad FZSI (Gold Medalist)

Dr. Fayaz Ahmad (b. June 29, 1966) son of a teacher –

Master Ali Mohammad Bhat, obtained his M. Sc. (Zoology) in
1988 securing first-class-first-position, recipient of University
Gold Medal & Certificate of Distinction, completed his M. Phil.
in 1990 with “Outstanding” Grades in all 3 components and was
awarded Ph.D. in 1994 by University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Dr.
Fayaz has been recipient of Merit Scholarship and Research
Fellowship during his Masters and Research programmes,
respectively. He worked as Research Fellow for three years in a DOEn, GOI
sponsored major Research Project on ‘Fish Conservation in Wular Lake’. He joined as
Lecturer in the Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir in 1991, was selected
as Associate Professor in 2006 and promoted as Professor in 2012. Prof. Fayaz has a
Post-Graduate teaching experience of 28 years, teaching General Zoology, General
Parasitology, Helminthology, Medical Entomology, Physiology, Immunology,
Techniques & Computer Applications. He has a research experience of 30 years in the
field of Zoology with specialization in Parasitology.
His research foci include Parasitology, Helminthology, Histology,
Histopathology, Seasonality, Microbiology, Anthelmintics, Haematology, Karyology,
and Molecular Characterization of Fish Parasites. He has authored 5 books, edited
20 books/proceedings; Published 89 research papers in various International
Journals, 65 research papers in National Journals and 53 research papers in
Regional Journals. Prof. Fayaz has organized 3 workshops and 5 Conferences; in
addition to having attended 9 International conferences, 34 National Conferences, 2
regional conferences, 9 courses and 8 Workshops.
Prof. Fayaz, a Fellow of Zoological Society of India has received (i) University
Gold Medal and (ii) G. D. Bhale Rao Medal. He has delivered 2 Plenary Lectures, 6
Invited Lectures and has chaired various technical sessions in 7
Prof. Fayaz is Life member of (i) Indian Science Congress Association, (ii)
Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Sciences, (iii) Indian Society for Parasitology, and
(iv) Inland Fisheries Society of India.
Prof. Fayaz is associate Editor of Journal of “Oriental Science” published by
the Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Sciences (JAKAS). He has successfully completed
7 research projects sponsored by UGC, DST, ICAR & SCST; has supervised 16 Ph. D.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 63

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

students, 18 M. Phil students apart from scores of M. Sc. Projects in Parasitology.

Presently, he is continuing one research project sponsored by DST and supervising 10
Ph.D. Scholars. One SRF and one JRF is also working under his Mentorship.
Prof. Fayaz has been Programme Co-Coordinator of the Project, “Department
of Food Science & Technology”; Assistant Coordinator for conduct of Joint CSIR-
UGC NET for Science at Kashmir University Centre and Editorial Advisory Member
of “National Journal of Life Sciences”. He has rendered his services as Incharge
admissions of the Department of Zoology and Nodal Officer of the Department of
Zoology for Directorate of Internal Quality Assurance (DIQA). Moreover, he has been
member of a number of committees in the University, notably University Admission
Committee for various courses, Central Committee for making admissions to the
B.Ed. Programme, Board of Post-Graduate Studies, Board of Under-Graduate
Studies, Departmental Research Committee, and Technical Committee of the
Department of Food Science & Technology. Dr. Ahmad has been Executive Member of
‘Indian Society for Parasitology’ & ‘Kashmir University Teachers Association’.
Prof. Fayaz has served as Dean Students Welfare, Director DIQA (Directorate
of Internal Quality Assurance), Director Statistical Unit, Founder Coordinator of
J&K SET Agency, Coordinator GIAN (Global Initiatives for Academic Networks) for
University of Kashmir, Nodal Officer AISHE (All India Survey on Higher
Education). As Director DIQA, Prof. Fayaz framed the first 96 credits Choice Based
Credit System Scheme for the University of Kashmir in 2014. He successfully devised
the mechanism for on-line student feedback about teachers and on-line submission of
data by all stakeholders for University Annual Report.
Presently Prof. Fayaz is Head, Department of Zoology in addition to being
Convener of Boards of UG & PG Studies; Member Admission Advisory Committee;
Member Grievance/ Redressal Committee for JK SET; Local Coordinator of J&K
SET Agency for Srinagar; Member Board of Studies for CORD and Microbiology of
University of Kashmir. Prof. Fayaz is Board Member of the Department of Animal
Sciences (Zoology) Central University of Kashmir and Department of Zoology,
Cluster University of Kashmir.

64 Biographies of Faculty
University of Kashmir

Dr. Abdul Ahad Buhroo

Dr. Abdul Ahad Buhroo hailing from homeland of
Bandipora, is presently serving as Associate Professor in the
Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir. Dr. Buhroo
has got his doctoral from University of Kashmir in Zoology
with expertise of Entomology. After appointment in the
Department, Dr. Buhroo has been teaching to post graduate
students in different courses of M. Sc with specialization in
Entomology. It’s worth to mention that Dr. Buhroo has
teaching experience of 26 years besides having research
experience of more than 16 years guiding research scholars of
Entomology specialization in their doctorates.
Dr. Buhroo has attended foreign Universities like University of West Hungary,
Sopron, Hungary for a period of 3 months from October 1 to December 30, 2007
under International Exchange of Scientist’s Programme by Indian National Science
Academy (INSA) with Hungarian Academy of Sciences; University of Perpetual Help
System Dalta, Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines and participated in
"International Student Affairs Programme". He has also presented a Research Paper
in a meeting of International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO) on
"Natural enemies and other multiscale influences on forest insects" University of
Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, BOKU-Vienna, Austria.
His research interests include Insect Systematics, Phylogenetics, Forest
Entomology & Pest Management. He has authored a Book, 3 book chapters and
published more than 50 Research papers in various International and National
Journals of repute in the field of Molecular Phylogeny, Forest Entomology & Pest
Dr. Buhroo has participated in a number of National Conferences, Seminars
and Symposia besides visiting Entomological Museums and Collection Centers of the
Dr. Buhroo has produced 08 M. Phil & 03 Ph. D. and is currently directing 08
Ph. D. scholars. He is also currently running a major Research project entitled “An
integrative approach to assess the phylogeny and the systematics of bark beetle
genera (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in the Northwestern Himalaya”
sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) of the Department of
Science and Technology, New Delhi.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 65

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Dr. (Mrs.) Syed Tanveer

Dr. (Mrs.) Syed Tanveer has obtained her M. Sc., M. Phil. and Ph.D. in
Zoology from University of Kashmir, Srinagar with expertise in Parasitology. She is
presently posted as Senior Assistant professor in the Department of Zoology
University of Kashmir.
Dr. Syed Tanveer has been teaching to post graduate students, different
courses like Comparative Anatomy, Medical Parasitology, Medical and Veterinary
Entomology and Molecular Biology. She has teaching experience of 28 years besides
having research experience of more than 30 years and has produced 07 Ph.D. and 05
M.Phil. Scholars. Presently she is supervising 07 more Ph.D. scholars in the different
fields of Parasitology.
Dr. Syed Tanveer has attended 18 International and national Conferences;
and an international symposium on genomic instability and cancer organized jointly
by Department of Biotechnology, Department of Oncology SKIMS and Ohio State
University USA. She has attended six training courses and workshops organized by
Academic Staff college in collaboration with Department of Zoology and Bio-sciences.
Her research foci include Parasitology, Helminthology, Helminth Taxonomy,
Histopathology and Molecular Parasitology. She has authored 03 books and 01 book
chapter. She has 52 research papers published in various International, National
and Regional Journals in the field of Parasitology, Veterinary and Molecular

66 Biographies of Faculty
University of Kashmir

Dr. Mustahson Farooq Fazili

Dr. Mustahson Farooq Fazili, presently serving as
Senior Assistant professor in the Department of Zoology,
University of Kashmir, is born in a historical hamlet of
Bandipora, the Gamroo, land of historians, poets and sufi
saints and a descendent of great Kashmiri historian, Pir
Hassan Khuihami. He had his early education from the
reputed institutions of the area. Graduated from GDC Sopore
and landed in the University of Kashmir, the new panorama of
beauty to fix the goals of his life and chart the road ahead. Did his post-graduation
and research degrees from the Department of Zoology under the auspicious guidance
of renowned professors notably Prof. D. N. Fotedar, Prof. M. K. Raina, Prof. Dildar
Ahmad, Prof. A. R. Khan, Prof. M. Z. Chisti, Prof. A. R.Yousuf, Prof. R. C. Bhagat,
Prof. A. K. Channa, Prof. G. Mustafa Shah, Prof. Abdul Baqiui and Prof. Nayyer
Dr. Fazili Joined University of Kashmir, as a faculty member of the
Department of Zoology, in 2006 and continued research there, in the field of Wildlife,
Ornithology and Wetland ecology. Published 41 research papers in peer reviewed
International, National and Local Journals, worth mentioning- Hungarian
Waterfowl Publications, Indian Birds, Berkut, Journal of Threatened Taxa…..
Besides, authored a book chapter in Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and
Biology, a publication of Daya Publishing House, a unit of Astral International Pvt.
Ltd. Delhi.
Dr. Fazili is currently teaching various subjects viz. Ecology, Wildlife
Conservation Management, Biodiversity, General Anatomy and Physiology….. to the
students at postgraduate level. He has teaching experience of more than 27 years
besides, having research experience of more than 15 years, guiding both research
scholars and postgraduate students in their research endeavours. Dr. fazili has
produced 05 M. Phil/Ph. Ds and is currently supervising 05 Ph. D. scholars.
Dr. Fazili has organized a workshop entitled “Scientific and Popular Writings:
How to communicate Results of Research”; attended 03 International conferences, 04
National Conferences, 07 regional conferences, and 10 Workshops within dimensions
of India.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 67

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Dr. Tariq Ahmad

Dr. Tariq Ahmad did his Ph.D. in Zoology with

Entomology Specialization from Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh in 2005; worked as Senior Research
Fellow and Research Associate at Department of
Entomology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand and
Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi, respectively
before joining as an Assistant Professor at Department of
Zoology, University of Kashmir in 2006. Dr. Ahmad has
authored 01 book, 02 book chapters and has published
over 35 research papers in peer reviewed journals. He has
received many national and international awards besides
being editorial board member and reviewer to many
international journals. He has presented his work in some of the leading scientific
organizations of the world like in Germany, Argentina and Thailand. He has
successfully supervised 01 Ph.D. student, 04 M. Phil. students and project guidance
to many Post-Graduate Students. Currently, Dr. Ahmad is handling one major
research project awarded by DST-SERB, New Delhi besides worked as a Visiting
Scientist under INSA-DFG Bilateral Scientist Exchange Programme, 2017 at Julius
Kuhn Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, and Institute for
Biological Control, Germany. His research foci include Ecology, Biodiversity,
Biosystematics, Management of Invasive Plant Species, Ethology and IPM.

68 Biographies of Faculty
University of Kashmir

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed Khan

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed Khan did his M.Sc., M.Phil. and
Ph.D. from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and joined as
a faculty member at Department of Zoology, University of
Kashmir in 2006. He has been actively involved in teaching at
PG level in Zoology in general and Ichthyology in particular to
Post-Graduate students. As a part of his research guidance
initiatives, he has supervised the research work of various
M.Phil. and Doctoral students in the area of Fish Nutrition,
Physiology, Reproductive Biology and Limnology. Many of his students have already
been awarded research degrees and others are at various stages of completion of their
degree programs.
He have reoriented the syllabus related to Ichthyology at PG level and
introduced Fish Nutrition, Feed Technology and Feed formulation techniques and
have been conducting regular on-farm demonstrations of various techniques to
PG/research students by visiting various fish hatcheries run by State Fisheries
His pioneer contribution in the field of research is determination of complete
essential amino acids requirements of Indian Major Carp, Cirrhinus mrigala at
fingerling stage as a part of his doctoral thesis and essential amino acid
requirements of H. fossilis at fingerling stage as a part of research project. Key
finding of his research projects have been submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture for
proper implications through DST-New Delhi. Feeding regime/appropriate ration size
of some important cultured fish species have been determined and recommended for
the proper utilization of feed. The protein requirement of two cultured fish species
inhabiting Kashmir water bodies i.e., Common Carp, var. communis and specularis
were reported by him first from Kashmir.
Apart from protein and amino acids requirements studies, he has also
established quantitative information on vitamin requirement of different cultured
fish species. He was the first to determine feeding regime and protein and energy
maintenance requirement of rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss from Kashmir
water in lab conditions. He has also established nutritional value of indigenous snow

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 69

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

trout Schizothorax spp. of Kashmir and the seasonal variation in hemato-

biochemical composition of fishes from Kashmir valley. To conduct research in his
specialized areas, he has also established fish feeding trial laboratory with
continuous flow through system. Presently he is also working in fish proteomic
analysis and establishes some interesting information about the role of specific
protein in the behavior of cold water fish species of Kashmir region.
He has published more than 38 publication in journals of International repute
with cumulative impact factor 0f 32.50 and H-index 15. With his outstanding
contribution in the field of research, he was awarded DST-Young scientist award in
2007 and Archana Gold Medal by Acadamy of Environmental Biology, Lucknow in
2017. He has completed one major project sponsored by DST, New Delhi and
presently running two major projects sponsored by DBT and UGC New Delhi Govt. of
India. Besides, he is also the life member of some professional academics bodies
including ‘Academy of Environmental Biology’ Lucknow; ‘The Indian Science
Congress Association’ Kolkata; ‘Inland Fisheries Society of India’ Barrackpore,
Kolkata and ‘National Environmental Science Academy’ New Delhi. Recently, he has
successfully organized national symposium on ‘Himalayan Biodiversity
Characterization bioprespection for sustainable utilization’ as Organizing Secretary.
His team of research groups are presently working on various aspects of
biological sciences including Nutritional requirement of local fish species, nutritional
profile of locally available feed ingredients, Seasonal variation in hemato-
biochemical composition of fishes, nutritional status of forage fish species, use of
aquatic weeds in fish feed, various aspects of aquatic biodiversity, documentation,
conservation and bioprospection for sustainable utilization.

70 Biographies of Faculty
University of Kashmir

Dr. Hidayatullah Tak

Dr. Hidayatullah Tak hailing from Bijbehara,
Anantnag, obtained his M. Sc., M. Phil. and Ph.D. in Zoology
from University of Kashmir, Srinagar with expertise in the
field of Parasitology. Being meritorious student from the
beginning, he got scholarship both at M.Phil. and Ph.D. level.
He also worked as Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in DST
(GOI) sponsored research Project. He is presently working as
Senior Assistant Professor in the Department of Zoology,
University of Kashmir.
Dr. Tak has been teaching to post-graduate students in different courses viz.,
Anatomy, Physiology, and Immunology in addition to his specialization of
Parasitology. He has teaching experience of 12 years and research experience of more
than 15 years guiding research scholars of Parasitology specialization in their
doctorates. His research foci include Medical and Veterinary Protozoology,
Helminthology, Helminth Taxonomy, Histopathology and Molecular Parasitology. He
has authored 11 books, has edited 04 books, published more than 50 Research papers
in various International, National and Regional Journals in the field of Parasitology
and other branches of life sciences.
Dr. Hidayatullah has participated in 02 International conferences, 12
National Conferences, and 08 Regional conferences besides attending 07 workshops
as well. He is the Life member of (i) Life member of Indian Society of Parasitology.
(ii) Life member J&K Academy of Sciences, and (iii) Life Member of Indian Science
Congress Association.
Dr. Hidayatullah has produced 08 M.Phil & 01 Ph.D. scholars and is
currently supervising 05 Ph. D. Scholars. Besides performing his academic duties,
Dr. Tak is actively engaged in extracurricular activities in the department as well;
organizing Educational-cum-Zoological tours to postgraduate students at local and
national level; Incharge Sports in the Department of Zoology; Associated with
Director Admissions, University of Kashmir and SET coordinator, University of
Kashmir for last five years for the conduct of various examinations viz,. UGC NET,
CSIR NET, J&K SET and other competitive examinations

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 71

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, hailing from Kadder Kulgam,

obtained his M. Sc. (Zoology) in 2000 from University of
Kashmir and was awarded M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in
Zoology in 2005 and 2008 respectively with Wildlife
specialization from the same University. He worked as a
lecturer in Education Department before joining Department of
Zoology, University of Kashmir, as Assistant Professor. Dr.
Bilal has a teaching experience of 08 years, and research
experience of 06 years in the field of Zoology with specialization in Wildlife. Dr. Bilal
is currently supervising 07 Ph. D. scholars. He has been teaching MSc students
covering different branches viz., Conservation Biology, Wildlife Ecology &
Management, Genetics, Animal Behavior, and Invertebrate Structure & Function.
His research foci include Wildlife Ecology and Management, Mammalogy, and
Ornithology. He is best paper presenter award winner in 2 nd JK Science Congress in
2006. He has published 25 research papers in reputed International/National
Journals in the field of Mammalogy, Ornithology & Wildlife Management. Moreover
he has participated in a number of International/National/Regional conferences
besides attending more than 10 workshops.

