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Several Key Technologies for 6G:

Challenges and Opportunities
Baofeng Ji, Ying Han, Shuwen Liu, Fazhan Tao, Gaoyuan Zhang, Zhumu Fu, and Chunguo Li

Abstract sity of connected equipment reaches more than

100/m3 with ultra-high density, and the coverage
5G networks have been widely deployed all rate is increased from 70 percent to 99 percent;
over the world, which involve massive multiple-in- and THz frequency band communication can
put multiple-output (MIMO), millimeter-wave greatly increase network capacity. Table 1 com-
communication, and other technologies to pares the main features of 5G and 6G.
improve the performance of the whole system. Wireless networks are no longer limited to the
In contrast, the emerging key technologies includ- ground in terms of coverage. In order to meet
ing terahertz (THz) communication, intelligent the requirements of high altitude and deep sea
reflective surface (IRS), blockchain, and so on communications and reduce the cost of connect-
have been proposed to enhance the signal qual- ing dense cellular networks worldwide, 6G will
ity for the future 6G networks. IRS can program integrate non-terrestrial networks to provide com-
the signal propagation by intelligently controlling plete wireless coverage and achieve integrated
a large number of passive reflecting elements, communications between air, space, and ground
and blockchain can improve the system security [1]. Realizing the seamless connection of ground,
in the whole communication process. The article satellite, and airborne networks will expand cover-
provides a survey of the recent research and com- age and increase system capacity [2, 3].
pares the system performance between 5G and The rapid development of network technol-
6G, which can bring about the rapid increase in ogy, display technology, sensing and imaging
wireless data traffic and the achievable rate can equipment, and low-power processors makes 6G
be reached up to terabits per second to improve sufficient to achieve high-precision positioning of
the communication quality dramatically. massive Internet of Things (mIoT) devices. 6G will
realize the integration of virtual reality (VR), aug-
Introduction mented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) into
The sixth generation (6G) mobile communication one extended reality (XR), seamless integration
system has been discussed extensively following of sensor networks and human senses (e.g., glass-
the large-scale commercial deployment of 5G/ es may replace smartphones; wearable displays
beyond 5G (B5G) networks. 6G is expected to fur- have become the main tool for human life and
ther bring about major changes to human produc- work, and can also be used in remote education,
tion and lifestyles, and the global network. As early remote office, and advanced 3D simulation). 6G
as September 2018, it was pointed out that the 6G is deeply integrated with artificial intelligence and
frequency band may move toward the THz era machine learning, and the degree of intelligence
when the Federal Communications Commission has increased greatly.
(FCC) first talked about 6G technology. In March THz and visible light technologies can be the
2019, the FCC unanimously voted to open the basis for 6G to realize the utilization of new spec-
THz frequency range from 95 GHz to 3 THz for trum resources as well as a new modulation meth-
6G experiments, which is expected to be applied od of orbital angular momentum, which has a 3D
to the 6G network. In January 2020, it was pro- architecture and intelligent mobility management
posed that it is necessary to solidly promote and to expand coverage based on the integration of
pre-research the 6G forward-looking and key tech- terrestrial and satellite mobile communications.
nologies. Many communication experts and schol- ZTE pointed out at the Second 6G Summit that
ars pointed out that the standardization of 6G may the perception Internet, artificial intelligence Inter-
be carried out around 2025, and the 6G pre-com- net, and industry Internet will be new services that
mercial network will be put into use around 2030. may be born in the 6G era [4], which can inte-
The peak transmission speed of 6G reach- grate the physical and digital worlds with more
es 100 Gb/s–1 Tb/s, while 5G is only 10 Gb/s; difficult network performance indicators that 5G
indoor positioning accuracy reaches 10 cm and networks may be unable to satisfy.
outdoor is 1 m, which is less than 1/10 of 5G;
the communication delay is as low as 0.1 ms, Key Characteristics of 6G
which is 10 times higher than 5G; the reliabili- The physical layer security may be further devel-
ty is increased from the current 99.9 percent to oped to provide a layer of security defense in
99.999 percent with ultra-high reliability; the den- addition to encryption technology for various

Baofeng Ji is with Henan University of Science and Technology,LAGEO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the University of Electronic Science and
Digital Object Identifier: Technology of China; Ying Han, Shuwen Liu, Fazhan Tao, Gaoyuan Zhang, Zhumu Fu are with Henan University of Science and Technology;
10.1109/MCOMSTD.001.2000038 Chunguo Li is with Henan University of Science and Technology and Xizang Minzu University.

