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• bull
• calf
• cat
• chicken

• cow
• donkey
• duck
• goat

• goose
• hen
• horse
• lamb

• pig
• rooster
• sheep
• turkey

• alligator
• ant
• bear
• bee
• bird
• camel
• cat
• cheetah
• chicken
• chimpanzee
• cow
• crocodile
• deer
• dog
• dolphin
• duck
• eagle
• elephant
• fish

• fly
• fox
• frog
• giraffe
• goat
• goldfish
• hamster
• hippopotamus
• horse
• kangaroo
• kitten
• leopard
• lion
• lizard
• lobster
• monkey
• octopus
• ostrich
• otter

• owl
• oyster
• panda
• parrot
• pelican
• pig
• pigeon
• porcupine
• puppy
• rabbit
• rat
• reindeer
• rhinoceros
• rooster
• scorpion
• seal
• shark
• sheep
• shrimp

• snail
• snake
• sparrow
• spider
• squid
• squirrel
• swallow
• swan
• tiger
• toad
• tortoise
• turtle
• vulture
• walrus
• weasel
• whale
• wolf
• zebra


• ankle
• arm
• back
• beard
• blood
• body
• bone
• brain
• cheek
• chest
• chin
• ear
• ears

• elbow
• eye
• eyes
• face
• feet
• finger
• fingers
• flesh
• foot
• hair
• hand
• hands
• head

• heart
• hip
• knee
• knees
• leg
• legs
• lip
• moustache
• mouth
• muscle
• nail
• neck
• nose

• shoulder
• shoulders
• skin
• stomach
• teeth
• throat
• thumb
• thumbs
• toe
• toes
• tongue
• tooth
• wrist


• airport
• apartment building
• bakery
• bank
• barber shop
• book store
• bowling alley
• bus terminal

• cafe
• cathedral
• church
• cinema
• convenience store
• department store
• fire department
• gas station

• hospital
• house
• library
• mosque
• movie theater
• museum
• office building
• post office

• restaurant
• school building
• shopping mall
• shrine
• supermarket
• temple
• train station


• aunt
• brother
• cousin
• daughter

• father
• granddaughter
• grandmother
• grandson

• mother
• nephew
• niece
• sister

• son
• stepdaughter
• stepmother
• stepson
• uncle

Buisnes english
• advantage
• advertisement
• advice
• agenda
• apology
• authorization
• bill
• brand
• budget
• commission
• comparison
• competition
• competitor
• confirmation
• costs
• creditor
• customer
• deadline
• debt
• debtor
• decision
• decrease
• deficit
• delivery

• department
• description
• difference
• disadvantage
• distribution
• employee
• employer
• enquiry
• environment
• equipment
• estimate
• experience
• explanation
• facilities
• factory
• feedback
• goal
• goods
• growth
• guarantee
• improvement
• increase
• industry
• instructions
• interest
• inventory
• invoice
• knowledge
• limit
• loss
• margin
• market
• message
• mistake
• objective
• offer
• opinion
• option
• order
• output
• payment
• penalty
• permission
• possibility
• product
• production
• profit
• promotion

• purchase
• reduction
• refund
• reminder
• repairs
• report
• responsibility
• result
• retailer
• rise
• risk
• salary
• sales
• schedule
• share
• signature
• stock
• success
• suggestion
• supply
• support
• target
• transport
• turnover

Buisnnes english verb

• accept
• add
• admit
• advertise
• advise
• afford
• approve
• authorize
• avoid
• borrow
• build
• buy
• calculate
• cancel
• change
• charge
• check
• choose
• complain
• complete
• confirm
• consider
• convince
• count

• decide
• decrease
• deliver
• develop
• discount
• dismiss
• dispatch
• distribute
• divide
• employ
• encourage
• establish
• estimate
• exchange
• extend
• fix
• fund
• improve
• increase
• inform
• install
• invest
• invoice
• join

• lend
• lengthen
• lower
• maintain
• manage
• measure
• mention
• obtain
• order
• organize
• owe
• own
• pack
• participate
• pay
• plan
• present
• prevent
• process
• produce
• promise
• promote
• provide
• purchase

• raise
• reach
• receive
• recruit
• reduce
• refuse
• reject
• remind
• remove
• reply
• resign
• respond
• return
• rise
• sell
• send
• separate
• shorten
• split
• structure
• succeed
• suggest


• accountant
• actor
• actress
• athlete
• author
• baker
• banker
• barber
• beautician
• broker
• burglar
• butcher
• carpenter

• chauffeur
• chef
• clerk
• coach
• craftsman
• criminal
• crook
• dentist
• doctor
• editor
• engineer
• farmer
• fire fighter

