Reading Physical Therapy Grammar - The Present Tense Simple and Continuous

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Physical therapy 5. Jimmy _________ in the park every day after school.

A. goes cycling; B. drives bicycle; C. gets riding; D. is having a bike

Physical therapy or physiotherapy (often abbreviated to PT) is a physical medicine and 6. We must go now. It ___________ dark.
rehabilitation specialty that remediates impairments and promotes mobility, function, and A. is going; B. becomes; C. gets; D. is getting
quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and physical intervention (therapy
using mechanical force and movements). It is carried out by physical therapists (known as II. Complete the following sentences by translating the Romanian words or
physiotherapists in most countries) phrases given in brackets:
PTs are Rehabilitation professionals who diagnose and treat individuals of all ages, from 1. Jim! (închide) down that noisy music! It (face) me mad! Jim! I (vorbesc) to you!
newborns to the very oldest, who have medical or surgical problems or other health-related 2. I (aud) that you (pleci) for Chicago next month. Yes. We (ne gândim) of emigrating
conditions, illnesses, or injuries that limit their abilities to move and perform functional actually. My husband (nu câștigă) enough here and he (speră) to find a good job in
activities as well as they would like in their daily lives. America.
Physiotherapists are trained to assess your condition, diagnose the problem, and help you 3. Why you (te uiți) at me like that? Well, you (arăți) horrible today. I (vreau să spun)
understand what’s wrong. Your treatment plan will take into account your lifestyle, activities, your boots (nu se potrivesc) with the evening dress at all!
and general health. 4. I (văd că) you (faci) your homework now. No, I (încerc) to write a letter to Miriam.
She (vine) next month.
The following are common treatment methods physiotherapists may use: 5. You (recunoști) anyone in this picture? Yes, the boy who (lovește) the ball is my
cousin Jim and the one who (stă întins) on the grass is me.
 exercise programs to improve mobility and strengthen muscles 6. Why Ralph (lustruiește) his shoes? He (vrea) to look smart because he (o conduce
 joint manipulation and mobilisation to reduce pain and stiffness pe) Jenny off at the airport at 9.
 muscle re-education to improve control 7. What (aduce) you to Romania? I (caut) for a private electronics company to
 airway clearance techniques and breathing exercises cooperate with. Well, I (urez) you success.
 soft tissue mobilisation (massage)
 acupuncture III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs in the Simple Present:
 hydrotherapy The Morgan family ________ in California. Mr. Morgan __________ as an airline pilot
while Mrs. Morgan _________ care of the household and the children. She _________ up
 assistance with use of aids, splints, crutches, walking sticks and wheelchairs.
early every day and _________ breakfast for everyone, while Mr. Morgan _______ in the
park near their house. At 7.30 they __________ a big breakfast. Then Mr. Morgan ______
Physicians like Hippocrates and later Galenus are believed to have been the first practitioners
for the airport. He usually _______ to Phoenix, Arizona and _________ home about 6 p.m.
of physical therapy, advocating massage, manual therapy techniques and hydrotherapy to
Meanwhile, the children ___________ themselves in the kindergarten and Mrs. Morgan
treat people in 460 BC. Modern physical therapy was established towards the end of the 19th
________ shopping, _________ dinner, and ______ the dog. By the time her husband
century due to events that had an effect on a global scale, which called for rapid advances in
_______ back home Mrs. Morgan is so tired that she _________ it difficult to keep him
physical therapy. Soon following American orthopedic surgeons began treating children with
company when he _______ a late night show on television.
disabilities and began employing women trained in physical education, and remedial
exercise. These treatments were applied and promoted further during the Polio outbreak of
IV. Transform the following sentences or pairs of sentences into single
1916. During the First World War women were recruited to work with and restore physical
statements preserving the original meaning. Use the beginnings provided
function to injured soldiers, and the field of physical therapy was institutionalized.
in each case:
1. How often do you visit your dentist? Can you tell me?
I. Choose the one word or phrase marked A, B, C or D that best completes
Can you tell me _____________?
each of the following sentences:
2. Where does she come from? Do you know?
1. “What’s that noise?” “I think the Jacksons ________ a party.”
Do you know ______________?
A. make; B. are having; C. have; D. are doing
3. They arrive at Heathrow. Call me then.
2. The Prince Edward is ____________ across the channel now.
Call me immediately ______________.
A. swimming; B. crossing; C. walking; D. sailing
4. What time does the show begin? Ask that man.
3. Your brother _______ me 300 dollars.
Ask that man ________________.
A. owns; B. owes; C. is owing; D. is owning
5. Where does this road lead to? They don’t have any idea.
4. He ________ to be an intelligent young man.
They have no idea _________________.
A. sees; B. is seeming; C. looks; D. appears
V. Put the verbs into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous:
1. Cathy? What the children (do)? I think they (play) in the backyard.
2. Why these people (stand) there? They (listen) to the man on the ladder. And what he
(do)? He (make) a speech. People (make) speeches here every Sunday.
3. Listen! Someone (knock) at the door. Yes, it’s the music teacher. She always
(come) at 4 sharp. Can you wait upstairs until we (finish) our lesson?
4. What time the concert (begin)? I (not remember) exactly. Why you (not telephone)
the theatre? Well, you (see) the telephone (not work) at the moment because we
haven’t paid.
5. I (wonder) why our neighbour continually (drill) in the walls. Perhaps he (want) to
blow up the house with dynamite. You (joke)? No, they (say) he (have) an explosive

VI. Ask questions about the underlined parts of the following sentences:
1. The waiters are pouring drinks.
2. The orchestra is playing pop music.
3. The Sandersons are dancing in the fountain.
4. Lady Morley is talking to her dog in Japanese.
5. A newspaper reporter is climbing the gate because he wants to take some pictures.
6. Seven guests are sleeping in the kitchen.
7. Those three young men are dropping champagne bottles from the roof.

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