72 Biographies of Faculty
University of Kashmir

Dr. Yahya Bakhtiyar

Dr. Yahya Bakhtiyar, hailing from Bhadarwah, Distt.
Doda of J&K, obtained his M. Sc. (Zoology) in 2002 from
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, and was awarded Ph.D.
in Zoology with Ichthyology / Fish and Fisheries
specialization from University of Jammu in 2008. He worked
as a Lecturer in Zoology, School Education Department
before joining Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir,
as Assistant Professor in 2013. He has worked as Junior
Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow in DST (J&K
Govt.) project entitled “Nutritional Requirements of Certain Fresh Water Prawns of
Local Commercial Importance and Development of Low Cost Formula Feeds” for 3
years and has also worked as Senior Research Fellow in another DST (GOI) funded
Project entitled “Demonstration of Mono and poly culture of Macrobrachium
rosenbergii and Indian major carps in Jammu” for 1 year. Dr. Bakhtiyar has a Post-
Graduate teaching experience of 05 years, and research experience of more than 07
years in the field of Zoology.
His major research highlights include Nutritional requirements of fresh water
prawn of Jammu region; Development of low cost formula feeds for Macrobrachium
dayanum; Food preferences of Macrobrachium dayanum (Henderson) and Labeo
rohita (Hamilton); Nutritional status and culture of food organisms; Mono and poly
culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Indian major carps; Proximate
composition of various Fish, prawns and natural and artificial food ingredients. It’s
worth to mention that Dr. Bakhtiyar is the Top rank holder in the State in 10+2
Zoology Lecturer (School Education) list conducted by Jammu and Kashmir Public
service Commission in the year 2008.
He has published 27 research papers in reputed National and International
Journals in the field of Fish and Fisheries. Moreover, he has participated in 30
International/National Conferences/Regional conferences besides attending number
of workshops as well. He is life member of various societies including Indian Science
Congress Association, Inland Fisheries Society of India, Indian Fisheries
Association, and Indian Academy of Environmental Biology etc.
Presently, his focus of research is Fish Biology especially the impact of exotic
Carps on local fish fauna and water ecosystem.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 73

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Dr. Altaf Hussain Mir

Dr. Altaf Hussain Mir, Assistant Professor of the

Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir was born on
26th of February 1979 at Dadasara in the Tral town of
district Pulwama (J & K). Dr. Altaf got his primary and
secondary school education in a local school (Modern Public
School Dadasara Tral) with average grades, but was seen as
a hardworking and dazzling student with strong aspiration
to learn the things. He completed his Higher Secondary
Schooling from Govt. MLHSS Tral. Dr. Altaf graduated from A. S. College, Srinagar
and got admission for Post-Graduation in the Department of Zoology, University of
Kashmir, Srinagar in 2002. Dr. Altaf completed the M. Sc in Zoology with one year
Specialization in Entomology in 2004. In March 2005, he joined Ph. D programme
in the same Department under the auspicious Supervision of Prof. M. Z. Chishti, the
then Dean Sciences and P. G. Coordinator, University of Kashmir and Co-
supervision of Dr. M. A. Khan, former Director, Central Silk Board, Govt. of India
(Northern Zone) and Dr. A. A. Buhroo, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology,
University of Kashmir. During his Ph. D course, Dr. Altaf studied the Bionomics and
Integrated Management of Cerambycid Borers of Mulberry in Jammu and Kashmir
State. He was awarded the Ph. D degree in Zoology with specialization in
Entomology in March 2009. Dr. Altaf served as Research Fellow in CSB, Govt. of
India from Oct. 2006 to Dec. 2008. He served at the Department of Botany, University
of Kashmir as Assistant Professor on contractual basis for the teaching of
Bioresources for a period of about three years. Dr. Altaf was appointed as Assistant
Professor in Post Graduate Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir in June
2013, since then he is teaching Post Graduate Students of Zoology with zeal and zest.
He has a teaching experience of 8 years at post graduate level and research experience
of 12 years in the field of Zoology with specialization in Entomology. He is currently
supervising 03 Ph. D. Research Scholars of the Department. Dr. Altaf Hussain is a
Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (INSA) and a Temporary
Member Entomological Society of India. His research foci include Insect
Taxonomy/Medical Entomology/Pest Management etc. Till date he has published 24
research papers in various Journals of National and International repute. Dr. Altaf
has attended and delivered lectures/presented papers in a number of National and
Regional Conferences.

74 Biographies of Faculty
University of Kashmir

List of Candidates who have been awarded Ph. D. Degree in Zoology

Sr. No. Candidate’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Thesis
1. Dr. Y.R. Dr. S. M. Das 1966 Ovarian Cycles of Kashmir fishes
2. Dr. P. L. Duda Dr. S. M. Das 1966 Functional morphology of Agama
3. Dr. K. D. Verma Dr. S. M. Das 1967 Aphicidae of North-West India
4. Dr. C. Rampal Dr. S. M. Das 1967 Early life history of five Kashmiri fishes
5. Dr. Lalita Kaw Dr. D. N. 1970 Nematodes of some vertebrates
6. Dr. S. Daftari Dr. S. M. Das 1970 Pituitary with relation to ovarian cycle in
fishes of Kashmir
7. Dr. M. K. Raina Dr. D. N. 1970 Monographic studies in Avitellina &
Fotedar nematode parasites of Crocidura
8. Dr. N. Bambroo Dr. D. N. 1970 Helminth parasites of domestic animals
9. Dr. Ratni Tikoo Dr. D. N. 1970 Morphology & life cycle of helminths from
Fotedar amphibian
10. Dr. Janak Dulari Dr. S. M. Das 1970 Scale, Age & Growth of fishes of Kashmir
11. Dr. M. Y. Qadri Dr. S. M. Das 1971 Brain & Cranial nerves of fishes of
12. Dr. B. A. Subla Dr. S. M. Das 1972 Functional morphology of feeding habits
of fishes of Kashmir
13. Dr. S. K. Dr. S. M. Das 1972 Study of Aquatic insect of Kashmir.
14. Dr. A. A. Shah Dr. S. M. Das 1972 Infection & infertility among live stock of
15. Dr. Shareefa Dr. S. M.Das 1972 Study on fresh water Plankton of Lakes
Akhter and ponds of Kashmir
16. Dr. H. S. Bali Dr. D. N. 1972 Helminth parasites of sheep in Jammu &
Fotedar Kashmir
17. Dr. R. Mahajan Dr. D. N. 1972 Soil & Plant nematodes in Kashmir
18. Dr. B. L. Koul Dr. S. M. Das 1972 Functional anatomy of urinogenital
system of Kashmir fishes
19. Dr. N. D. Reshi Dr. S. M. Das 1972 Morphology of alimentary canal in
agriculture insect pests
20. Dr. Phoola Dr. S. M. Das 1972 Chromosomes of Kashmir fishes
21. Dr. R. L. Dhar Dr. D. N. 1973 Studies on parasites of fishes of Jammu
Fotedar & Kashmir
22. Dr. Harbajan Dr. S. M. Das 1973 Studies on gonadial cycle, fecundity,

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 75

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No. Candidate’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Thesis
Singh spawning seasons &reproductive ecology
of some Kashmir fishes
23. Dr. Nissar Jan Dr. S. M. Das 1974 Feeding and food habits of fishes of
24. Dr. S. Peer Dr. S. M. Das 1974 Weberian ossicles of Kashmir fishes
25. Dr. Opinder Dr. P. L. Duda 1974 Seasonal changes in the gonads of two
Koul small Lizards of Kashmir.
26. Dr. A. R. Khan Dr. D. N. 1975 Trematode parasites of some vertebrates
27. Dr. M. Z. Chishti Dr. D. N. 1975 Cestode & Nematode Parasites of birds
Fotedar of Kashmir
28. Dr. Teja Koul Dr. S. M. Das 1976 Biology of bats of Kashmir
29. Dr. Ravinder Dr. M. K. Raina 1978 Studies on helminth parasites of reptiles
Kumar Koul of Jammu & Kashmir
30. Dr. Zafar Dr. D. N. 1978 Soil & Plant parasitic nematodes of
Ahmad Handoo Fotedar vegetables and fruit crops of Kashmir
31. Dr. H. U. Dhar Dr. Dildar 1978 Chemical control of fruit insect pest-
Ahmad Myllocera
32. Dr. A. R. Yousuf Dr. M. Y. Qadri 1979 Limnology & Fisheries of lake Manasbal
33. Dr. Syeda Mir Dr. M. Y. Qadri 1979 Biology of Oreinus plagiostomus
34. Dr. Shiban Lal Dr. M. K. Raina 1980 A comparative ecological study of soil
Dar mesofauna of the forest and grasslands
of Usmarg, Kashmir.
35. Dr. R. C. Bhagat Dr. N. D. Reshi 1980 Parasitoid complex of aphids
36. Dr. A. K. Malla Dr. M. K. Raina 1981 Morphology, Histology & Histochemistry
of some cestodes.
37. Dr. Ashok Dr. D. N. 1981 Ecology and food chain of some wetlands
Pandita Fotedar in Kashmir
38. Dr. Showkat Dr. M. Y. Qadri 1982 Hydrobiological characteristics of lake
Ahmad Naqash Wular with reference to Zooplankton
39. Dr. Qayoom Dr. N. D. Reshi 1982 Studies on plant mites
40. Dr. A. R. Trag Dr. Dildar 1982 Studies on the life history of Diachrysia
Ahmad orichalcer and its control through
systemic insecticides, Chemorepelants
and other chemicals
41. Dr. Mohd. Dr. Dildar 1982 Studies on the Bionomics & control of
Ashraf Ahmad poplar leaf beetle Chrysomella populi -
serious pest in Kashmir fishes.
42. Dr. Nirija Wali Dr. D. N. 1983 Studies on pathogenic nematodes of
Fotedar sheep
43. Dr. Naaz Dr. D. N. 1983 Trematode parasites of fishes of Jammu
Parveen Fotedar & Kashmir
44. Dr. Usha Bali Dr. M. Y. Qadri 1983 Neurosecretory organs of fishes of
76 Ph Ds awarded by the Department
University of Kashmir

Sr. No. Candidate’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Thesis
45. Dr. Virendar Dr. D. N. 1984 Studies on the plant parasitic nematodes
Koul Fotedar of Kashmir
46. Dr. G. Mustafa Dr. M. Y. Qadri 1984 Birds of Hokarsar. Food, Feeding &
Shah Breeding Biology of some resident & non-
resident birds
47. Dr. M. D. Khan Dr. M. K. Raina 1985 On Amphistome of domestic ruminants in
48. Dr. Remesh K. Dr. D. N. 1985 Studies on the nematode parasites of
Kaul Fotedar Brassicaceous plants of Kashmir
49. Dr. P. L. Kaul Dr. M. K. Raina 1986 Studies on Acanthocephalans of fishes of
50. Dr. Rafiq Dr. Dildar 1986 Investigation on bionomics of
Ahmad Ahmad Aphidophagous syrphid flies and the
assessment of their potential as biological
control agents
51. Dr. Muni Dr. A. R. Yousuf 1988 Zooplankton communities in Dal lake,
Parveen Kashmir
52. Dr. M. H. Balkhi Dr. A. R. Yousuf 1988 Fresh water micro-crustacea of Kashmir
53. Dr. Ulfat Jan Dr. M. Y. Qadri 1988 Studies on Macrozoobenthos of Dal lake,
54. Dr. M. Amin Dr. R. C. Bhagat 1988 Studies on thrips (Thysanoptera: Insecta)
Lone of Kashmir valley
55. Dr. Khursheed Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1991 Studies on the parasitic infection of
A. Sohaf Bombyx mori and their control in J & K
56. Dr. Majidah Dr. R. L. Dhar & 1992 Studies on population dynamics of
Rashid Dr. A. R. Khan helminth parasitisation of fishes in Wular
lake under varying habitat and seasons
57. Dr. Abdul Aziz Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1992 Studies on parasitoid complex of
Mir Galliform, Anseriform &Podicipediform
birds of Kashmir
58. Dr. Kanver Dr. M. K. Raina 1993 Protozoan and Platyhelminth parasites of
Narayan some aquatic vertebrates of J&K
59. Dr. Fayaz Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1994 Trematode & Cestode parasites of Pisces
Ahmed & Dr. R. L. Dhar and aquatic Aves of Kashmir, with
Histology & Histopathology of
Adenoscolex Fotedar,1958
60. Dr. Galaza Dr. A. R. Yousuf 1996 Fish and fisheries of Anchar lake
61. Dr. S. Tanveer Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1996 Biology & Pathogenicity of parasites of
poultry & economically important birds of
62. Dr. Mohd. Dr. A. R. Yousuf 1997 Studies on the Zoobenthic communities of
Farooq Dal lake

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 77

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No. Candidate’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Thesis
63. Dr. Dilshada Dr. M .Z. 1997 Studies on the Microbial & Helminth
Chishti infections of fishes in some lakes of
Kashmir & Ecological characteristics of
water infecting them
64. Dr. M. Y. Dr .M. Z. Chishti 1997 Population dynamics of helminths of
Peerzada & Dr. A. R. some snow fed streams of Kashmir
65. Dr. Shafqat Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1999 Fish parasites of some lakes of Kashmir
Bakshi & Dr. A. R. with an analysis of seasonality of
Khan incidence & their maturation with regard
to different ecological factors
66. Dr. Neelofer Ali Dr. A. R. Khan 1999 Parasitism in Aquatic vertebrates of
& Dr. M. Z. Anchar lake
67. Dr. Shamim Dr. G. Mustafa 1999 Biological Survey of Haigam wetland,
Ahmad Dar Shah & Dr. Kashmir
Ulfat Jsan
68. Dr. Abdul Ahad Dr. M. Z. Chishti 2002 Bioecology & management of shot- hole
Buhroo & Dr. M. A. borer Scolytus spp. on apple in Kashmir
69. Dr. Mustahsan Dr. G. Mustafa 2004 Breeding Biology of some resident and
F. Fazili Shah & Dr. Non-resident birds
Ulfat Jan
70. Dr. Hidayatullah Prof. M. Z. 2004 Studies on Epidomiology, Pathogenicity
Tak Chishti & Dr. A. and control of Hydatid disease in Kashmir
G. Ahanger Valley.
71. Dr. Feroze Prof. M. Z. 2004 Histopathological and Serological Studies
Ahmad Shah Chishti & Dr. of helminth infections in Fishes of some
Fayaz Ahmad lakes of Kashmir.
72. Dr. Rukhsana Prof. M. Z. 2007 Effect of Pollution & Parasitism on
Akhter Chishti & Dr. Schizothorax
Fayaz Ahmad
73. Dr. Sajad Prof. R. C. 2007 Biochemical, Histopathological &
Hussain Mir Bhagat Therapeutic studies in Alloxan &
Streptozotocin induced Diabetes Mellitus
in Rabbits
74. Dr. Asiya Dr. Majidah 2007 Studies on Prevalence & Control of
Magray Rashid & Prof. Coccidial infection (Eimeria species) in
A. R. Khan Rabbits of Kashmir Valley
75. Dr. Showkat Dr. Fayaz 2008 Studies on the Prevalence and Pathology
Ahmad Wani Ahmad & Prof. of Gastro-Intestinal Helminths in the
S. A. Zargar Children of Kashmir Valley
76. Dr. Abdul Wahid Dr. Muni 2008 Effect of Pollution and Parasitism on
Shah Parveen & Dr. vertebrates of Anchar Lake.
A. G. Sarwar

78 Ph Ds awarded by the Department

University of Kashmir

Sr. No. Candidate’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Thesis
77. Dr. Mohd. Latief Prof. A. R. Khan 2008 Life Cycel, Epidemiology, Prevention,
Ganie Control and Treatment with special
reference to the Chemotherapy in the
diagnosed cases of taeniasis by
Nitazoxanide in baramullah & Srinagar
78. Dr. Khurshid Prof. M. Z. 2008 Epidemiology of GIT Helminth Parasites
Ahmad Tariq Chishti, Dr. A. S. in small Ruminants of Kashmir Valley and
Dar Shawl & Dr. their Control by indigenous Herbal
Fayaz Ahmad Anthelmintics
79. Dr. Tariq Ahmad Prof. M. Z. 2008 Studies on Paramphistomiasis of Sheep
Chishti & Dr. in Kashmir
Syed Tanveer
80. Dr. Reyaz Prof. M. Z. 2008 Histopathological, Immunological and
Ahmad Mir Chishti & Dr. M. Biochemical studies of Sheep infected
A. Zargar with gastrointestinal Helminth Parasites in
Kashmir Valley.
81. Dr. Mohd. Shafi Dr. M. Nayyar 2008 Taxonomic Survey and Bioecological
Bhat Azim studies of Stink Bugs (Heteroptera:
Pentatomidae) of Kashmir
82. Dr. Parvaiz Dr. Fayaz 2008 Studies on Histochemistry of
Ahmad Dar Ahmad & Dr. Paramphistomes of Sheep and Cattle
Majidah Rashid
83. Dr. Zubair Dr. Syed 2008 Toxocariasis in Kashmir: Epidemiology,
Ahmad Dar Tanveer Pathogenesis and Immunological Studies
in Human Population
84. Dr. Sheikh Prof. A. R. Khan 2008 Histopathological and Biochemical
Tanveer Salam Studies of Parasitic Infections in Pigeons
and Domestic Fowl of Kashmir Valley
85. Dr. Imtiyaz Prof. M. Z. 2008 Studies on Plant Parasitic Nematodes of
Ahmad Bhat Chishti some Vegetables & Medicinal Plants of
Kashmir with special reference to
Damage & Management
86. Dr. Bilal Ahmad Prof. G. Mustafa 2008 Ecological Studies of Hangul deer Cervus
Bhat Shah elaphus hanglu wagner with reference to
its conservation at Dachigam National
Park, Kashmir India

87. Dr. Fayaz Prof. G. Mustafa 2008 Studies on avian diversity and breeding
Ahmad Ahanger Shah biology of mallard anas platyrhynchos in
wetlands of Kashmir
88. Dr. Abdul Majid Dr. M. Nayyar 2008 Integrated Management of Mulberry
Bhat Azim Pyralid Glyphodes Pyloasis Wik with