• fisherman
• judge
• lawyer
• magician
• mechanic
• musician
• nurse
• pharmacist
• pilot
• poet
• policeman
• politician
• printer

• professor
• rabbi
• priest
• pastor
• sailor
• salesman
• shoemaker
• soldier
• tailor
• teacher
• veterinarian
• waiter
• waitress
• watchmaker


• black
• blue
• brown

• grey
• green
• orange
• pink
• purple
• red

• white
• yellow


• close
• click
• copy
• cut
• command
• database
• delete
• digital
• file

• find
• font
• format
• graphic
• icon
• hardware
• input
• interactive
• Internet
• keyboard

• help
• memory
• menu
• modem
• mouse
• multimedia
• network
• numeric
• open
• output

• paste
• peripheral
• printer
• processing
• replace
• save
• scanner
• search
• select
• software
• text

• barbecue party
• anniversary party
• birthday party
• cocktail party
• dinner party

• fancy dress party

• wedding party
• Hallowen party
• Christmas party
• office party

• goodbye party
• welcome party
• birthday party
• Mother's Day party
• Father's Day party

• going away party

• dinner party
• graduation party


• billboard
• bus
• bus stop
• car
• department store

• garbage can
• litter basket
• neon sign
• news stand
• parking meter

• pedestrian crossing
• shop window
• street light
• street sign
• subway station

• taxi stand
• traffic island
• traffic light
• train station


• letter
• post card
• mail
• post office box
• PO box
• stamp
• deliver mail

• address
• return address
• zip code
• insurance
• printed matter
• junk mail
• personal mail

• postal money order

• air mail
• sea mail
• mailman
• postal clerk
• picture post car
• postage

• cancelled stamp
• commemorative stamp
• postbox
• mailbox
• stamp machine


• bankbook
• bills
• bounced check
• burglar alarm
• check

• checking account
• coins
• customer
• deposit
• foreign currency rate
• foreign exchange

• forgery
• joint account
• loan
• manager
• money
• passbook

• savings account
• security guard
• teller
• time deposit account
• vault
• withdrawl

• street
• avenue
• square

• building
• parade
• park

• sidewalk
• roadway
• mailbox

• fountain
• subway entrance
• train
• station


• belt
• blouse
• boots
• cap
• cardigan
• coat
• dress
• gloves
• hat
• jacket

• jeans
• jumper
• mini-skirt
• overalls
• overcoat
• pajamas
• pants
• pantyhose
• raincoat
• scarf

• shirt
• shoes
• shorts
• skirt
• slacks
• slippers
• socks
• stockings
• suit
• sweat-shirt

• sweater
• sweatshirt
• t-shirt
• tie
• trousers
• underclothes
• underpants
• undershirt
• vest

Network computer

• active
• adapter
• address
• backbone
• bridge
• client
• collision
• domain
• driver
• error
• ethernet

• firewall
• gateway
• hub
• internet
• lan
• latency
• layer
• link
• mask
• multi-hop
• nic

• node
• packet
• passive
• patch cable
• path
• peer-to-peer
• ping
• port
• protocol
• resolution
• router

• segment
• server
• session
• switch
• traffic
• transaction
• transmission
• twisted pair
• unshielded


• bagel
• bread
• cereal
• cheese
• croissant

• egg
• fish
• ketchup
• mayonnaise
• noodles

• pancakes
• pasta
• peanuts
• rice
• roll

• salad
• sandwich
• shrimp
• toast

• bacon
• beer
• breakfast
• buffet
• cheese
• chicken
• chocolate
• cloakroom
• cook
• cooking
• course
• cup
• dessert
• dining room

• dinner
• dish
• environment
• equipment
• food
• fork
• freezer
• glass
• grill
• hygienic
• kitchen
• knife
• lunch
• main course

• meal
• menu
• napkin
• pastry
• pepper
• plate
• prepared
• restaurant
• rice
• roast
• salad
• salt
• sauce
• sausages

• secure
• slices
• soup
• spoon
• starter
• tip
• utensils
• vegetables
• vegetarian
• waiter
• waitress
• water
• weighed
• wine


• apple
• apricot
• banana
• blackberry
• blueberry
• cherry
• cranberry
• currant

