Activity 2 1. Describe A. Monsieur Hamel

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Activity 2

1. Describe
a. Monsieur Hamel
M. Hamel was a teacher who had been teaching the French for the last 40
years. In his last lesson, he told that from the next day the students would be
learning the German from a new teacher. They won't be learning their own most
beautiful, clearest and the logical language which is quite foreign to them.
b. Franz
Was a boy who lived in the district of Alsace. He studied in one of the
schools in Alsace. He was not fond of attending school and studying. He liked
the out world more than the environment of the school.
c. Hauser
Was an old farmer who had come to attend the last french lesson to express
his gratitude to Monsieur Hamel, like the other villagers sitting at the back of
the class.

d. Prussian
It was all much more tempting than the rule for participles, but I had
strength to resist, and hurried off to school.

2. I WAS very late for school that morning, and I was terribly afraid of being scolded,
especially as Monsieur Hamel had told us that he should examine us on participles, and I
did not know the first thing about them. For a moment I thought of staying away from
school and wandering about the fields. It was such a warm, lovely day. I could hear the
blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood, and in the Rippert field, behind the
sawmill, the Prussians going through their drill. All that was much more tempting to me
than the rules concerning participles; but I had the strength to resist, and I ran as fast as
I could to school.

3. What announcement did Monsieur Hamel give, and how did the news affect France
and his classmates?
M. Hamel announced that it would be their last French class as an order had come from
Berlin that only German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. This
announcement shocked Franz as he had never expected this. The weight of the books which
were very hard to carry, suddenly felt so light. He was apologetic for not learning his lessons
on time and wished if he had done a little more effort. Moreover, he could not imagine his
teacher, Mr. M. Hamel leaving the school and country after 40 years of faithful service. He
felt very sorrowful.

4. Cite instances when have you regretted passing off a chance to do or learn something.

For me when I am regret is with so many people that they don't show up or telling
anyone. What I am doing now is making me happy as I know now what makes me
complete. I love to help people and the smile on their faces makes me happy. So let's do
something great if you want to know what I do and if you want me to help you earn and
learn let me know beautiful people see you on the other side.

The climax of the story occurs when the teacher, Monsieur Hamel, defends France. He
praises its language and associates Alsace with France rather than with Germany. The
German takeover results in their banning the use of French. The day after the story's
action, school will be taught in German rather than French. And when Franz gets to
school and sees all of the town’s folk sitting in the back round of the classroom and M.
Hamel in front of class being scarily quiet.

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