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 79

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No. Candidate’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Thesis
emphasis on its control through Bioagents
and Botanicals
89. Dr. Shabir Dr. M. Nayyar 2008 Taxonomic Survey of Grass Hoppers of
Ahmad Reshi Azim Kashmir (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with
biological observations on some
economically important pest species of
90. Dr. Deen Mohd. Prof. R. C. 2008 Studies on Insect Parasites and
Bhat Bhagat Predators of some Insect Pests of
Vegetable Crops of Pests of Kashmir
91. Dr. Nusrat Dr. Ulfat Jan & 2008 Studies on Reproductive Biology and
Rasool Prof. G. Mustafa Feeding Ecology of Brown trout (Salmo
Shah trutta fario) and rainbow trout
(Onchorhynchus mykiss).
92. Dr. Altaf Prof. M. Z. 2008 Studies on Bioeconomic and Integrated
Hussain Chishti Management of Cerambycid Borers of
Mulberry in Jammu & Kashmir State
93. Dr. Shaheena Dr. Fayaz 2008 Life Cycle and Electron Microscopy of
Akhter Ahmad & Prof. some Cestode Fish Parasites of Kashmir
M. Z. Chishti Valley
94. Dr. Nasreen Prof. G. Mustafa 2008 Studies on digestibility of selected and
Kounser Shah & Dr. Ulfat naturally occurring feed stuff, their effect
Jan on growth and spawning of Schizothorax
esocinus and Schizothorax curvifrons
95. Dr. Aijaz Dr. M. Nayyar 2009 Chemical basis of Insect Plant Interaction
Hussain Rather Azim to Oligophagous pests attacking
economically important cruciferous crops
of Kashmir
96. Dr. Mohd. Prof. A. Channa 2009 Histochemical, Biochemical and SEM
Yousuf Bhat Studies of the digestive system of
Schizothorax esocinus Heckel
97. Dr. Rehana Prof. R. C. 2009 Studies on Protozoan & Nematode
Bhagat & Dr. Parasites of some economically important
Fayaz Ahmad Insects of Kashmir valley
98. Dr. Ayshia Amin Prof. A. R. Khan 2009 Studies on the Prevalence and
Histopathology of the Endohelminths of
some Vertebrates of district Doda, &K
99. Dr. Shabnam Dr. Majidah 2009 Epidemiology and Haematobiochemical
Khalid Rashid Studies of Nematode Infection in Calves
of Kashmir Valley
100. Dr. Javaid Dr. ulfat Jan & 2009 Benthic invertebrates at foraging sites of
Ahmad Wani Prof. G. Mustafa waterfowl in wetlands of Kashmir
101. Dr. Imtiyaz Prof. Ashok 2009 Histochemical and Ultrastructural Studies

80 Ph Ds awarded by the Department

University of Kashmir

Sr. No. Candidate’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Thesis
Hussain Channa of Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver of
Schizothorax curvifrons Heckel
102. Dr. Rukaya Prof. M. Z. 2009 Effects of Metal Toxicity in Cyprinus
Chishti & Dr. carpio Linnaeus & Schizothorax niger
Syed Tanveer Heckel with emphasis on Biochemical &
Histopathological parameters
103. Dr. Syed Prof. M. Z. 2010 Bioecology of Schizothorax and factors
Mehboobul Chsihti & Dr. responsible for its decline with special
Hassan Fayaz Ahmad reference to Parasitic Infection
104. Dr. Shazia Dr. Ulfat Jan & 2010 Comparative study on some aspects of
Bashir Prof. G. Mustafa the biology of Schizothorax niger and
Shah Schizothorax plagiostomus with special
reference to feeding and growth in the
juvenile stages
105. Dr. Zahoor Prof. G. M. 2011 Efefct of Fertilizer use on the Structure
Ahmad Khanday Shah & Dr. Ulfat and Composition on some Animal and
jan Plant Comminities of Dal and Anchar
Lake, Kashmir
106. Dr. Irfan Ahmad Prof. A. R. Khan 2011 Molecular Characterization of Human
& Dr. S. A. Wani Group A Rotavirus in Kashmir
107. Dr. Mir Nisar Prof. M. Z. 2011 Studies on the Identification of Summer
Ahmad Chishti & Dr. M. Specific Silkworm Bombyx mori L.
A. Khan Hybrids for Second Commercial Rearing
under Kashmir Climatic Conditions
108. Dr. Aijaz Ahmad Prof. R. C. 2011 Diversity & Bioecological Studies of
Qureshi Bhagat Butterflies of Kashmir Himalayas
109. Dr. Bashir Prof. Fayaz 2012 Epidemiology, Pathogenicity, Immunology
Ahmad Lone Ahmad & Prof. and Prophylaxis of gastrointestinal
M. Z. Chishti parasitic Fauna in Ruminants of Jammu &
110. Dr. Ummar Prof. M. Z. 2012 Species diversity of Helminth
Rashid Zargar Chishti & Prof. Parasitofauna in Fishes of Jammu &
Fayaz Ahmad Kashmir State
111. Dr. Maqbool Prof. Fayaz 2013 Helminth Parasites of Bovines and
Fatima Ahmad Bubalines of Kashmir with special
emphasis on Epidemiology, Morphology
and Histopathology
112. Dr. Shaista Prof. Fayaz 2013 Characterization and Detection of
Masrat Ahmad Cryptosporidium from varied sources
113. Dr. Ibraq Prof. Fayaz 2014 Epidemiology, Haematology,
Khurshid Ahmad Histopathology and Blood Biochemistry of
Helminth Infected Fishes of Shallabugh
wetland and River Sindh in Kashmir

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 81

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No. Candidate’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Thesis
114. Dr. Aijaz Ahmad Prof. Ulfat Jan 2014 Diet preparation, feeding, feed conversion
Bhat efficiency, growth and fecundity of
Schizothorax niger and Schizothorax
115. Dr. Javaid Dr. Syed 2015 Antihelminthic activity of some medicinal
Ahmad Dar Tanveer plants against Nematode Parasites of
Gallus gallus domesticus
116. Dr. Tanveer Prof. Fayaz 2016 Molecular Characterization and
Ahmad Sofi Ahmad Karyotyping of select Fish Helminth
Parasites in Kashmir
117. Dr. Shabir Dr. Tariq Ahmad 2016 Bio-ecology and Management of walnut
Ahmad Wani aphids of Kashmir Valley
118. Dr.Arif Ahmad Dr. Muni 2016 Ecological studies of zoobenthic
Shah Parveen community in Bringhii, Lidder and Jhelum
streams of Kashmir
119. Dr. Mushtaq Dr. Muni 2016 A comparative analysis of cladoceran
Ahmad Ganie Parveen & M. H. communities of Wular, Manasbal and
Balkhi Anchar lakes
120. Dr. Nazima Gul Dr. Hidayatullah 2017 Epidemiology, Morphology and
Tak & Prof. Immunodiagnosis of Bovine Fasciolosis
Khalid M. Fazili
121. Dr. Mudasir Dr. Imtiaz A. 2017 Studies on the Biology and Fisheries of
Jaan Khan Schizothorax plagiostomus in river Lidder
122. Dr. Shazia Ahad Dr. Syed Tanveer 2017 Screening of some medicinal plants
& Dr. Irshad A. against experimentally induced coccidial
Nowchoo infection in broilers
123. Dr.Bashir Prof. Fayaz 2018 Helminth Parasite Dynamics of some
Ahmad Sheikh Ahmad Vertebrates of Gurez

82 Ph Ds awarded by the Department

University of Kashmir

List of the candidates who have been awarded M. Phil. Degree in Zoology
Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

1. Mr. Virendar Koul Dr. D. N. Fotedar 1981 Studies on Helicotylenchus Steiner, 1945
nematode parasites of various plants in
2. Ms.Niraja Wali Dr. D. N. Fotedar 1982 Studies on pathogenic nematodes of sheep.

3. Mr. G. Mustafa Shah. Dr. M. Y. Qadri 1982 Planktonic survey of Hokarsar-Cladocera and
4. Mr. Mohi-u-din Anwari Dr. D. L. Dhar 1982 Pathogenic nematode parasites of fish in
Jammu & Kashmir.
5. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Dr. Dildar Ahmad 1982 Distribution of fruit flies in Kashmir-their host
Bali range and Bionomics of Drosophila
6. Mr. Mohd. Rafiq Bhat Dr. Dildar Ahmad 1982 Investigation on bionomics of aphidophagus
syrphid flies and the assessment of their
potential as biological control agents.
7. Ms. Rajni Tiku Dr. A. Channa 1982 Studies on the histochemistry of some
digestive organs of Salmo truttta fario,
Oreinus plagiostomus and Botia birdi.
8. Mr. Yog Raj Vishnavi Dr. Dildar Ahmad 1982 Ditribution of gall midges in Kashmir: their
host range & biology of some predominant
9. Mr. Manzoor A. Malik Dr. Dildar Ahmad 1982 Faunistic survey of Arthropods associated
with mulberry trees. Studies on the biology of
insect pests.
10. Mr. Malik Farooq Dr. Dildar Ahmad 1982 Studies on the biology of Lymentaria
obfuscata in Kashmir forests & preliminary
investigations on its control.
11. Ms. Shahnaz Fida M. Y. Qadri 1982 Some biological relationships of fishes-length,
weight and fecundity.
12. Mr. Peer A. Rashid Dr. M. Y.Qadri 1982 Limnological survey of Verinag spring.

13. Ms. Tasneem Sheikh Dr. Dildar Ahmad 1982 Prevalence of houseflies in Kashmir-
Bionomics of predominant muscid forms and
their susceptibility to insecticide.
14. Ms. Eneta Kaul Dr. M. K. Raina 1982 Histomorphology of some trematodes of
amphibians in Kashmir.
15. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Dr. M. K. Raina 1982 Studies of fresh water and wetland nematodes
Koul in Jammu and Kashmir.
16. Ms. Usha Dhar Dr. M. K. Raina 1982 Morphology, Taxonomy & Cytology of some
aphids of Kashmir.

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 83

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

17. Mr. S. Masood-ul Dr. A.R. Yousuf 1983 Zooplankton communities of Nilnag lake.
18. Miss. Muni Parveen Dr. A.R. Yousuf 1983 Rotifer and Cructacea in Nigeen Lake,
19. Mr. Mehraj-ud-Din Khan Dr. M. K. Raina 1983 Studies on some domestic ruminant
amphistomes in Kashmir.
20. Mr. M. Yaseen Dr. M. K. Raina 1983 Studies on the nematode parasites of some
vertebrates of Kashmir
21. Mr. Payara Lal Kaul Dr. M. K. Raina 1983 Studies on Neoechinorhynchus.

22. Mr. Harbajan Singh Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1983 Taxonomy and Morphology of some Cestode
parasites of vertebrates of Kashmir.
23. Mr. Rahul Kaul Dr. A. R. Khan 1983 Morphology & Taxonomy of some trematode
24. Mr .Mohd Amin Lone Dr. R. C. Bhagat 1983 Survey & Study of thrips (Thysanoptera:
Insecta) of Kashmir Valley, India.
25. Mr. Adil Rashid Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1983 Survey studies on Apis species in Kashmir
Naqash with reference to their pest and predators.
26. Ms. Ulfat Jan Dr. M. Y. Qadri 1983 Crustacean communities of Dal lake, Kashmir.

27. Mr. Kanwar Narayan Dr. M. K. Raina 1981 Studies on protozoan parasites of Fishes and
Amphibians in Kashmir.
28. Ms. Sushma Trisal Dr. A. Channa 1984 Histomorphlogy of the alimentary canal of
Labeo diplostomus.
29. Ms. Majidah Rashid Dr. R. L. Dhar 1985 Helminthological survey of fishes of Wular
30. Mr. Naseemul Gani Dr. M. K. Raina 1985 Helminth parasites of poultry in Kashmir

31. Ms. Rachna Saproo Dr. A. R. Khan 1985 Studies on fresh water protozoa in Kashmir.

32. Mr. Anil Kumar Pandit Dr. A. R. Khan & Dr. 1985 Some aspects of Biology of Embryonic
A. R. Yousuf development of Schizothorax niger.
33. Mr. Ramesh Koul Dr. D. N. Fotedar. 1985 Studies on the Nematode parasites of
34. Ms. Asmat Rasool Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1986 Survey and studies of parasitism of
columbiformes and galliform birds in Kashmir.
35. Ms. Rifat Abdullah. Dr. M. Z Chishti. 1986 Studies on the Parasites fauna of Passeriform
birds in Kashmir
36. Mr. Gh. Rasool Wani Dr. M.K. Raina 1986 Functional Anatomy of Reproductive System
of Crocidura.
37. Ms. Nek Parveen Dr. A. L. Dhar 1986 Fish parasites of Dal lake.

38. Mr. Sanjay Dhar Dr. R. L. Dhar 1986 Anoplocepalid cestodes of sheep

84 M Phil Degrees awarded by the Department

University of Kashmir

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

39. Ms. Minnie Jayashree Dr. R. L. Dhar 1986 Helminth parasitisation in fishes from river
40. Ms. Manju Gadru Dr. A. R. Khan 1986 Haematological studies of some of the fishes
of Kashmir valley.
41. Ms. Sanjogta Pandita Dr. A. Channa 1986 Studies on the urinogenital system of
42. Mr. S. M. Iqbal Dr. D.N. Fotedar 1987 Time Budget studies on Hangul.

43. Mr. Kursheed Ahmad Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1987 Survey and study of parasites of Bombyx mori
in Kashmir.
44. Ms. Anis Ramzan R. C. Bhagat 1987 Survey & studies on some scale insects
(Coccidae: Insecta) and their natural enemies
of Kashmir Valley.
45. Mr. Anil Kaul Dr. M. K.Raina 1987 Protozoan parasites of Kashmir.

46. Ms. Saroojini Raina Dr. Dildar 1987 Survey and studies on insect pests of
Graminaceous plants
47. Ms. Anjali Kaul R. K. Raina 1988 Studies on Protozoan parasites of some
invertebrates in Kashmir.
48. Ms. Anjana Tiku Dr. A.R. Yousuf & Dr. 1988 Species composition and Seasonal dynamics
D.P. Zutshi of Rotifers in Dal Lake.
49. Ms. Phoola Saraf Dr. R. L. Dhar 1988 On the histomorphology of two fish
50. Ms. Suneeta Gagroo Dr. A.R. Yousuf 1988 Ecology of Protozoa of Anchar lake.

51. Miss. Ravinder Kour Dr. M.K.Raina 1989 Entamoeba activity of Nitrominglindale—Effect
on Host
52. Mr. Fayaz Ahmed Dr. R.L. Dhar & Dr. A 1990 Trematode and Cestode parasites of fishes &
.R.Khan Birds of Nowgam Wetland.
53. Ms. Shafqat Ara Dr. R. L. Dhar & M. 1990 Nematode & Acanthocephalan parasites of
Bakshi Z. Chishti Fishes and Birds of Hokarsar.
54. Ms. Syed Tanveer Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1991 Studies on parasitism in Poultry Birds of
55. Ms. Shafqat Ara Khan Dr. A. R. Khan 1991 Studies on parasitisation of Bufo.

56. Mr. Peerzada M. Dr. R. L. Dhar 1991 Seasonal variation of fish helminthes of Wular
Yousuf lake.
57. Ms. Neelofer Ali Dr. A. R Khan 1991 Studies on the helminthes of vertebrates
Masoodi inhabiting Anchar lake Kashmir.
58. Ms. Gazala Firdous Dr. A. R. Yousuf 1991 Food & feeding habits of fishes of Manasbal.

59. Mr. Gulam Nabi Hajam Dr. A. Channa 1991 Anatomy and Histology of the Urinogenital
system of Nemachilus kashmiriensis.
Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 85
Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

60. Mr. Mir Nissar Ahmad Dr. R. C. Bhagat 1991 Studies on parasitoids (Aphidiidae:
Hymenoptera) Jammmu.
61. Ms. Romna Qazi Dr. A. R. Khan 1991 Detailed study of the helminths of family
62. Mr. Mohd. Shafi Bhat Dr. D. Ahmad & Dr. 1991 Trapping study of Alate Aphids (Insecta:
R .C. Bhagat Homoptera) of Kashmir Valley.
63. Mr. Nasser Farhan Dr. R. C. Bhagat 1991 Survey and studies on Insects damaging
some economically important trees of Kashmir
64. Ms. Zahida Mehraj Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1992 Occurence & Distribution of parasitic fauna in
the vertebrates of Leh in Jammu and Kashmir
65. Ms. Sayeeda Nisar Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1992 Survey and studies of parasites in different
vertebrates of district Kargil in J&K State.
66. Mr. Javid Hussain Dr. M. K. Raina 1992 Studies of Arthropod parasites of some
aquatic vertebrates in Kashmir.
67. Mr. Mustehsan Farooq Dr. G. M. Shah 1992 Breeding biology of little bittern-Ixobrychus
Fazili minutes in Kashmir.
68. Dr. Javid Ahmad Dr. Dildar Ahmad 1992 Preliminary Biological studies and control of
Darzi the Insect pests of forest trees in Kashmir.
69. Ms. Farhat Dr. A. R. Khan 1993 Acanthocephala of fishes and birds of
70. Mr. Shamim Ahmad Dr. G. M. Shah 1993 Food and Feeding habits of Dabbling ducks at
Dar. Hygam Wetland
71. Rubaya Rashid Qadri Dr. A. R. Yousuf 1994 Phytoplankton population in Dal Lake with
special reference to Plagettales.
72. Mr. Nazir Ahmad Lone Dr. A. Channa 1994 Histochemistry of stomach Intestine and liver
of Nemachilus kashmiriensis and
73. Ms. Seema Rashid Dr. R. C. Bhagat 1994 Observations on air-borne insects in Srinagar
Qureshi (Kashmir) utilizing colour traps-Sticky and
Water pan.
74. Ms. Tehmina Yousuf Dr. G. M. Shah 1994 Survey of macrozoobenthic community of
Hygam wetland Kashmir.
75. Mr. Javed A. Kaul Dr. A. R. Khan 1995 Prevalence of Giardiasis in Kindergarten
school children of Urban Kashmir.

76. Mr. Sheikh M. Saleem Dr. M. Z. Chishti 1995 Role of human papilloma virus in the etiology
of Oesophageal cancer.
77. Ms. Nasreen Malik Dr. A. R. Yousuf 1995 Feeding competition between Cyprinid fishes
inhabiting Dal lake Kashmir.
78. Mr. A. Ahad Bhuroo Dr. Dildar Ahmad 1995 Survey of household pests in Kashmir and
Bio-ecological studies on Gryllodes sigillatus.

