Test 46 ĐT Section A - Listening: What THREE Items of Clothing Does The Speaker Recommend For The Rainforest?

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Part 1: You will hear a report from an Australian’s news program. For questions 1-15, fill in each
blank with one missing word.
Newsreader: This is the 6 o’clock news for Tuesday 25 November. And first the headlines:
The Prime Minister has ____________ (1) to help the drought stricken farmers in the____________
(2) part, of the country who haven’t seen rain for nearly two years. And i
Sydney, a group of school children are successfully rescued from a plane which landed in the sea
shortly after take-off. ____________ (3) workers are on strike in Melbourne over a pay ____________
(4) and the strike looks set, to spread to other states. And on a fashionable note, there' s to be a new
look for the staff of QANTAS, Australia’s ____________ (5) airline.
The Prime Minister has pledged today that he will make ____________ (6) dollars available to
help the drought stricken farmers who have not seenrain for years, get through the next five
years. Money that was to have been spenton the re-structuring of Sydney’s road system has
been ____________ (7) to what the Prime Minister described as 'a more worthy cause'.
Farmers are to receivefinancial assistance to help see them through the worst drought in
over 50 years.Many farmers feel that while the money is ____________ (8) it has come too
late to save them and their farms from financial ruin and are angry that the ____________ (9) did not
act sooner.
A group of school children who were ____________ (10) in a privately chartered aeroplane from
Sydney to Queensland to take part in a musical concert found themselves swimming for the
____________ (11) when their aeroplane had to land in the sea just three minutes after taking off from
Sydney ____________ (12) . The pilot managed to bring the aircraft and its 50 ____________ (13)
down safely in the calm waters of Botany Bay where boats and pleasurecraft were able to come to the
rescue of the boys. The fact that it was a weekend meant that there were hundreds of boats in the bay
enjoyingthe good weather and this undoubtedly helped the rescue ____________ (14) . 'We owe our
lives to the skill of the pilot..' said one of the boys, but the pilot replied ____________ (15) that it was
'all part of a day’s work'. However, all their musical instruments were lost, and they never got to play
at their concert.

Your answers:
1.promise 2.northen 3.transport 4.claim 5.national
6.250 7.re-allocated 8.welcome 9.goverment 10.travelling
11.shore 12.airport 13.passengers 14.operation 15.modestly
Part 2: You will hear a talk about the accommodation at a holiday resort and its activities available.
For questions 16-25, write T (True) or F (False)

16. At the Rainforest Lodge, there aren’t any telephones and newspapers.
17. Birds’ sounds are the only thing the guests can hear from the cabin balcony
18. The guests are told to wait about an hour for dinner.
19. Guests mightn’t get the information guides of each day’s activities on the coach
20. At the Orchid and Fungi Tour, guests get places on foot or by Four-Wheel vehicles.
21. Guests can have lunch on the fishing trip at the tour to the waterfalls.
22. Guests have a wide range of choices among the tours at Rainforest Lodge.
23. The speaker appreciates the Spotlight Tour’s attraction
24. Guests can watch wildlife feeding all the time of each day in the Spotlight Tour.
25. March is the good time to notice the running waterfalls.
For questions 26- 30. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
What THREE items of clothing does the speaker recommend for the rainforest?
26. ______________________________________
27. ______________________________________
28. ______________________________________
Which TWO things in the rainforest does the speaker give a warning about?
29. ______________________________________
30. ______________________________________

Your answers:
16.F 17.T 18.T 19.F 20.F 21.T 22.T 23.T 24.F 25.T
26.walking boots 27.socks
28.long trousers 29.snakes
Part 3. You will hear a conversation between a counselor and her student, John. For questions 31-
40, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
31. These sessions with a counselor are ____.
A. compulsory for all students B. available to any students
C. for science students only
32. The counselor says that new students have to_____.
A. spend more time on the college premises B. get used to work independently
C. work harder than they did at school
33. John complains that the resource____.
A. has limited opening hours B. has too few resources
C. gets too crowded
34. The counselor suggests to John that ____.
A. most other students can cope
B. he needs to study all the time
C. he should be able to fit in some leisure activities
35. Before being able to help John the counselor needs to ____.
A. talk with some of his lecturers
B. consult his tutor
C. get more information from him
36. John’s main problem is____.
A. his poor health
B. not knowing how to complete his assignments successfully
C. not having any dictionary
37. What does the counselor advise John to do after writing the draft?
A. have time to check errors B. raise the questions
C. rewrite the draft
38. Who does the counselor suggest that John check notes with?
a. a lecturer B. a friend C. cassettes
39. John is advised to choose the topics of____.
A. stories in the novels or newspaper B. the physical appearance
C. general interest
40. It would be a good idea for John to have a____ to help him read the topics better.
A. novel B. newspaper C. dictionary

