Earth Pressure Reduction - Tire Chips

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Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281

Examination of earth pressure reduction mechanism using

tire-chip inclusion in sandy backfill via numerical simulation
K. Kaneda a,⇑, H. Hazarika b, H. Yamazaki c
Takenaka Research & Development Institute, Takenaka Corporation, Japan
Department of Civil Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan
Port & Airport Research Institute, Japan

Received 31 December 2015; received in revised form 11 May 2018; accepted 7 June 2018
Available online 4 August 2018


Tire chips have special features as geomaterials, as they are lighter than soil particles, highly compressible, and softer than sand. In
this study, the effect of tire chips used as a compressible inclusion in backfill on the load reduction against retaining walls is numerically
investigated. It is known that a reduction in earth pressure in backfill is realized by achieving a quasi-active or intermediate active state;
and thus, a field test of this behavior is herein numerically simulated. The influence of the Poisson’s ratio and elastic modulus of tire chips
on the reduction in earth pressure against retaining walls is examined by assuming that tire chips can be modeled as an elastic body. The
numerical simulation reveals that the attainment of the active state in sandy backfill is primarily due to the light-weight nature of tire
chips, along with their low Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Furthermore, the influence of friction at the bottom of the backfill
mass is also considered, and the earth pressure reduction mechanism incorporating this factor is also numerically investigated.
Ó 2018 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under CC BY-NC-ND license. (

Keywords: Earth pressure reduction; Tire chips; Compressible inclusion; Numerical simulation

1. Introduction have certain advantages as geomaterials: (1) They are

lighter than soil particles; (2) Their bodies are almost elas-
Recently, in the construction industry, the promotion of tic; (3) They can act as insulating materials. Due to their
waste recycling has been prioritized. Among the applica- advantageous characteristics, tire chips have been referred
tions, the use of tire chips (tire-derived recycled waste) to to as ‘‘smart geomaterials” (Hazarika, 2007). In addition,
reduce the earth pressure against geotechnical structures various other material properties (including the non-
has been investigated. At the present time, tire chips are dilatant property) of tire chips have been described
being used as light embankment material in Europe and (Hazarika, 2013). Many other studies have also been con-
the USA. In the USA, in particular, approximately 25% ducted on tire recycling in Japan (Hazarika et al., 2010;
of the entire volume of recycled tire material is used in con- Yasuhara, 2007; Yasuhara et al., 2008).
struction. In Japan, approximately one million waste tires One potential application of tire chips is to use them as a
are generated per year; and therefore, the effective usage compressible inclusion between retaining walls and back-
of these tires is highly anticipated. Furthermore, tire chips fill. That is, the static earth pressure on a retaining wall,
exerted by the backfill sand, can be reduced by placing a
highly compressible material (for example, tire chips)
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. between the retaining wall and the backfill. In a prior
⇑ Corresponding author.
study, reinforcement using both tire chips and sand was
E-mail address: (K. Kaneda).
0038-0806/Ó 2018 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under CC BY-NC-ND license. (
K. Kaneda et al. / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281 1273

