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UWC Changshu China

End of Year Exam (Foundation Program 9)

Subject: Mathematics Name: _____________________________________

2020 Country: ____________________________________

Name of the subject teacher: ____________________

Duration: 120 minutes Total Marks: 77


1) Please write your name, country and name of the subject teacher in the space provided


2) Diagrams are not drawn to scale.

3) You are allowed to use the GDC authorised by IBDP exam

4) Necessary steps are required to get full marks.

5) The solutions should be submitted on time.

Total pages: 8
Section A: Short questions. [30 marks]

1. [5 marks]
Let the universal set, 𝑈𝑈, be the set of all integers 𝑥𝑥 such that 1 ≤ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 11.
𝐴𝐴, 𝐵𝐵 and 𝐶𝐶 are subsets of 𝑈𝑈.

𝐴𝐴 = �1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8�
𝐵𝐵 = �2, 3, 5, 7�
𝐶𝐶 = �1, 3, 5, 7, 9�

An integer is randomly chosen from the universal set.

(a) Complete the following Venn diagram using all elements of 𝑈𝑈.

(b) Event R: The chosen integer is in B; Event Q: The chosen integer is in C.
Show that R and Q are dependent events [2]
2. [6 marks]
Let f(𝑥𝑥) = log 5 2 + log 5 16 − log 5 4 , for 𝑥𝑥 > 0 .

(a) Show that f(𝑥𝑥) = log 5 2𝑥𝑥 . [2]

(b) (i) Hence sketch the graph of f(𝑥𝑥), for −5 ≤ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 5 , −5 ≤ 𝑦𝑦 ≤ 5 , using a scale of 1
cm to 1 unit on each axis. [2]
(ii) Write down the equation of the asymptote. [2]
3. [18 marks]

As shown in the fig above ABC is a triangle. The side subtended to angle A is a, the side
subtended to angle B is b, and the side subtended to angle C is c.
(a) If a=14, b=17 and C=67°, Find the side c. [3]
(b) Note: The question is an open question, so there is no fixed answer.
Please give the values for a, b and angle B such that there are two solutions of angle A.
Then find the two solutions by the values of a, b and angle B generated by you. [5]
(c) If a=14, b=12 and B=67°, please justify that there is no solution to the angle A. [4]

As shown in the fig above, side c and angle B are fixed, h is the altitude.
Draw a circle with center A and radius r. If r < h, we can easily conclude that there is no
intersection of the circle and the straight line BC.
(i) State the range of b such that the angle BAC has no solution, from the finding shown
(ii) Following the similar method as shown above (Drawing circle at A then discuss the
number of intersections which is dependent of the range of the radius r), find the range
of b such that the angle BAC has two solutions.
Section B: Mini-research questions [50 marks]

4. [50 marks]
The following questions can be considered as a process of a mini-research. Please follow the
instructions to finish the research questions.
The following table shows Height and weight data of students in one class of a high school seen
in the next page
Height/cm Weight/kg Gender(M: Male F :Female) Height/cm Weight/kg Gender(M: Male F :Female)

165 58 F 180 80 M

170 60 M 172 59 M

176 56 M 170 66 M

168 58 F 169 52 F

164 50 F 164 52 F

173 75 M 170 55 M

169 54 F 160 50 F

162 55 F 172 54 F

173 59 M 162 47 F

170 63 M 182 90 M

165 50 M 164 53 F

176 68 M 170 55 M

173 60 M 176 80 M

173 58 M 176 68 M

172 55 M 168 54 F

155 45 F 167 57 F

186 88 M 165 53 F

175 56 M 163 50 F

165 55 M 162 51 F

168 54 F 160 46 F

170 65 M 167 52 F

170 55 M 165 50 F

165 53 F 161 47 F

165 53 F 160 51 F

163 48 F 160 45 F

159 55 F 160 52 F
(a) A student wants to show the distribution of the height of male students shown above. He
has two plans A and B.
Plan A: Step1, make a frequency table to record the height of male students.
Step2, Draw a column graph to show the distribution of the height of male students by
the frequency table.

Plan B: Step1, make a grouped frequency table to record the height of male students.
Step2, Draw a histogram to show the distribution of the height of male students by the
grouped frequency table.

Please help him to decide which plan (A or B) should be accepted with brief reasons.

(b) Follow the plan you chosen in question (a) to finish the two steps. (Note: You are asked to
complete one and only one plan you chosen in question (a).)
(c) Describe the distribution of the height of male students based on the graph you draw in
question (b).
(d) Let the weight of male students to be set A and the weight of the female students to be set
B. The student also wants to make a visual comparison of the distributions of the two sets
of data (set A and set B). He is interested in the descriptive statistics such as their medians,
ranges and interquartile ranges. His teacher suggests him to draw the parallel box and
whisker diagrams. (It is the graph of two box and whisker diagrams drawn with the same
axis in the same picture up and down.)
(i) Please use your graphic display calculator to calculate the necessary descriptive
statistics in order to draw the parallel box and whisker diagrams.
(ii) Please draw the parallel box and whisker diagrams.
(iii) Please comment on comparison of the distributions of the two sets of data by the
graph you draw in (d)(ii). You are supposed to give at least 3 different features of the
two sets of data in your comment.
(e) The student wants to generate a model to predict the individual’s weight by the height of
the individual. After comparing the distribution of height and weight between male’s and
female’s data, the student found that there is significant difference between the male’s and
female’s data. So, he wanted to make two models A and B, where A is the model generated
by male’s data and B is the model generated by the female’s data. Please draw the two
scatter plots (Weight vs. Height for the male’s data and Weight vs. Height for the female’s
data). [10]
(f) Please use your graphic display calculator to find the equations of regression lines for model
A and model B, and record the corresponding correlations for model A and model B.
(g) In the conclusion part, the student claims that the model A can be used to predict the
weight of male persons and the model B can be used to predict the weight of female
persons with high reliability. Do you agree with his conclusion? If your answer is ‘yes’,
please give some reasons to support the claiming. If your answer is ‘no’, please give at least
three reasons to support your opinion.

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