Your answers:
31. B 33. A 35. C 37. A 39. C
32. B 34. C 36. B 38. C 40. C
Part 1: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D in
your answer:
1. Many small businesses went _____________during the recession.
A. break B. broke C. broken D. breaking
2. Plants and animals, _____________small or huge, contribute to the biodiversity of the ocean.
A. including B. nevertheless C. despite D. however
3. Lucy is going home on her bike after a long talk with Henry.
Henry: “Be careful of the traffic!” Lucy: “_____________”
A. I will. B. You are welcome. C. What a pity! D. Yes, I am
4. Teenagers sometimes act as if they are completely independent _____________their parents.
A. on B. in C. of D. with
5. Of the three runners, she is _____________the fastest.
A. much B. by far C. by most D. much more
6. Like everyone else, Sue has her_____________of course but on the whole, she’s quite satisfied with
A. ups and downs B. ins and outs C. safe and sound D. odds and ends
7. It is essential that everyone _____________of the danger of walking on the cliff.
A. is warned B. was warned C. be warned D. must be warned
8. The referee blew the whistle and_____________.
A. off the children ran B. off ran the children C. off ran they D. they off ran
9. There’s no way to _____________doing your homework. You’ll be severely punished by the
teacher if you don’t.
A. make use of B. look down on C. turn away from D. get out of
10. Rarely have I visited _____________Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.
A. as beautiful a city as B. as a beautiful city as
C. as beautiful as the city D. as a city as beautiful as

Your answers:
1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.A
II. Read the passage below which contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the
corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes.

1. Max and Carol’s wedding is to be hold next week. Max never thought he could find
2. the woman of his dreams. He became a successful businessman in the age of 37. He
3. has worked hardly all his life to get off university and then set up a company to
4. provide a stable outcome. The problem was that meetings and hard work made it
5. difficultly for him to meet a suitable partner. Last year, when he wanted to settle
6. down, he looked around and found that all his old friends and woman colleagues
7. were already married.
8. Some friends suggested going to bars or dance clubs. Therefore, he thought the girls
9. who went to these places were not mature and serious enough. Other suggestion was
10. to look for a partner online. In fact, Max had a lot of online friends, but he did not
11. trust them, as they usually hid their real identity. He was beginning to feel alone and
12. hopeless when he saw an advertisement about the Speed Dating and Matchmaking
13. Centre.

Your answers:
Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction
1. 1 Hold Held 6. 5 Difficulty Difficult
2. 2 In At 7. 6 Woman Female
3. 3 Hardly Hard 8. 8 Therefore However
4. 3 Off Through 9. 11 Alone Lonely
5. 4 Outcome Income 10. 9 Other Another

Part 1: Read the passage and choose the best answer:
In practically any country in the world, you are (1) _____________to find a market somewhere.
Markets have been with us since (2) _____________times, when people became self-sufficient and
needed to exchange the goods they produced. For example, a farmer might have exchanged a cow (3)
_____________tools and so on. But just as times have (4) _____________, so have market practices.
So, (5) _____________in early times the main activity (6) _____________with markets would have
been ‘bartering’, meaning the exchange of goods as described (7) _____________, today most stall-
holders wouldn’t be too (8) _____________on accepting potatoes as payment, for instance, instead of
In contrast, what might be a common (9) _____________in a modern market is a certain amount of
‘haggling’, where customer and seller eventually (10) _____________on a price, after what can
sometimes be quite a heated debate. This has become so popular in certain places that many people
think that this is what makes the (11) _____________atmosphere of a market. But (12)
_____________as no two people are the same, no two markets are the same either, and so behavior
which is expected in one market in one country may not be (13) _____________in another. Even
within one country, there are those markets where you could haggle quite (14) _____________and
those where you would be (15) _____________not to try.