reported by Bergado et al. (2007); tire chips have also been with their low E0 and t. Furthermore, the effect of the fric-
applied to an embankment and a retaining wall by tion at the bottom of the backfill deposit is also considered,
Humphrey (2007). Previously, Hazarika et al. (2005) per- and the influence of this factor on the earth pressure reduc-
formed a field experiment to evaluate the performance of tion mechanism is numerically investigated. Hence, it is
this cushioning technique. Subsequently, Hazarika et al. found that this friction is essential for earth pressure
(2008) extended the cushioning technique to reduce the reduction.
dynamic earth pressure against a retaining wall, validating
this approach by conducting a shaking table test for 2. Drained triaxial compression tests on tire chips
gravity-type retaining structures. Hence, it was found that,
under static loading, the soil in the vicinity of the wall Drained triaxial tests were conducted to determine the
enters an active state, or what is called a ‘‘quasi-active tire-chip parameters to be used in the numerical simulation.
state,” in which it is deformed by the tire-chip buffer. The A tire-chip mass is an aggregate of cut portions of scrap
concept of the quasi-active state was first introduced by tires, as shown in Fig. 1. Tire-chip aggregates are highly
Hazarika and Okuzono (2004) in a study in which compressive, as there are large numbers of voids between
expanded polystyrene (EPS) was used as a compressible the component chips. Tire-chip aggregate compression is
inclusion to reduce the dynamic earth pressure against a achieved by reducing the gaps between the tire-chip parti-
retaining wall. However, as for the use of tire chips as a cles. Tire-chip aggregates with a maximum particle size of
compressible inclusion, the effects of the backfill density 2 mm were used in the experiment, and the physical prop-
or the tire-chip characteristics (e.g., elastic modulus E0 erties of a tire-chip mass under unconfined conditions are
and Poisson’s ratio t) on the earth pressure reduction are listed in Table 1 (Okamoto et al., 2007). The tests were con-
unclear. Furthermore, the effect of the friction at the bot- ducted using three confining pressures: 33, 66, and 100 kPa.
tom of the backfill mass is also unclear. Thus, for the effec- It should be noted that the initial void ratio cannot be
tive design of retaining walls in such scenarios, it is taken as an index, because the tire-chip compressibility
necessary to clarify the mechanism through which the depends on the confining pressure. Typically, the compress-
quasi-active state is achieved. ibility is controlled by the compaction energy. In this study,
The purpose of this study is to simulate a field test using however, the initial tire-chip weight (112 g) was kept con-
tire chips as a compressible inclusion in backfill via a stant at each confining pressure. Therefore, the sample
numerical analysis, so as to clarify the earth pressure reduc- height and volume after consolidation differed for each
tion mechanism. The numerical simulation reveals that the confining pressure value, as shown by the values listed in
attainment of the active state in a sandy backfill is primar- Table 2. The density is that of the tire-chip mass as an over-
ily due to the light-weight nature of the tire chips, along all aggregate.
Fig. 2 shows the results of the drained triaxial compres-
sion tests on the tire chips under the three different constant
confining stress values. It is apparent that nonlinear behav-
ior was obtained for the tire chips. However, it could be
assumed here that the tire-chip behavior was linear below
10% strain for each confining stress, as shown by the
straight line in Fig. 2. Then, t was calculated by the follow-
ing Eq. (1):
1 ev
m¼ 1 ; when r2 ¼ r3 ¼ 0 ð1Þ
2 e1
Here, ev is the volumetric strain,e1 is the axial strain,
andr2 andr3 are the second and third principal stress val-
ues, respectively. The value of t was calculated to be 0.1–
0.2 below 10% strain. Fig. 3 shows the relationship between
the secant elastic modulus and the confining pressure for
different values of e1. It is apparent that the elastic modulus
differs according to the confining pressure, and it is smaller
Fig. 1. Tire chips. for larger e1.

Table 1
Material properties of tire chips.
Particle density Minimum dry density Maximum dry density Minimum void ratio Maximum void ratio
qs (g/cm3) qdmin (g/cm3) qdmax (g/cm3) emin emax
1.15 0.347 0.442 1.60 2.32
1274 K. Kaneda et al. / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281

Table 2
Height, volume, and density at each confining pressure.
Confining pressure (kN/m2) Height (cm) Volume (cm3) Density (g/cm3)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
consolidation consolidation consolidation consolidation consolidation consolidation consolidation consolidation
10 33 9.168 8.95 154.97 143.29 0.723 0.782
10 66 9.142 8.70 155.68 130.38 0.719 0.859
10 100 9.15 8.48 153.29 118.79 0.731 0.943

2 8.3 kN/m2 Earth pressure

Deviator stress q (kN/m )

33 kN/m

2 0.4
200 66 kN/m cells 8.3 kN/m2
100 kN/m
Poisson ratio

-0.2 1.5m
Sand Sand
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Axial strain a( ) Axial strain a( ) Retaining wall
(a) Sand only

8.3 kN/m2
Volumetric strain


Tire chips 8.3 kN/m2


0 10 20 30
Axial strain a( )
Sand Sand
Fig. 2. Drained triaxial compression test results for tire chips.
(b) Tire chips and sand
Secant modulous of elasticity (kN/m 2)

Fig. 4. Overview of experimental setup (after Hazarika et al., 2005).

