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Context 2: In an article on global birth rates

In an article that talks about birth rates around the world, the data values will be more important, and the
way the data is presented less so. Alt text in this case might read:

“Since 1950, population growth for less-developed countries has increased at 5 times the rate of developed
countries. See below.”

Note the reference to additional description with “See below.” With the limitation on the length of alt text, it
is commonly necessary to provide additional details about an image in a long description. This can often be
accomplished by providing an extended description in the text surrounding the image and in the alt text
referring to that description. This extended description can be placed before or after the image or perhaps in
a caption for the image. These long descriptions can be beneficial for many people, including those that do
not have a disability but perhaps are not sure how to interpret the graph.

A long description for context 2, might then read:

“In 1950, the ratio of population growth between less- and more-developed countries was approximately
2.5:1. Since then, the ratio has increased steadily. Today, that ratio is approximately 6:1. By 2050, that ratio
is expected to increase to 9:1, with developed countries maintaining a close-to-zero population growth,
compared to a nearly 600% increase in less-developed countries.”

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