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devices and machines with different functions. Key features 5G 6G
As a new next-generation mobile communication
of the future, the overall capabilities of 6G will Operation frequency 3–300 GHz > 1 THz
undoubtedly be 10 to 100 times higher than 5G.
It is worth noting that 6G will integrate terrestrial Data rate uplink 10 Gb/s 1 Tb/s
wireless mobile communications, medium/low Data rate downlink 20 Gb/s 1 Tb/s
orbit satellite communications, and short-range
direct communication technologies, especially Communication time-delay 1 ms < 0.1 ms
the air-sky-ground-underwater autonomous net- Peak throughput 10 Gb/s 100 Gb/s–1 Tb/s
work structure, which can provide full coverage
and ultra-wireless connectivity to provide a full Coverage area Ground Space, ground (desert), ocean
range of wireless coverage [2]. 6G communica-
tion technology will integrate communication, Positioning accuracy Outdoor (10 m) 2D Indoor (10 cm), outdoor (1 m) 3D
computing, navigation, perception, control, Spectrum efficiency 10 b/s/Hz/m2 1000 b/s/Hz/m2
sensing, buffering, radar, imaging, artificial intel-
ligence, and other new technologies. Among Reliability 10–5 10–9
them, 6G key technologies mainly include THz Maximum mobility 500 km/h 1000 km/h
communication, IRS, holographic beamforming
(HBF), orbital angular momentum (OAM) multi- U-plane latency 0.5 ms < 0.1 ms
plexing, visible light communication (VLC), block-
chain-based spectrum sharing, nano Internet, and C-plane latency 10 ms < 1 ms
more. The key features of 6G can be described Processing delay 100 ns 10 ns
as follows:
• 6G should be a ubiquitous integrated net- Transmission capacity 10 Mb/s/m2 1–10 Gb/s/m2
work to achieve wider and deeper coverage. User experience rate 50 Mb/s 2D >10 Gb/s 3D
It can integrate terrestrial communications,
satellite communications, and short-distance DL spectrum efficiency 30 b/s/Hz 100 b/s/Hz
ultra-low latency device-to-device communi-
cations. DL data rate 20 Gb/s > 1 Tb/s
• The 6G network will have an internal securi- Personal data rate 1 Gb/s 100 Gb/s
ty mechanism or “functional safety integrat-
ed design.” 6G has self-awareness, real-time Flow density 10 Tb/s/ km2 100 Tb/s/ km2
dynamic analysis, and adaptive risk and trust Connection density 1 million/km2 10 million/km2
assessment functions through trust and secu-
rity mechanisms, all of which can help real- Fraction of coverage 70 percent 99 percent
ize cyberspace security.
• 6G can integrate computing, navigation, Reliability 99.9 percent 99.999 percent (highly reliable)
sensing, and communication functions. Receiver sensitivity –120 dBm < –130 dBm
These functions can be integrated into not
only satellite communication systems, but Table 1. The performance comparison for 5G and 6G.
also satellite navigation and positioning sys-
tems, and even radar sensing systems. 6G • Compared to millimeter-wave (mmW) under
will adopt a more open architecture and the same transmitter aperture, THz wave-
have a software-defined core network to length is shorter, and its free space diffrac-
achieve rapid, self-intelligent, and dynamic tion is less, so the THz frequency band can
deployment of network functions. achieve higher link directivity and reduce
• 6G can generate large amounts of data different antennas. Between the trans-
through the Internet of Everything. In addi- mission power and interference, the pos-
tion, 6G can be combined with new tech- sibility of eavesdropping is low. The huge
nologies such as cloud computing, edge bandwidth (>50 GHz) used to support tera-
computing, artificial intelligence, and block- bits-per-second links can provide abundant
chain to achieve “all things intelligence” and spectrum resources for ultra-high-speed
group collective intelligence. 6G can finally communications. The beam of THz signals
support ubiquitous smart ultra-low-latency is relatively narrow, and information trans-
mobile networks for smart life and vertical mission requires that the transmitting beam
industries. Figure 1 shows the key technolo- can be completely aligned with the receiving
gies, functions, and usage scenarios of 6G. antenna, and the large bandwidth also has
good anti-interference ability. THz communi-
Terahertz Communication cation can significantly improve the security
THz communication technology is a key technol- performance of communication.
ogy of 6G and has broad application prospects. • THz has good penetrability compared to
Moreover, terahertz waves are characterized by infrared and visible light when in bad weath-
wide frequency band, high speed, good directiv- er or noise. Moreover, THz is not only
ity, high security, low scattering, and good pen- unaffected by ambient light, but also solves
etration. The 0.1–10 THz frequency band has the problem of VLC not allowing non-line-
richer spectrum resources and ultra-wideband of-sight transmission, and can also realize
frequency bands for ultra-high-speed communica- uplink transmission.
tion, in particular, which can reduce the spectrum • For the vibration and rotation frequency of
scarcity and capacity limitations of current wire- biological macromolecules in the THz fre-
less communication systems. quency band, THz provides an effective

