Denzel Paidua Gultom Stubsd7 - History-Peer Discussion-A-Grade 8-Checked

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2nd Semester – Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Peer Group Activity-A-Grade 8

Subject : History (Social Studies)
Topic : The Western Colonialism and Imperialism in Indonesia
Objectives :
Students will be able to describe the arrival process of Western countries in Indonesia

Student Name & No. : Class : 8 Daniel Score :

1. Denzel/06 2. Vincent/18

The background of Western Countries (Europeans) came to Indonesia

Why are Western Countries (Europeans) interested in Indonesia's wealth? What wealth
encourages the arrival of Western Countries (Europeans) to Indonesia?
To know the encouraging factors of Western Countries (Europeans) coming to Indonesia, do the
activities of the following groups !

1. Look for references to the background of the arrival of Westerners to Indonesia using

2. Using various sources, answer the questions below:

a) What are Attractiveness of Indonesia that encourages the arrival of Western Countries
(Europeans) to Indonesia?
b) What encouraging factors caused Western Countries (Europeans) to come to Indonesia?

3. Write down the results of your discussion in the following table!

No Attractiveness of Indonesia Encouraging Factors (Faktor Pendorong)

(Daya Tarik Indonesia)

1 Trading The European Countries Don't have many

natural resources to be traded, they colonized
Indonesia because Indonesia has many natural
resources that can be taken by them so that it
can be traded.

2 Manpower Indonesia that time was still a primitive country

that made the European Countries have
Interests on Indonesia so that Indonesia’s
manpower can be used such as slaveries which
is to do work for the Europeans
3 Resources to use the resources and sell them to other
countries so that they get money to improve
the country

4 Population to make the people work for the Dutch for

the for the spices and resources because
there are limited spice in Dutch

Source :

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