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Name : Darma E G Manurung

Npm : 20120018
Meeting : Extensive Reading

A. Find these words and phrases in the text:

* hostel (line 1); I moved into the hostel today - an ugly concrete building and near a busy
main road too.
It's mean that: On September 30, Ann studied at one of the universities she will stay in a
hostel near the road which is a very ugly and rundown building.
* awful (line 4); I met a few fellow student at supper (the food was awful!).
it's mean that: When Ann got there she saw some students were eating, maybe they were
easier than Ann.
* lectures (line 5); Lectures began last Monday
it's mean that: After an interval of approximately 1 week, on October 7 he started college
* so far (line 5); So far they haven't been very interesting (except for the rnan who lectures
on drama)
it's mean that: at that time he was in college but he was not yet interested in his friends,
except for one child who was teaching drama at that time.
* attend (line 7); " Personally, I'd much rather go ro the library and read, but I have to attend
ten lectures a week
it's mean that: He doesn't like the students there, he prefers to be in the library reading
books all day, but he also thinks that he needs to attend 10 meetings this Sunday.
* share (line 20); I tried to explain some of my problems to my supervisor today.
it's mean that: she tried to tell all the problems to her supervisor but the supervisor just
hears it and didn't respond.

Now choose the right meaning.

1 go to = attend
2 talks = share
3 have a part of. = lectures
4 a place where students live = hostel
5 until now = so far
6 very bad = awful

B..Choose the right answer.

1. Ann liked the hostel at first except for: a) her room b) the food c) the students

My reason We can see in line 1 that ANT doesn't like the building because the
building is ugly and close to a busy main road too.
2. Ann went to lectures because: a) she was interested in drama b) she wanted to go c)
she had to go
My reason is that in line 4 Ann is required to leave because that is the rule
3. Ann complained about the students because: a) they disturbed her b) they did not
work c) they did not sleep
My reason is because we can see on line 11 there Ann explained that she is very
4. Ann discussed her problems with her supervisor. Her supervisor did not: a) help her
b) listen to her c) like her
we can see the text on line 14 there The supervisor just listens but doesn't help

5. Some students invited Ann to share a flat with them. Ann was: a)interested b) sorry
c) excited
we can see the text on line 20 there Ann looks excited
6. In the flat Ann will be able to: a) have her own kitchen b) cook in her room c) cook
her own food
because on line 19 it explains that they have their own kitchen

C..Give the words of phrases for these pronouns.

1. It was near a busy main road. It: Building
it means that hostel
because line 1 there shows the hostel
2. Ann needed some for the walls of her room. Some : Posters
because in line 2 it is explained that ann needs a Poster
3. You could meet other students there. There: ln here class
because in line 8 Ann explained that she met other students when she entered
4. The students made a lot of noise there. There : ln corridir outside her room
because diline 10 Ann is very disturbed because students stay up late and are
5. She wasn’t very interested in Ann’s problems. She : her supervisor
6. It was in an old house. It:The flat
because diline 21 explained Ann was invited to another flat which looks like an
old house
7. It was right at the top of the house. It: The kitchen
because on line 21 it is explained that Ann's room is right above the old house.

D. Make true sentences.

Going to lectures. 1
Liked Cooking her own food. 2
Ann Living in the hostel. 3
Didn’t like Working in the library. 4
Eating hostel food. 5
Living in her new room. 6

1.Ann liked going to Lectures.

2.Ann liked cooking her own food.

3.Ann didn’t like living in the hostel.

4.Ann liked working in the library.

5.Ann didn’t like eating hostel food.

6.Ann liked living in her new room.

E.Answer the questions with yes or no

Get some posters for her room? 1

Go to lectures? 2
Did Ann Want to play games in the corridor? 3
Agree with her supervisor? 4
Stay in the hostel? 5
1.Yes 3.No No
2.Yes 4.No

F.Guided composition. Complete thes paragraph.

For the first few weeks, Ann lived in hostel it was an her room , not far from a the main
road , but she quite liked it. Her room was small but qute pleasant But then she began to
dislike hostel life mainly because the food was awful and the students were noise she
began to dislike her room, too: it was just like living in a box! But then something
fantastic happened: three other students, all of them about flat , invited her to share a
flat with them. It was in old house , with its own kitchen , so that they could cook But,
most of all, Ann liked her room , ehich was right really happy

G.Vocabulary paractice. Complete these sentence, using the words in the box.

Attends cheap fantastic library rather

Awful convenient first class posters share

1. When he’s busy, he hardly ever Attends lectures. He stays in the library all day and
2. Thanks for those share you gave me for my room. They’re fantastic !
3. What’s the hostel like? Well, personally, i think it’s awful , except for the food.
That’s cheap!
4. Which would you rather do – live alone or posters a house with other students?
5. I took the flat because it was first class . but i’m afraid its not very convenient
because it’s so far from the main road.


Ann didn’t like living in the hostel. Would you like to live in one? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of living a) in a hostel b) in a flat c) at home?
no because it only provides basic facilities provided for all guests
a) the advantages of staying in hostels are clearly cheaper than hotels, cheaper because of
the concept and facilities provided by each inn
the drawback is that bedrooms in hostels are always far from the bathroom and toilet,
sometimes it makes you lazy to go downstairs and go to the bathroom, then sleep again. I
felt like sleeping on the top layer so I had to go up and down stairs.
b) The advantages of living in an apartment, the price is relatively cheaper, the neighbors
don't bother, the security is quite maximum, and the facilities are quite a lot
Disadvantages Do not have their own land, Rarely interact socially, Maintenance costs
are quite high, and space is limited
c) The advantages of staying at home, comfortable, free, having neighbors, and always
hanging out with family
The drawback is that it is full of neighbors, boredom and sometimes disputes with


Ann wrote about her experience when she was in her new dorm. on september 30th he moved to a
dormitory in an ugly concrete building near the main road. his room was small but a little nice. he
would put a poster on the wall. on october 7 he started college actually he was a little lazy and he
thought he would rather go to library.but this is a must so push yourself. these few days something
was bothering him. some students were bothering him. they were so noisy he finally told the

but the supervisor ignored it. then he met 3 people in his class and asked them to join in sharing a flat.
maybe it's just an old house but it's better than the previous hostel. because there has their own
kitchen and they can cook themselves.

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