86 M Phil Degrees awarded by the Department

University of Kashmir

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

79. Ms. Samina Yesvi Dr. G. M. Shah 1996 Studies on the breeding birds in the reed
swamp ecosystem at Hokarsar wetland
80. Mr. Tariq Ahmad Dr. R. C. Bhagat 1997 Survey and studies on some Aphidocolous
Matta ants and predator of Aphids in Kashmir valley.
81. Ms. Yasmeen Ali Dr. A. R. Khan & Dr. 1997 Biology and histopathology of some avian
M. Z. Chishti Echinostomes.
82. Mr. Ajaz Rasool Dr. M. N. Azim 1997 Taxonomic survey of Heteropterans bugs
attacking agricultural crops in Kashmir with
Biology of Some important species.
83. Mr. Tanveer Saleem Dr. A. R. Khan 1997 Biochemical polymorphism in the blood of
Kashmiri goats.
84. Mr. Shabir Ahmad Kar Dr. G. M. Shah & Dr. 1999 Study on Avian use of Haigam wetland,
Ulfat Jan Kashmir.
85. Mr. Mohd Afzal Dr. M. Z. Chishti 2000 Survey & study of Helminth parasites of
Ahanger indigenous carp Schizothorax niger of Jhelum
with Histopathology of some pathogens.
86. Ms. Khalida Hassan Dr. A. R. Yousuf & Dr. 2001 Impact of water characteristics on Benthos in
M. H. Balkhi some Kashmir Himalayan Lakes.
87. Mr. Hidayatullah Tak Dr. M.Z. Chishti & Dr. 2001 Prevalence & etiological studies of hydatid
A. G. Ahanger diseases of lungs in human population of
Kashmir Valley.
88. Ms. Huvida Jeelani Dr. A. R. Yousuf 2001 Food and feeding habits of Juvenile
Schizothorax niger Heckel.
89. Mr. Feroz Ahmad Dr. Abdul Baqui 2002 Hematological Biochemical & Serological
Shah studies on nematode infections in sheep.
90. Mr. Mehbool-ul- Dr. A. R. Khan & Dr. 2002 Environmental Factors affecting the dynamics
Hassan M. Z. Chishti of parasitic infection in fishes of Wular lake.
91. Mr. Mohd. Hassain Dr. R. C. Bhagat 2002 Role of Anthophilous insects of Kashmir in
Malik pollination of crops with reference to Bees
92. Ms. Nighat Jabeen Dr. A. R. Yousuf & Dr. 2002 Limnology of Telbal stream with special to
M. Z. Chishti bottom dwelling insect community.
93. Ms. Jahan Ara Dr. A. R. Khan & Dr. 2002 Histomorphology of some Helminth Parasites
Fayaz Ahmad of Fishes of River Jhelum.
94. Mr. Ashaq Hussain Dr. A. R. Khan & Dr. 2002 Comparative study of Parasitic Infection in
Rather Fayaz Ahmad Exotic & Indigenous species of Fishes in River
Jhelum & their Effect on Survival of Fishes.
95. Ms. Ulfat Jabeen Dr M .Z. Chishti & Dr. 2002 Microbial and Helminth Parasite of Fishes of
Fayaz Ahmad Wular Lake with their Pathology & Seasonal

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 87

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

96. Ms. Anjum Ansari Dr. M. Z. Chishti & Dr. 2003 Parasitology of Entomophyla of some
A. R. Khan Ruminants of Kashmir Valley.
97. Ms. Tabasum Shafat Dr. G. M. Shah 2003 Breeding Biology of Phesant –Tailed Jacana,
Kamili Hydrophasianus chirurgus at Hokarsar
Wetland Kashmir
98. Mr. Bashir Ahmad Mir Prof. G. M. Shah 2003 Water fowl- Habitat relationship at Wular lake.

99. Mr. Shabir Ahmad Prof. A. R. Khan 2003 Occurrence and distribution of Cestode and
acanthocephalan parasites of fishes of river
Jhelum and Anchar lake.
100. Ms. Abida Ahmed Mir Prof. M. Z. Chishti & 2004 Haematological Studies of some Helminth
Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Infected Fishes of Wular Lake.
101. Mr. Sajad Hussain Mir Dr. Abdul Baqui 2004 Excremental studies on the Alloxan- induced
Diabetes Mellitus in Rabbits.
102. Mr. Shahul Ahmad Prof. M. Z. Chishti 2004 Evaulation of Human Serum Alkaline
Kanth phosphates levels in Kashmir valley.
103. Mr.Tajamul Hussain Prof. A. R. Khan 2004 Incidence of parasites of domestic Swan of
Mir Kashmir and Histopathology of infected
104. Shabnam Aslam Prof. A. R. Khan 2004 Prevalence of Bothriocephalus infection in
fishes of Jhelum Riverine system.
105. Mr. Rifat H. Raina Prof. R. C. Bhagat 2004 Trapping study of Insects, attacking some
economically important Plants of Kashmir,
utilizing Light Traps
106. Mr. Ab. Majid Bhat Dr. M. Nayyar Azim 2004 Taxanomy and Biology of Coccinellid Beetles
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
107. Ms. Maqbool Fatima Dr. Fayaz Ahmad & 2005 Epidemiology of Dicrocoeliasis and
Dr. M .Z. Chishti Fascioliasis in Ruminants with their
108. Mr. Riyaz Ahmad Shah Dr M .Z. Chishti & 2005 Epidemiology, Biology and Pathogenicity of
Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Nematodes in the Ruminants of Kashmir
109. Mr. Ab. Majid Dar Dr. Syed Tanveer & 2005 Effect of Gastrointestinal Helminthiasis on
Prof. M. Z. Chishti some Haematological and Biochemical
Parameters in Poultry and Histopathology of
the organs infected
110. Mr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat Dr. G. Mustafa Shah 2005 Study on the Feeding Ecology and Habitat
use of Hangul Deer, Cervus elaphus hanglu
Wagner at Dachigam National Park Kashmir
111. Ms. Shazia B. Panzoo Prof. A. R. Khan & Dr. 2006 Studies on the effects of some ecological
Majidah Rashid factors on the Distribution, Abundance and
Dynamics of Helminth Parasites of Fishes in
Anchar Lake
112. Mr. Tasaduq Ahmad Dr. Muni Parveen 2006 Effect of Pollutants on the population
dynamics of Rotifera in Dal Lake Kashmir

88 M Phil Degrees awarded by the Department

University of Kashmir

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

113. Ms. Shazia Bashir Prof. A. R. Khan & Dr. 2007 Studies on the effects of some ecological
Majidah Rashid factors on the Distribution, Abundance &
Dynamics of Helminth Parasites of Fishes of
Anchar Lake
114. Mr. Mehraj Bashir Prof. G. M. Shah 2007 Study on the ecology of Kashmir Lizard:
Agama tuberculata Gray.
115. Mr. Javaid Hassan Prof. M. Z. Chishti 2009 Studies on Arthropod Parasites of some
Sheikh aquatic Vertebrates in Kashmir
116. Mr. Bashir Ahmad Lone Dr. Fayaz Ahmad & 2009 Gastrointestinal Helminths of Children and
Dr. Imtiyaz Ali their effects on Nutritional Status
117. Ms. Shaista Masarat Dr. Fayaz Ahmad 2009 Comparative study of Prevalence of
Cryptosporodiasis in Bovines and Humans in
118. Ms. Sumaira Nabi Prof. Ashok Channa 2009 A light and scanning Electron Microscopic
study of Alimentary canal of Glyptothorax
kashmirensis Hora
119. Ms. Zeenat Nisar Dr. Niamat Ali 2009 Genotoxicity testing of some commonly used
pesticides on local fishes
120. Mr. Mohd. Iqbal Dar Prof. M. Z. Chishti & 2009 Survey of Acari (Ticks & Mites) of Ruminants
Dr. M. Nayyar Azim with special reference to their Epidemiology
121. Mr. Shabir Ahmad Dar Dr. Fayaz Ahmad 2010 Helminth Parasites in Fishes of Ladakh

122. Mr. Aijaz Ahmad Bhat Dr. Ulfat Jan 2010 Effect of stocking density on blood glucose
hemoglobin, hematocrit and plasma
osmolarity of common carp Cyprinus carpio
123. Mr. Javaid Ahmad Prof. M. Z. Chishti & 2010 Helminth Parasites in Ruminants of Ladakh
Kuchay Dr. Fayaz Ahmad
124. Mr. Javid Ahmad Dar Dr. Syed Tanveer & 2010 Studies on Helminth Parasites of Corvus
Prof. M. Z. Chishti species of Kashmir
125. Ms. Farak Naaz Dr. A. A. Buhroo & 2010 Management of San Jose Scale
Dr. Nazir Ahmad Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comstock
Wani (Homoptera: Diaspididae) by the use of
mycopesticides on Apple in Kashmir
126. Mr. Farooq Ahmad Dr. A.A. Buhroo 2010 Studies of the bark and Pinhole beetles
Bhat (Scolytidae: Coleoptera) of the northwest
Himalaya with special reference to Kashmir
127. Mr. Reyaz Ahmad Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan 2010 Studies on the Biochemical Composition of
Ganie some selected Freshwater Fishes of Kashmir
128. Mr. Muzaffar Rasool Prof. M. Z. Chishti & 2011 Helminth Parasites in Ruminants of Jammu

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 89

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

Dr. Majidah Rashid

129. Ms. Shazia Rasool Prof. G. M. Shah & 2011 Heavy Metal contamination and Pollution in
Dr. Ulfat Jan Dal lake, Kashmir
130. Mr. Mehraj-ud-din Malik Dr. Md. Niamat Ali 2011 Study on Antimutagenic properties of Mentha
pipertia extract in Albino Mice
131. Ms. Muniza Jan Dr. Fayaz Ahmad & 2011 Haemoparasites of some Amphibians and
Prof. M. Z. Chishti aquatic Birds of Kashmir valley
132. Ms. Ibraq Khurshid Dr. Fayaz Ahmad 2011 Impact of Helminth Parasites on
Haematobiochemical Profile of Fishes and
Amphibians of Shallabugh wetland
133. Mr. Parvaiz Ahmad Dr. Muni Parveen & 2011 Management of elm bark beetle Scotylus
Dr. A. A. Buhroo kashmiriensis infesting elm trees (Ulmus
species) in Kashmir
134. Mr.Farooq Ahmad Prof. G. Mustafa 2011 Studies on influences of organophosphate
Shah & Prof. Ulfat pesticides on the reproductive activities of
Jan female common carp, Cyprinus carpio
135. Ms. Aliya Mehraj Dr. Muni Parveen 2012 Impact of macrophytic community on the
distribution of Zooplankton in Dal Lake
136. Ms. Shabnum Ara Dr. Fayaz Ahmad 2013 Isolation and Purification of Somatic Antigens
of Haemonchus contortus affecting Livestock
in Kashmir Valley
137. Mr. Tanveer Ahmad Dr. Fayaz Ahmad 2013 Karyotyping of Fish Cestode Parasite-
Sofi Bothriocephalus in Kashmir
138. Mr. Irfan ur Rouf Tak Dr. Fayaz Ahmad 2013 Electrophoretic behavior of Abomasal
nematodes of sheep of Kashmir Valley with
particular reference to Haemonchus contortus
and Ostartagia ostertagae
139. Ms. Shazia Ahad Dr. Syed Tanveer 2013 Comparative efficacy of extracts of some
medicinal mushrooms against Coccidiosis in
140. Mr. Shakeel Ahmad Dr. Hidayatullah Tak 2013 Epidemiological study of babesiosis,
Anaplamosis and Theileriosis in ruminants of
Kashmir valley
141. Mr. Aamir Maqbool Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan 2013 Effects of Dietary Protein levels on the growth,
Feed utilization and Biochemical parameters
of fresh water fish Cyprinus carpio var.
142. Ms. Nusrat Ara Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan 2013 Effects of Dietary Protein levelson the growth,
Feed utilization and Biochemical composition
of scale carp Cyprinus carpio communis
143. Ms. Sumaiya Athar Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan 2013 Studies on the seasonal changes in the
Haemato-Biochemical composition of the

90 M Phil Degrees awarded by the Department

University of Kashmir

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

native snow trout, Schizothorax curvifrons

144. Mr. M. Yousuf Hajam Dr. Hidayatullah 2013 Coccidiosis in Poultry chickens of Kashmir
145. Mr. Musrat Nizam Dr. Hidayatullah 2013 Haematological and Biochemical Studies of
Helminth Infected Goats In South Kashmir
146. Ms. Nazima Gul Dr. Hidayatullah 2013 Electrophoretic behaviour of proteins of
Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica
147. Mr. Mohd Shafi Bhat Dr. Muni Parveen 2013 Population dynamics of Genus Keratella in
Dal Lake Kashmir
148. Mr. M. Raashid Wani Prof. G. M. Shah & 2013 Avian diversity of Dachigam National Park
Prof. Ulfat Jan
149. Mr. Ummar Hassan Prof. G. M. Shah & 2013 Interaction of Hangul deer with livestock at
Prof. Ulfat Jan Dachigam National Park Kashmir
150. Mr. Zubair Ahmad Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan 2014 Studies on the seasonal variations in the
Sheikh hepatosomatic indices and Haemato-
Biochemical composition of the snow trout ,
Schizothorax niger (Heckel)
151. Abdul Lateef Khanday Dr. A. A. Buhroo 2014 Surveys and bionomics of the bark beetles
(scotylus Spp) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae:
Scolytinae) infesting elm trees in Kashmir
152. Samiullah Rather Dr. A. A. Buhroo 2014 Host selection behavior and bionomics of the
apple leaf miner Lyonetia clerkella Linn.
(Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) in Kashmir
153. Altaf Ahmad Dr. Hidayatullah 2014 Eimeriosis in small ruminants’ of Kashmir
154. Mr. Parvez A. Wani Dr. Tariq A. Wani 2014 On the bionomics of Acrida exaltata of
Kashmir Valley
155. Ms. Maqsooda Akhter Dr. Muni Parveen 2015 Change in the Cladoceran community
structure of Dal Lake with time (1984-2013)
156. Ms. Mudasir Jan Dr. Muni Parveen 2015 Studies on the ecology of Zooplankton in
Shallabugh wetland
157. Mr. Mir Tajamul Dr. Tariq A. Wani 2015 Bionomics of Oxy japonica of Kashmir Valley

158. Ms. Fahmeeda Akhter Dr. Tariq A. Wani 2015 Diversity & potential of Hymenopterous
insects (bees and wasps) as crop pollinators
159. Ms. Humera Imtiaz Dr. Mustahson F. 2015 Studies on Population Structure and
Fazili Reproductive Biology of Little Egret, Egretta
garzetta Linn. (Ciconoformes: Ardeidae) in
160. Ms. Raheela Mir Dr. Mustahson F. 2015 Studies on Population Dynamics and
Fazili Breeding Biology of Purple Moorhen

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 91

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

Sr. No.
Scholar’s Names Supervisor’s Names Year Title of the Dissertation

Porphyrio porphyrio Linn. (Gruiformes:

Rallodae) in Hokersar Wetland
161. Ms. Nighat- un- Nisa Prof. Fayaz Ahmad & 2016 Partial Purification of major Cestode specific
Dr. Nazir Ahmad proteins from Schizothoracine in Kulgam
water bodies
162. Razia Rasheed Dr. A. A. Buhroo 2016 Diversity of Coccinellid beetles (Coccinellidae:
Coleoptera) in South Kashmir with emphasis
on the Biology and Predatory Potential of
Predominant species
163. Ms. Iram Abdullah Dr. Hidayatullah Tak 2016 Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Protozoan
& Prof. Fayaz Ahmad Parasites among children in District Anantnag
164. Ms. Shazia Gull Dr. Tariq Ahmad 2016 Diversity of some economically important
insect pests in walnut orchids of Central
165. Ms. Uzma Niyaz Dr. Syed Tanveer 2016 Diversity of Acanthocephala in some aquatic
birds of Kashmir
166. Mr. Muzaffar Ahmad Dr. M. F. Fazili & Dr. 2017 Dietary Analysis and Parasitic infestation in
Hidayatullah Himalayan black bear (Ursus thibetanus) from
Kashmir Himalaya
167. Mr. Insha Yousuf Dr. A. A. Buhroo 2017 Aphidicidal activity of some plant extracts
against the rose aphid, Macrosiphum rosae
(Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)- a pest of
rosaceous crops
168. Mr. Gousul Nisa Dr. A. A. Buhroo 2017 Insecticidal activity of some plant extracts
against the army worm, Mythimna separate
Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)- a pest of
cereal crops
169. Ms. Shafaquat Nabi Dr. Syed Tanveer 2017 Prevalence of Helminth Parasites and their
impact on antioxidant status in some fish of
Nallah Sukhnag
170. Ms. Muniza Manzoor Prof. G. Mustafa 2017 Diversity and habitat ecology of riverine birds
Shah at Dachigam National Park with special
reference to white capped redstart
171. Ms. Nazia Khursheed Prof. G. Mustafa 2017 Assessment of anthropogenic pressure in and
Shah around Dachigam National Park
172. Ms. Kulsum Bhat Prof. G. Mustafa 2017 Diet assessment of common leopard
Shah (Panthera pardus) by scat analysis at
Dachigam National Park

92 M Phil Degrees awarded by the Department

University of Kashmir

List of Post Graduate Students in Zoology (Batch 1989 to 2017)

