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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas

Performance Task
Quarter 1, Week 1
Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________

Performance Standards: The learner is able to formulate challenging situations

involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
(Mathematics 7, Q1)

Performance Standards: Ang mag-aaral ay malalim na nakapaguugnay-ugnay sa

bahaging ginampanan ng kapaligaran at tao sa paghubog ng sinaunang
kabihasnang Asyano. (Araling Panlipunan 7, Q1)

Task 1:
Given the List of Countries and the Map of Asia, write all the countries under reach
region (Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Western Asia)
Afghanistan Georgia Kuwait North Korea Syria
Armenia Hong Kong Kyrgyzstan Oman Taiwan
Azerbaijan India Laos Pakistan Tajikistan
Bahrain Indonesia Lebanon Palestine Thailand
Bangladesh Iran Macau Philippines Timor Leste
Bhutan Iraq Malaysia Qatar Turkey
Brunei Israel Maldives Saudi Arabia Turkmenistan
Cambodia Japan Mongolia Singapore Uzbekistan
China Jordan Myanmar South Korea Vietnam
Cyprus Kazakhstan Nepal Sri Lanka Yemen
Task 2
Universal Set (U) = {All countries is Asia}
Set C = {All countries in Central Asia}
Set E = {All countries in East Asia}
Set S = {All countries in South Asia}
Set A = {All countries in Southeast Asia}
Set W = {All countries on Western Asia}
Determine the following:

1. C ∪W
2. E ∩ S
3. U −A
4. A '
5. U −(( E ∪S) ∪ A )
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas

Performance Task Rubrics
Quarter 1, Week 1
Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________

4 3 2 1 Rating
The solution The solution The solution The solution
completely addresses addresses addresses
addresses all almost all of some, but none of the
components the not all the components
presented in components components required to
the task presented in presented in solve the
the task. the task. task.
There may
be minor
Uses an Uses an Uses an Works
appropriate appropriate inappropriate haphazardly
and but strategy or with no
Planning and
complete incomplete application of particular
strategy for strategy for strategy is strategy for
solving the solving the unclear solving the
problem. problem. problem.
Mathematica There is There is There is no
l/scientific appropriate some use of use or
representatio use of appropriate inappropriate
n is actively accurate mathematica use of
used as a mathematica l/scientific mathematica
means of l/scientific representatio l/scientific
communicati representatio n. representatio
ng ideas n. ns.
Student may Completes Starts Gives up
extend his task, working working on quickly
thinking dutifully at the harder without
Persistence beyond the the harder parts, but providing
problem and parts also gives up. any answer.
make new

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