1. A safe B confident C definite D sure

2. A ancient B antique C old D past
3. A into B by C for D over
4. A changed B turned C developed D differed
5. A however B despite C nevertheless D whereas
6. A associated B relating C connecting D attached
7. A over B above C upper D higher
8. A fond B keen C eager D pleased
9. A look B appearance C sight D view
10. A confirm B consent C approve D agree
11. A sole B single C only D unique
12. A even B so C just D such
13. A acceptable B convenient C comfortable D receptive
14. A simply B plainly C clearly D easily
15. A informed B advised C noticed D suggested

Your answers:
1.D 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.B
9.C 10.D 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.C
Part 2: Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. Write the words in your answers.
Being independent is being ____________ (16) to take care of yourself, and not having to rely on
____________ (17) else. That is what many young people strive ____________ (18). However, the
ability to live independently does not develop naturally: you need a ____________ (19) of life skills to
stop relying on your parents and older siblings. ____________ (20) those skills, time management is
probably the most important one. With good time-management skills, you can build your confidence
and self-esteem. These skills will also help you to perform your daily tasks, including your
responsibilities at school and at home. If you can use your time wisely, you will not feel very
____________ (21) when exam dates are approaching, You can act more independently and
responsibly, get____________ (22) grades at school and have more time for family and friends.
Time-management skills are not difficult to develop. First, ____________ (23) plans for the things you
need to do on a planner or an app on your mobile device. Organize them in a schedule____________
(24) that they can be checked later. Figure ____________ (25) how much time you will need for each
of the things, and then put time limits on them. Second, prioritize your activities. If you have so much
____________ (26) do in a day or a week, you may be at a ____________ (27) as to how to fit
everything in. So decide what is important to you and give it the most of your time or add it to the
____________ (28) of your list. Third, develop routines____________ (29) once routines are
developed, they take less time to do.
Time- management skills cannot be developed in one day. However, when you have them, they can
____________ (30) you become independent.

Your answers:
16. able 17. anyone 18.for 19.number 20.among
21.stressed 22. better 23.make 24. so 25. out
26. to 27. loss 28. top 29. because 30. help
Part 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C and D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions:
Federal Express is a company that specializes in rapid overnight delivery of high-priority
packages. The first company of its type, Federal Express was founded by the youthful Fred Smith in
1971, when he was 28 years old. Smith had actually developed the idea for the rapid delivery service
in a term paper for an economics class when he was a student at Yale University. The term paper
reputedly received a less-than-stellar grade because of the infeasibility of the project that Smith had
outlined. The model that Smith proposed had never been tried; it was a model that was efficient to
operate but at the same time was very difficult to institute.
Smith achieved efficiency in his model by designing a system that was separate from the
passenger system and could, therefore, focus on how to deliver packages most efficiently. His strategy
was to own his own planes so that he could create his own schedules and to ship all packages through
the hub city of Memphis, a set-up which resembles the spokes on the wheel of a bicycle. With this
combination of his own planes and hub set-up, he could get packages anywhere in the United States
What made Smith’s idea difficult to institute was the fact that the entire system had to be created
before the company could begin operations. He needed a fleet of aircraft to collect packages from
airports every night and deliver them to Memphis, where they were immediately sorted and flown out
to their new destinations; he needed a fleet of trucks to deliver packages to and from the various
airports; he needed facilities and trained staff all in place to handle the operation. Smith had a $4
million inheritance from his father, and he managed to raise an additional $9 million dollars from
venture capitalists to get the company operating.
When Federal Express began service in 1973 in 25 cities, the company was not an immediate
success, but success did come within a relatively short period of time. The company lost $29 million in
the first 26 months of operations. However, the tide was to turn relatively quickly. By late 1976,
Federal Express was carrying an average of 19,000 packages per night and had made a profit of $3.6
31. The most appropriate title for this passage is___________.
A. The Problems and Frustrations of a Business Student
B. The Importance of Business Studies
C. The Capitalization of Federal Express
D. The Implementation of a Successful Business
32. The word “developed” in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by _________ .
A. come up with B. come about C. come across D. come into
33. What is stated in the passage about Smith’s term paper?
A. Smith submitted it through a delivery service
B. It was written by a student of Smith’s
C. Its grade was mediocre
D. The professor thought it had great potential
34. What was a key idea of Smith’s?
A. That he should focus on passenger service.
B. That package delivery should be separate from passenger service.
C. That packages could be delivered on other companies’ planes.
D. That passenger service had to be efficient.
35. A “hub city” in paragraph 2 is ____________ .
A. a large city with small cities as destinations
B. a city that is the final destination for many routes
C. a city where many bicycle routes begin
D. a centralized city with destinations emanating from it
36. It can be inferred from the passage that Smith selected Memphis as his hub city because it
A. was near the middle of the country B. had a large number of passenger aircraft
C. already had a large package delivery service D. was a favorite passenger airport
37. The pronoun “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ___________ .
A. aircraft B. packages C. airports D. destinations
38. It is NOT mentioned in the passage that, in order to set up his company, Smith needed ________ .
A. airplanes B. trucks C. personnel D. faculty
39. How long did it take Federal Express to become profitable?
A. Two months B. One year C. Three years D. Six years
40. Which paragraph explains what made Smith’s model effective?
A. The first paragraph B. The second paragraph
C. The third paragraph D. The fourth paragraph