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ther increase power loss. The power attenua-
tion of a THz signal on a wall may be as high
THz as 40–80 dB.
• Due to the high frequency attenuation
and path loss characteristics [6], 300 GHz
is about 100 dB at a distance of 10 m. In
THz frequency VR technology addition, the resonance of air molecules will
Legitimate downlink
trans mission
Wiretap link
cause excessive attenuation. When the fre-
Remote jamming
links quency exceeds 1 THz, radio waves will be
Quantum spectrum absorbed by water vapor and oxygen mole-
3D holographic schematicc
conversion cules in the atmosphere, and will be attenuat-
Cellular ed 10 times at a propagation distance of 1 m.
Visible light changes Terahertz Communication
Ultra-low latency Medical photon orbital
6G Application Scenarios
angular momentum OAM+Medical
Holographic call applications
AI Spectrum
THz communication scenarios are mainly divided
into nano-scale networks for communication at
l lcu
tr o provider1
lear ning


n lat Spectrum provider2

co e Spectrum
IoT Cloud
Big Data calculate computing
a distance of 1 m or less, microscopic networks
collect stor age Spectrum
mechanism with limited biological transmission distances from
Cloud 6G spectrum sharing 1 m to 10 m, and macro networks with transmis-
sion distances from several meters to several kilo-
based on blockchain
Age of multi-intelligence

Large-scale IRS meters. Figure 2 shows the THz communication

application scenarios.
AI smart
Macro network: Usually used in outdoor
life scenarios, wireless point-to-point links have
been widely used to transmit information to
base stations in macrocells. THz macro network
IRS requirements need to meet coverage of several
kilometers, high throughput of up to 1 Tb/s, and
low latency of less than 1 ms. In the future, exper-
FIGURe 1. The key technologies, functions, and usage scenarios of 6G. imental data is still needed to evaluate outdoor
channel models, reduce transmission distance lim-
means for detecting biological information. itations, and increase link capacity.
Moreover, its photon energy is low, it will not Micro network: At this time, the THz frequen-
cause damage to the detector, it has good cy band provides small cellular communications,
penetrating ability to dielectric materials, which can provide mobile users with ultra-high
and it can be used to detect hidden objects. data rates within a transmission range of up to
In addition, the THz band is a non-ionizing 20 m. The communication rate of terrestrial ultra-
band, which is healthier for the skin and eyes high-speed networking such as wireless access,
than ultraviolet (UV) communication. wireless download, and wireless interconnection
• Ultra-fast channel fluctuations and intermittent requires from 1 GB/s to several hundred giga-
connections; for example, the coherence time bytes per second. THz waves have a communica-
in the THz band is very short and the Doppler tion rate of more than 10 GB/S, and can be used
frequency is relatively high, so the transmis- for wireless secure access with high transmission
sion delay can be reduced to 0.1 s. Higher rates and ultra-low latency.
frequencies (short wavelengths) with spatial Nano-scale network: Nano-scale network
resolution can be used for super-resolution applications include chip-to-chip links and inter-
sensing and high-precision positioning. Short nal communication within the human body. It
pulses (picoseconds) with high resolution in is a new type of network topology technology
the time domain can obtain THz time domain with ultra-short wavelengths. Nano-scale network
spectra with high signal-to-noise ratio, which communication mainly relies on more intelligent
makes it easier to perform spectral analysis on nano-scale technology and equipment. At pres-
various materials. ent, advanced nano-technology has been used
in channel modeling in the THz frequency band.
Challenges Facing the THz communication can calculate the channel
Terahertz Spectrum capacity of the nano network. In addition, the
• When the frequency is high, it is difficult to channel model of the nano network can also use
manufacture miniaturized chips in order to beamforming technology, which can significantly
suppress noise and interference between improve system capacity and coverage.
components. And in order to overcome the In addition to the above three ground sce-
limitation of impedance, various research narios, outer space communication is also an
studies continue to develop, such as dis- important scenario for THz communication. In
tance-aware physical layer design [5], super- the THz frequency band of outer space, relative-
mass MIMO communication, smart surface, ly transparent atmospheric windows are about
and graphene transistors. 350, 450, 620, 735, and 870 m. The signal is
• The output power of the THz transceiver is hardly absorbed by moisture, and long-distance
limited. Dealing with ultra-large bandwidth communication can be realized. The 6G network
and ultra-large antennas leads to extremely based on THz technology is expected to com-
high power consumption. Also, due to weak plete the effective integration of the 5G network,
diffraction effects, shadows and blocking fur- satellite communication network, and deep-sea

