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Agis had, indeed, a son Leotychides, but he was set aside as

in ordinary years, must appear extremely moderate in our

years, till 1825, in spite of appalling mortality among its

were also current, and the field of research extended to the

Sir Donald Stewart's force, marching up through Baluchistan by

1874, p. 62; 1878, pp. 10, 132, 194, 1881, p. 254. (R. A. S. M.)

it. Against the Siamese, who were also suspected of having

of a small region north of the lower Viossa (Toskeria).

by the nearest route, but to this rule there was a striking

the factors of the one is equal to the other, unity being

experience as an aesthetic experience. Other expressions

Pictet in his La Constitution chimique des alcatoides vegetaux

Hasseh in 1874; Berte was rendered into modern French by

and found its principal opponents in Bouchardon and Pigalle.

conformity with severity, and filled the parish churches, but

of the ``tree of life,'' and Rev. xxii. 2 (virtually) of

and was held by two illegitimate branches of the royal family in

coast. With this object Dr Nachtigal will shortly embark at

and acquaintances he was hospitable, courteous and obliging;

apocryphal book of Susanna, and Origen's wordy and uncritical

of the root about owing to its very poisonous character.

apparatus the communication of two parts can be secured in

beauty, though quite unlike that of other Greek cities in

which may remain free during the whole of the greater part

the passing of the Food Act this objectionable practice was

Faure or ``pasted'' type has been one in which the issue was

bank of the river. Among the most remarkable are the ruins of
woman. The church also contains a solid silver statue of the

of from 7000 to 7500 ft. above the sea, and is fl00ded in a

means of his mercenaries, and their friends in Egypt fully

which contains a full life, with bibliography; see also C.

priests (1 Chron. xxiv. 10), the order to which Zacharias,

this region, and began to make settlements, especially after

and parts of British East Africa) Europeans find the climate

Baker and F. E. Ross, The Voice of The Mountalns (1905,

church is officially the Evangelical Association, but its

first book printed in Peru. Returning to Spain in 1587, and

difficulty in establishing any satisfactory chemical distinction

Mahe, the principal island of the Seychelles archipelago. The

1808; latest edition of text, Gardthausen, 1874-1875. English

by electrolysing a mixture of a metallic salt and an ester,

personalities. Irving was more genially human, Cooper

prolongation (within obvious limits) in time or space is a

art. Among these his distinction between arts which

which melt at 75-80 deg. C. When warmed it breaks down into ammonia

attempts have been made to produce the substance without

preservative. Heavily salted goods no longer appeal to the

i., 1902, pp. 13-14; but see CITIUM) with Kartihadasti

conditions, of the conflict between two types of thought, the

absent; of other characteristics, the use of the sword has

the other by Bering Sea; or that Malayoid wanderers were

phosphate; salt.

Wyllie's Essays on the External Policy of India (1875);

connected with the presence of salts or other substances. A

the Gulf of Aden. Adis Ababa stands on the southern slopes

of external temperature can affect the sag of the wire,

of numbers and the general theory of series, are outgrowths

holdings a good tenant makes an average profit of about L. 4 an

tints involved in the finer aesthetic enjoyment of colour

E2. Coleochaete sp., fertilized egg with investment of filaments.

conspicuous Service by his translations of various Greek

Ivanovich Morozov, a shrewd and sensible guardian, sufficiently

and the textual criticism of the New Testament, thoygh his

(3) gradual variation of direction in gentle curves; (4)

tablets, in cuneiform, a docket or precis of the contents

left of the Southern line, Sidney Johnston himself maintaining

work of his generation, and indeed the sole work that is

the solemn translation to Canterbury in 1023 was received

Alcuin, a sample of the intellectual exercises in which they

military art. The Arabic version of Aelian was made about

a Jewish rabbi, emigrated to the United States in 1857,

one for this purpose. He must also have some form of wooden

coast colonies have all been increased in size at the expense

direction, he realized that the position taken up by the vane

and westward, on the Kasai, the Bakuba, and a large number

is almost unknown, except in a few non-contentious cases as

One of its marked features is the five parallel furos1

common meal, of bread and water only, when the day's labour

by such suturing as the circumstances may suggest, the interior

his government with the tribes, and to the system introduced

evil-smelling beach done away with. From the south end of

subject. The little treatise On the Statues destroyed by thc

opposed to the transference, but ultimately acquiesced.

hand. In No. 94 of the same journal, published in October

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