backfilled on each side of the wall to a void ratio of 0.53.
20% A load of 8.3 kN/m2 was then applied to the sand from
600 10% above and the earth pressure on the wall was measured
400 5% using earth pressure cells (10 cm in diameter) that were
placed at 30-cm intervals. In Case B, a similar wall and
backfill were constructed, except that the backfill on one
0 side of the wall was partly replaced by a tire-chip inclusion
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
30 cm in thickness. The backfill was constructed to the
Confining pressure (kN/m2)
same void ratio and loaded with a surcharge of
Fig. 3. Relationship between secant modulus of elasticity and confining 8.3 kN/m2 to allow the measurement of the resulting earth
pressure; the symbols indicate different axial strain values. pressure on the wall. Fig. 5 provides the experimental
results, where the unfilled circles represent the earth pres-
3. Earth pressure reduction experiment sures in the case of the conventional backfill condition,
while the filled circles show those with the cushion
Hazarika et al. (2005) conducted a series of field tests to installed. It is apparent that the combination of sand and
evaluate the effect of using a tire-chip cushion as a com- tire chips lowered the earth pressure. Thus, the earth pres-
pressible inclusion between a rigid non-yielding retaining sure on the retaining wall exerted by the backfill sand could
wall and backfill on the at-rest pressure reduction against be reduced through the placement of a highly compressible
the wall. The tests were conducted under two conditions: material (i.e., the tire chips) between the retaining wall and
without (Case A) and with (Case B) the compressible cush- the backfill. In general, when a buffer material with high
ion, as shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b), respectively. In Case A, a compressibility is inserted between a wall and the backfill,
1.5-m-high wall was installed and Soma No. 6 sand (dry the soil in the vicinity of the wall enters an active state
density qd = 1.696 t/m3; internal friction angle: 40°) was (or quasi-active state), in which it is deformed by the buffer.
K. Kaneda et al. / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281 1275

1.5 Table 3
Material constants of sand.
Sand only
Elastic modulus E (kN/m2) 56,000
Sand + tire chips Poisson’s ratio m 0.3
Internal fiction angle (degree) 40
Cohesion c (kN/m2) 1
1 Dilatancy angle (degree) 10
Wall height (m)

Unit weight c (kN/m3) 16.6

Longitudinal stiffness (kN/m2) 1.000E+05
Transverse stiffness (kN/m2) 1.0000E+0
Cohesion of joint element c (kN/m2) 1.0
Friction angle of joint element (degree) 40.0

the model to simplify the verification of the earth pressure

reduction mechanism. In fact, the horizontal behavior of
the retaining wall was not observed in the experiment.
Finally, the Mohr Coulomb failure criterion for an elastic,
0 5 10
perfectly plastic model is indicated by the results shown in
Earth pressure (kN/m ) Fig. 2 and was used as the constitutive model in this study.
Fig. 5. Experimental results for sand only and for sand with tire chips
Table 3 shows the material constants of the sand used in
(after Hazarika et al., 2005). the simulation. The internal friction angle and density of
the sand were identical to those of the experiment. In this
case, the internal friction angle was 40° and the sand was
4. Numerical simulation of earth pressure reduction assumed to be in a dense state. The elastic modulus of
the sand was calculated using the following empirical equa-
A numerical simulation was performed in order to sim- tion (Japan Road Association, 2002):
ulate the test conditions. The finite element method (FEM)
program code MuDIAN, developed by the Takenaka 
E0;sand ¼ 2800 N kN=m2 ð2Þ
Corporation (Shiomi et al., 1993), was used in this simula-
tion. The numerical mesh and boundary conditions are
shown in Fig. 6. A sandy backfill, 1.5 m in height and where N is the standard penetration value of the sand. The
5 m in width, was constructed under a plane strain condi- N value used here was not a measured value, but was
tion. A mesh refinement analysis is shown in Appendix A assumed to be 20 considering the compacted state of the
(M1). A 0.5-m-high embankment was constructed with a sand. In the simulation, a very small value was introduced
slope of 1:1. Furthermore, a 30-cm-thick zone of sand for cohesion c in order to stabilize the calculation. At first,
behind the wall was set as the tire-chip cushion. The bot- the calculation was conducted considering only the self-
tom ground level was kept fixed. The nodal forces on the weight of the soil; then, the surcharge load of 8.3 kN/m2
left side of the model shown in Fig. 6 represent the earth was applied on top of the mass (see Fig. 6).
pressures acting on the wall. In fact, this setup is identical In addition, joint elements were introduced between the
to the experimental conditions shown on the left side of sand and the tire chips. In this case, the longitudinal stiff-
both parts of Fig. 4. It should be noted that, in the simula- ness of the joint elements was set to a large value, whereas
tion, the lateral displacement was fixed on the left side of the transverse stiffness was set to a small value in order to
allow slippage to occur. It should be noted that the joint
element parameters could not be measured directly. Thus,
Earthpressure measure at fixed parameters were selected that could reproduce the experi-
horizontal displacement boundary.
mental results through trial and error under a large longi-
0.5m 1.43m
0.3m 8.3kN/m2 tudinal stiffness. Table 4 lists the elastic parameters of the
tire-chip mass. It was assumed that the confining pressure
on the tire chips was small. The tire-chip E0 was calculated
Joint element
to be 200 kN/m2 based on the results shown in Fig. 3.
Sand When K0 = 0.25 and ct (tire chips) = 11 kN/m3, the mean
effective stress at the center height is 4.125 kN/m2. These
Tire chips results are insensitive to the tire-chip E0, as will be dis-
cussed below (M2). The effect of the constraint pressure
of the tire chips is shown in Appendix B (M3). In addition,
Horizontal displacement
t was set to 0.25, assuming a safe margin of error. The
Fig. 6. Numerical mesh and boundary conditions for numerical setup featuring these conditions was labeled Case 1. For
simulation. comparison, parametric studies were also conducted using
1276 K. Kaneda et al. / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281