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ocean network, covering natural spaces such as
space, air, land, and ocean, and realizing a high- THz
speed broadband wireless communication net- holographic
work with multi-layer coverage and multi-network n Eavesdropping
integration. It is of great significance to realize THz secure
global ultra--reliable low-latency communication communication
THz wireless
(URLLC). At present, some research results have User
Eve access point
been achieved in the application of THz fre- 2 User1 IRS
quency band in radar monitoring, biomedicine,
unmanned vehicles, and other fields. In the future,
THz technology is expected to have further
research in biological imaging, rapid detection of Micro network
THz spectrum, and through-wall radar.
THz wireless
Intelligent Reflective Surface access point Micro
IRS, also denoted as reconfigurable intelligent sur- chip Nano Macro network station
sensor base
faces (RISs), can have potential value to improve Nano
station Macro network
the system performance of the 6G network. Sev- controller
eral scholars also call it large intelligent surface,
metasurface, software defined surface/metasur- Nanoscale network
face, and so on. Specifically, it can independently
reflect the incident signal by integrating a large FIGURe 2. THz communication application scenarios.
number of low-cost passive reflective elements
on the plane by controlling its amplitude and/
or phase. Thereby, it can intelligently reconfig- ciency[7]. Different from the existing technologies
ure the wireless propagation environment and that are only able to adapt to the dynamic wire-
finally significantly improve the performance of less channels, IRS can program the signal propa-
wireless transmission. Smart surfaces were pro- gation by intelligently controlling a large number
posed as early as the 20th century, and are mainly of passive reflecting elements[8], each of which is
used in military radars and anti-radar equipment capable of altering the amplitude and/or phase of
in high frequency bands such as mmWave and the reflected signal, thus collaboratively enabling
THz. Based on the current existing research, this the real-time reconfiguration of a wireless propa-
technology is defined as intelligent reflection tech- gation environment. Furthermore, IRS can achieve
nology in this article. The following focuses on full-duplex passive beamforming without requiring
the technical characteristics and research status any costly processing for self-interference can-
of IRS. cellation and signal decoding/amplification, thus
IRS is considered to be a promising new tech- substantially reducing the complexity, energy con-
nology that can reconfigure the wireless propa- sumption, and hardware cost.
gation environment through software-controlled At present, IRS has received extensive atten-
reflection. Specifically, IRS is a plane composed of tion from communications scholars. Next, the
a large number of low-cost passive reflective ele- main features of IRS technology are introduced:
ments, each of which can independently induce • IRS may not require radio frequency and
changes in the amplitude and/or phase of the baseband processing circuits, and IRS equip-
incident signal, thereby synergistically achieving ment adopts passive components, which
fine 3D reflected beam formation. In sharp con- greatly reduces power consumption and
trast to the existing transmitter/receiver wireless improves energy efficiency.
link adaptation technology, IRS actively modifies • IRS devices have lower cost and implemen-
the wireless channel between them through high- tation complexity [9]. In addition, IRS is thin
ly controllable and intelligent signal reflection. and light, and can be deployed flexibly for
This provides a new degree of freedom for further mIoT.
improving the performance of the wireless link, • Compared to other related technologies,
paving the way for the realization of an intelligent IRS mainly features active relay, backscatter
programmable wireless environment. By proper- communication, and massive MIMO based
ly adjusting 3D passive beamforming, the signal on active surface.
reflected by the IRS can be constructively added • Compared to active wireless relays that assist
to signals from other paths to enhance the desired source-destination communication through
signal power at the receiver or destructively elimi- signal regeneration and retransmission, IRS
nate undesired signals such as co-channel interfer- does not use any active transmitter modules
ence. Since IRS eliminates the use of the transmit (e.g., power amplifiers), but only reflects the
RF chain and only works within a short distance, it received signal as a passive array.
can be densely deployed and have a scalable cost • Active relays usually operate in half-duplex
and low energy consumption without the need mode, so their spectral efficiency is lower
for complex interference management between than IRS operating in full-duplex mode.
passive IRSs. Although full-duplex relay is also achievable,
it requires advanced and powerful self-in-
Characteristics of terference cancellation technology, and the
Intelligent Reflective Surface implementation cost of these technologies
IRS has emerged as an innovative technology to can be high.
achieve cost-effective improvement in commu- • IRS is different from traditional backscat-
nication coverage, throughput and energy effi- ter communication, such as radio fre-

