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Hypothesis Testing

H1: Internet Bank users with higher perceived ease of use have more positive attitude
towards Internet Banking
H0: There is no association between perceived ease of use of Internet Banking and
attitude towards Internet Banking.
H1: There is association between perceived ease of use of Internet Banking and attitude
towards Internet Banking.

A correlation test was conducted to determine if there is any significance association

between perceived ease of use and attitude towards Internet Banking.
Since the p value is 0.002 which is lesser than 0.05 accepted level of significance,
therefore we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis and
conclude there is significant association between perceived ease of use and attitude
towards Internet Banking. Since the Pearson correlation is 0.886, which is closer to 1 so
we can conclude that there is very strong positive correlation between perceived ease
of use and attitude towards Internet Banking.

H2. Male have more favourable attitude towards Internet banking than female.

H0: There is no significant difference between gender and attitude towards Internet
H1: There is significant difference between gender and attitude towards Internet

The mean values for the two groups are observed in the analysis. Male found to have
higher mean attitude of 4.37 and female have lower mean attitude of 3.40. To test if this
difference in mean is significant,
independent sample t test is conducted. The calculated t value is 3.783 and p value is
0.000 which is lesser than accepted level of significance of 0.05 therefore we reject the
null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Therefore, we could conclude
that Male have higher attitude towards Internet banking than female.

H3. Younger age group have more favourable attitude towards Internet banking than
older age group.

H0: There is no significant difference between age and attitude towards Internet
H1: There is significant difference between age and attitude towards Internet

The calculated F value is 3.731 and its p value is 0.002 which is lesser than accepted level
of significance of 0.05, therefore we reject the Null Hypothesis and accept the
alternative hypothesis which is there is significant difference between age group and
attitude towards Internet Banking.

H4. Higher Income group have more favourable attitude towards Internet banking
than Lower Income group.

H0: There is no significant difference between income group and attitude towards
Internet Banking.
H1: There is significant difference between income group and attitude towards
Internet Banking.

Since the F value is 1.610 and its p value is 0.118, which is greater than accepted level of
significance, therefore we accept the null hypothesis. Therefore we can conclude that
there is no significant difference between income group and attitude towards Internet

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