Table 4
Material constants of tire chips.
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5
Elastic modulus E0 (kN/m ) 200 200 100 1000 200
Poisson’s ratio m 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.49
Unit weight c (kN/m3) 8.8 16.7 8.8 8.8 8.8
Coefficient of earth pressure at rest K0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.96

four different parameter sets with different E0 and t values was considered. This active earth pressure was calculated
(Cases 2–5; see Table 4). by considering a 0.5-m-high embankment, but without
considering the embankment slope. In the case that incor-
porates the tire chips, the earth pressure reduction along
5. Comparison between numerical results and experiments the entire soil depth is more apparent than the sand-only
case. For the sand-only case, the experimental results are
Fig. 7(a) shows the relationship between the earth pres- slightly lower than the simulation results; however, both
sure and the wall height according to both the numerical cases are close to the earth pressure at rest. On the other
and the test results. Fig. 7(b) shows the horizontal displace- hand, in the tire chip case, the earth pressure distribution
ment distribution results 0.3 m from the left side of the measured in the experiment is lower than the active earth
model shown in Fig. 6, as indicated by the numerical pressure. In addition, the experimental results are smaller
results only. The filled, unfilled, triangular, and circular than the numerical results. Regarding the deformation,
symbols indicate the results of the tire-chip case, the there was no displacement in the horizontal direction in
sand-only case, the experiments, and the simulation, the pure-sand case, as is apparent from Fig. 7(b). However,
respectively. The earth pressure distribution at rest was cal- a maximum displacement of 1.5 mm was required to
culated using the initial void ratio, and Rankine’s active achieve the active state in the tire-chip case.
earth pressure was calculated using the internal friction Fig. 8 shows the contours of the degrees of failure in the
angle (40°) of the backfill sand. Only the backfill sand that backfill sand. The degree of failure is an indication of the
dominates the earth pressure applied to the retaining wall extent to which the sand is approaching the Mohr Cou-
lomb failure surface, where a value of 1.0 indicates failure.
Exp.-sand In the sand-only case, the degree of failure was below 1.0.
On the other hand, in the tire-chip case, the degree of fail-
ure approached 1.0, because of the occurrence of horizon-
Earth pressure at rest
Active pressure Sim.-tire tal deformation, which induces the development of the
1.6 1.6
active state. Fig. 9 shows the contours of the equivalent
1.4 1.4 shear strain during the at-rest state in the sand-only and
1.2 1.2 tire-chip cases. In the sand-only case, a small shear strain
develops from the bottom left to the top of the backfill
Wall height (m)

1 1
Wall height (m)

mass. However, in the tire-chip case, a large shear strain

0.8 0.8
develops on the top part of the tire-chip cushion. In addi-
0.6 0.6 tion, the shear strain zone from the bottom left to the
0.4 0.4 top of the backfill mass is apparent and the active state
of the backfill sand can be observed (indicated by the circle
in the figure).
0 0
0 10 20 -2 -1 0
Earth pressure (kN/m2) Horizontal displacement (mm) 6. Influence of various tire-chip parameters on active state
(a) Earth pressure distribution (b) Horizontal displacement
The influence of the various tire-chip parameters on the
Fig. 7. Earth pressure experimental and simulation results. achievement of the active state is verified here. Fig. 10

1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0

(a) Sand only (b) Sand with tire chips

Fig. 8. Distributions of degrees of failure.