• fig
• grape
• grapefruit
• grapes
• kiwi
• kumquat
• lemon
• lime

• melon
• nectarine
• orange
• peach
• pear
• persimmon
• pineapple
• plum

• pomegranate
• prune
• raspberry
• strawberry
• tangerine
• watermelon


• beer
• brandy
• cocoa
• cocktail
• coffee
• coke

• green tea
• ice coffee
• ice tea
• juice
• lemonade
• liquor

• milk
• milkshake
• orange juice
• punch
• soda
• soft drink

• tea
• tomato juice
• water
• whiskey
• wine


• bay
• beach
• cave
• creek
• desert
• earth

• forest
• hill
• island
• lake
• mountain
• ocean

• peak
• plain
• pond
• river
• riverbed
• sea

• stream
• swamp
• valley
• waterfall
• woods

Compound words

• airport
• anymore
• anyplace
• anything
• anywhere
• armchair
• backache
• background
• backpack
• basketball
• bathrobe
• bathtub
• battleship
• bedroom
• beeline
• birthday
• blackboard
• bookcase
• booklet
• bookshelf
• bookworm
• briefcase
• buttercup
• butterfly
• campfire
• campground
• candlestick
• cardboard
• carpet
• chopstick
• classmate
• clockwise
• courtyard
• cowboy
• cupboard
• cutlet
• daredevil
• daydream
• dishwasher
• dishwater
• doorbell
• doormat
• doorstep
• doorstop
• doorway
• dragonfly
• droplet
• earache

• earrings
• evergreen
• everybody
• everyday
• eyeball
• fingerprint
• firearm
• firefighter
• fireplace
• fireproof
• fireworks
• fishtail
• football
• footprint
• forecast
• foresee
• forget
• forgive
• fourfold
• friendship
• gentleman
• goldfish
• goldfish
• grandfather
• grandmother
• grandstand
• grasshopper
• graveyard
• greenhouse
• groundnut
• hailstorm
• hallway
• handcuff
• headache
• headlight
• headmaster
• headmistress
• heartbeat
• heartbroken
• highway
• homework
• honeycomb
• hookworm
• horsefly
• houseboat
• inside
• jawbone
• ladybug

• landlady
• landlord
• leadership
• leaflet
• lengthwise
• lighthouse
• loudspeaker
• masterpiece
• matchstick
• meatball
• moonlight
• myself
• necktie
• newspaper
• nobody
• offhand
• online
• otherwise
• outdoor
• outfield
• outfit
• outgrow
• outlaw
• outlet
• outnumber
• outpatient
• outside
• overboard
• overdose
• overdue
• pancake
• partnership
• penknife
• photocopy
• playground
• playroom
• popcorn
• postman
• railway
• rainbow
• raindrops
• rattlesnake
• ringworm
• sandbags
• sandcastle
• sandpaper
• seafood
• seashore

• seaweed
• shipwreck
• shoestring
• shortbread
• skateboard
• skyscraper
• snowboard
• snowstorm
• something
• soundproof
• spaceship
• staircase
• starlight
• stomachache
• strawberry
• sunlight
• sunshine
• superhuman
• superimpose
• supernatural
• surfboard
• tailgate
• teacup
• teapot
• thunderstorm
• tightrope
• timetable
• tombstone
• toolbox
• toothbrush
• understand
• wallpaper
• wardrobe
• warship
• watermelon
• waterproof
• weekend
• wheelbarrow
• wheelchair
• woodcutter
• woodland
• woodpile
• woodshed
• woodwork
• woodworm
• yourself

Adverbs of time

• after
• afterwards
• always
• at the same time as
• before
• by and by
• during
• earlier than

• for a long time

• frequently
• from time to time
• in a few minutes
• in the mornings
• last week
• lately
• later than

• long ago
• many times
• many years ago
• never
• now and then
• occasionally
• often
• once in a while

• once upon a time

• rarely
• recently
• sometimes
• soon
• today
• tomorrow
• usually
• yesterday

Adverbs of place

• near
• nearby
• next to
• off

• on
• on top of
• out
• outside

• outside of
• over
• to
• towards

• under
• up

Adverbs witch usually come before verb

• almost
• almost never
• frequently
• generally
• hardly
• hardly ever
• merely
• nearly
• never
• normally

• partly
• rarely
• recently
• regularly
• scarcely

• seldom
• simply
• sometimes

Bulding material

• floor tile
• asphalt shingle
• wood shingle
• foam insulation

• fiberglass insulation
• cement
• plaster
• particle board

• perforated hardboard
• wood
• plywood
• plasterboard

• metal lath
• flooring
• ceiling tile

Airport departure and arrival

• baggage claim check

• boarding pass
• boarding time
• body check

• check in
• customs
• customs declaration
• customs officer

• departure lounge
• departure time
• immigration counter
• passport
• personal effects
• security check
• time difference
• time zones
• visa


• atomic bomb
• blowgun
• bomb
• bow and arrow
• cannon

• club
• gun
• hand grenade
• knife
• land mine

• missile
• nuclear bomb
• revolver
• rifle
• spear

• stone
• sword
• tank

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