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What was the reason for the revolt led by the following Filipino leaders?

1. Lakan Dula- Lakandula revolted because Miguel Lopez de Legazpi reneged on his
side of the deal.

2. Bankaw and Tamblot- Tamblot, a former babaylan and Bankaw, a former chieftain
led separate revolts for the purpose of restoring the old religion, but the Spanish
soldiers, with the aid of Filipino soldiers loyal to Spain, suppressed the uprisings and
severely punished the perpetuators. Tamblot persuaded two thousand Boholanos who
revolted against the Jesuits. They burned four villages and churches, threw away
rosaries and crosses, and pierced an image of the Virgin repeatedly with their spears.
Bankaw’s followers destroyed church properties and erected a temple for their god.
Men, women and children fought the Spaniards but after they were defeated, Bankaw
was arrested and his head was severed then placed on a stake as a public warning. His
son was beheaded and his daughter was captured.

3. Francisco Maniago- Maniago Revolt led by Don Francisco Maniago, led the natives
of the province in a revolt against the government practice of forcing them to cut
timber and hauling them to Cavite for the construction of galleons and initially
caused by natives' protest against the polo and bandala “polo” was forced labour and
“bandala” was tribute in the form of food stuff. bandala was the Kapampangan word
for food basket., later became a struggle to free the natives from Spanish rule.

4. Dagohoy- The reason why Dagohoy took rebellion was Forced labor was one of the
causes of the revolt and that the Spanish authorities did not allow and refused a
Christian Burial for Dagohoy's brother's death.

5. Diego Silang- The reason led by Diego Silang was was fueled by grievances
stemming from Spanish tributes and abuses, and his belief in self-government.

6. Juan dela Cruz Palaris- The reason why he revolted because he took advantage of
the British Occupation of Manila to revolt against Spanish authorities. They
demanded the end of forced labor and collection of tribute and the appointment of
native officials in local government positions. The revolt spread to other towns in the
province before it was violently suppressed in 1765. Juan de la Cruz Palaris led the
uprising in Pangasinan-natives are demanding for the abolition of the tribute and the
removal of Joaquin Gamboa.

7. Juan Sumuroy- The main reason for the Sumuroy Rebellion was the Spaniards'
forcible conscription of workers from Eastern Visayas and neighboring regions to
work in the shipyards of Cavite .

8. Matienza- Under his leadership,natives of Lian & Nasugbu in Batangas raised the
standard of revolt in protest against the unconditional appropriation of their land by
the Jesuits

9. Hermano Pule- The reason why revolt was because he want to fought against the
secularization of Spanish Friars, and he sought for equality especially on the union of
men and women.

10. Andres Malong- The reason why he revolted because Salaries of the laborers were
not given despite having worked for many months, which caused the agitation of the
natives against the Spaniards.

Brain Teaser

A. Write the word or name that best describes the following:

1. The objective of the Propaganda Movement – To create reforms in the Philippines

2. The equal right of Filipino priests to administer a parish- Pedro Pelaez
3. The official publication of the Propaganda Movement- Newspaper La Solidaridad
4. The Journalist of the Propaganda Movement- Graciano Lopez Jaena
5. The civic organization that sought to advance reforms. – Social Movements

A. Match the items on column A with B, and those on column C with column D.


1. Marcelo H. Del Pilar Jomapa

2. Graciano Lopez Jaena Plaridel

3. Jose Ma. Panganiban Diego Laura

4. Jose Rizal Taga-ilog

5. Antonio Luna Dimasalang


1. Carlos Ma. De la Torre Governor-General with an

Iron fist

2. Gomburza He allowed regular priest to head

New parishes

3. Rafael de Izquierdo A Spanish mestizo who supported

Filipino priests

4. Pope Pius V Governor-General best

Remembered for his liberal

5. Father Pedro Pelaez Accused as the brains behind

The uprising in Cavite.