K. Kaneda et al. / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281 1277

0.02% 4.0%

0.0% 0.0%

(a) Sand only (b) Sand with tire chips

Fig. 9. Distributions of equivalent shear strain.

Sand Case1 Case2 Sand Case1 Case2 7. Earth pressure reduction mechanism
Case3 Case4 Case5 Case3 Case4 Case5
1.6 1.6
The earth pressure reduction mechanism has been
explained previously by Kaneda et al. (2011). Fig. 11 shows
1.2 1.2 the force directions when the tire-chip cushion is inserted
between the backfill and the retaining wall, considering

Wall height (m)

1 1
Wall height (m)

the instantaneous formation of the tire and sand in this
area. Fsand is the force acting from the sand at the interface
0.6 0.6
between the sand and the tire chips. Using the earth pres-
0.4 0.4 sure coefficient at rest of the sand, K0sand, the unit weight
0.2 0.2 of the sand, csand, and the wall height, H, the force per unit
0 0
length on the wall, Fsand, is given by
0 5 10 15 -10 -5 0

Earth pressure (kN/m2) Horizontal displacement (mm) F sand ¼ 0:5K 0 sand csand H
(a) Earth pressure distribution (b) Horizontal displacement
On the other hand, Ftire, which is the force per unit
Fig. 10. Influence of tire-chip elastic material parameters (see Table 4 for length acting from the tire chips towards the sand, can be
parameter lists). calculated using the earth pressure coefficient at rest of
the tire-chips, K0tire, and the tire-chip unit weight, ctire, such
shows the results obtained for the parameter sets (Cases 2–
5) listed in Table 4. In order to investigate the influence of F tire ¼ 0:5K 0 tire ctire H
each parameter, extreme values were set; these parameters
do not correspond to actual physical values. For compar- Furthermore, for K0tire = m/(1  m), with m = 0.25,
ison, the results from the sand-only case and Case 1 are K 0sand ¼ 0:5 > K 0tire ¼ 0:2 ð5Þ
also shown. Hence, it is apparent that a reduction in earth
pressure occurred for Case 2, for which the tire-chip and Therefore, it is clear that
sand unit weights are identical. For Case 3, where E0 was
reduced from 200 to 100 kN/m2, a reduction in earth pres- csand ¼ 16:6 kN=m3 > ctire ¼ 8:8 kN=m3
sure also occurred. When E0 was set to 1000 kN/m2 (Case
and thus,
4), a reduction in earth pressure occurred; however, the
earth pressure was slightly larger than that for Case 1. A F sand > F tire ð6Þ
little reduction in earth pressure occurred for Case 5, for
which t was set at 0.49. From Fig. 10(b), it is apparent that
a remarkable horizontal displacement occurred for Case 3.
Case 4, however, exhibited a relatively small horizontal dis-
placement, although a reduction in earth pressure did
occur for this case. This is because the active earth pressure
yielded a small horizontal displacement. In Case 5, no such
displacements occurred and the earth pressure reductions
were also small. From these results, it can be stated that
the variations in earth pressure reductions are due to the
differences in the active state in the backfill brought about
by the tire-chip deformation characteristics. It seems that
the earth pressure is small when the horizontal displace-
ment is large. The mechanism behind this behavior will
be explained in the next section. Fig. 11. Force directions.
1278 K. Kaneda et al. / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281