Session: 1989 6 1405 Nuzhat Arifa
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 7 1406 Nighat Jabeen
1 40 Sunita Nighan 8 1407 Shahnaz Daril
2 41 Gh. Rasool Bhat 9 1408 Shabir Ahmad Kar
3 42 Girya Kaul 10 1409 Aijaz Rasool Gami
4 43 Sunita Kaul 11 1410 Altaf Gowher Malik
5 44 Showket Hussain 12 1411 Ruby Kant
6 45 Ashima Bhan 13 1412 Roshan Gani
7 46 Ashiq Hussain 14 1413 Fayaz Ahmad Shah
8 47 Suman Lata 15 1414 Gazala Hussain Bukhari
9 48 Nazir Ahmad 16 1415 Zamir Ahmad
10 49 Imtiyaz Ali 17 1416 Munir Ahmad
11 50 Bashir Ahmad 18 1417 Novsheeda Farhan
12 51 Gurmeet Singh 19 1418 Ab. Rashid Mir
13 52 Jawahira Banu 20 1419 Fozia Tabasum
14 53 Rajinder Kaur 21 1420 Syed Naseem-Ul-Zaffar Geelani
15 54 Monita Khular 22 1421 Ab. Majid Tak
16 55 Jhumer Mandal 23 1422 Rashida Bashir
17 56 Imtiyaza Bhyhaqi 24 1423 Johar Ali
18 57 Krishna Kotedar 25 1424 Shabeena Rashid
19 58 Dilshada Akhter 26 1425 Sabi Shah
20 59 Ab. Rashid Bhat 27 1426 Irfan Jameela
21 60 Iftikhar Ahmad 28 1427 Bashir Ahmad Bhat
22 61 Shaista Masarat 29 1428 Sabi Jan
23 62 Misra Bano 30 1429 Bashir Ahmad Lone
24 63 Haroon Rashid 31 1430 Ilyas Hashim Mugloo
25 64 Shiekh Mohd. Saleem 32 1431 Ali Mohd. Mushki
26 65 Adfar Jan 33 1432 Sheikh Manzoor Ahmad
27 66 Mohd. Shafi 34 1433 Gh. Ahmad Dar
28 67 Mushtaq Ahmad Parrey 35 1434 Mohd. Yaqoob Gani
29 68 Tariq Ahmad Matta 36 1435 Gh. Mohd Lone
30 69 Manzoor Ahmad Ganai 37 1436 Gh. Ahmad Lone
31 70 Mohd. Ayub Thoker 38 1437 Sheikh Ishfaq Hussain
32 71 Yasmin Ali 39 1438 Aijaz Rehman Khan
33 72 Tariq Ahmad 40 1439 Nahida Nasreen
Session: 1991 41 1440 Mohd. Afzal Malik
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 42 1441 Jamal – Ud – Din
1 1400 Mohd. Ashraf Darzi 43 1442 Bashir Ahmad Wani
2 1401 Gowher Zamir 44 1443 Shaheena Nazir
3 1402 Mahjooba Gul 45 1444 Mahira Qadir
4 1403 Inayat Yasin 46 1445 Imtiyaz Ahmad Kababi
5 1404 Arifa Anjum 47 1446 Ab. Hamid Ahanger

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 93

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

48 1447 Miss Nighat Ahad 35 1485 Irfan Saleem

49 1448 Mohd. Maqbool Mir 36 1486 Saleema Bano
50 1449 Mohd. Maqbool Dar 37 1487 Razia Sultana
51 1450 Mohd. Saleem Bhat 38 1488 Shahida Nazir
52 1451 Manzoor Ahmad Bhat 39 1489 Musharia
53 1452 Rafiq Ahmad Shah 40 1490 Firdous Bano
54 1453 Farooq Mir 41 1491 Aijaz Hussain
55 1454 Zahoor Ahmad Qadri 42 1492 Andleeb Wani
56 1455 Manzoor Ahmad Qadri 43 1493 Jahan Ara
Session: 1992 44 1494 Samina Khan
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 45 1495 Nighat Sultan
1 1451 Sheikh Arshad Ayub 46 1496 Zahoor Ahmad Wani
2 1452 Gazala Zargar 47 1497 Munir Ahmad Wani
3 1453 Bilal Parvaiz 48 1498 Nazir Ahmad Parah
4 1454 Imtiyaz Ahmad 49 1499 Farooq Ahmad Sofi
5 1455 Sajad Hussain 50 1500 Gh. Mohd Mir
6 1456 Abdul Latif Najar 51 1501 Mohd Sultan Bhat
7 1457 Mohd. Sidiq Choo 52 1502 Shabir Ahmad Rather
8 1458 Tasleema Jan 53 1503 Rifat Akhter Bhat
9 1459 Arifa Bhat 54 1504 Yasmeena Hakeem
10 1460 Sakeena Jabeen 55 1505 Ab. Latif Khan
11 1461 Fozia Nazir 56 1506 Farooq Ahmad Katoo
12 1462 Sajid Nissar 57 1507 Maimoona Bano
13 1463 Bashir Ahmad Sheikh 58 1508 Javaid Ahmad Wani
14 1464 Gh. Mohi-Ud-Din Wani 59 1509 Kaiser Jan
15 1465 Neelofar Naaz 60 1510 Shaista Parveen
16 1466 Amir-Un-Nisa 61 1511 Waheeda Khan
17 1467 Mohd. Abdullah Bhat 62 1512 Rubina Akhter
18 1468 Khurshid Ahmad Dar 63 1513 Ab. Qayoom Dar
19 1469 Mahoor 64 1514 Shakeel Ahmad
20 1470 Aftab Ahmad Deva 65 1515 Mohd Iqbal Padder
21 1471 Najma Ara 66 1516 Syed Ather
22 1472 Mohd Sadiq 67 1517 Mushtaq Ahmad Parrey
23 1473 Nasreen Jan 68 1518 Farhat Rubia
24 1474 Shah – Ul Ahmad 69 1519 Ab. Rashid Rather
25 1475 Showkat Ahmad Shah 70 1520 Ab. Khaliq
26 1476 Gh. Qadir Zargar 71 1521 Peerzada Javaid
27 1477 Ghulam Ahmad Dar 72 1522 Manzoor Ahmad
28 1478 Mohd. Yousuf 73 1523 Ab. Majid Malla
29 1479 Mohd. Ramzan Thoker 74 1524 Gh. Nabi Mir
30 1480 Mohd. Afzal Ahanger 75 1525 Ab. Hamid Mir
31 1481 Sheikh Gazala 76 1526 Shabina Pattoo
32 1482 Shehnaz Andrabi 77 1527 Muzaffer Hussain
33 1483 Farooq Ahmad Dar 78 1528 Gh. Mohi-Ud-Din Dar
34 1484 Sabia Amin 79 1529 Mir Tanveer Ahmad

94 PG Students from Batch 1989 to 2017

University of Kashmir

80 1530 Ab. Rashid Alaie 24 1583 Javaid-Ul-Azam Dar

81 1531 Gh. Qadir Sheikh 25 1584 Mushtaq Ahmad Najar
82 1532 Shafqat Mehraj 26 1585 Nazir Ahmad Rather
83 1533 Feroz Ahmad Hurrah 27 1586 Javaid Hussain Bhat
84 1534 Syed Ali Abass Hussaini 28 1587 Javaid Ahmad
85 1535 Mohd. Yaqoob 29 1588 Amarjeet Singh
86 1536 Ranbir Singh Bali 30 1589 Mushtaq Ahmad Hajam
87 1537 Nazir Ahmad 31 1590 Parvaiz Sajad Sofi
88 1538 Gulzar Ahmad 32 1591 Manzoor Ahmad
89 1539 Tahira Akhter 33 1592 Gh. Nabi Bhat
90 1540 Asmat Ara 34 1593 Abdul Rashid Bhat
91 1541 Tariq Ahmad Bhat 35 1594 Abdul Gani Dar
92 1542 Tariq Ahmad Shah 36 1595 Abdul Rashid Bhat
93 1543 Mushtaq Ahmad Dar Session: 1995
94 1544 Inam-U-Rehman Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
95 1545 Mohd Arsalan Bhat 1 3301 Jahan Ara
96 1546 Javaid Ahmad Naikoo 2 3302 Mohd. Younis Malik
97 1547 Bashir Ahmad 3 3303 Javaid Ahmad Sofi
Session: 1993 4 3304 Ishtiyaq Ahmad Bhat
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 5 3305 Irfan Naseem Banday
1 1560 Sikendar Ahmad Mir 6 3306 Arshad Qadir
2 1561 Rabia Hussain 7 3307 Nasreen Gul
3 1562 Maheen Shawl 8 3308 Manzoor Ahmad Sheikh
4 1563 Farah Qayoom 9 3309 Mohd. Altaf Bhat
5 1564 Huvida Jeelani 10 3310 Fayaz Ahmad Wani
6 1565 Mehmood A. Shah 11 3311 Shabeena Hamid Mattoo
7 1566 Zeenat Jabeen 12 3312 Anjum Afshan
8 1567 Rubeena Akhter 13 3313 Sumaira Muzaffar
9 1568 Ishrat Maqbool Wani 14 3314 Darakshan Qayoom Banday
10 1569 Nusrat Yousuf 15 3315 Ajaz Ahmad Aijaz
11 1570 Nazir Ahmad Bandey 16 3316 Dar Shamim Ahmad Shariq
12 1571 Raeis Ahmad Reshi 17 3317 Sabahatt Tabasum
13 1572 Khalida Hussain 18 3318 Maheena Rasool
14 1573 Shabir Ahmad Shah 19 3319 Humaira Gani
15 1574 Showkat Ahmad Bhat 20 3320 Zubida Hakim
16 1575 Ishrat-Ul Nabi 21 3321 Shabir Nawab
17 1576 Sharief Ahmad Bhat 22 3322 Paramjeet Singh
18 1577 Aijaz Ahmad Aijaz 23 3323 Parvez Sajad
19 1578 Hidayatullah Tak 24 3324 Shabir Ahmad Wani
20 1579 Asima Aslam Buchh 25 3325 Nazir Ahmad Mir
21 1580 Gh. Rasool Ganai 26 3326 Parvez Sajad Shah
22 1581 Manzoor Ahmad Samoon 27 3327 Farooz Ahmad Bhat
23 1582 Shabir Ahmad Shabir 28 3328 Mohd. Afzal Bhat

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 95

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

29 3329 Riyaz Ahmad Chowdry Session: 1998

30 3330 Rabia Margoob Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
31 3331 Manzoor Ahmad Zaz 1 2151 Mohd. Amin Dar
32 3332 Najma Zehra Jalali 2 2152 Muzaffar Ahmad Shah
33 3333 Mashkoor Ahmad Khan 3 2153 Mohd. Shafi Rather
34 3334 Ranjit Kaur Bali 4 2154 Lubna Ahmed
35 3335 Nasir Hussain 5 2155 Rifat Sultan
36 3336 Ab. Hamid Shah 6 2156 Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat
Session: 1996 7 2157 Bilal Ahmad Bhat
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 8 2158 Ab. Lateef Khan
1 1201 Mehboobul Hassan Shah 9 2159 Sheema Jan
2 1202 Mashkoor Ahmad Khan 10 2160 Afroza Akhter
3 1203 Muzamil Bashir 11 2161 Liala Anjum Fazili
4 1204 Mehraj-Ud- Din Gagloo 12 2162 Pervaiz Iqbal Khan
5 1205 Rabia Rasool 13 2163 Gowher Rasool
6 1206 Tahira Nabi 14 2164 Javaid Ahmad Lone
7 1207 Mohd. Hussain Malik 15 2165 Samina Kounsar
8 1208 Sabina Hassan 16 2166 Mymuna Sultan
9 1209 Fayaz Ahmad Hella 17 2167 Pervaiz Ahmad Zargar
10 1210 Mohd. Maqbool Mir 18 2168 Aliya Ali
11 1211 Masrat Qadri 19 2169 Gazala Qadir
12 1212 Nayila Shafi 20 2170 Rayaz Ahmad Bhat
13 1213 Shabina Shamim 21 2171 Rifat Ara
14 1214 Rabiya Nayeem 22 2172 Syed Abid Hussain
15 1215 Ulfat Jabeen 23 2173 Nazir Ahmad Shah
16 1216 Reyaz Ahmad Shah 24 2174 Kaysar Nizam
17 1217 Ab. Rashid Najar 25 2175 Manzoor Ahmad Dar
18 1218 Farooq Ahmad Tantray 26 2176 Nisar Ahmad Bhat
19 1219 Gh. Mohd. Wani 27 2177 Wajeha Batool
20 1220 Feroz Ahmad Shah 28 2178 Ab. Rashid Mir
21 1221 Shafqat Rafiq 29 2179 Fayaz Ahmed Lone
22 1222 Hamid-Ullah Wani 30 2180 Mushtaq Ahmad Pandit
23 1223 Latief Ahmad Pandith 31 2181 Abdul Majid Bhat
24 1224 Syed Altaf Hussain 32 2182 Kulsoom Bhat
25 1225 Farooq Ahmad Iqbal Session: 1999
26 1226 Nazir Ahmad Hajam Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
27 1227 Asifa Qadri 1 4451 Naziya Amin
28 1228 Ashaq Hussain Rather 2 4452 Shafat Ahmad Farooqi
29 1229 Naseem Ahmad Tahir 3 4453 Rashid Ahmad Bhat
30 1230 Bashir Ahmad Mir 4 4454 Shabir Ahmad Shah
31 1231 Trilok Singh 5 4455 Anjum-Us-Sahar
32 1232 Altaf Tabasum Dar 6 4456 Shanam Aslam
33 1233 Shamim Ahmad Beg 7 4457 Shazia Khalid
34 1234 Gh. Mohd. Rather 8 4458 Afsha Zameer Bakshi
35 1235 Mohd. Ahsan Mir 9 4459 Fayaz Ahmad Najar

96 PG Students from Batch 1989 to 2017

University of Kashmir

10 4460 Nazima Zahoor Rizvi 16 6716 Shafia

11 4461 Nakeer Razak 17 6717 Mohd. Yousuf Bhat
12 4462 Syed Ishrat Latief 18 6718 Qumar-Un-Nisa
13 4463 Sameera Siraj 19 6719 Humaira Bashir
14 4464 Abida Ahmad Mir 20 6720 Rubeena Hamid
15 4465 Irfan Ahmad 21 6721 Arifa Nazir Anim
16 4466 Shazia Bashir Punjoo 22 6722 Rifat Hassan
17 4467 Feroze Ahmad Bhat 23 6723 Waseem Raja Malik
18 4468 Shaheen Iqbal Tahir 24 6724 Saima Bashir
19 4469 Dilafroza Akhter 25 6725 Gulzar Rashid Magray
20 4470 Shabir Ahmad Wani 26 6726 Mohd. Ashraf Najar
21 4471 Manzoor Ahmad Najar 27 6727 Bashir Ahmad Magray
22 4472 Aijaz Ahmad Qureshi 28 6728 Imtiyaz Ahmad Mir
23 4473 Fida Ahmad Bhat 29 6729 Maqbool Fatima
24 4474 Jaweed Ahmad Mir 30 6730 Dilgeer Mehdi
25 4475 Sonobar Gull 31 6731 Bilquees Zahira
26 4476 Mubashir Hussan Bhat 32 6732 Irshad Ahmad Ahanger
27 4477 Mushtaq Ahmad Ganie 33 6733 Abdul Rashid Bage
28 4478 Liyaqat Ali Boked 34 6734 Saima Bashir
29 4479 Bashir Ahmad Bhat 35 6735 Mohmad Anwar Wani
30 4480 Khalid Rasool Mir 36 6736 Manzoor Ahmad Mir
31 4481 Farooq Salam Gannie 37 6737 Tajamul Hussain Mir
32 4482 Gh. Mohi-Ud-Din Wagay 38 6738 Sabzar Ahmad Bhat
33 4483 Ghulam Ahmad Dar 39 6739 Rumysa Amin
34 4484 Zahoor Ahmad 40 6740 Shabnum Yaseen
35 4485 Mohammad Sayed 41 6741 Baeeda Younis
Session: 2000 42 6742 Shaheena
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student Session: 2001
1 6701 Mehraj Bashir Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
2 6702 Waseem Yousuf 1 1701 Najamul Nisa Jan
3 6703 Showkat Yousuf Beigh 2 1702 Mohd. Yaseen Bhat
4 6704 Mohd. Qasim Shah 3 1703 Rehana
5 6705 Saadat Hassan 4 1704 Showkat Ahmad Wani
6 6706 Nazia Dar 5 1705 Ajaz Ahmad
7 6707 Gowhar Maqbool 6 1706 Masrat Rashid
8 6708 Shabir Hussain Shah 7 1707 Mohd. Amin Bhat
9 6709 Sajad Husain Mir 8 1708 Parvaiz Ahmad Dar
10 6710 Abdul Majid Dar 9 1709 Nisar Ahmad Bhat
11 6711 Zameer Ahmad 10 1710 Javid Ahmad Wani
12 6712 Mohd. Saleem Bhat 11 1711 Zubair Ahmad Dar
13 6713 Atiyat-Ul-Qadoos 12 1712 Showkat Ahmad Baba
14 6714 Riyaz Ahmad Shah 13 1713 Sheikh Tanveer Salam
15 6715 Anjum Aziz Mir 14 1714 Asiya Magray