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ference-free zone” nearby. When an IRS is used
Power to achieve large-scale device-to-device (D2D)
transfer controller
IRS communication, the IRS acts as a signal reflection
controller hub to support simultaneous low-power transmis-
sion through interference suppression.
In addition to the above applications, IRS has
Massive D2D many other uses. First, IRSs are usually made with
low profile, lightweight, and conformal geome-
Barrier try, which makes it easy to install/remove them
on walls, ceilings, building facades, advertising
IRS IRS panels, and so on. Deploying it in an existing wire-
controller controller less system (e.g., cellular or WiFi) may not need
Base Eve to change its standards and hardware, but only
IRS communication needs to modify the communication protocol.
in IoT Therefore, the integration of IRS into the wireless
IRS User
network can be transparent to users and superior
controller Physical layer
User Eve
to compatibility and high flexibility with existing
User secrecy
wireless systems. Therefore, IRS can be actually
Indoor IRS communication deployed and integrated in wireless networks at
FIGURe 3. IRS application scenarios. a lower cost.
Different from cell-free massive MIMO sys-
tems, cooperative relays usually use active com-
quency identification (RFID) tags that ponents to improve the propagation environment,
communicate with the reader by iden- while IRS requires only a little operating power,
tifying the reflected signal sent from the so it is suitable for implementation in systems with
reader. Therefore, the reader in backscat- limited energy. In addition, IRS can be a very thin
ter communication needs to realize self-in- material, allowing it to be deployed on building
terference cancellation at its receiver to exterior walls, ceilings, and so on. Therefore, IRS
decode the tag’s message[10]. is very suitable for places such as airport termi-
• Both the direct path signal and the reflected nals and stadiums. Moreover, the compatibility
path signal can carry the same useful infor- between the IRS and the existing conventional
mation in IRS-assisted communication, so network can be efficient in the existing network;
they can be coherently added at the receiver the IRS can be flexibly deployed to enhance the
to improve the decoded signal strength. performance of the current communication net-
• The IRS array architecture (passive and work.
active) and operating mechanism (reflection
and transmission) is different, and is also dif-
The Performance of
ferent from massive MIMO based on active Intelligent Reflective Surface in
surfaces. Different System Models
The beamforming scheme of the signal trans-
Intelligent Reflective Surface mission through the intelligent reflective sur-
Application Scenario face can obtain a high diversity gain, which is
Figure 3 shows the IRS application scenario. The proportional to the square of the refl ected ele-
user is in the dead zone where the direct link ment[11]. Table 2 describes the performance of
between the user and the serving base station IRS in different system models. IRS can improve
(BS) can be severely blocked by obstacles. In this the security performance of the physical layer if
case, deploying an IRS that has a clear connection there is an eavesdropper. In different antenna
with the BS and the user helps to bypass obstacles models, IRS will significantly improve the speed
through intelligent signal reflection, thereby creat- and energy efficiency of the network, there-
ing a virtual line-of-sight (LoS) link between them. by reducing delay time and achieving URLLC,
This is particularly useful for coverage extension in which is of great significance for the develop-
mmWave communications that are highly suscep- ment of 6G research.
tible to indoor congestion. When the link distance
from the BS to the eavesdropper is less than the Blockchain
link distance to the legal user, or when the eaves- 6G mobile communication technology is grad-
dropper is located in the same direction as the ually developing toward a marginal and dis-
legal user, the achievable secure communication tributed structure, and blockchain will play an
rate is highly limited. important role in 6G and later networks. As a
However, if the IRS is deployed near the bug, safe and reliable decentralized distributed net-
the signal reflected by the IRS can be tuned to work, blockchain technology has been used in
cancel the (non-IRS-reflected) signal from the BS many fields to ensure the privacy and safety of
at the bug, thereby effectively reducing informa- legitimate users. Blockchain enables the entire
tion leakage. For cell edge users who suffer from network entity to safely access key data and to
both high signal attenuation from their serving BS share an unmodifiable distributed ledger contain-
and severe co-channel interference from neigh- ing all data among all related entities in order to
boring BSs, IRS can be deployed at the edge of ensure the entire communication process can be
the cell. By appropriately designing its reflected more secure [12].
beamforming, it will help improve the desired Kim and co-author in [13] proposed a dis-
signal power and help suppress interference, tributed machine learning (DML) model based
thereby forming a “signal hotspot” and an “inter- on privacy protection. Compared to other rules,

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Paper Model IRS Contribution Method Conclusion

Secure wireless
Propose an efficient algorithm to Applying the alternating
communication via One user; one Passive Outperform a heuristic
obtain high-quality suboptimal optimization and semidefinite
intelligent reflecting eavesdropper (Eve) beamforming scheme
solution relaxation methods.

MISO wireless
Maximize the spectral efficiency; Large-scale IRSs is more
communication systems Passive Jointly optimize the Access
One user; one Eve solve the resulting non-convex efficient than increasing
via intelligent reflecting scatter Point and the IRS phase shifts
optimization problem the antenna array size

Design and analysis minimum

Intelligent-reflecting- Multi-user MIMO Coverage and user rates of Results to illustrate the
Passive mean squared error (MMSE)
surface-assisted multi-user communication the proposed system over efficiency of the proposed
scatter based channel estimation
MISO communication system conventional MISO systems system.

Intelligent reflecting
High rates and/or large IRS needs hundreds of
surface vs. decode-and- One user,single input
Scatter metasurfaces are needed to Comparing DF relaying to IRSs reconfigurable elements to
forward: are large surfaces single output (SISO)
outperform DF relaying be competitive
needed to beat relaying?