Therefore, the force acting from the sand towards the pressure coefficient of the sand increases (Fig. 12(c)). In
tire chips is larger than that acting from the tire chips these cases, the equilibrium state is achieved under small
towards the sand. The conditions that satisfy Eq. (6) are strain; thus, the effect of the earth pressure reduction is
as follows: (1) The tire-chip t is small and (2) The tire- small. When both the sand and the tire chips are held in
chip unit weight is small. place by the friction at the bottom of the mass, the earth
Next, let us consider the variation in earth pressure with pressure acting on the retaining wall is reduced. This
the horizontal displacement. When the sand mass moves behavior occurs because the earth pressure at rest of the
towards the tire chips, active and passive earth pressures tire chips becomes smaller than that of the sand, in accor-
develop in the sand and the tire chips, respectively. dance with equation (4). Therefore, it is clear that the effec-
Fig. 12 shows the conceptual relationship between the tive reduction of the earth pressure occurs as a result of the
earth pressure and the displacement in the sand and the tire low unit weight, low t, and small E0 of the tire chips.
chips for Cases 1, 4, and 5. In each part of this figure, the
bold solid line indicates the active earth pressure on the
sand, rsand sand;sand, and the other lines indicate the passive 8. Influence of friction at mass bottom
earth pressure on the tire chips, tiretire, for the examined
cases. The point at which rsand sand sand intersects tiretire is In general, both the experimental and the simulation
interpreted as the equilibrium state, and sand sand corre- results indicate that there is friction on the bottom of the
sponds to the earth pressure acting on the retaining wall. mass, and this friction is also thought to affect the earth
When the tire-chip E0 is large (Case 4), a larger stress- pressure. In this section, the effect of zero friction on the
strain curve slope is obtained, because a large force is mass bottom on the earth pressure reduction is investi-
required to displace each elastic body (Fig. 12(b)). In addi- gated. To investigate the friction at the bottom of the mass,
tion, when the tire-chip t is larger (Case 5), the at-rest earth the bottom boundary condition is changed to a free condi-
tion in the x-direction, as an extreme example. Fig. 13(a)
shows the numerical results of the relationship between
Stress the earth pressure and the height for both the sand-only
Earth pressure reduction case and Case 1. Fig. 13(b) shows the numerical results
σtire for the horizontal displacement distribution 0.3 m from
Case1 the left side of the model shown in Fig. 6. In the sand-
σsand only case, the earth pressures in both the friction and the
zero-friction (free) cases are almost identical; however,
the earth pressure in the frictionless Case 1 is larger than
that for Case 1 with friction. Similarly, the horizontal dis-
Strain placement in the frictionless Case 1 is larger than that for
(a) Case 1 Case 1 with friction. Fig. 14 shows the distribution of the
horizontal forces at the bottom of the mass in the x direc-
Stress Case4(E:larger) tion. In the frictionless bottom case (Fig. 14(b)), the hori-
Earth pressure reduction
zontal force is 0 kPa, except at x = 0 and 5 m, because of
σtire slippage at the bottom. On the other hand, in the case of
the bottom with friction (Fig. 14(a)), the horizontal force

Sand Sand
Case1 Case1
Sand without friction Sand without friction
Strain Case1 without friction Case1 without friction
1.6 1.6
(b) Cases 1 and 4
1.4 1.4

σtire 1.2 1.2

Wall height (m)

1 1
Wall height (m)

Earth pressure reduction 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
ν:larger σsand 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 10 20 -6 -4 -2 0
Earth pressure (kN/m2) Horizontal displacement (mm)
(c) Cases 1 and 5 (a) Earth pressure distribution (b) Horizontal displacement

Fig. 12. Conceptual relationship between earth pressure and strain. Fig. 13. Influence of friction at mass bottom.
K. Kaneda et al. / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281 1279

2.5 strength of tire chips under low confining pressure should

Horizontal force (kN)

Case1 be considered.
-0.5 Appendix A. Effect of numerical area and mesh size on mesh
-1 refinement
0 1 2 3 4 5
X direction (m)
(a) Fixed (with friction) bottom Figs. A1 and A2 show the numerical mesh for the
numerical area and the mesh size. Fig. A1 takes account
Horizontal force (kN)