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 97

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

15 1715 Zahoor Ahmad Khanday 16 1766 Ruqaya Yousuf

16 1716 Mohd. Maqbool Malik 17 1767 Shaheena Akhter
17 1717 Shabir Ahmad Reshi 18 1768 Feroze Ahmad Dar
18 1718 Sajad Ahmad Shah 19 1769 Bilal Ahmad Lone
19 1719 Tariq Ahmad 20 1770 Gurjeet Singh
20 1720 Mohd. Iqbal Ganie 21 1771 Mohd. Ashraf Mir
21 1721 Fayaz Ahmad Ahanger 22 1772 Manzoor Ahmad Kumar
22 1722 Mohd. Yaseen Dar 23 1773 Gowhar Rasool
23 1723 Mohd. Ishaq 24 1774 Mohd. Younis Sheikh
24 1724 Mohd. Younis Lone 25 1775 Ajaz Ul Khalil Lone
25 1725 Sajad Ahmad Khan 26 1776 Ryhana Akhter
26 1726 Shafeeq Ahmad Shah 27 1777 Ishtiyaq Ahmad Akhoon
27 1727 Rukhsana Akhter 28 1778 Altaf Hussain
28 1728 Ronika Yousuf 29 1779 Ayesha Amin
29 1729 Shayoub Khatana 30 1780 Fahmida Rashid
30 1730 Javaid Ahmad Magray 31 1781 Shazia Bashir
31 1731 Shabir Hussain Rather 32 1782 Mohd. Lateef Ganie
32 1732 Nuzhat Habeeb 33 1783 Asia Gul
33 1733 Attar Singh 34 1784 Zahida Parveen
34 1734 Showkat Ahmad Parray 35 1785 Sheeba Tabasum
35 1735 Ronika Yousuf 36 1786 Ashiq Hussain Bhat
36 1736 Mukhtar Ahmad Wani 37 1787 Imtiyaz Hussain Mir
37 1737 Shabir Ahmad Zagoo 38 1788 Shabnam Khalid
38 1738 Hafeez-Ullah Bhat 39 1789 Gulafrooz Jan
39 1739 Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat 40 1790 Gh. Rasool Naik
40 1740 Humaira Amin Mufti 41 1791 Dilafroz
41 1741 Nusrat Rasool 42 1792 Jameena Akhter
42 1742 Shabir Ahmad Parray Session: 2003
Session: 2002 Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 1 9501 Zeenat Nisar
1 1751 Hilal Ahmad Ganie 2 9502 Saima Qureshi
2 1752 Suheel Ahmad Lone 3 9503 Gulzar Ahmad Dar
3 1753 Nissar Ahmad Bhat 4 9504 Rafee Jan
4 1754 Shabir Ahmad Bhat 5 9505 Bashir Ahmad Wani
5 1755 Farooq Ahmad Wani 6 9506 Farooq Ahmad Pir
6 1756 Nighat Jabeen 7 9507 Reyaz Ahmad Mir
7 1757 Humera Yousuf 8 9508 Mohmad Shafi Sheikh
8 1758 Nahida Akram 9 9509 Bashir Ahmad Lone
9 1759 Ijaz Ahmad Pir 10 9510 Bilal Ahmad Parrey
10 1760 Mohd. Rafiq Khanday 11 9511 Rubiya Jan
11 1761 Khurshid Ahmad Tariq 12 9512 Amtul Haseeb
12 1762 Ajaz Hassan Rather 13 9513 Gowhar Jan Mandoo
13 1763 Reyaz Ahmad Mir 14 9514 Mudasir Ahmad Dar
14 1764 Hilal Ahmad Mir 15 9515 Jummar Bashir
15 1765 Mushtaq Ahmad Tantray 16 9516 Latief Ahmad Dar

98 PG Students from Batch 1989 to 2017

University of Kashmir

17 9517 Farooq Ahmad Sofi 16 9566 Mohd. Muzaffar Dar

18 9518 Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat 17 9567 Waheeda Sultan
19 9519 Shabinah Gani 18 9568 Irfan Ahmad Badam
20 9520 Nissar Ahmad Darzi 19 9569 Anjum Ara
21 9521 Muzamil Ahmad Dar 20 9570 Shafia Lone
22 9522 Aijaz Ahmad Shah 21 9571 Nahida Bilques
23 9523 Mehnaz Aslam 22 9572 Shahnaz Ahmad Shad
24 9524 Aishaq Hussain 23 9573 Masrat Rasool
25 9525 Masood Ahmad Rather 24 9574 Muzaffar Rasool Mir
26 9526 Altaf Hussain 25 9575 Humairah Nazir Wani
27 9527 Javed Mohmad Iqbal 26 9576 Tahir Ahmad Khan
28 9528 Huma Fayaz 27 9577 Mudasir Mehraj
29 9529 Showkat Ahmad Najar 28 9578 Farak Naz Rasheed
30 9530 Javaid Hassan Sheikh 29 9579 Naseer Ahmad Bhat
31 9531 Irfan Afzal Khan 30 9580 Aeijaz Ahmad Bhat
32 9532 Eddi Shareif 31 9581 Majeeb-Ur-Rehman
33 9533 Javaid Ahmad Itoo 32 9582 Aftakhar Iqbal
34 9534 Jahanger Akhone 33 9583 Tafseera Akhter
35 9535 Altaf Ahmad Khan 34 9584 Feroze Ahmad Mir
36 9536 Mohmad Iqbal Dar 35 9585 Aijaz Ahmad Lone
37 9537 Asifa Jeelani Misgar 36 9586 Iram Khurshid
38 9538 Sumaira Nabi 37 9587 Mohd. Yousuf Paray
39 9539 Nighat Parveen 38 9588 Sabiya Rashid
40 9540 Javid Iqbal 39 9589 Mohd. Maqbool Dar
41 9541 Roshan Ara 40 9590 Shugufta Rasool
42 9542 Tanveer Ahmad Budroo 41 9591 Farooq Ahmad Bhat
Session: 2004 42 9592 Maroof Nazir
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 43 9593 Saima Maqsood
1 9551 Parvaze Ahmad 44 9594 Nazir Ahmad Khan
2 9552 Sheikh Abdul Majid 45 9595 Parvez Ahmad Shah
3 9553 Javid Ahmad Kucha 46 9596 Sharief-Ud-Din Dar
4 9554 Aijaz Ahmad Bhat 47 9597 Reyaz Ahmad Mattoo
5 9555 Mehnaz Makhdoomi Session: 2005
6 9556 Rahila Kounser Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
7 9557 Akhter Rasool 1 1951 Imran Mustafa Malik
8 9558 Shabir Ahmad Dar 2 1952 Rabiya War
9 9559 Shazia Majeed 3 1953 Sabreena Shah
10 9560 Shazia Rasool 4 1954 Irfan Gul
11 9561 Farnaz Nazir 5 1955 Mohd. Iqbal Mir
12 9562 Javid Ahmad Dar 6 1956 Farooq Ahmad Ganie
13 9563 Firdous Ahmad 7 1957 Nafisa Akhter
14 9564 Ruby Jan 8 1958 Altaf Hussain
15 9565 Riyaz Ahmad Khan 9 1959 Attaullah Lone

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 99

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

10 1960 Amina John 5 11705 Abid Hussain Shah

11 1961 Tariq Syed Qureshi 6 11706 Aasima Tahir
12 1962 Hameem Gul 7 11707 Fayaz Ahmad Mir
13 1963 Farooq Ahmad Mir 8 11708 Fozia Bashir
14 1964 Humira 9 11709 Waseem Amin Mir
15 1965 Mohd. Shuaib Ganai 10 11710 Aijaz Ahmad Wachkoo
16 1966 Rafiya Sayeed 11 11711 Aliya Mehraj
17 1967 Mehraj-Ud-Din Malik
12 11712 Mudasir Ahmad Bhat
18 1968 Shams-Ul Haq
13 11713 Areena Hamid
19 1969 Umar Rashid Zargar
14 11714 Summayya Nazir
20 1970 Nowneet Kaur Reen
15 11715 Maqsooda Akhter
21 1971 Nuzhat Shahi
22 1972 Tariq Ahmad Bhat 16 11716 Parvaiz Ahmad Khan
23 1973 Supinder Kour 17 11717 Yasmeena Afzal
24 1974 Javid Ahmad Ahanger 18 11718 Gulshan Akhter
25 1975 Mohd. Yaqoob Wani 19 11719 Shahid Ali
26 1976 Asifa Jan 20 11720 Neelofar Majid
27 1977 Javaid Ahmad Dar 21 11721 Bilal Ahmad Wani
28 1978 Wakeel Ahmad Khanday 22 11722 Amara Naseem
29 1979 Rafiya Qadri 23 11723 Aeijaz Ahmad Bhat
30 1980 Shagufta Rahim 24 11724 Mohd. Yousuf Hajam
31 1981 Farooq Ahmad Bhat 25 11725 Nazir Ahmad Khanday
32 1982 Muniza Jan 26 11726 Jaffer Hussain
33 1983 Parveez Ahmad Bhat 27 11727 Aftab Ahmad Khan
34 1984 Gulzar Ahmad Para 28 11728 Mudaser Nissar Magrey
35 1985 Hamid-Ullah Bhat 29 11729 Nayer Hussain
36 1986 Shabir Ahmad Shah
30 11730 Abdul Rasheed War
37 1987 Zahoor Ahmad Hamdani
31 11731 Maqsooda Akhtar
38 1988 Taskeena Akhter
32 11732 Younus Ahmad Deeded
39 1989 Himnu Gani
33 11733 Ibraq Khurshid
40 1990 Javeed Ahmad Turey
41 1991 Samee Ullah Wani 34 11734 Riyaz Ahmad Lone
42 1992 Amaan Ullah Tantray 35 11735 Altaf Hussain Malik
43 1993 Nazima Nabi 36 11736 Nazir Ahmad Masoodi
44 1994 Mehraj-Ud-Din Bhat 37 11737 Faziullah Malik
45 1995 Malik Zahid 38 11738 Bilal Ahmad Dar
46 1996 Sajad Hussain Paray 39 11739 Nisar Ahmad Bhat
47 1997 Abdul Majid Tak 40 11740 Sumaira Habib
48 1998 Mohd. Yousuf Parray 41 11741 Tanzeel Rafiqi
Session: 2006 42 11742 Shaila Maqsood
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 43 11743 Altaf Hussain
1 11701 Mubashir Maqbool 44 11744 Reyaz Ahmad Ganie
2 11702 Hilal Ahmad Dar 45 11745 Sofi Asif Rashid
3 11703 Sayar Ahmad Hajam 46 11746 Jameela Jawher
4 11704 Rafique Ahmad Haroo 47 11747 Gurdeep Singh Bali

100 PG Students from Batch 1989 to 2017

University of Kashmir

Session: 2007 41 9741 Fayaz Ahmad Parray

Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 42 9742 Jammal Hussain
1 9701 Jan Mohd. Dar 43 9743 Fayaz Ahmad Lone
2 9702 Nadeem Ahmad Sheikh 44 9744 Owais Muzamil
3 9703 Saika Ibrahim Ganai 45 9745 Shah Tawseefa Alam
4 9704 Shakeel Ahmad Rather 46 9746 Maksood Ahmad Najar
5 9705 Ajaz Ahmad 47 9747 Sartaj Ahmad Bhat
6 9706 Gowher Hussain Mir Session: 2008
7 9707 Muzamil Nabi Bhat Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
8 9708 Irfan Manzoor 1 1001 Arshad Hussain Shah
9 9709 Javaid Ahmad Kumar 2 1002 Yasmeena Yaqoub
10 9710 Towhida Kowsar 3 1003 Owais Farooq Mir
11 9711 Sheikh Enayattullah 4 1004 Bashir Ahmad Allie
12 9712 Tahir Ahmad Magray 5 1005 Ayed Anjum Afshan
13 9713 Muneera Jan 6 1006 Abdul Muneeb Dar
14 9714 Ummar Hassan Bhat 7 1007 Ishrat Yousuf
15 9715 Abdul Majeed Rather 8 1008 Afreena Hassan
16 9716 Khurseed Ahmad 9 1009 Sumaiya Athar
17 9717 Iram Nazir 10 1010 Altaf Ahmad Reshi
18 9718 Shabnum Ara 11 1011 Suhail Rashid Mir
19 9719 Gh. Nabi Bhat 12 1012 Shahida Hassan
20 9720 Gazanfar Mukhtar 13 1013 Waheed-Ul-Rashid
21 9721 Mohd. Ishaq Reshi 14 1014 Mohd. Yousuf Paray
22 9722 Mohd. Raashid Wani 15 1015 Gousia Nazir
23 9723 Zahoor Ahmad Lone 16 1016 Saima Bashir
24 9724 Arshid Manzoor 17 1017 Tawheed Ahmad
25 9725 Syed Gousia Nisar 18 1018 Saleem Mushtaq
26 9726 Zahid Yousuf 19 1019 Nusrat Ara
27 9727 Showkat Ahmad Dar 20 1020 Pervaiz Ahmad
28 9728 Mushtaq Ahmad Wani 21 1021 Shazia Hassan
29 9729 Tariq Ahmad Bhat 22 1022 Roof Ahmad Sofi
30 9730 Javaid Ahmad Reshi 23 1023 Farooq Ahmad Dar
31 9731 Sajad Ahmad Mir 24 1024 Mohammad Iqbal Teeli
32 9732 Tahila 25 1025 Rameez Mushtaq
33 9733 Sumia Mehnaz Ali 26 1026 Mohd. Abbas
34 9734 Mohd. Sultan Bhat 27 1027 Saima Shafi
35 9735 Raheela Aslam 28 1028 Showkat Ahmad Khan
36 9736 Sawjid Habib Bhat 29 1029 Mohd. Safeer
37 9737 Gulzar Ahmad Bhat 30 1030 Mohd. Yassin
38 9738 Saima Liyaqat Hussain 31 1031 Tanveer Shafi Wani
39 9739 Gousia Gulzar 32 1032 Asima Ali
40 9740 Firdous Ahmad Pir 33 1033 Afreed Rasool

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 101

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

34 1034 Muzaffar Ahmad Parray 29 3579 Mohd. Altaf Tantray

35 1035 Shabir Ahmad 30 3580 Shakeel Ahmad Sheikh
36 1036 Musaddiq Hussain 31 3581 Fayaz Ahmad Shah
37 1037 Zaffar Rais Mir 32 3582 Gulshan Bano
38 1038 Iram Ahad 33 3583 Mohd. Ibrahim
39 1039 Binish Farooq 34 3584 Nelofar Kousar Afridi
40 1040 Tanveer Ahmad Sofi 35 3585 Shabeena Nazir
41 1041 Sheikh Sajad 36 3586 Kysar Ahmad Bhat
42 1042 Shabnum Gul 37 3587 Touseef Ahmad Malik
43 1043 Showkat Ahmad Dar 38 3588 Akhlas Ahmad Bhat
44 1044 Rifath Maqbool 39 3589 Nazia Rehman
45 1045 Sumeera Jan 40 3590 Raheela Mir
46 1046 Rafiya Hassan Qadri 41 3591 Snober Shah
47 1047 Humaira Shafi 42 3592 Shamima Akhter
Session: 2009 43 3593 Mohd. Maqbool Mir
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 44 3594 Gh. Hassan Lone
1 3551 Shaista Nazir 45 3595 Mohd. Amin Bhat
2 3552 Rafia Rehman 46 3596 Tauseef Ahmad Malik
3 3553 Aishaq Hussain Lone 47 3597 Tahira Tabasum
4 3554 Nusrat Ul Amin 48 3598 Masrat Nizam
5 3555 Aishaq Hussain Lone 49 3599 Nighat Un Nissa
6 3556 Towseef Ahmad Tantray 50 3600 Nadeem Ul Samad
7 3557 Nazima Gul 51 3601 Parvaiz Ahmad Wani
8 3558 Jehangir Shafi Dar 52 3602 Humera Imtiyaz
9 3559 Nisar Ahmad Wani 53 3603 Masarat Jan
10 3560 Javaid Ahmad Ahanger 54 3604 Mubashir Ahmad Ganie
11 3561 Gousia Muzaffar 55 3605 Mymoona Javid
12 3562 Mir Tajamul 56 3606 Nayeem Sultan
13 3563 Asif Nabi 57 3607 Ruqqya Manzoor
14 3564 Ishtiyaq Ahmad 58 3608 Irfan Ur Rauf Tak
15 3565 Fehmeeda Akhter 59 3609 Mumtaza Qadir
16 3566 Shazia Ahad 60 3610 Yasmin Ali
17 3567 Sajad Ahmad Bhat 61 3611 Rehana Nabi
18 3568 Asia Rashid Session: 2010
19 3569 Qamer Arif Shah Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
20 3570 Sumira Maqbool 1 14801 Mudasir Ahmad Sheikh
21 3571 Mir Bilal 2 14802 Shabnam Gulzar
22 3572 Firdous Mohd Bhat 3 14803 Zahid Ahmad Wani
23 3573 Imtiyaz Ahmad Malla 4 14804 Mudasir Jan
24 3574 Tabasum Akhter 5 14805 Shahida Mustafa
25 3575 Ajaz Ahmad Wani 6 14806 Snowber Ashraf
26 3576 Ishtyaq Hussain Sheikh 7 14807 Abida Khan
27 3577 Nasir Ahmad Sheikh 8 14808 Shabnam Azhar
28 3578 Zahida Javid 9 14809 Tahira Akhter

102 PG Students from Batch 1989 to 2017

University of Kashmir

10 14810 Abid Rashid Mir 52 14852 Somina Majid

11 14811 Sabreen Quyoom 53 14853 Nazima Rashid
12 14812 Gousia Rashid 54 14854 Towseef Nazir Wagay
13 14813 Sheikh Mohammad Asif 55 14855 Zahoor Ahmad Bhat
14 14814 Jamsheed Ahmad Mir 56 14856 Towseef Mohd. Sofi
15 14815 Raihana Bashir 57 14857 Bisma Hamid
16 14816 Junaid Amin Bhat Session: 2011
17 14817 Sumara Amin Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
18 14818 Ajaz Ahmad Magray 1 32601 Suhail Ahmad Dar
19 14819 Shaista Parveen 2 32602 Uzma Niyaz
20 14820 Mohd. Ashraf 3 32603 Fayaz Hussain Mir(Net)
21 14821 Ishrat Jan 4 32604 Shafquat Nabi
22 14822 Mohd. Maqbool Reshi 5 32605 Omaiza Jan
23 14823 Rasiya Liyaqat 6 32606 Hilal Ahmad Dar
24 14824 Kounser Altaf 7 32607 Iram Abdullah(Jrf)
25 14825 Masrat Jan 8 32608 Masrat Jabeen
26 14826 Aaishia Shabir 9 32609 Mohd. Iqbal Zargar
27 14827 Mubeena Akhter 10 32610 Irfat Nazir
28 14828 Bilal Ahmad Bhat 11 32611 Nafee Maqbool (Jrf)
29 14829 Asif Ahmad Kamgar 12 32612 Ishana Qadir
30 14830 Suhail Ahmad Dar 13 32613 Insha Yousuf
31 14831 Rafiya Shabir 14 32614 Riyes Un Aziz
32 14832 Gh. Mohd. 15 32615 Shazia Gani
33 14833 Kaniz Fatima 16 32616 Sheeraz Ahmad Mir
34 14834 Tahir Iqbal Najar 17 32617 Shaziya Gull
35 14835 Uzma Farooq 18 32618 Reeshma Bilal
36 14836 Murtaza Saleem Makhdoomi 19 32619 Mehraj Ud Din Bhat
37 14837 Falak Mushtaq 20 32620 Rouf Ahmad Bhat
38 14838 Ishtiyaq Ahmad Samoon 21 32621 Kawsar Ahmad Mir
39 14839 Syed Mohammad Abas Andrabi 22 32622 Zaibun Nisa
40 14840 Rabiya Rashid 23 32623 Safiya Majid
41 14841 Zeeshan Akhber 24 32624 Ghulam Rasool
42 14842 Mohd. Farooq Dar 25 32625 Showkat Ahmad
43 14843 Manzoor Ahmad Khatana 26 32626 Waseem Hassan Dar
44 14844 Manzoor Ahmad Sheikh 27 32627 Wahid Hussain(Jrf)
45 14845 Ali Mohd. Bhat 28 32628 Mir Adil Habib
46 14846 Rais Ahmad Mir 29 32629 Deen Mohammad Shah
47 14847 Muzamil Sadiq 30 32630 Razia Rasheed
48 14848 Sabeena Ahad 31 32631 Mehraj Ud Din Shah
49 14849 Naseer-U-Din 32 32632 Sadaf Hafiz
50 14850 Sumaira Dar 33 32633 Mohd. Muzafar Sheikh(Jrf)
51 14851 Bilquees Akhter 34 32634 Gousal Nisa

