Telecom Organization of Pakistan:: Assignment No. 02 Date: 26 November, 2021 Total Marks: 5

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Department of Computer Science

MGT 242: Organizational theory and behavior

BS(CS) (Fall 2021)
Course Tutor: Engr. Muhammad Awais

Assignment No. 02
Date: 26 November, 2021
Total Marks: 5
Name: M Tabish Shaikh Enrollment ID: 02-134182-055

Marks Obtained: ___________________

 Submit Assignment in softcopy re typed in MS Word
 This is an individual Assignment. Plagiarism will result in ZERO marks.
 Do not attempt copying from internet you can share only Statistical Data as requirement
 All sources of information must be properly acknowledged or referenced.

Question No. 1 (CLO-1, PLO-2, and C2):

Compare the Work Flexibility, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance among the
organization of Pakistan (Pick only 2) and Explain how employees can express
dissatisfaction or identify four employee responses for dissatisfaction in there
organization ?

Telecom Organization of Pakistan:


Pakistan's cellular services industry now has over 105 million1 users and has grown at a
rapid rate over the last decade. The demanding services and improved communication
facilities provided to users were the primary reasons for the industry's rapid growth. In
Pakistan, there is fierce competition among cellular service providers, which benefits users
in terms of pricing, services, and facilities. Being such a large industry in Pakistan, its
contributions to the national exchequer have consistently exceeded 100 billion Rupees.
The revenue generated by Pakistan's cellular industry in 2009-10 was $ 236,047 million.
According to the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority, the following companies
provide cellular services in Pakistan: 1) Pakistan Mobile Company Limited (Mobilink), 2)
CMPak Limited (Zong), 3) Telenor Pakistan Limited, 4) Warid Telecom Limited, and 5)
Pakistan Telecom Mobile Company. They have more than half of the country's population
as users.

All companies place a high value on their employees in order to gain a competitive
advantage, and HR practices play an important role in achieving that competitive
advantage through employees. Among many HR practices and functions, one important
function of HR is keeping track of employees' performance within the organization, which
is commonly referred to as employee performance appraisal.

There is no doubt that all organization’s want their employees to do well in their jobs, and
they use performance appraisal to determine how well their employees are doing.

After reviewing the performance appraisals, management makes many decisions and takes
actions such as rewarding employees with promotions for having good performance
ratings or punishing employees with poor performance ratings. Furthermore, the
appraisers' biased ratings, whether positive or negative, i.e. the politics involved in
performance appraisal, will influence management decisions about punishing or rewarding
an employee.

Performance is the result of an employee's actions and performance on the job, and it can
be measured by comparing the duties and responsibilities assigned to him by the
organization to the results of his efforts to fulfil those duties and responsibilities. It is also
linked to organizational goals because organizational performance is determined by the
performance of the individuals who work for it.

Job Satisfaction (JS):

Employees in any organization are critical in all aspects of the organization. Employee
job satisfaction can be influenced at any time by a variety of factors such as personal
problems or environmental conditions. Herzberg et al., (1959) were referred by Westover
& Taylor, (2010) that satisfaction to the employees can be provided by focusing
importantly on the job characteristics including rewards. A simple suggestion made by
Westover & Taylor (2010) is that the extent to which a job fulfills the needs of the
employee will determine the level of job satisfaction of the employee.

Job satisfaction is divided into five basic components:

 Satisfaction with overall HR policies
 Satisfaction with compensation
 Satisfaction with the supervisor's behavior and attitude
 Satisfaction with the extent of task clarity
 Satisfaction with the organization's career growth opportunities.

According to this study, job satisfaction can be defined as the employee's perception of all
aspects of his or her job and organization, such as satisfaction with policies, supervision,
career, compensation, and tasks to perform. Furthermore, the perception of the job is
formed by a number of factors related to the employee's on-the-job experiences and
personality traits.

Performance appraisal politics is closely related to job satisfaction because compensation

decisions, benefits, and rewards are based on an employee's performance appraisal. If
there is a difference in ratings for any reason, it will affect the worker's reward system and
compensation, which will ultimately influence job satisfaction.
Work Flexibility, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance
of Banking Industry:

Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance:

Job satisfaction of banking sector employees in Pakistan revealed that employees who are
more satisfied with their jobs and express a higher level of motivation are more productive
and show greater involvement in the organization's performance. They stated that such
employees have a very low turnover rate.
Human resource activities have a positive effect on employee satisfaction and bring to
light that high human resource practices have a positive effect on employee performance
and organizational citizen behavior’s.

This study demonstrates that organizations are putting more emphasis on human resource

Organizations are paying closer attention to human resource policies in order to keep their
employees satisfied and content in order to get the most out of them and maximize the
profit of the organization. Organizations in Pakistan are more aware than ever of the
importance of human resource management. In order to compete in the market,
organization’s must review their human resource policies in order to reap long-term
benefits. Employees are regarded as the best invested assets for competing with
competitors in both the long and short term. Organizations are working hard to maximize
the use of their employees by keeping them satisfied and meeting their needs by providing
them with various rewards and incentives based on their performance.

Employees are motivated, and it is the organization's responsibility to convert that

motivation into work. Organizations must attract employees through some form of reward
in order for them to stay motivated and work for the betterment of the organization.
Organizations must amend and correct the nature of their reward system in order to align it
with the changing needs of time.

Theoretical Framework:
 Employee performance is positively related to the appraisal system.
 Employee performance is positively related to the rewards system.
 Employee performance is positively related to job satisfaction.
 The appraisal system is related to job satisfaction.
 Job satisfaction is positively related to the reward system.

The Faysal Bank of Pakistan needs to review their policies in order to make the best
use of their employees in order to meet the bank's objectives. According to the findings
of this study, the bank's appraisal system has a negative impact on employee
performance. The criteria used to evaluate employees is ineffective, and the bank's
managers are failing to implement policies properly. Although the reward system has a
positive effect on employees, it is still insufficient to meet the desired goals.

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