Jointly optimize the AP and Deploying large-scale

Enabling secure wireless Solve the problem of non-convex
Phase shifts; the IRS phase shifts; the block IRSs is more efficient
communications via One single-antenna optimization of small and large
Passive coordinate descent (BCD) and than enlarging the
intelligent reflecting user and Eve IRS results; greatly improve
scatter minorization maximization antenna array size of the
surfaces physical layer security
(MM) techniques transmitter

Reliability analysis of large

Asymptotically analyzed the An LIS can provide reliable
intelligent surfaces (LISs): Two-dimensional LIS; Passive Derived the outage probability for
sum-rate of an uplink LIS communication in terms
rate distribution and multi-device scatter LIS system
system of the outage probability
outage probability

Compare IRS to beamforming/

Intelligent-reflecting- Multi-antenna
Significantly improved in terms of relaying, jointly optimizing the IRS-aided MIMO system
surface-enhanced wireless access point (AP) Passive
energy consumption, coverage as transmit beamforming at the can achieve the same rate
network via joint active and multiple single- beamforming
well as achievable rate AP and reflect beamforming performance
and passive beamforming antenna users.
at the IRS

Exploit deep learning tools

Deep learning for large
Passive and a Based on deep learning, design to learn how to predict the Achieve near-optimal
intelligent surfaces in A transmitter and a
few active IRS an effective solution to the LIS optimal LIS reflection matrices data rates with negligible
millimeter-wave and receiver
elements interaction matrix problem directly from the sampled training overhead
massive MIMO systems
channel knowledge

Closed-form and semi-closed

Secrecy rate maximization One multi-antenna
form solutions were successfully Jointly optimize transmit
for intelligent-reflecting- source; one single- Passive The security performance
obtained for the transmit covariance and IRS’s phase
surface-assisted multi- antenna legitimate reflecting of the system is improved
covariance of source and the shift matrix
antenna communications receiver and Eve
phase shift matrix of the IRS

Intelligent-reflecting- An alternating optimization

A primary and IRS can greatly enhanced secrecy
surface-assisted secure (AO) algorithm is proposed to IRS-assisted design greatly
secondary transmitter, Passive rate secondary receiver; secrecy
multiple-input single- jointly optimize the transmit enhances the secondary
a secondary receiver reflecting rate keeps increasing with
output cognitive radio covariance and phase shift user’s secrecy rate
and an Eve transmit power
transmission coefficient at IRS
Table 2. Recent research on IRS technology.

the proposed error-based aggregation rules have Gai and co-author in [14] shared the privacy
stronger anti-attack ability and lower computa- protection scheme of IoT edge computing based
tional complexity in different private scenarios. It on blockchain technology using differential pri-
is a system to solve privacy, security, and perfor- vacy technology in the blockchain system to
mance issues. Network sharding is an on-chain achieve task allocation, privacy protection, and
capacity expansion technology. Through mod- anti-tampering functions, effectively preventing
eling the blockchain network sharding, research illegal attacks. Moreover, in the big environment
shows that under a certain degree of credibility, of medical data sharing, blockchain can be used
blockchain network sharding can reach the opti- to protect the security of cloud medical data.
mal scale and realize the sharding network. The In addition to security, a blockchain-based
development from credibility to credibility of the decentralized control mechanism can establish
entire network and the evolution of a more large- direct communication links between network enti-
scale fragmented network credibility solution is ties, which not only reduces management costs,
analyzed. but also improves spectrum efficiency [15]. More-

