Design Practice: Introduction

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Design Practice

 Introduction
This is what today's design is in the world that design for the need and design in a manner
so that the market comes to you, because of the innovation that you put in your product.

 Product Development
Classification of product

First Type
 Tangible products (pen, cycle, car, etc.)
 Intangible products (called services, for eg., hotels, airlines, service of doctors
Second Type
 Consumer Products (Purchased by individual users for personal and/or household
 Industrial products (used for business purposes)

 Basic protocols of industrial design

 Define Problem
 Gather Information (IPs)
 Concept Generation
 Evaluation of Concepts
 Product architecture
 Configuration design
 Parametric design
 Detail design
 Conceptual Design
a. Identification of customer needs
b. Problem Definition: to create a statement that describes the customer needs
c. Gather Information: Collect all the information that can be helpful for developing and
translating customer needs in engineering design
d. Conceptualization: Generate concepts that can satisfy the problem statement.
e. Concept Selection: Evaluate various design concepts, modify and evolve into single
preferred concept.

Innovation comes from hunting.

Today we go hunting for the next big idea.

 Design thinking and innovation

1st rule: Never go hunting alone, look for people
Think the non-obvious
Communicate tangibly

 Brain Storming
Generate as many as idea possible
Cut criticism
Don’t shoot each other ideas
Embrace weird
Value of implementation > difficulty of implementation
Take ideas build and combine
I = (m + e) Cx (innovation = mind & emotion in communication)
Prepare, act and then compile
Learn to observe (watch & ask) thoughtfully
Watch for A.E.I.O.U: Activities environment interaction objects users
 Design Prototyping
Getting ideas and explorations out of head in physical world.
Deconstructing system.

 Generic Phase of the Design

1. Product Architecture: Outlaying of the physical component of the product
and “mapping” to the required function of the product

2. Configuration design: This involves the basic shape with spatial location
and the general dimension of the product, more accurate specification and
tolerances come in the parametric design phase of the product.
Functional elements are functional requirement of the product.
Careful in designing interfaces (dimension of contact surface b/w two surface, position and
size of bolt holes, max. force that the interface is expected to sustain).

3. Parametric design:

 Concurrent Engineering
It is a systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design of products and their related
processes, including manufacture and support. This approach is intended to cause the
developers from the outset, to consider all elements of the product life cycle from
conception to disposal, including quality, cost, schedule, and used requirements.

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