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Present simple: -
usage: -
we use it to talk about:
• general truth.
o Ex, The Sun rises every morning.
• Things that we do regularly.
o Ex, I visit my grandmother every Friday.
• Permanent state.
o Ex, I live in Egypt. I work as a teacher.
• Timetable, anything that starts and ends through a
timetable. Like: movies- programs — trains — flights —
parties- performances.
Ex. The performance starts at 2:00 P.m. tomorrow
Form: -
• He/she/it and the singular + verb+ s/es/ies
• l/we/you / they and the plural + verb infinitive
Ex: She goes to school everyday
Ex: I go to school every day.
• We put to the verb (es) if it ends with ( sh/ch/ss/s/x/o)
Ex. Finish — finishes / Catch — catches
• we put to the verb ( ies ) if it ends with Y proceeded by a
Ex: Try — tries / carry — carries, but if it is a vowel + y we put
only ( S)
Ex: Play — plays.
Negative Form:
• He/she / it + doesn't + inf
• I/ we / you / they + don't +inf
Ex: She doesn't play Tennis
Ex: We don't go to the club
Question Form:
• Does + he/she/it + inf?
Ex: Does she play sports?
• DO+ I / we / you / they + inf?
Ex: DO you like ice-cream?

• Every
day/week/month/year/Friday/Saturday/summer- once a week
/ twice a month / three times a day- at the weekend — in the
morning — on Mondays- in June.
• Adverbs of Frequency:
Always — usually — Often - sometimes — ever — never —
rarely — scarcely.
• In the present simple, we always use the
question word (How Often) to ask about how many times we
do a certain action
Ex: How often do you visit your uncle? once a week.
Present continuous: -
We use it to talk about:
1- Actions that are in progress at the time of speaking:
Ex: Al-Ahly is playing an important match today
2- Temporary actions:
Ex: I'm studying English these days.
3- Annoying habits or actions (always-constantly forever)
Ex: Ahmed is always forgetting his H.W.
4- What is happening in a picture:
Ex: In this photo, the girl is playing with her little dog.
5- Future plans:
Ex: I'm travelling to Canada next year.
Form: -
• subject + Be +v+ing
Ex: Ahmed is playing Tennis today.
• Negative form :Subject + v. to Be + Not +
Ex: We aren't playing games today.
• Question Form:
Ex: Am/ Is/Are + subject +
Ex: Are you studying English these days?
Look — Listen — now — right now today — tonight — these
days — this day- this week — this month — at the moment —
at present - for the time being — tomorrow — next day —
Past simple: -
1- Actions that started and finished in the past
Ex: Peter studied English yesterday.
2- Past Habits:
Ex: I played football every day when I was at school
3- Actions that happened one after another in the past:
Ex: Ahmed walked to school, met his friend and studied
• Subj + Verb +ed/d/ied OR Irregular verb
Ex: I watched a movie yesterday
Ex: I went to school yesterday
Negative Form:
we always use didn't + Verb inf except with was and were
Ex: I watched a movie yesterday
Ex: I didn't watch a movie yesterday
Ex: She was at school last week
Ex: She wasn't at school last week.
Question Form:
• Did + Subj + verb inf?
Ex: Yes, she went to school yesterday.
Ex: Did she go to school yesterday?
Key words:
yesterday / the day before yesterday / last week / last year /
last month / a week ago / 2 hours ago / in 2007 / last summer /
on 20th of April

Present perfect simple: -

1- to talk about something that started in the past and hasn't
finished yet:
Ex: We have studied English for 6 years.
2-Something has just finished:
Ex: Ahmed has just done his homework.
3-Something that happened in the past but we don't know
when exactly:
Ex: James has won three matches so far.
4-Something happened in the past, but it has affected the
I’ve broken my leg, so I couldn't go to school.
• Subject + have/has + P.P
Ex: She has already booked a room.
Negative Form:
• sub. + have/has + not + p.p.
Ex: They haven't studied their lessons yet.
Question Form:
• Have/Has + subj + p.p.
Ex: Has she played the guitar?
Key words:
just — already — yet — ever — never — since for— lately-
recently — so far — up till now - Throughout history — over
Exercise: -
Correct the verbs:
1- He (speak) three languages.
2-Look over there! The horse (run)
3-We(get)our salary tomorrow.
4-I (buy)this car five years ago.
5-Last year she (spend)her holiday in Japan.
6-How often ……………you (visit)your aunt?
7-The children (feel) safe at the moment.
8-They(watch)an Indian film tonight.
9-The Alexandria train (not leaves) at three.
10-Hurry up! The bus (come).
11-Farmers (not grow) any apples this season.
12-Stop that noise. I(study)my lessons.
13-Let us go out. It (not rain) anymore.
14-When she phones me, I (tell)you.
15-I think I(call)a Taxi.
16-They (paint)the room next Friday.
17-Is the kid(play)with the doll tomorrow?
18-Be careful! The children(cross)the street.
19-I can't go to the party. I do my homework.
20-He already (give) up smoking.
21-He(be)in hospital for five days.
22-I not (eat)anything since this morning.
23-She once (work)in a restaurant.
24-We(meet)Linda at the market yesterday.
25-It (not stop) raining yet.
26-We (have) a wonderful time last night.
27-The water (boil), would you turn off the gas?
28-Don't fight with each other. I (work) now.
29-We (not feed) the horses twice a day.
30-I (do)my work now.
31-We (have)a wonderful time last night.
32-Be careful. You(go) to fall down.
33-I expect the test (be) easy.
1-I go to school by car. (Use not)
2-Teachers work in hospitals. (Negative)
3-She is a good girl. (Ask)
4-Sara plays tennis. (Form a question)
5-(Be) you happy? (Answer)
6-Yes, lions live in jungles. (Ask)
7-Can penguins fly? (Answer)
8-Crocodiles have sharp teeth. (Subject pronoun)
9-Dalia watches T.v. (Use not)
10-Children always drink milk. (Ask)
11-This man works in a hotel. (Plural)
12-Chicken can fly. (negative)
13-Salma is playing football. (Question)
14-The wolf is big. (Plural)
15- My sister flies a kite . (Ask)
16- Ox is dangerous animal. (Plural)
17-Lions live in herds. (Neg)
18-I've got a big bag. (Long form)
19-My father buys a new car . (Ask)
20-I and my sister are studying English. (Negative)
21-My friend's got English lesson. (Long form)
22-She doesn't have a new bike. (Ask)
22-My grandpa can't ride a bike. (Ask)
23-The girl's eating fruits and vegetables. (Long form)
24-The sheep is White . (Plural)

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