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over, by providing a unified system, blockchain one final state, which has the characteristic of
The full coverage of block- allows roaming between operators and networks. data integrity. Integrity requires the support of
chain is not yet clear, and cryptographic components such as hash func-
Blockchain Characteristics tions and digital signatures at the underlying data
the Lightning Network has
Decentralization: Traditional online transactions level such as transactions. At the consensus level,
been threatened due to are made on a credit-based model. Transactions achieving data integrity depends on the security
increased centralization. between users need to submit their own informa- of the consensus mechanism.
tion to a third-party organization, which not only Therefore, it can be seen from the above infor-
Although blockchain increases transaction costs, but also causes irre- mation that blockchain has the advantages of
improves network secu- versible consequences such as users’ inability to openness, transparency, security, and non-tamper-
rity when data is illegally conduct normal transactions when the third party ability. In addition, in terms of copyright protec-
makes a mistake or is absent. Blockchain estab- tion and government processing, data sharing also
traded or tampered, the lishes a decentralized network in a distributed makes people’s lives more convenient.
decentralized character- environment. After reaching a consensus agree-
ment, point-to-point transactions are realized. Challenges Faced by Blockchain
istics of blockchain will Each node has equal status and can issue trans- The full coverage of blockchain is not yet clear,
cause the data to be irre- actions and read information on the chain. Based and the Lightning Network has been threatened
vocable or altered, which on the degree of decentralization and the range due to increased centralization. Although block-
of participating nodes, blockchains are divided chain improves network security when data is ille-
may cause irreparable into three types: public chains, private chains, and gally traded or tampered with, the decentralized
consequences. alliance chains. characteristics of blockchain will cause the data to
• The public chain is a fully open blockchain be irrevocable or altered, which may cause irrepa-
with the highest degree of decentralization, rable consequences.
and all nodes can participate. It has the
highest reliability and large storage space. Other Key Technologies
Meanwhile, it can handle the smallest scale In addition to THz communication, IRS, and
of requests. Typical applications of public blockchain, there are several other key technol-
chains are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. ogies for 6G, including holographic communi-
• The private chain allows nodes within an cation technology (HCT), AI technology, orbital
organization to participate with the lowest angular momentum (OAM) technology, and so
degree of decentralization. The user informa- on. In the 6G era, remote holographic propa-
tion of the private chain is more private and gation will become reality with the continuous
has higher throughput. Private chains can be development of high-resolution imaging, sensing,
used for internal use by enterprises. wearable displays, mobile robots, drones, proces-
• The nodes in the alliance chain need permis- sors, and wireless network technologies. Due to
sion to join, and it can be jointly maintained the progress and growth of 3D display research,
by multiple organizations, so it is suitable for holographic communication technology trans-
use by multiple organizations with coopera- mits 3D holographic images of people in differ-
tive relationships. ent places to the same location through real-time
Cannot Be Tampered With: In the blockchain, capture, transmission, and rendering technology,
a hash encryption algorithm is used to encrypt which can provide virtual face-to-face video con-
data blocks. For a chain storage structure based ferences to facilitate communication.
on timestamp, the consensus mechanism of the The 6G network is characterized by more intel-
blockchain network is jointly determined by all ligence. Personalized intelligent networks com-
nodes. Only a malicious node with 51 percent bined with AI can achieve virtualized personal
of the computing power of the entire network mobile communications. AI technology will be
or a malicious node with a Byzantine fault toler- the main innovative technology of 6G intelli-
ance of more than 1/3 can possibly tamper with gent networks and combine AI technologies to
information, but the difficulty and cost of modify- achieve virtualized personal mobile communica-
ing the hash value of multiple blocks is very high. tions. Wireless communication using OAM has
Therefore, blockchain ensures that information is been a research hotspot in recent years. Recent
almost immutable. results have shown that metasurfaces can be
Open and Transparent: In blockchain, every programmed to change the phase, amplitude,
data block recorded on the main chain will be frequencym and even OAM of electromagnetic
broadcast to the entire network immediately, real- waves without the need for mixers and RF chains
izing timely synchronization of the entire network to effectively perform radio signal modulation.
data block. All nodes can save the information of If significant benefits can be achieved, this tech-
the longest main chain, and can trace all trans- nology will have considerable destructive power
action information on the chain, so transaction according to its progress.
records are completely open and transparent.
Safe and Reliable: Blockchain uses cryp- Conclusion
tographic principles such as hashing algorithm, The research process of 6G in various countries
asymmetric encryption, digital signature, and pub- is also accelerating with the continuous improve-
lic and private key verification to encrypt infor- ment of 5G related deployment. This article
mation, and at the same time uses an effective mainly introduces the main content and research
consensus mechanism to resist malicious attacks progress of 6G, which will further increase the
and ensure data security. transmission rate on the basis of 5G, realize
Completeness: A blockchain system based on ultra-low-latency communication, and expand the
a distributed database serializes data in blocks communication range of the Internet of Things.
according to time. The entire network has only 6G can realize the technical goal of intelligent

