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Ivy Gelline C. Jimenez M.I.L.

12 ABM B


1. Make sure identification is clear in all communications .Review what you wrote and try to
interpret it objectively. If you wouldn’t say it face to face, don’t say it online. Don’t assume.
Respect others’ privacy. Don’t give out another student’s personal email address without
Remember, if it’s on the internet, it’s everywhere. Everyone understands where you’re coming
from. Follow the rules. Forgive and forget.

2. As a student, I want to implement the ''follow the rules''. Just as our online class posts
guidelines related to academic integrity and student expectations, online forums also have rules
of conduct. Make a point to read them every time, as they can vary from class to class. I want it
to retain, it would help me to be a better student.

3. When emailing or chatting, review what you wrote and try to interpret it objectively. In
writing, we must strive twice as hard to be understood, as we do not have the benefit of
modifying or elaborating in real time. All caps and exclamation points can be misinterpreted as
intense anger or humor without the appropriate context.


Mind mapping is simply a diagram used to visually represent or outline information. It is
a powerful graphic technique you can use to translate what’s in your mind into a visual picture.
Since mind mapping works like the brain does it allows you to organize and understand
information faster and better.

It is an expression of radiant thinking thus it helps unlock the potential of the brain. The
mind mapping design enables you to easily sort through different details and recognize
relationships among these details.
First of all when mind mapping you need to identify and place the central topic at the
centre of your mind map. It will serve as the central image or the focal point of the map. Second
the main themes of the central topic radiates from the central image. This is why mind mapping
is known to be the expression of radiant thinking. Third the 2nd level topics will form as the
branches for your mind map. These branches form a connected nodal structure.

The simple mind mapping design described above defines how mind mapping works.
You only need to apply it when making your own mind map and I’m sure you will benefit a lot
from the activity. Mind maps can store and structure vast amounts of information. They display
hierarchy, show relationships between individual ideas and enable you to see the “big picture” at
a glance. These features also make mind maps an ideal tool to present information to others,
create knowledge pools and solve complex problems.

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