0.5 of the analysis area three times in the horizontal direction,
0 while Fig. A2 has the same mesh area but sets the mesh
-0.5 interval to 1/2. Fig. A3(a) and (b) show the relationship
0 1 2 3 4 5
X direction (m) Earth pressure measure at fixed
(b) Free (frictionless) bottom horizontal displacement boundary.
Horizontal displacement
Fig. 14. Distribution of horizontal forces at mass bottom (a) with and (b)
without friction. 8.3kN/m2
Joint element
1.5m Sand
exists in regions other than x = 0 and 5 m. The reduction in Tire chips
earth pressure against the retaining wall in the case of tire-
chip inclusion is caused by this force. In other words, in the 0.3m 0.5m
case of a mass bottom with friction, the horizontal force is
transferred to the ground under the backfill (not shown in Fig. A1. Boundary conditions for numerical simulation (wide area).
the Fig. 6). Furthermore, it should be noted that the exper-
imentally measured earth pressure is smaller than the active
pressure because of the transfer of the force to the lower Earth pressure measure at fixed
ground. horizontal displacement boundary.
0.5m 1.43m
0.3m 8.3kN/m2

9. Concluding remarks
Joint element

A numerical simulation of the earth pressure reduction Sand

from a sandy backfill against retaining walls was per-
Tire chips
formed, in which tire chips were used as a cushion against
the retaining structure. The following are some of the
major conclusions of this study: 5m
Horizontal displacement

(1) When a tire-chip inclusion is incorporated, a reduc- Fig. A2. Boundary conditions for numerical simulation (fine mesh).
tion in earth pressure occurs as a result of the transi-
tioning of the backfill to the active state. When the
three beneficial properties of the tire chips are incor- Case1 Case1
Case1 (wide mesh) Case1 (wide mesh)
porated (i.e., their light unit weight, small E0, and 1.6 1.6
small t), a reduction in earth pressure against the wall
1.4 1.4
can be observed.
(2) The friction on the bottom of the mass is essential for 1.2

the earth pressure reduction. As the horizontal force 1 1

Wall height (m)

Wall height (m)

is transferred to the ground beneath the mass, in 0.8 0.8

the case of friction on the mass bottom, the earth 0.6 0.6
pressure is reduced.
0.4 0.4

In regards to future research, underwater construction 0.2 0.2

applications of tire chips should also be considered. Tire 0 0

0 2 4 -2 -1 0
chips have a very small unit weight, and in underwater con-
Earth pressure (kN/m2) Horizontal displacement (mm)
struction, the effective unit weight is further reduced. The
(a) Earth pressure distribution (b) Horizontal displacement
difference in effective confining pressure between tire chips
and sand increases as the depth increases. In the future, the Fig. A3. Results of earth pressure simulation (wide area).
1280 K. Kaneda et al. / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1272–1281

Case1 1.6
Case1 (fine mesh) Case1 (fine mesh)
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4

Wall Height (m)

1.2 1.2

Wall height (m)

Wall height (m)

0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2

0 2 4 6 -3 -2 -1 0
Earth pressure (kN/m2) Horizontal displacement (mm)
(a) Earth pressure distribution (b) Horizontal displacement
190 195 200 205 210
Elastic modulus (kN/m2)
Fig. A4. Results of earth pressure simulation (fine mesh).
Fig. B1. Distribution of elastic modulus.

2.0% Case1
Case1 (distribution) Case1 (distribution)
1.6 1.6

1.4 1.4

0.0% 1.2 1.2

1 1
Wall height (m)

Fig. A5. Distribution of equivalent shear strain (fine mesh).

Wall height (m)

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
between the earth pressure and the wall height according to
the numerical results, and the horizontal displacement dis- 0.4 0.4

tribution results 0.3 m from the left side of the model, com- 0.2 0.2
paring Case 1 alone and Case 1 with mesh A1. The results
0 0
were almost the same as those for Case 1, and the numer- 0 2 4 -2 -1 0

ical area was shown to be appropriate in Fig. 6. Fig. A4(a) Earth pressure (kN/m2) Horizontal displacement (mm)

and (b) show the relationship between the earth pressure (a) Earth pressure distribution (b) Horizontal displacement
and the wall height according to the numerical results, Fig. B2. Results of earth pressure simulation (distribution).
and the horizontal displacement distribution results 0.3 m
from the left side of the model, comparing Case 1 alone of Case 1, and it is thought that the assumed influence of
with Case 1 using mesh A2. In the fine mesh, the earth pres- the constraint pressure of the tire chips is small.
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increased a little. Fig. A5 shows the equivalent shear strain References
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