50 IEEE Communications Standards Magazine • June 2021

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connection of all things, and we have analyzed [11] E. Basar et al., “Wireless Communications Through Recon-
and discussed the potential key technologies of figurable Intelligent Surfaces,” IEEE Access, 2019, pp. Wireless communication
6G such as THz communication, IRS, and block- [12] I. Ahmad et al., “Security for 5G and Beyond,” IEEE Com- using OAM has been a
chain. mun. Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 21, no. 4, 4th qtr., 2019, pp. research hotspot in recent
Acknowledgments [13] H. Kim et al., “Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning years. Recent results have
for Blockchain Network,” IEEE Access, 2019.
This work was supported by the National Nat- [14] K. Gai et al., “Differential Privacy-Based Blockchain for shown that metasurfaces
ural Science Foundation of China under Grants Industrial Internet-of-Things,” IEEE Trans. Industrial Informat-
61801170, 61901241, 61671144, 61701172, and ics, vol. 16, no. 6, June 2020, pp. 4156–65. can be programmed to
[15] X. Ling et al., “Blockchain Radio Access Network (B-RAN): change the phase, ampli-
61902041; the National Thirteen Five Equipment Towards Decentralized Secure Radio Access Paradigm,”
Research Fund under Grant 6140311030207; IEEE Access, vol. 7, 2019, pp. 9714–23. tude, frequency, and even
the National Key Research and Development
Plan under Grant 2018YFB0904905; the Proj- Biographies OAM of electromagnetic
ect of Education Department Cooperation Baofeng Ji ( received his Ph.D. degree in
information and communication engineering from Southeast
waves without the need
Cultivation under Grants 201602011005 and
201702135098; the China Postdoctoral Science
University, China, in 2014. Since 2014 he has been a postdocto- for mixers and RF chains
rial fellow in the School of Information Science and Engineering,
Foundation under Grant 2018M633351; LAGEO Southeast University. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed to effectively perform
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant papers and three scholarly books. In 2009, he was invited to
serve as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Elec- radio signal modulation. If
LAGEO-2019-2; the Program for Science Tech- tronics and Communications, and has been a reviewer for over
nology Innovation Talents at the University of 20 international journals. He was selected as the Young Aca-
significant benefits can be
Henan Province (20HASTIT022, 17HASTIT025); demic Leader of Henan University of Science and Technology achieved, this technology
the 21st Project of the Xizang Cultural Inheri- in 2015.
tance and Development Collaborative Innovation will have considerable
Y ing H an ( received her Bachelor’s
Center in 2018; the Natural Science Foundation degree in electronic information science and technology from destructive power accord-
of Xizang Research of Key Technology of Mil- Chongqing Normal University, China, in 2018. She is currently
ing to its progress.
limeter Wave MIMO Secure Transmission with pursuing an M.S. degree in the School of Information Engineer-
ing at Henan University of Science and Technology. Her current
Relay Ehancement in 2018; the Xizang Autono- research interests include cooperative relay networks, secrecy
mous Region Education Science 13th Five-Year communication, and multi-layer heterogeneous networks.
Plan Major Project for 2018 (XZJKY201803); the
Young Backbone Teachers in Henan Province Shuwen Liu ( is currently pursuing her
Bachelor’s degree in the School of Information Engineering
(2018GGJS049); and Natural Science Foundation at Henan University of Science and Technology. Her current
of Henan (20230041012);;Top Young Talents in research interests include cooperative relay networks, secrecy
Central Plains;;Henan Province Young Talent Lift communication, and multi-layer heterogeneous networks.
Project (2020HYTP009).
F azhan T ao ( received his Ph.D.
degree in engineering from the Tokyo University of Agriculture
References and Technology, Japan, in 2017. He is currently a lecturer with
[1] Z. Zhang et al., “6G Wireless Networks: Vision Requirements the School of Information Engineering, Henan University of
Architecture and Key Technologies,” IEEE Vehic. Tech. Mag., Science and Technology. His research interests include robust
vol. 14, no. 3, Sept. 2019, pp. 28-41. control for nonlinear systems, EMS, PHEV, FCHEV, and RL.
[2] Y. Zhao, G. Yu, and H. Xu, “6G Mobile Communication
Network: Vision Challenges and Key Technologies,” Gaoyuan Zhang ( received his
arXiv:1905.04983, 2019; Ph.D. degree from the National Key Laboratory of Communica-
[3] B. Ji et al., “Secrecy Performance Analysis of UAV Assisted tions, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Relay Transmission for Cognitive Network with Energy Har- Chengdu, in 2015. He is currently an associate professor with
vesting,” IEEE Trans. Vehic. Tech., vol. 69, no. 7, July 2020, the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Henan
pp. 7404–15. University of Science and Technology. His current research
[4]\ interests include short-distance communication, physical layer
&wfr=spider\&for=pc. security, modulation, and error control coding.
[5] B. Ji et al., “Joint Optimization for Ambient Backscatter Com-
munication System with Energy Harvesting for IoT,” Mechan- Zhumu Fu ( received his Ph.D. degree
ical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 135: 106412. in control theory and control engineering from Southeast Uni-
[6] C. Han and Y. Chen, “Propagation Modeling for Wireless versity, Nanjing, China, in 2007. He is currently a professor with
Communications in the Terahertz Band,“ IEEE Commun. the School of Information Engineering, Henan University of
Mag., vol. 56, no. 6, June 2018, pp. 96–101. Science and Technology. His research interests include wireless
[7] Q. Wu and R. Zhang, “Toward Smart and Reconfigurable sensor networks, nonlinear systems, and hybrid electric vehicle
Environment: Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless systems.
Network,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 58, no. 1, Jan. 2020,
pp. 106–12. Chunguo Li [SM] ( obtained his Mas-
[8] H. Yang et al., “Design of Resistor-Loaded Reflectarray Ele- ter’s and doctoral degrees in communications from Southeast
ments for Both Amplitude and Phase Control,” IEEE Anten- University in 2007 and 2010, respectively. He was promoted
nas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 16, Nov. 2016, pp. 1159–62. to professor in 2017. He did postdoctoral research at Concor-
[9] K. Yang, D. J. Jiang, and F. Qin, “Overview of the Intelligent dia University in Canada from June 2012 to June 2013, and
Surface for 6G Communications,” Mobile Commun., vol. 44, studied at Stanford University, California, from July 2013 to
no. 6, 2020, pp. 70–74. August 2014. He is a Senior Member of CCF, a Senior Member
[10] J. D. Griffin and G. D. Durgin, “Complete Link Budgets of Chinese Institute of Electronics, and serves as deputy editor
for Backscatter Radio and RFID Systems,” IEEE Antennas of seven international SCI journals. He has long been a reviewer
Propag. Mag., vol. 51, no. 2, Apr. 2009, pp. 11–25. of several important international journals.

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