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 103

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

35 32635 Zameer Ahmad Bhat 20 00020 Yusra Ashraf

36 32636 Aamir Majeed (Jrf) 21 00021 Rafiq Mushtaq
37 32637 Jahangeer Ahmad 22 00022 Raiees Raja
38 32638 Nuzhat Maqbool 23 00023 Maroful Nisa
39 32639 Aamir Syeed Masoodi 24 00024 Gousia Jeelani
40 32640 Syed Khalida Irshad 25 00025 Waseem Khan
41 32641 Saima Bashir 26 00026 Aajaz Ahmad Mir
42 32642 Farooq Ahmad Sheikh 27 00027 Tawsif Ahmad Shah
43 32643 Gh. Mohd Wani 28 00028 Iqra Qayoom
44 32644 Muniza Manzoor 29 00029 Rouf Ahmad Shah
45 32645 Kulsum Ahmad Bhat 30 00030 Qasim Afzal Dar
46 32646 Nazia Khursheed 31 00031 Mehboob Ali
47 32647 Tawheeda Gull 32 00032 Syed Altaf Hussain Shah
48 32648 Rumana Bashir 33 00033 Owais Hussain Gojre
49 32649 Sharika Ashraf 34 00034 Younus Mohd. Tilwani
50 32650 Aadil Hamid Shah 35 00035 Ameerun Nisa
51 32651 Ishfaq Nazir Wani 36 00036 Kifayat Ali
52 32652 Syed Ruheela 37 00037 Mehraj Ud Din Bhat
53 32653 Towseef Hassan 38 00038 Zahoor Ahmad
54 32654 Nazir Ahmad Wani 39 00039 Iqram Ul Haq
55 32655 Uzma Bashir 40 00040 Aqib Rehman Majray
56 32656 Aftab Ahmad Yatoo 41 00041 Iram Manzoor
57 32657 Khursheed Ahmad 42 00042 Sofi Rayees Ahmad
Session: 2012 43 00043 Ishtiyaq Ahmad Khan
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 44 00044 Mohd. Ashraf Khanday
1 00001 Sabahat Fida 45 00045 Aasif Iqbal Shah
2 00002 Mukhtar Ahmad Zargar 46 00046 Toyeeba Hassan Mir
3 00003 Iqra Ashraf 47 00047 Uzma Shabir
4 00004 Syeed Umar Shah 48 00048 Aaqib Ahmad Naikoo
5 00005 Bazila Javid 49 00049 Shahnaz Manzoor
6 00006 Asma Majid 50 00050 Tabasum Jan
7 00007 Rayees Ahmad Wani 51 00051 R.M.Zubair
8 00008 Mohammad Yasir Arafat 52 00052 Masarat Rehman
9 00009 Eliyas Shafiq Bhat 53 00053 Gulam Geelani Dar
10 00010 Jahangeer Ahmad Dar 54 00054 Nazima Nabi
11 00011 Shamsul Mushtaq 55 00055 Umer Aasan
12 00012 Azra Bashir 56 00056 Shagufta Jan
13 00013 Muzamil Bashir 57 00057 Anjum Afshan
14 00014 Humera Yusuf Session: 2013
15 00015 Mukhtar Ahmad Paray Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
16 00016 Sabeeha Rehman 1 00001 Nadeem Ahmad Dar
17 00017 Mohd. Adil Nanwaye 2 00002 Owais Rahi
18 00018 Quseen Mushtaq Reshi 3 00003 Showkat Ahmad Bhat
19 00019 Yawar Hussain Parra 4 00004 Zahida Bhat

104 PG Students from Batch 1989 to 2017

University of Kashmir

5 00005 Arif Hussain Khan 47 00047 Sajad Ahmad Dar

6 00006 Sajad Ahmad Lone 48 00048 Farheen Saba
7 00007 Kousar Jan 49 00049 Imran Ali
8 00008 Syed Mohammad Irfan 50 00050 Ishrat Abdullah
9 00009 Abdul Rouf Sheikh 51 00051 Saima Andrabi
10 00010 Yasmeena Rehman 52 00052 Qurrat Ul Ain
11 00011 Bilkees Nazir 53 00053 Athar Yaseen
12 00012 Fouqiyah Jan 54 00054 Saiqa Yousuf
13 00013 Hameem Mushtaq 55 00055 Basharat Hussain
14 00014 Bilal Ahmad Wani 56 00056 Yasmeen Jan
15 00015 John Mohammad Najar 57 00057 Anosh Ali
16 00016 Imtiyaz Ahmad Khan Session: 2014
17 00017 Arizoo Hamid Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
18 00018 Raqiba Rashid 1 19001 Mir Junaid Hassan
19 00019 Malik Mohd Amir 2 19002 Maajid Mehraj Bandh
20 00020 Shujah Khaliq Dar 3 19003 Rukhsana Akhter
21 00021 Adil Ahmad Peer 4 19004 Zahida Bano
22 00022 Aamir Suhail 5 19005 Humira Rashid Khan
23 00023 Aniqa Ahad 6 19006 Saima Jan
24 00024 Naveed Ul Islam 7 19007 Parveena Firdous
25 00025 Younis Ahmad Dar 8 19008 Ishfaq Yousuf Dar
26 00026 Afshana Jeelani 9 19009 Aamir Hamid
27 00027 Tanveer Ahmad Dar 10 19010 Mir Owais Ayaz
28 00028 Gousia Javid 11 19011 Suhail Sanober
29 00029 Nazia Parveen 12 19012 Irshad Ahmad Kathoo
30 00030 Roshan Ara 13 19013 Summaia Farooq
31 00031 Ishfaq Shafi Khan 14 19014 Ishrat Ara
32 00032 Mariya Hyder 15 19015 Shabir Ahmad Bhat
33 00033 Gh Mustafa Magrey 16 19016 Tehmeena Gani
34 00034 Naheeda Rehman 17 19017 Rafia Jan
35 00035 Raiees Ahmad Khan 18 19018 Archo Zakiya
36 00036 Sameer Gani Rather 19 19019 Sajad Ahmad Ganaie
37 00037 Mohd Ishaq 20 19020 Faiza Farooq
38 00038 Snober Bashir Mir 21 19021 Javid Ahmad Dar
39 00039 Javid Maqbool Wani 22 19022 Abrar Ahmad Bhat
40 00040 Rubina Chachie 23 19023 Sumaya Mehraj
41 00041 Saleem Ahmad Mir 24 19024 Saiqa Saleem
42 00042 Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat 25 19025 Iqra Gulzar
43 00043 Mohd Iqbal Lone 26 19026 Ummar Ahmad Lone
44 00044 Irfan Hussain Dar 27 19027 Ishfaq Gull
45 00045 Hilal Ahmad Raina 28 19028 Farhana Shameem
46 00046 Umer Hameed 29 19029 Aiyaz Ahmad Mantoo

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 105

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

30 19030 Jigmet Zazai 14 19014 Zakir Hussain Najar

31 19031 Mohd. Murtaza 15 19015 Iqram Altaf Zargar
32 19032 Ghulam Mehdi 16 19016 Ishaq Bashir Wani
33 19033 Sareer Ahmad Hajam 17 19017 Shafat Ahmad Dar
34 19034 Rehana Sidiq 18 19018 Ashaq Sultan Dar
35 19035 Mehr-Ul-Nisa Mir 19 19019 Nisar Ahmad Paray
36 19036 Nahida Kounser 20 19020 Firdousa Rasool
37 19037 Tavesif Bashir 21 19021 Shafia Jan
38 19038 Parveena Akhter 22 19022 Aanab Jan
39 19039 Imtayaz Ahmad Paswal 23 19023 Aadil Hussain Bhat
40 19040 Sameer Ahmad Dar 24 19024 Sumira Sajad
41 19041 Musrat Yaqoob 25 19025 Sinan Nissar
42 19042 Zahoor Ahmad Khaki 26 19026 Fatima Yaqoob
43 19043 Bashir Ahmad Pir 27 19027 Aaqiba Rashid
44 19044 Farooq Ahmad Sofi 28 19028 Aqsa Altaf
45 19045 Hilal Ahmad Shah 29 19029 Junaid Ahmad Hakim
46 19046 Rasy Fayaz Choh Wani 30 19030 Shaista Farooq
47 19047 Tawseef Ahmad Bhat 31 19031 Sajid Younis
48 19048 Nibras 32 19032 Sameena Manzoor
49 19049 Sawyema-Ul-Nisa 33 19033 Rameez Raja Hajam
50 19050 Sabia Sareer 34 19034 Owais Akbar
51 19051 Aamir Hussain Bhat 35 19035 Mohd Maqbool Chopan
52 19052 Sheema Tabasum 36 19036 Irfan Mohammad Ganayee
53 19053 Sahila Ayoub Sheikh 37 19037 Tariq Iqbal
54 19054 Sumaya Shafi 38 19038 Ummaya Zahoor
55 19055 Bilal Ahmad Yatoo 39 19039 Benifsha Farooq
56 19056 Navid-Ul-Haq 40 19040 Firdous Ahmad Lone
57 19057 Peerzada Sajad Hussain 41 19041 Iram Amanat Amin
58 19058 Mehnoosh 42 19042 Sheikh Suheel
Session: 2015 43 19043 Villayat Ali
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 44 19044 Showket Ali
1 19001 Nowshad Anjum Mir 45 19045 Jahangir Ahmad Shah
2 19002 Rumaisa 46 19046 Shazia Qurat Ul Aien
3 19003 Manzoor Ahmad Mir 47 19047 Shaheen Majeed Wani
4 19004 Sabreena Yousuf 48 19048 Arifa Jan
5 19005 Ishrat Akbar 49 19049 Mohd Mansoor Malla
6 19006 Rayees Ahmad Dar 50 19050 Fozia Akhter
7 19007 Najeebul Tarfeen 51 19051 Uzma Naseer
8 19008 Mearaj Ud Din Bhat 52 19052 Mehvish Afzah
9 19009 Nahida Ashraf Rather 53 19053 Shazia Asif
10 19010 Shafia Hassan 54 19054 Suheel Sajad Malik
11 19011 Shabir Ahmad Bhat 55 19055 Sheikh Rabiya Nabi
12 19012 Shaista Farooq 56 19056 Basharat Hussain Ganie
13 19013 Wasim Muzamil Dass 57 19057 Tariq Ahmad Sheikh

106 PG Students from Batch 1989 to 2017

University of Kashmir

Session: 2016 (1st Shift) 41 16061119045 Mohd Manzar Sayal

Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 42 16061119046 Sadam Hussain Parray
1 16061119001 Mohd Aamir Malik 43 16061119047 Tabasum Yousuf
2 16061119002 Fayiza Tabasum 44 16061119048 Aneela Nisar
3 16061119003 Nawreena Nisar 45 16061119049 Taiba
4 16061119005 Uzma Dawood 46 16061119050 Murawat Rashid
5 16061119006 Shahid Ahmad Shah 47 16061119051 Ishrat Mushtaq
6 16061119007 Aabiru Hamid 48 16061119052 Umer Majeed
7 16061119008 Sabia Altaf 49 16061119053 Tanveer Ahmad
8 16061119009 Rockey Koul 50 16061119054 Kashief Kaleem
9 16061119010 Naseer Ahmad Wani 51 16061119055 Shazia Shafayat
10 16061119011 Sameer Ahmad Dar 52 16061119056 Shaista Javaid
11 16061119012 Zubair Ahmad Teli 53 16061119057 Nayeem Ahmad
12 16061119013 Mir Haris Bin Yasin 54 16061119058 Shagufta Iqbal
13 16061119014 Saim Un Nisa 55 16061119059 Sabreena Hamid
14 16061119015 Nisheet Zehbi 56 16061119060 Syed Nighat Bukhari
15 16061119016 Shabir Ahmad Mir Session: 2016 (2nd Shift)
16 16061119017 Ghulam Mohmed Lone Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student
17 16061119018 Abid Hussain Bhat 1 16061419002 Adnan Ayaz
18 16061119019 Sumi Jan 2 16061419003 Abdul Muneeb
19 16061119020 Yousf Ibni Rasool 3 16061419004 Rohi Sultan
20 16061119022 Bazila Rafiq 4 16061419005 Saleem Farooq
21 16061119023 Farah Mushtaq 5 16061419006 Shaista Mushtaq
22 16061119024 Tashook Ahmad Dar 6 16061419007 Anzar Latief
23 16061119025 Zeenat Islam 7 16061419008 Tufail Ahmad
24 16061119026 Ishfaq Majeed Malik 8 16061419009 Zahoor Ahmad
25 16061119027 Raihana Akhter 9 16061419010 Muzamil Gaffar
26 16061119028 Khursheed Ahmad Ahangar 10 16061419011 Arizoo Bhat
27 16061119029 Umer Naseer Pir 11 16061419012 Rezwan Kaleem
28 16061119030 Jameel Hussain Bhat 12 16061419013 Mohammad Iqbal
29 16061119031 Lubna Rashid 13 16061419014 Syed Sanober
30 16061119032 Harpreet Singh 14 16061419015 Tabinda Tabasum
31 16061119033 Mehreen Mehboob 15 16061419016 Mohd Azim Lone
32 16061119035 Sadam Hussain Malik 16 16061419017 Naziam Maqbool
33 16061119036 Gowseya Ara 17 16061419018 Batool Bareen
34 16061119037 Ajaz Ahmad Laway 18 16061419019 Junaid Yaseen
35 16061119039 Tabasum Akhter 19 16061419021 Asma Jan
36 16061119040 Shabista Muzaffar 20 16061419022 Rumysa Rashid
37 16061119041 Eijaz Ahmad Tantray 21 16061419023 Peerzada Moin Uddin
38 16061119042 Ab Ahad Bhat 22 16061419024 Suhail Ahmad
39 16061119043 Rahida Banoo 23 16061419025 Zubaida Anjum
40 16061119044 Sumaira Firdous 24 16061419026 Tahir Nisar

Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018) 107

Department of Zoology School of Biological Sciences

25 16061419027 Sheeraz Ahmad 19 17061119019 Farhana Shafi

26 16061419028 Junaid Bashir 20 17061119020 Mushtaq Ahmad Malik
27 16061419029 Zariefa 21 17061119021 Murtaza Yaqoob Rather
28 16061419030 Mir Shabir 22 17061119022 Iqra Bashir
29 16061419031 Rayees Ahmad 23 17061119023 Arif Nabi Lone
30 16061419032 Mohd Yousf 24 17061119024 Bilal Ahmad Sheikh
31 16061419033 Darakhshan 25 17061119025 Aabid Ahmad Mir
32 16061419034 Suzana Majeed 26 17061119026 Bilal Altaf Wagay
33 16061419035 Jamsheed Ahmad 27 17061119027 Tasveer Hilal
34 16061419036 Muzamil Jamal 28 17061119028 Sharia Khalil
35 16061419037 Sayar Ahmad 29 17061119029 S Faizan Anayat
36 16061419038 Shahnawaz Ahmad 30 17061119030 Gh Mustufa Lone
37 16061419039 Alia Khan 31 17061119031 Farhana Farooq
38 16061419040 Bashir Ahmad 32 17061119032 Irfana Hameed
39 16061419041 Shazia Fayaz 33 17061119033 Najama Roohani
40 16061419042 Asiya Bhat 34 17061119034 Irshad Ahmad Naik
41 16061419043 Effat Jehan 35 17061119035 Gowhar Ahmad Wani
42 16061419044 Bushra Gul 36 17061119036 Reyaz Ahmad Bhat
43 16061419045 Iftikhar Ahmad 37 17061119037 Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat
44 16061419046 Bisma Gulzar 38 17061119038 Nadeem Ali Lone
45 16061419047 Rukhsana Bano 39 17061119039 Ruqaya Din
46 16061419048 Nahida Bashir 40 17061119040 Aasima Gul
Session: 2017 41 17061119041 Mehrana Irm
Sr. Roll No. Name of the Student 42 17061119042 Rukaiya Nazir
1 17061119001 Shafqat Nabi 43 17061119043 Zubair Haneef
2 17061119002 Bilal Ahmad Dar 44 17061119044 Mohammed Ajaz
3 17061119003 Sareen Gull 45 17061119045 Afhzal Ahmad Geender
4 17061119004 Misbah Parveez 46 17061119046 Labiba Qurashi
5 17061119005 Intisha Ali 47 17061119047 Kounsar Jan
6 17061119006 Suhail Majeed Sheikh 48 17061119048 Mir Humaira
7 17061119007 Waseem Ahmad Sheikh 49 17061119049 Shahid Maqbool
8 17061119008 Nosheena Manzoor Tak 50 17061119050 Ruqaia Akhter
9 17061119009 Mohd Lateef Sheikh 51 17061119051 Tazha Majeed
10 17061119010 Javaid Ahmad Sheikh 52 17061119052 Rabiya Irshad
11 17061119011 Soliha 53 17061119053 Sana Zehra
12 17061119012 Sobby Jan 54 17061119054 Laraibah Hamid
13 17061119013 Sayar Manzoor Padder 55 17061119055 Fiza Farooq
14 17061119014 Mudasir Ahmad Mir 56 17061119056 Jabeena Hassan
15 17061119015 Ulfat Kariem 57 17061119057 Owais Ahmad Paray
16 17061119016 Arooge Abdullah 58 17061119058 Fazala Hameed
17 17061119017 Undleab Ashraf 59 17061119059 Rouf Ahmad Wani
18 17061119018 Mohammad Rafiq Mir