Your answers
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Part 4: Read the following passage and answer the questions from 41 to 50.
A. Katrin
I always need to get away from other people at some point during the day. It’s not that I don't get on
with others. I’ve loads of friends. But I work in a really busy office in the centre of town and from the
moment I leave home each morning it’s non-stop. Crowds on the buses, busy streets, office bustle,
phones, e-mail, do this, do that... By the time the end of the day comes, I’m desperate for some peace
and quiet. Even if I’m going out later in the evening, I always make sure I have at least an hour to
myself without anyone being able to disturb me. I arrive home, make myself a drink and lie on the
sofa. I close my eyes and relax by concentrating on each part of my body in turn, beginning with my
neck. Even if I’m away from home, I try to find the time just to be alone in order to unwind and
recharge my batteries.
If I don’t make this space for myself, I feel really tense and irritable.
B. Lia
I share a student flat with three others, so there’s never a quiet moment. When I come back from
college in the evenings it's quite likely that there'll be other people there as well and we’ll all have
supper together. It’s great fun but towards the end of the evening I feel really tired and so I like to
disappear by myself for a while. It’s hopeless to try and find any privacy in the flat, so I go out for a
walk. Whatever the weather, I walk through the park which is quite close. Late at night it's usually
empty. There are just shadows and the rustle of animals and birds. It's very peaceful and it gives me
the opportunity to reflect on the day and to think about what I have to do the next day. When I get back
to the flat I like to go straight to bed. Usually I fall asleep pretty quickly even if the others are still up
and chatting or listening to music. If I don’t get this time to myself. I’ll be like a bear with a sore head
the next morning and not nice to know!
C. Beatriz
I'm a night owl and I absolutely hate getting up in the mornings. If people try and talk to me before
midday, I really snap at them. Being an actress means that I work late so it’s important that I create
space for myself at the beginning of each day. And because I use my voice so much, in fact totally
depend on it, I like to rest my voice and just listen to music when I wake up. I don't even want to hear
other people's voices. Some people find this very hard to understand and get quite cross when I tell
them not to contact me before noon. I tell them It's nothing personal but they still sound offended. I'm
sure it must be the same for singers and, who knows, maybe teachers and lecturers get fed up with
hearing the sound of their own voice and simply long to be by themselves somewhere. In complete
D. Natalie
I work in a call centre, which means I'm constantly on the phone. Apart from lunch and two short
breaks during the day I'm speaking to people all day long. And of course you never get to see who
you're speaking to! By the end of my shift I’m exhausted, not because I’m rushing around or I'm on
my feet all day but simply because I’ve spent the day talking and listening. The breaks are so short that
there's no time to do anything other than get a drink and something to eat. I'd love to be able to go for a
walk but there's nowhere to escape to within easy walking distance. The building where I work is in
the middle of an industrial estate, you can’t even see a single tree. So my flat is full of house plants and
when I get home it’s wonderful to be able to relax, surrounded by all the greenery. I lie on the floor,
stretch out, look up at the plants and try to imagine I’m in a tropical rainforest miles away!
For questions 41-50, choose from people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once.
A. Katrin B. Lia C. Beatriz D. Natalie

Which of the women?

41. spends her day in conversation with others?
42. would like to take exercise during the day?
43. worries she might upset other people?
44. escapes outside to find peace and quiet?
45. likes to prepare mentally for what is to come?
46. thinks other people may feel equally stressed?
47. relies entirely on her home environment for space?
48. feels pressurized by too many demands at work?
49. relies on personal space early in the day?
50.creates space for herself even if she is not at home?

