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Simple Water Level Indicator

This is the circuit diagram of a simple corrosion free water level indicator for
home and industries. In fact, the level of any conductive non-corrosive liquids can
be measured using this circuit. The circuit is based on 5 transistor switches. Each
transistor is switched on to drive the corresponding LED when its base is supplied
with current through the water through the electrode probes.

Component Specification

Transistor (T1 to T5) BC 548 or 2N2222

Resistors (R1 to R5) 2.2K 1/4 W

Resistors (R6 to R10) 22K 1/4 W

LED's (D1 to D5) Color of your choice

Simple 10W audio amplifier
The circuit given below is of a simple audio amplifier that can deliver 12W to an 8
Ohm speaker. Op amp IC TL081 is used as the preamplifier here. Actually any op
amp with matching power supply ratings can be used instead of
TL081.Transistors Q1 and Q2 (TIP125 and TIP120) comprises the power amplifier
stage. Output is taken from the collector junction of two transistors.
Fire alarm circuit
Here is a simple fire alarm circuit based on a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and
lamp pair for sensing the fire. The alarm works by sensing the smoke produced
during fire. The circuit produces an audible alarm when the fire breaks out with
Automatic LED Emergency Light
An Automatic LED Emergency Light circuit is designed to turn ON when there is
no adequate lighting or if the power supply is cut-off. Earlier fluorescent lights
were used to build such circuits. But the use of LEDs has proven to provide
adequate lighting for a longer period before draining the battery.
Fire Alarm Circuit Using Thermistor

In this Fire Alarm system, we have used a thermistor as a heat sensor. When the
heat comes on this sensor its resistance increases and the transistor that is
connected with this sensor turn on the circuit.

Components of Fire Alarm Circuit

 Thermistor 10k
 Diode in4007
 Resistor 220 to 500ohm
 BC547 NPN Transistor
 Speaker any
 Battery 6v to 9v

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