108 PG Students from Batch 1989 to 2017

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

Departmental Museum
The departmental museum, started with the establishment of the Department has a
rich collection of animal specimens, skeletons, charts and models belonging to non-
chordate and chordate groups. It acts as a point of reference and teaching tool for
students of the different institutions in valley in general and those of this department
in particular. The Department has been trying its best to upgrade the museum
collection and in this regard the PG students of the Department are taken on faunal
collection within the state in 1st year and outside the state during 2nd year. The
students get faunal collection, process it and submit it to the museum. In addition,
every research scholar is required to submit his/her research collection to the
Museum, after proper processing, get accession numbers and then only NOC is
issued by the Department. The present collection in the museum is presented
hereunder for reference purposes. The Department shall feel obliged for all
constructive suggestions for up-gradation of the Museum.
Protozoa Stentor Spongia spp
Amoeba proteus Vorticella Sycon ciliatum
Arcella Porifera Valsula valsula
Colpidium Adocia Collection of Sponges
Eimeria in tissue Aulosponge Coelenterata
Elphidium shell Axinella Acquera
Epistylis Chalina Adamsia
Foraminifera elphidium Chondrosia Alcyonium
Foraminifera globigerina
Clathria indicus (model) Amphipod
Foraminifera nodusaria
Cloina Astraea
Foraminifera polystomella
Desmacidon Astrangia
Foreminifera ooze
Euspongia Aurelia
Foreminifera nyctotherus
Grantia compressa Bougainvillia
Malarial Parasite in blood
Hippospongia Bugula
Malarial parasite signet stage
Hircina Bunodactis
Monocystis Sporozoite
Monocystis trophozoite Hyalonema Campanularia
Monocystis mixed Hymeniacidon Carijoa cassiopeia
Noctiluca Leucosolenia Cassiopeia
Opalina Microciona Cavernularia
Paramecium fission Cerianthus
Oscarella spp
Plasmodium malariae Cobopintum
Plasmodium falciparum Coralina
Phakellia donani
Plasmodium vivax Corallium
Poterion spp
Protozoa mixed Corymorpha
Raspailia ramosa
Radiolaria Diphyes

List of Museum collection 109

University of Kashmir

Echinogorgia Dicrocoelium Sagitta

Echinopora Diplozoon Sipunculus
Eudendrium Fasciola Spirobis
Favia Paramphistomum Syllis
Flauillium Adenoscolex Terebella
Fungia Bothriocephalus Tubifex
Galaxea Diphyllobothrium Arthopoda
Gorgonia Moniezia Euromerodemus
Heliopora Ancylostoma Scolopendra
Lobophytum Ascaris Araneus diadematus
Lytocarpus Dracunculus Caleodes
Metridium Enterobius vermicularis Lycosa tarantula
Obelia Necator americana Macrocheira kaempferi
Oculina Oxyuris Pandinus
Pennaria Trichinella Pycnogonida
Pennatula Wuchereria Alima larva
Physalia Neoechinorhynchus Argulus
Physophora Pomphorhynchus Balanus
Plumularia Annelida Bopyrus
Pocillopora Amphitrite Buprestis
Porpita Anatomy of earthworm Calanus
Renilla Anatomy of leech Cancer
Rhizostoma Arenicola Ceonobita
Sagartia Aulostoma Chironomous larva
Sclerophytum Bonellia Chromaphis juglandis
Sertularia Chaetopterus Cupagurus
Spongodes Dasychone Cyclops
Stylaster Echiurus Cypris
Telesto Eunice Daphnia
Thyone Eurythoe Gammarus
Utricina Glycera Gonodactylus
Vallela Hermione Lepas
Virgularia Heteronereis Limulus
Zoanthus Hirudinaria Lucifer
Ctenophora Limnatis Mysis
Beroe Lingula Nauplius larva
Coeloplana Marphysa Nebalia
Ctenoplana Nella occulate Paenus monodon
Hormiphora Nereis Pallinus
Pleurobrachia Phyllodoce Sacculina with host
Helminths Polynoe Scylla
Clinostomum Sabella Squilla

110 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

Thenus Aedes larva Laccifer lacca

Pests of vegetables Anax imperator Lepisma
Pupal forms of insects Anopheles (all stages) Leptocorisa acuta
Collection of harmful insects Anopheles female Ligia
Life Cycle of moth Anopheles larva Manticora
Collection of household pests Anopheles male Mantis religiosa
Collection of useful insects Anopheles Pupa Megalopa larva
Termite soldier Aphis Musca domestica
Larval forms of insects Apis Nepa
Mimicry set Apis melifera Notonecta
Termite queen Apis melifera Oniscus
Termite worker Apodus larva Oxya japonica
Life Cycle of silk moth Belostoma indica Papilio demoleus
Pests of food crops (cereals) Bombus Pectinophora
Pests of ornamental plants Bombyx mori Pediculus
Pests of maize Camponotous compressus Phasimid
Pests of wheat Cicada Phlebotomous
Testis of grasshopper Cimex Pieris brassicae
Pollen basket of honey bee Coccinella Polypod larva
Pests of forest trees Coryza Pyrilla perpusilla
Firefly Culex Raphidopalpa foveicollis
Grasshopper mouthparts Culex eggs Ropalosiphum maidis
Water scorpion or Shrimp Culex Female Scirpophaga nivella
Butterfly Culex larva Shistocerca gregaria
Life history of Grasshopper Culex male Sialis lutaria
Pests of cotton Culex pupa Sitophilus oryzae
Life history of Mosquito Drosophila female Sitotraga cerealella
Life history of Termite Drosophila larva Spilosoma obliqa
Life history of Culex mosquito Drosophila male Tachardia lacca
Life history of Wasp Drosophila pupa Thrips physapus
Comparative study of Culex & Anopheles Drosophila Triatoma
Butterfly collection Ducus cucerbitae Tribolium castaneum
Aphids Dysticus Trombidium
Beetle Collection Enallagma cyathigerum Vespa
Moth Epilancha Xenopsylla
General Insect Collection Forficula Mollusca
Mosquito Gryllus Aplysia
Termites Grylotalpa Ariophanta
Collection of crop pests Henospilachna Bulla
Beetle collection Vigintioctopunctata Buccinum
Oligopod larva Katydid Calluna shell

List of Museum collection 111

University of Kashmir

Cardium Terebra Alectis ciliaris

Chiton Turbo Ambiasis
Doris Terebra shell Ammocoete larva
Dolabella Unio Amphisile
Dendronotus Vaginulus Anabas
Dendrodoris Zeugobranchiata Anguilla
Dracancius Echinodermata Antenarrius / angler fish
Emarginulla Antedon Bagarius
Eolis Anthena Balistis
Eunica Asterias Bangana diplostoma
Fissurella Clypeaster Barbus conchonius
Glochidium Cucumaria Bdellostoma
Helix Echinoderm fossil Belone
Janthinida Echinolampas Blistis
Limax Echinus Boleopthalmus
Loligo Himerometra Botia birdi
Lymnaea Holothuria Calabusia
Luidia Calamicthyes
Metacrinus Callichorous
Mya shell
Ophioderma Callichrous pabde
Modiola shell
Ophiothrix Caran malabarius
Synapta Carassius auratus
Thyone Carassius carassius
Protochordata Catla
Ostrea Amphioxus lanceolatum Centaiscus
Olynthus Appendicularia Centriscus
Onchidium Ammocoetes Chaetodon pictus
Pectin Balanoglossus australiensis Chaetoessus masus
Pinna Bdllostoma stoutii Channa
Pholas Botryllus schlosseri Chella
Pleurophyllidea Cephalodiscus dodecelophus Chiloscyllium indicum
Pila Ciona intestinalis Chimaera
Pinctada Doliolum denticulatum Chirocentrus
Pteropod Herdmania japanica Cirrhinus mrigala
Rostellaria Lampyra tridenta Clarius
Sepia Molgula oculata Clupea
Sepia egg Myxine glutinosa Coilia dussumieri
Sepia shell Oikopleura dioica Crossochielus
Solen Rhabdopleura normani Crossochielus latius
Sea shore collection Salpa aspera Ctenopharyngodon idella
Shell dextral Pisces Cynoglossus
Shell sinistral Acipenser Cyprinus carpio communis

112 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

Cyprinus carpio specularis Periopthalmus Terapon jarbua

Diodon Plagusia Tor
Drepane punctata Platax Torpedo
Echneis Platax tiera Trachinotus auratus
Etroplus canarensis Platophyrs pantherinus Triacanthus bevirostris
Exocoetus Plotosus Trichogaster
Exostoma Polyodon Trichurus
Firoplus suratensis Polynemus Triplophysa kashmeriensis
Fistularia Prostipoma Trygon
Gadus Protopterus Wallago
Gambusia Pseudorhombus Wallagonia attu
Glossogobius giuris Pterois Xenopterus
Gobius Rastrelliger Zanculus
Holacanthus Rita rita Amphibia
Harpodon Sacchobranchus Aeries
Hemiramphus Salmo giardeneri Alytes
Heteropneustes Salmo trutta fario Ambystoma
Hilsa Salmon Ambystoma maculatum
Hippocampus Saurida tumbill Bombinator
Hypopthalamycthys molatrix Scatophagus argus Caccopus
Labeo Schizothorax esocinus Caecilian
Labeo dyocheilus Schizothorax hugeli Cryptobranchus
Labeo fimbriatus Schizothorax labiatus Hemi pipa
Lamptra Schizothorax micropogon Hyla
Lepidosiren Schizothorax niger Ichthyophis
Life cycle of S. curvifrons Schizothorax plagiostomus Larval forms of frog
Life history of fish Sciana Necturus
Lobotes Scoliodon Pipa pipa
Lutiens bengalensis Scoliodon embryo Rana catesbiana
Lutjans lutjans Scyllium Rana pipiens
MUraena Silago sihama Rana tigrina
Muraenesox Shark articulated Rhacophorus
Mystus Sole Salamandra
Myxine Sphyraena Triton
Narcine timlei Stegostoma Xenopus
Notopterus Stromateus cinereus Reptiles
Ophio Stromateus cinereus Ancistrodon himalayanus
Ophiocephalus Synagris japonicus Anguis
Ostracion Syngnathus Bitis gabonica
Ovary of S. niger Tetradon Bungarus
Pelona elongata Tetradon oblongus Caiman

List of Museum collection 113

University of Kashmir

Calotes Bubalas Pycnonotus

Chelonia mydas Centropus sinensis Pycnonotus cafer
Chameleon chameleon Columbia livia Streptopelia spp.
Crocodylus Corvus macrorhynchos Tadorna ferrugenia
Crotalus Corvus splendens Turdoides striata
Dendrophis Crypsirina spp. Upapa epops
Draco Cuculus spp. Urocissa flavirostris
Dryophis Cyanocitta cristata Mammalia
Echis carinatus Dendrocopos spp. Antilope cervicapra
Enhydrina Dicrurus leucophaeus Cavia porcellus
Eryx Egretta garzetta Cervus hanglu hanglu
Gavailis Falco spp. Civettictis civetta
Heloderma Ficedula spp. Crocidura pullata
Hemidactylus Fulica atra Eoglaucomys fimbriatus
Hydrophis Galerida cristata Erinaceus europaeus
Lacerta Gallinago gallinago Felis silvestris
Lycodon Gallinula sp. Herpestes javanicus
Lygosoma lineata Grus grus Hystrix brachyura
Mabuya carvata Gyps himalayensis Loris tardigradus
Naja naja Halcyon smyernensis Lutra lutra
Phrynosoma Hirundo rustica Manis
Ptyas mucosa Hydrophasianus chirurgus Martes flavigula
Trionyx Lerwa lerwa Ochotona dauurica
Testuda Merops apiaster Ornithorhynchus anatinus
Typhlops Motacilla spp. Oryctolagus cuniculus
Uromastyx Myiarchus crinitus Panthera pardus
Varanus Myophonus caeruleus Panthera tigris
Aves Nectarinidae Panthera uncial
Accipiter badius Netta rufina Pterois
Acridotheres Numenius Pteropus
Alauda arvensis Oriolus oriolus Rattus albus
Anas acuta Otididae spp. Ursus arctos isabelinus
Anas anas Passer domesticus Ursus thibetanus
Anas clypeata Pavo cristatus Virginia opossum
Anas crecca Pelicanus Vulpes Montana
Anas platyrhynchos Phalacrocorax carbo Mangoose and cobra fight
Anas strepera Phasianus colchicus Embryos
Apus apus Phylloscopus Bos taurus
Aquilla Pitta sp. Cavia porcellus
Ardea cinerea Platalea spp. Chameleon
Aythya farina Ploceus phillipinus Chiroptera
Bubulcus ibis Pssitacula spp. Felis catus

114 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

Department of Zoology, School of Biological Sciences

Gallinula chloropus Boney Fish Anatomy of Amphioxous

Geochelone elegans Pelvic girdle of amphibian, Anatomy of cray fish
Hippocampus reptile, aves and mammals Anatomy of Euglena
Pectoral girdle of
Homo sapiens Anatomy of lizard
amphibians, reptiles, aves
Lacertilia and mammals Anatomy of Scoliodon
Oryctolagus cuniculus Forelimb series of Animal cell division
Ovis aries amphibians, reptile, aves Aortic arches
Rana and mammals Aortic arches of birds
Scoliodon Comparative osteology study Aortic arches of fishes
of bones of frog, varanus,
Selachimorpha fowl and rabbit Aortic arches of mammals
Serpentes Hindlimb series of Aortic arches of reptiles
Sus scrofa domesticus amphibians, reptiles, aves Aortic arches of Urodela
Trygon and mammals Archaeopteryx
Skeletons Comparative study of head Brain of amphibia
of amphibian, reptile, aves
Calotes and mammals Brain of bird
Chamaeleon Skulls Brain of fish
Chelone Anas Brain of mammal
Crocodylus Bos Brain of reptile
Cteno phrayangdon Bos Brontornis
Cyprinus Camelus Brontosaurus
Felis Cannis Camptosaurus
Gallus Capra Circulation of blood (pigeon)
Gavalis Chelone Comparative study of
Homo sapiens vertebrate heart
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Compsognathous
Labeo Development of Amphioxous
Loris Development of Ascidia
Macaca Development of egg
Manis Development of frog
Homo sapiens
Naja Dimeterodon
Onchorhynchus mykiss Diplodocus
Oryctolagus Dissection of frog
Pteropus Dolphin
Python Fish dissection
Rana Giganotosaurus
Schizothorax Heart of mammal
Schizothorax curvifrons Heart of Tortoise
Sus scrofa
Schizothorax niger Iguanodon
Testudo Internal anatomy of fowl
Uromastyx L.H. Ascaris
Varanas L.H. of Cockroach

List of Museum collection 115

University of Kashmir

L.H. of crab Earthworm reproduction Fowl skeleton

L.H. of Honey bee Ascaris Bird feathers
L.H. of malarial parasite Hook worm Rabbit Skeleton
L.H. of mosquito Platyhelmenthis Rabbit brain
Laelops Trematoda Rabbit anatomy
Nervous system of frog Leech anatomy Rabbit cranial nerves
Paramecium Liver fluke L.H Rabbit reproductive system
Phakelliadonam Fresh water Mussel Rabbit excretory system
Pigeon dissected Mollusca Vertebrate urinogenital system
Pterodon Snail Vertebrate heart
Rhamphorhynchus Pila reproduction Vertebrate brain
Sea anemone Sepia reproduction Comparative study of heart
Snake head showing Starfish Spermatogenesis
poisonous gland Echinoderm larvae Vertebrate embryos
Sphenodon Foetal pig anatomy Gastrula
Stegosaurus Cockroach external characters 33-Hour chick embryo
Sycon sp. Cockroach nervous system 72-Hour chick embryo
Taenia solium Cockroach mouth parts Independent assortment of
Trachodon Cockroach anatomy factors
Triceratops Cockroach dissection Sex linked inheritance
Tyrannosaurus Grasshopper Intestinal parasites
Urinogenital system Palaemon external characters Sphenodon skeleton
Protozoa free living Amphioxus Hirudinaria
Reproduction in Protozoa Amphioxus excretory system Scorpion anatomy
Paramecium Amphioxus external characters Cat skeleton
Foramanifera Frog Life history Development of Hydra
Euglena Frog cranial nerves Starfish Dissection
Rotifer Frog external characters Sea urchin
Sycon gelatinosum Frog venous system Planaria reproductive system
Canal system in Sponges Frog development Hydra structure
Grantia Scoliodon reproduction Histological structure in sponge
Development of Sycon Scoliodon circulation Crocodile skeleton
Hydra L.H Scoliodon internal viscera Anatomy of Ascidia
Aurelia L.H Lung fishes Amphioxus dissection
Coelenterata Bony fish external characters Planaria morphology
Sea anemone reproduction Poisonous apparatus in snakes Palaemon
Obelia Uromastrx arterial system Amoeba
Earthworm circulation Uromastrx venous system Spongila
Earthworm entire Pigeon urinogenital system Scoliodon dissection
Earthworm dissection Pigeon brain Sponge types
Earthworm excretory system Pigeon flight muscles

116 Zoological Society Bulletin (1961 - 2018)

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