Your answers
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
Part 5: Read the following passage and answer the questions from 51 to 60.
People have been listening to skylarks singing in Britain for 10,000 years. But now they, and many
other much-loved species, are vanishing fast. David Adam finds out why.
A family of Starlings has chosen a post box for the third year running in an Essex seaside town to
raise their young brood.
51. Paragraph A
The B1042 that winds from the Bedfordshire town of Sandy towards the village of Potton is a difficult
road to cross. Fast and twisty, there are several blind bends where pedestrians must take their lives into
their hands. That is trickier than it sounds, for most pedestrians who cross the B1042 already have a
pair of binoculars in their hands.
The road separates the grand headquarters of the RSPB, home to hundreds of birdwatchers, from some
unkempt fields, home to hundreds of watchable birds - hence the regular skips across the tarmac.
The skips, though, are now less regular for many RSPB staff, for the star attraction of the neighboring
fields has flown. Until a year ago, a clutch of woodlark nested there, one of Britain’s rarest birds with
just 1,000 or so thought to remain. Then their home was ploughed up and replaced with a giant field of
swaying hemp plants. The woodlark have not been since.
52. Paragraph B
It is not just the professional birdwatchers of the RSPB who have seen their local landscape
transformed. Across Britain, and with little fanfare, the face of the countryside has subtly changed in
recent years. Farm fields that stood idle for years under EU schemes to prevent overproduction, such
as the one across the road from the RSPB, have been conscripted back into active service. The
uncultivated land, previously a haven for wildlife, has been ploughed, and farmers have planted crops
such as wheat and barley, with occasional hemp for use in paper and textiles.
53. Paragraph C
As a result, the amount of land available for birds such as the woodlark has halved in the last tow
years. Without efforts to stem this loss of habitat, conservation experts warn that the countryside of the
future could look and sound very different. Starved of insects in the spring and seeds through the
winter, the metallic-sounding com bunting and plump grey partridge, formerly one of the most
common birds on UK shores, are on the brink. And the skylark, whose twittering has provided the
soundtrack to millions of countryside walks and inspired Percy Bysshe Shelley, in Ode to Skylark, to
praise its “profuse strains of unpremeditated art”, is struggling and could soon vanish from many areas.
Numbers fell 53% from 1970 to 2006. “This is not just about birdwatchers. These birds are part of our
common heritage,” says Gareth Morgan, head of agriculture policy at the RSPB.
54. Paragraph D
Government figures show that populations of 19 bird species that rely on farmland have halved since
serious counting started in the 1970s – a decline conservationists blame on intensive farming methods,
with insecticide and herbicide sprayed on to monoculture fields show of vibrant hedges. The
unmistakable yellowhammer, which likes to sing while perched as a dash of color on hedges and
bushes, has steadily disappeared with the hedges and bushes. And a startling 80% drop across England
in 40 years has diluted the shifting Rorschach blots painted on the dusk sky by massed flocks of
starling - though urban changes are blamed for this too.
55. Paragraph E
Farmland birds may sound a niche problem, and you may think that the rest of the countryside is doing
OK, but for most people, farmland is the British countryside. About 75% of Britain is farmed, and
about half of that is arable field. Take a train between two UK towns, particularly in eastern counties,
and almost all of the countryside you see is farmland.
56. Paragraph F
As Simon Gillings of the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) puts it: “For most people, farmland is
the countryside and farmland birds are the birds they see. “If birds are struggling, then it is a fair bet
that other wildlife is too. “Birds are indicative of other things,” Gillings says. “If birds are declining
then what does that say about the plants and insects they rely on? It’s all linked together.”
For questions 51-56, choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph A-F from the list of
headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (I-VIII). Please note that there are more headings
than you can use.
I Not only birds suffer.
II Vanishing of habitats gives rise to the drop in bird species.
III A niche and minor problem.
IV The countryside is the farmland.
V Who should be blamed?
VI The rapid disappearance of bird species in Britain.
VII Woodlark and other birds are on the brink.
VIII A major change in local landscape – more land is cultivated
For questions 57-60, Read the passage again and write:
YES if the statement agrees with the writer;
NO if the statement does not agree with the writer;
NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage.

0. The RSPB is a very famous international in birds conservation. __NOT GIVEN__

57. In EU countries farm fields are left uncultivated in order to increase
their fertility.
58. The loss of habitats means a more demanding survival for many bird
59. In the 1970s governments only counted 19 bird species that depended
on farmland.
60. More farm fields are cultivated than usually expected.

Your answers:
51. 53. 55. 57. 59.
52. 54. 56. 58. 60.
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
1. “You shouldn’t have leaked our confidential report to the press, Frank!” said Jane.
Jane criticized _____________________________________________________________________
2.It was such Picasso’s expensive painting that nobody could buy it.
3. I didn't get a better job because I didn't study hard enough.
4. If you hadn’t interfered yesterday, there wouldn’t have been no problems.
=> Without _______________________________________________________smoothly yesterday.
5. Jerry doesn’t love it when people treat her like a child.
Jerry dislikes_______________________________________________________________________

Part 2: (20 points) Read this part of a letter from an English friend Nick
I know you often go to the cinema. Tell me about the last film you saw and whether you enjoyed it

In Daisy’s name, write a letter (about 120 – 180 words ) to Nick.

Part 3: You have entered a competition to write a story. The rules say it must end with the following
Suddenly, I recalled what had happened .
Write your story in 200-250 words in an appropriate style.

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