A. Analogy: Study the following words. Write the corresponding word on the space

1. La Solidaridad: G. Lopez Jaena: Brian of the Katipunan: Emilio Jacinto

2. Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa: Andres Bonifacio : Mi Ultimo Adios! : Rizal
3. Emilio Aguinaldo : Magdalo; Bonifacio: Magdiwang
4. Gov. Hen.Izquierdo: Gomburza; Gov. Hen. Polavieja: Governor-General
and successor of Ramon Blanco
5. Revolution: Bonifacio ; National Hero of the Philipines :Rizal

B. Match column A with column B.


1. Founder of the Katipunan a. Teodoro Patino

2. Brains of the Katipunan b. Daniel Tirona
3. Katipunero with divulged c. Andres Bonifacio
All that he knew about the KKK
4. Blocked Bonifacio’s proclamation
As Director of Interior d. Emilio Aguinaldo
5. Elected President during the Tejeros e. Emilio Jacinto

C. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The arrest of Rizal led to

a. The dawn of nationalism
b. The establishment of the Katipunan
c. The continued Spanish occupation in the country
d. The onset of revolution

2. The Cartilla of Katipunan served as

a. An expose of Spanish abuses
b. a calendar of the Katipunan’s activities
c. a guide of teachings that must be obeyed by Katipuneros
d. a journal of the Katipunan

3. Honoria Patino’s disclosure of the Katipunan resulted to

a. The disintegration of the KKK
b. The execution of Rizal
c. The confiscation of the KKK’s belongings by the guardia civil
d. The discovery of the Katipunan

4. The presence of factions within the Katipunan caused

a. Disunity among the members
b. Lack of leadership
c. Confusion among members
d. Disintegration of the organization

5. Daniel Tirona’s insulting remarks on Bonifacio manifested

a. Disrespect to the founder of the Katipunan
b. Crab mentality
c. Low regard for people from a lower social status
d. Self-importance


A. Write the word that best describes the following.

1. Sovereignty of the Philippines The explicitly states the US objective of

exercising its sovereignty over the Philippines.

2. The cession of the Philippines maintains that Spain would hand over the
Philippines to the US in exchange for $20 million.

3. The flames of Filipino-American war were ignited on the eve of February 4,


4. General Jacob H. Smith Ordered American troops to burn the province of

Samar and annihilate all men aged 10 years and above.

5. Simeon Ola y Arboleda Was the last Filipino general who surrendered to
American troops.

B. Write F if the statements is a fact and O if it is an opinion.

1. The Americans had been straightforward with Aguinaldo. F

2. The Americans employed force and violence to subjugate the
Filipinos. F
3. The Filipinos needed the help of the Americans to win its
independence from Spain. T
4. The United States sought to expand its territories. F
5. The Battle of Manila Bay between the Spaniards and the Americans
was actually staged. F

6. The Filipinos fully supported Aguinaldo’s dictatorial government. F

7. The Malolos Constitution was the first important document completed
by representatives of the Filipino people. F
8. Macario Sakay was a true Filipino hero. O
9. Aguinaldo regretted returning to the Philippines. O
10. The establishment of the Iglesia Filipina Independente was the
realization of Apolinario Mabini’s proposal in establish a Philippine
National Church. F

Song Analysis

Bayan Ko
Ang bayan kong Pilipinas
Lupain ng ginto't bulaklak
Pag-ibig na sa kanyang palad
Nag-alay ng ganda't dilag

At sa kanyang yumi at ganda

Dayuhan ay nahalina
Bayan ko, binihag ka
Nasadlak sa dusa

Ibon mang may layang lumipad

Kulungin mo at umiiyak
Bayan pa kayang sakdal-dilag
Ang 'di magnasang makaalpas

Pilipinas kong minumutya

Pugad ng luha at dalita
Aking adhika
Makita kang sakdal laya

Ibon mang may layang lumipad

Kulungin mo at umiiyak
Bayan pa kayang sakdal-dilag
Ang 'di magnasang makaalpas

Pilipinas kong minumutya

Pugad ng luha at dalita
Aking adhika
Makita kang sakdal laya

My Analysis of the Song

For my analysis this poem is one of the most recognizable patriotic songs of the Philippines
written by Jose Corazon de Jesus in 1929. According to the song entitled Ang Bayan ko.
It’s told us that our beloved country which is Philippines is a beautiful country and it’s also
told us what our country have experienced during the time of our ancestors that it has
encountered many difficulties our country has been captured by other country like Spanish,
American and Japan. Before our situation we didn't have freedom for a long time but like
a bird that wanted to fly. Also, our heroes sacrificed themselves and think many ways to
get freedom and become an independent country. In addition, it is joyful to be free that no
one will dictate us and limit us on the thing we want to do as a Filipino. As we have seen
and felt how we as a Filipino were happy after getting and having independence in our

Submitted By: Loryn B. Abrina (3rd-BEEd)

Submitted To: Professor Teodorico Anadon

Submitted On: 10/28/2021

My Midterm Examination in Teaching Social Studies

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